• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시적 토지이용

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Analysis of Runoff Reduction applying Green Roof in the CheonggyeCheon Watershed (청계천 유역의 옥상녹화 적용에 따른 유출저감 분석)

  • Park, Gu Young;Yang, Jeong Seok;Lee, Jae Beom;Bang, Yong Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.400-400
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    • 2015
  • 기후변화로 인해 예측하기 어려운 강우패턴의 변화와 도시화로 인한 불투수면의 증가로 도심지는 매년 침수위험에 노출되어 있다. 배수시설의 개선은 인구밀도가 높고 유동인구가 많은 도심지에서 이루어지기 쉽지 않은 상황이며, 강우패턴의 변화는 예측과 대처가 어려운 상황이다. 이러한 이유로, 침투증진을 통해 직접유출수를 줄이는 연구 중 LID(Low Impact Development)에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. LID기법은 도시화로 증가된 불투수면을 투수면으로 대체하여 저류, 침투, 여과, 증발산을 유도하여 물 순환 회복에 기여할 수 있는 방법으로 옥상녹화, 투수성포장, 침투 트렌치 등의 기술요소가 있다. LID 기술요소에 대해 국외의 경우 설치방안과 평균적인 저감효과를 메뉴얼로 제시하고 있지만, 강우 및 토지의 지역적 편차가 큰 국내에 적용하기에는 어려운 상황이다. 또한, LID 모델링의 경우 유역 내 적용 면적에 따른 유출저감효과를 제시하는 연구결과는 다수 제시되고 있지만, 적용 면적과 지점에 따라 효율성을 제시하는 점에서는 다소 미흡한 상황이다. 따라서 LID 기술요소 별 설계 사례와 GIS를 바탕으로 유역 내 적용 지점과 면적을 산출하고, 적용 지점 및 면적에 따른 저감 효율을 분석하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 SWMM모형을 이용하여 LID 기술요소 중 옥상녹화를 적용하여, 강우 강도와 적용지점 및 면적에 따른 유출저감 효율을 분석하고자 한다. 연구지역은 청계천 유역으로 총 면적의 75% 이상이 주거지, 상업지, 교통시설 등을 포함한 불투수면으로 이루어져있는 도시 지역이다. 강우자료는 10년, 30년, 80년 빈도 확률강우량을 적용하였으며, 옥상녹화를 적용하기 위한 지점과 면적은 GIS를 기반으로 산정하였다.

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Wind Corridor Analysis and Climate Evaluation with Biotop Map and Airborne LiDAR Data (비오톱 지도와 항공라이다 자료를 이용한 바람통로 분석 및 기후평가)

  • Kim, Yeon-Mee;An, Seung-Man;Moon, Soo-Young;Kim, Hyeon-Soo;Jang, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.148-160
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    • 2012
  • The main purpose of this paper is to deliver a climate analysis and evaluation method based on GIS by using airborne LiDAR data and Biotop type map and to provide spatial information of climate analysis and evaluation based on Biotop type Map. At first stage, the area, slope, slope length, surface, wind corridor function and width, and obstacle factors were analyzed to obtain cold/fresh air production and wind corridor evaluation. In addition, climate evaluation was derived from those two results in the second stage. Airborne LiDAR data are useful in wind corridor analysis during the study. Correlation analysis results show that ColdAir_GRD grade was highly correlated with Surface_GRD (-0.967461139) and WindCorridor_ GRD was highly correlated with Function_GRD (-0.883883476) and Obstacle_GRD (-0.834057656). Climate Evaluation GRID was highly correlated with WindCorridor_GRD (0.927554516) than ColdAir_GRD (0.855051646). Visual validations of climate analysis and evaluation results were performed by using aerial ortho-photo image, which shows that the climate evaluation results were well related with in-situ condition. At the end, we applied climate analysis and evaluation by using Biotop map and airborne LiDAR data in Gwangmyung-Shiheung City, candidate for the Bogeumjari Housing District. The results show that the aerial percentile of the 1st Grade is 18.5%, 2nd Grade is 18.2%, 3rd Grade is 30.7%, 4th Grade is 25.2%, and 5th Grade is 7.4%. This study process provided both the spatial analysis and evaluation of climate information and statistics on behalf of each Biotop type.

A Study on the Spatial Structure of Eupchi(邑治) and Landscape Architecture of Provincial Government Office(地方官衙) in the Late Joseon Dynasty through 'Sukchunjeahdo(宿踐諸衙圖)' - Focused on the Youngyuhyun Pyeongan Province and Sincheongun Hwanghae Province - (『숙천제아도(宿踐諸衙圖)』를 통해 본 조선시대 읍치(邑治)의 공간구조와 관아(官衙) 조경 - 평안도 영유현과 황해도 신천군을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Sang sup;Lee, Seung yoen
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.86-103
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    • 2016
  • 'Sukchunjeahdo' illustration-book, which was left by Han, Pil-gyo(韓弼敎 : 1807~1878)in the late Joseon Dynasty, includes pictorial record paintings containing government offices, Eupchi, and Feng Shui condition drawn by Gyehwa(界畵) method Sabangjeondomyobeop(四方顚倒描法) and is the rare historical material that help to understand spatial structure and landscape characteristics. Youngyuhyun(永柔縣) and Sincheongun(信川郡) town, the case sites of this study, show Feng Shui foundation structure and placement rules of government offices in the Joseon Period are applied such as 3Dan 1Myo(三壇一廟 : Sajikdan, Yeodan, Seonghwangdan, Hyanggyo), 3Mun 3Jo(三門三朝 : Oeah, Dongheon, Naeah) and Jeonjohuchim(前朝後寢) etc. by setting the upper and lower hierarchy of the north south central axis. The circulation system is the pattern that roads are segmented around the marketplace of the entrance of the town and the structure is that heading to the north along the internal way leads to the government office and going out to the main street leads to the major city. Baesanimsu(背山臨水 : Mountain in backward and water in front) foundation, back hill pine forest, intentionally created low mountains and town forest etc. showed landscape aesthetics well suited for the environmental comfort condition such as microclimate control, natural disaster prevention, psychological stability reflecting color constancy principle etc. and tower pavilions were built throughout the scenic spot, reflecting life philosophy and thoughts of contemporaries such as physical and mental discipline, satisfied at the reality of poverty, returning to nature etc. For government office landscape, shielding and buffer planting, landscape planting etc. were considered around Gaeksa(客舍), Dongheon(東軒), Naeah(內衙) backyard and deciduous tree s and flowering trees were cultivated as main species and in case of Gaeksa, tiled pavilions and pavilions topped with poke weed in tetragonal pond were introduced to Dongheon and Naeah and separate pavilions were built for the purpose of physical and mental discipline and military training such as archery. Back hill pine tree forest formed back landscape and zelkova, pear trees, willow trees, old pine trees, lotus, flowering trees etc. were cultivated as gardening trees and Feng-Shui forest with willow trees as its main species was created for landscape and practical purposes. On the other hand, various cultural landscape elements etc. were introduced such as pavilions, pond serving as fire protection water(square and circle), stone pagoda and stone Buddha, fountains and wells, monument houses, flagpoles etc. In case of Sincheongun town forest(邑藪), Manhagwan(挽河觀), Moonmujeong(文武井), Sangjangdae(上場岱) and Hajangdae(下場岱) Market place, Josanshup<(造山藪 : Dongseojanglim(東西長林)>, Namcheon(南川) etc. were combined and community cultural park with the nature of modern urban park was operated. In this context, government office landscape shows the garden management aspect where square pond and pavilions, flowering trees are harmonized around side pavilion and backyard. Also, environmental design technique not biased to aesthetics and ideological moral philosophy and comprehensively considering functionality (shielding and fire prevention, microclimate control, etc.) and environmental soundness etc. is working.

Estimation of Ground-level PM10 and PM2.5 Concentrations Using Boosting-based Machine Learning from Satellite and Numerical Weather Prediction Data (부스팅 기반 기계학습기법을 이용한 지상 미세먼지 농도 산출)

  • Park, Seohui;Kim, Miae;Im, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.321-335
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    • 2021
  • Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 with a diameter less than 10 and 2.5 ㎛, respectively) can be absorbed by the human body and adversely affect human health. Although most of the PM monitoring are based on ground-based observations, they are limited to point-based measurement sites, which leads to uncertainty in PM estimation for regions without observation sites. It is possible to overcome their spatial limitation by using satellite data. In this study, we developed machine learning-based retrieval algorithm for ground-level PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations using aerosol parameters from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) satellite and various meteorological parameters from a numerical weather prediction model during January to December of 2019. Gradient Boosted Regression Trees (GBRT) and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) were used to estimate PM concentrations. The model performances were examined for two types of feature sets-all input parameters (Feature set 1) and a subset of input parameters without meteorological and land-cover parameters (Feature set 2). Both models showed higher accuracy (about 10 % higher in R2) by using the Feature set 1 than the Feature set 2. The GBRT model using Feature set 1 was chosen as the final model for further analysis(PM10: R2 = 0.82, nRMSE = 34.9 %, PM2.5: R2 = 0.75, nRMSE = 35.6 %). The spatial distribution of the seasonal and annual-averaged PM concentrations was similar with in-situ observations, except for the northeastern part of China with bright surface reflectance. Their spatial distribution and seasonal changes were well matched with in-situ measurements.

Spatial Environment Planning for Ecological Environment Conservation - Centering on an Area in the Gyeonggi Province - (생태환경 보전을 위한 공간환경계획 수립방안 - 경기도 일원에의 사례 적용 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Sun;Park, Ju-hyeon;Kim, Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2011
  • In recent years, there has been an active movement toward databasing, systematizing, and unifying environmental information. Such efforts facilitate the utilization of spatial environment planning in environment conservation officially planned at the metropolitan and provincial levels. This in turn clarifies the management direction of space, thereby serving as an effective tool with which to not only conserve land, but also provide a reasonable compromise to all the related solutions at odds with one another. As such, this study forwards a method for inclusion of spatial environment planning in environment conservation plans, paying particular attention to the place, with in such a planning method, of the natural ecosystem, arguably the most sensitive arena among environmental factors. Spatial environment planning can be broadly divided as follows: first, basic direction; second, collection of spatial information; third, compilation of status of spatial environment; and fourth, management strategy for spatial environment. In particular, the second phase, namely the collection of spatial information, delineates clearly spatial information hitherto amassed by government agencies at both the national and local levels; the ensuing lists facilitate maximum utilization of the previously accumulated data. Used during the planning phase, status maps should include not only the status of land use(land cover), but also systematic data on the superior resources of the natural ecosystem as well as the status of the given spatial environment. Establishing plans for ecological networks, their conservation, and restoration areas based on the aforementioned aspects, this study sought to formulate ways in which to spatialize environment conservation plans that encompass consideration for the natural ecosystem. Devised based previous studies and examples, the compilation of status and plans as stated, applied to Gyeonggi Province, afforded an examination of the potential applicability and usability of the proposed plans. Ultimately, these will contribute not only to the establishment of plans encompassing consideration for the value and level of significance of the given natural ecosystem in spatial development planning, but also provide fundamental data for investigating appropriateness of plans and validity of location in any regional development plan.

Ecosystem Service Assessment of Urban Forest for Water Supply and Climate Mitigation of Seoul Metropolitan Area (환경공간정보를 이용한 수도권의 수자원 공급과 기후완화 기능을 위한 도시림의 생태계서비스 평가)

  • Lee, Soo Jeong;Yoo, Somin;Ham, Boyoung;Lim, Chul-Hee;Song, Cholho;Kim, Moonil;Kim, Sea Jin;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.6_2
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    • pp.1119-1137
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    • 2017
  • This study assessed the water provisioning and climate mitigation ecosystem services of the urban forest in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The ecosystem service assessment is conducted based on natural function, natural function and population, and natural function and the beneficiary of the ecosystem service. Then, the impact of climate change on ecosystem services is analyzed to figure out the sensitivity of the impact on the beneficiary when the natural function of forest destroys under climate change. Gyeonggi-do has higher function-based water provisioning ecosystem service than Seoul. And population-based water provisioning ecosystem service appears to be higher in the densely populated area. On the other hand, beneficiary-based water provisioning ecosystem service by applying both natural water supply function and beneficiary distribution appears different with the result of population-based water provisioning service assessment. In other words, regions with high beneficiary population show higher ecosystem service than those with a low beneficiary population even though they have the same water storage function. In addition, climate change has a negative impact on the water provisioning ecosystem service. Under climate change, water provisioning service is expected to decrease by 26%. For climate mitigation service, regions close to the forest seem to have a low temperature, which indicates their high climate mitigation service. The center of the city with high beneficiary population shows high beneficiary-based ecosystem service. The climate change impacts the forest growth to decrease which affect the beneficiary-based climate mitigation ecosystem service to decrease by 33%. From this study, we conclude that beneficiary-based function and ecosystem service assessment is needed as well as the supply-based classification of forest function suggested by Korea Forest Service. In addition, we suggest that not only supply-based function classification and ecosystem service assessment but also beneficiary-based function classification and ecosystem service assessment is needed for managing the urban forest, which has been destroyed by climate change. This will contribute to revaluing cases where a forest with low natural function but high beneficiary-based ecosystem service, which is not considered under the current forest function-based assessment system. Moreover, this could assist in developing a suitable management plan for the urban forest.

Trend Analysis of Vegetation Changes of Korean Fir (Abies koreana Wilson) in Hallasan and Jirisan Using MODIS Imagery (MODIS 시계열 위성영상을 이용한 한라산과 지리산 구상나무 식생 변동 추세 분석)

  • Minki Choo;Cheolhee Yoo;Jungho Im;Dongjin Cho;Yoojin Kang;Hyunkyung Oh;Jongsung Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.325-338
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    • 2023
  • Korean fir (Abies koreana Wilson) is one of the most important environmental indicator tree species for assessing climate change impacts on coniferous forests in the Korean Peninsula. However, due to the nature of alpine and subalpine regions, it is difficult to conduct regular field surveys of Korean fir, which is mainly distributed in regions with altitudes greater than 1,000 m. Therefore, this study analyzed the vegetation change trend of Korean fir using regularly observed remote sensing data. Specifically, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), land surface temperature (LST), and precipitation data from Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievalsfor GPM from September 2003 to 2020 for Hallasan and Jirisan were used to analyze vegetation changes and their association with environmental variables. We identified a decrease in NDVI in 2020 compared to 2003 for both sites. Based on the NDVI difference maps, areas for healthy vegetation and high mortality of Korean fir were selected. Long-term NDVI time-series analysis demonstrated that both Hallasan and Jirisan had a decrease in NDVI at the high mortality areas (Hallasan: -0.46, Jirisan: -0.43). Furthermore, when analyzing the long-term fluctuations of Korean fir vegetation through the Hodrick-Prescott filter-applied NDVI, LST, and precipitation, the NDVI difference between the Korean fir healthy vegetation and high mortality sitesincreased with the increasing LST and decreasing precipitation in Hallasan. Thissuggests that the increase in LST and the decrease in precipitation contribute to the decline of Korean fir in Hallasan. In contrast, Jirisan confirmed a long-term trend of declining NDVI in the areas of Korean fir mortality but did not find a significant correlation between the changes in NDVI and environmental variables (LST and precipitation). Further analyses of environmental factors, such as soil moisture, insolation, and wind that have been identified to be related to Korean fir habitats in previous studies should be conducted. This study demonstrated the feasibility of using satellite data for long-term monitoring of Korean fir ecosystems and investigating their changes in conjunction with environmental conditions. Thisstudy provided the potential forsatellite-based monitoring to improve our understanding of the ecology of Korean fir.

Sensitivity Analysis for CAS500-4 Atmospheric Correction Using Simulated Images and Suggestion of the Use of Geostationary Satellite-based Atmospheric Parameters (모의영상을 이용한 농림위성 대기보정의 주요 파라미터 민감도 분석 및 타위성 산출물 활용 가능성 제시)

  • Kang, Yoojin;Cho, Dongjin;Han, Daehyeon;Im, Jungho;Lim, Joongbin;Oh, Kum-hui;Kwon, Eonhye
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1029-1042
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    • 2021
  • As part of the next-generation Compact Advanced Satellite 500 (CAS500) project, CAS500-4 is scheduled to be launched in 2025 focusing on the remote sensing of agriculture and forestry. To obtain quantitative information on vegetation from satellite images, it is necessary to acquire surface reflectance through atmospheric correction. Thus, it is essential to develop an atmospheric correction method suitable for CAS500-4. Since the absorption and scattering characteristics in the atmosphere vary depending on the wavelength, it is needed to analyze the sensitivity of atmospheric correction parameters such as aerosol optical depth (AOD) and water vapor (WV) considering the wavelengths of CAS500-4. In addition, as CAS500-4 has only five channels (blue, green, red, red edge, and near-infrared), making it difficult to directly calculate key parameters for atmospheric correction, external parameter data should be used. Therefore, thisstudy performed a sensitivity analysis of the key parameters (AOD, WV, and O3) using the simulated images based on Sentinel-2 satellite data, which has similar wavelength specifications to CAS500-4, and examined the possibility of using the products of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) as atmospheric parameters. The sensitivity analysisshowed that AOD wasthe most important parameter with greater sensitivity in visible channels than in the near-infrared region. In particular, since AOD change of 20% causes about a 100% error rate in the blue channel surface reflectance in forests, a highly reliable AOD is needed to obtain accurate surface reflectance. The atmospherically corrected surface reflectance based on the GK2A AOD and WV was compared with the Sentinel-2 L2A reflectance data through the separability index of the known land cover pixels. The result showed that two corrected surface reflectance had similar Seperability index (SI) values, the atmospheric corrected surface reflectance based on the GK2A AOD showed higher SI than the Sentinel-2 L2A reflectance data in short-wavelength channels. Thus, it is judged that the parameters provided by GK2A can be fully utilized for atmospheric correction of the CAS500-4. The research findings will provide a basis for atmospheric correction of the CAS500-4 in the future.

Landscape Fragmentation of Circular Greenspace in Cheongju and Requirements for a Sustainable Development (청주시 환상녹지의 경관 파편화 실태와 지속가능한 녹지관리 방안 모색)

  • Kim, Jai-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.79-97
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    • 2012
  • This study examines on the impact of biodiversity in circular greenspace of Cheongju city since 2002 greenbelt release. Research has carried out to investigate the biotope pattern change with landscape fragmentation. Major landscape fragmentation has occurred with development of residential sector and build-up of major highways. Settlement has been expanded to the entire area connected to urban district excluding the eastern forest. North-south district shows high road density, where inter-regional roads meet in the cross-section. It is found that landscape fragmentation impact on species richness as well as population size of the species varies depending on the animal species. The birds show high species richness in N2, N3, N4, S2(north-south zone) even with high fragmentation rate. This can be explained that birds can access to aquatic environment where they can find abundant food resources. The amphibians and the reptiles show almost no zonal variation in species richness than the birds. The more a zone fragmented in small patches, the species richness of the amphibians and the reptiles also tends to be declined. Information accumulation on biodiversity for integrating landscape planning in urban planning, various level of community participation in decision making process, and cross border cooperation with neighbouring Cheongwon-gun will be required for sustainable greenspace management of Cheongju City.

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A Study on the Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers in Bucheon Area (부천지역의 지하수 대수층의 수리적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, So-Hee;Lee, Yoon-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.626-633
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    • 2006
  • Bucheon city has been rapidly urbanized and steadily enlarged. Also, the city depends on groundwater as an alternative water resource. The objective of this study is to characterize the hydrogeology in this city including the recharge of groundwater and hydraulic property of an aquifer in order to investigate the chemical characteristics and contamination of groundwater in the Bucheon area. Eleven groundwater wells in the Bucheon area were selected for applying certain hydraulic tests, such as pumping and recovery tests. Theis method and Theis recovery method were used to obtain hydraulic parameters, such as hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity by applying recovery tests. The playground of school and uncovered areas layed a major function of recharging areas. The groundwater well in these areas showed high recharge, transmissivity, and hydraulic conductivity. In a downtown area, groundwaier wells showed low pumping capacity and hydraulic parameters. Groundwater samples were collected from 48 different locations in the Bucheon area and that showed very various chemical composition in groundwater Their electrical conductivity showed various ranges from 70.4 to $1,287{\mu}S/cm$. The composition more significantly affected the groundwater due to the land use and urbanization than that of the aquifer rock type.