• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시시설물관리

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A Study on the Advanced Aspects of Integrated Flood Management in River Basin (유역종합치수계획의 선진화방안 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Tae;Jeon, Jae-Ryung;Choi, Heung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.432-432
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    • 2011
  • 유역종합치수계획은 홍수유출을 조절시킬 수 있는 자연 또는 인공 시설물들을 유역 전반에 걸쳐 종합적으로 연계 운영하는 구조적 수단과 비구조적 수단을 동원함으로서 유역의 홍수피해 저감 능력을 극대화하고자 하는 계획이다. 하지만 유역종합치수계획의 비구조적 측면은 이상기후로 인한 극단적인 형태의 홍수, 제도적인 연계성 부족으로 관계기관, 유역주민, 법적 행정적 뒷받침 등의 문제점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 국내 유역종합치수계획과 하천기본계획과의 연계성 문제, 유역의 홍수방어 대책, 유역 협의체의 구성 등에 대한 문제점 및 개선방안을 검토하였다. 이를 위해 미국의 유역종합치수제도와 일본의 유역종합치수대책 및 특정도시하천유역치수계획의 선진 외국의 유역종합관리 현황 및 최근의 변화 과정을 비교 분석하여 국내 유역종합치수계획에 대한 적용성 및 개선방안을 분석하였다. 아울러 유역종합치수계획에서 지자체간의 연계성을 위한 통합적인 유역협의회 구성 및 운영의 문제, 유역분담 홍수량 저감시설물의 설치를 위한 법적 제도적 장치의 문제, 전국적인 유역종합치수사업의 시행에 필요한 법적 제도적인 문제를 확인하였으며 이에 대한 개선방안을 도출하였다.

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An Extent Estimation Caused by Road Sign Using Graphic Theory (그래프이론을 이용한 도로표지의 혼란정도 평가)

  • Chong, Kyu-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2012
  • Road signs serve guide informations for efficient traffic control and are regulated by Road Sign Regulation. But few road managers break the regulation because of civil complaint and cause driver's confusion. Also, as promote the road name guide signs and the new road signs on expressway, the driver's confusion being increased. This study analysis factors of driver's confusion, calculates limited information on road signs and specifies modes of driver's confusion caused by road signs. The traffic accident data during 3 years is calculated in order to see how much intimate connection between the road sign confusion and the traffic.

An Experimental Study on the Soil Loss Rate According to Froude Number and Bed Material in High Speed Flow (고속흐름에서의 하상재료와 Froude 수에 따른 토양 유실율에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Jung, Dong Gyu;Hyun, Park Jae;Kim, Young Do;Soo, Kim Kwang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.110-110
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    • 2017
  • 하천시설물 설계, 시공 및 관리에 있어서 하상재료는 매우 중요하다. 예를 들어, 재료에따른 호안이나 하안의 보호능력이 떨어지거나 수리적 특성에 의해 쉽게 파손될 수 있으며, 구성물질에 의해 하천환경의 변화를 야기시킬 수 있다. 때문에 본 연구에서는 비독성 자연형 하상재료를 이용하여 홍수시 수리조건을 반영하여 상류에서부터 사류까지 다양한 Froude 수에 따른 저항력에 대한 실험을 진행하였다. 본 연구의 실험진행은 기 개발된 바닥응력을 직접측정하는 장치와 PIV시스템을 이용하여 수리특성을 측정하였다.(Park J.H. et al. 2016, Flow Measurment and instrumentation.) 또한 각각의 조건에 따른 수리학적 특성의 변화를 비교하였다. 하상 재료는 콘크리트를 배제한 자연형 제방이나 하상에 사용되는 재료를 이용하여 비교하였으며 Foude 수는 일반적인 흐름의 상류에서 홍수 시, 고유량에서 발생하는 사류까지 다양한 범위에서 실험을 진행하였으며, 이러한 재료와 Froude 수에 따른 토양 유실에 대한 실험을 진행하였다. 토양 유실율의 측정 장비로는 초음파 변위계를 이용하여 실험 전, 후의 세굴심 변화를 이용하여 토양의 세굴면적을 수치화 시킨 수치로 적용하여 토양 유실율을 산정하였다.

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Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Debris Flow in the Topography Considering Buildings (건물을 고려한 지형에서의 토석류 유동특성 분석)

  • Kang, Bae Dong;Jun, Kye won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.228-228
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    • 2022
  • 최근 이상기후로 인해 단시간에 다량의 강우가 내리는 현상이 발생하고 있으며, 이는 급경사면의 지반을 포화시켜 붕괴에 이르게 하여 유수와 붕괴된 토사가 계곡을 따라 흐르는 토석류 재해로 이어진다. 토석류는 빠른 속도로 유하하여 인명과 주거 및 도로 등의 시설에 피해를 발생시킨다. 토석류를 해석하기 위한 연구방법에는 피해지역의 현장조사와 모형실험을 이용하는 방법, 수치모형을 이용하는 방법 등이 있다. 현장조사와 모형실험에는 고가의 장비와 많은 인력 및 비용이 소요되어 수치모형을 이용한 연구가 주로 이뤄지고 있으며, 피해지역의 건물, 도로 등의 시설물을 고려한 지형을 제작하여 토석류 수치모형에 적용한 연구도 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 태풍 미탁의 영향으로 시간당 최대 110mm/hr, 누적강수량 487mm로 인해 토석류 재해가 발생한 강원도 삼척시 원덕읍을 연구대상지로 선정하였으며, 토석류 해석 시 침식과 퇴적작용을 고려할 수 있는 Hyper KANAKO 모형을 적용하였다. 토석류 수치모의 시 건물의 유무를 고려하여 지형자료를 구축하고 Hyper KANAKO 모형을 적용하였다. 건물이 미고려된 지형에서는 실제 토석류가 이동한 거리와 피해면적에 비해 과다하게 모의 되는 특징이 나타났으나, 건물이 고려된 지형에서는 실제 피해와 유사한 이동거리, 유동심 및 피해면적을 나타내었다. 이는 토석류 발생 위험지역에 대한 모의 시 건물을 고려함으로써 피해범위와 규모를 건물 미고려시 보다 정확하게 예측할 수 있어 토석류 저감계획 수립 및 피해지 분석시 활용성이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

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Heavy Metals in Road Deposited Sediments and Control of Them in Urban Areas: A Review (문헌고찰에 의한 도시 지역 도로퇴적물의 중금속 특성 및 적정 관리방안)

  • Kim, Do Gun
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.125-140
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    • 2022
  • Road Deposited Sediment (RDS) is the solids formed from the wear of road, wear of vehicles, exhausts, and the input of the emissions from various sources out of the roads. RDS is seriously polluted by organic matter, nutrients, and metals. RDS plays an important role as the sink and the transport medium of the associated pollutants because RDS can be carried to the adjacent water system via stormwater runoff. In this regard, the heavy metals in RDS were investigated based on the publications. The contents of the metals in RDS were highly variable. The concentration of Cr, Ni, Cu, Fe, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb in urban RDS in various regions was in a range of 3.16-3,410, 1.15-1,382, 20.2-9,069, 2,980-124,853, 81-2,550, 2.3-214, 0.19-21.3, and 15.21-1,125 mg/kg, respectively. The anthropogenic enrichment of the metals in RDS was confirmed by the high concentration of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb. The contents of the metals were higher in industrial and traffic areas than in residential areas, while they were generally increased with decreasing particle size. It is believed that this study's results would contribute to quantifying the metals' load via RDS and establishing control strategies.

Hydromorphological Structure Assessment of Urban Streams after Close-to-Nature Stream Restoration Using LAWA (LAWA 기법을 사용한 도시 자연형하천의 물리적 구조평가)

  • Choi, Gye-Woon;Kim, Hyea-Ju;Park, Jong-Sik;Han, Man-Shin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.421-431
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    • 2010
  • The hydromorphological structure assessment of the urban streams of Anyang stream, Yangjae stream, Osan stream, Jangsu stream, and Hakui stream 5 years the after close to nature stream restoration work was performed using LAWA (Laenderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser) for the investigation of the ecology of streams in urban areas. Based on the results, the effectiveness of stream restoration in urban areas was least in spite that existing various types of stream improvements were applied. Significantly, the grade of the longitudinal, the waterfront, and the use of land nearby waterfront was poorly evaluated. It would be estimated that this trend was due to the discontinuity of the longitudinal, the lack of diversity in waterfront, the installation of facilities nearby waterfront, and was due to the use of hard materials as like stones, blocks, frames, and mats in waterfront. The further studies on the implementation of structural diversity in waterfront should be performed for the improvement of the ecology of urban streams.

Update for Building Layers of Digital Map Using LiDAR Data and Aerial Images (LiDAR자료와 항공영상을 이용한 수치지형도 건물레이어 갱신)

  • Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Goo, Sin-Hoi;Kim, Seong-Sam
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.2 s.36
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2006
  • As NGIS project has been implemented in 1995 and effectiveness of geospatial information increased, Digital maps serve several purpose in administrative, living, and the variety of industrial fields. But, Digital maps have difficulties in application of managing urban facilities due to many differences with real world information caused by high update cost and long generation period. This paper suggests an update method of building layers of digital map in urban area; first, we verify the filtered building information using digital areal imagery and LiDAR data which is high-accurate and also can be faster and more economical in 3D information acquisition, and finally update building layers by comparing with the existed digital map. Future research will concentrate on automatic removal of the small and the tree regions, discrimination of buildings and vegetation for generating and updating building layers using LiDAR data.

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A Research of the Residents' Availability and Health Effectiveness Based upon the Types of Green Roof (옥상녹화 유형별 거주자 이용행태와 건강효과)

  • Kim, Soo-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is to identify green roofs based on how to utilize the diverse space. This research also aims to discover the correlation between the use of the green roof and the overall level of the public's health condition, through which it is intended to grasp the health effects by means of the space of the green roof. The current use patterns of the green roof have been identified generally to have more than 60% accessibility, less than 30 minutes of short-tenn use, relaxation or removing stress, enjoy the view of the surrounding, smoking, walking and exercise. It will be highly effective to furnish facilities and plants for tree planting, and to get financial maintenance & management subsidy for the purpose of revitalizing the green roof. It is expected that if the green roof is created in educational institutes, hospitals and shopping centers, where the current level of health conditions is generally low, it will contribute in promoting the city dwellers' health benefits. In addition, the physical environmental renovation through establishing the green roof will bring about producing a healthy city because the emotional health benefits also will make a positive impact upon physical health.

Position Error Analysis of Digital Map for LIS/GIS Database (LIS/GIS의 D/B구축을 위한 수치지도의 위치오차분석에 관한 연구)

  • 조규전;이영진;홍용현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1997
  • In the digital mapping for data base contruction, the positional information is used as an important tool in LIS/GIS(Land Information System/Geographic Information System) that is used for a facility management, urban/cadastral management as well as in spatial analysis. In this paper, for an error analysis of X, Y coordinates data on digital map, test area was classified by topography, density, and slope. The coordinates on topographic map were assumed as true values and they were compared with the coordinates on digital map. A result of the numerical test show that a vector data of line type had more gross error than vector data of polygon type. And, SME(stanadrd mean error) of urban or intermountain area had small values compared to that of suburban area in topography analysis. The SME of dense and middle zone had small values compared to that of loose zone in density analysis. In another slope analysis. the SME of steep of gentle slope had small values compared to that of flatland.

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A Study on the Lightweight BIM Shape Format(LBSF) Structure Development to Represent the Large Volume BIM Geometry Objects based on GIS as the Viewpoint of the Building Facility Management (건물 시설물 관리 관점에서 GIS기반 대용량 BIM 형상 객체 표현을 위한 경량 BIM 형상 포맷 구조 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Tae Wook;Hong, Chang Hee
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study focuses on the development of the lightweight BIM shape format(LBSF) structure to present the large volume BIM geometry object based on GIS as the viewpoint of the building facility management. Recently, the BIM-based facility management with GIS is researching with the purpose of the urban facility management etc. To implement these use-cases, the BIM geometry objects can be visualized based on urban level with GIS effectively. To do this, the lightweight BIM shape format is designed with the considerations and the prototype for the pilot test is implemented. In the pilot test phase, after developing the IFC file and LBSF file about the model data of the three areas, the performance with the data volume, the screen loading time etc was compared.