• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대학 창업

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Study on the book-Shopping Mall constructor with use PHP and MYSQL (PHP 와 MYSQL를 이용한 대학 중고서점 쇼핑몰 구현)

  • Jung, Hang-Nung;Kim, Seoung-Chan;Choi, Jang-Ik;Choi, Sung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.04b
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    • pp.953-956
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문은 대학교의 학생들을 위하여 학과 교과서를 저렴한 가격에 구입할 수 있는 가상 중고서점을 Apache+Php+MySql을 활용하여 구축함으로써 기존 Perl CGI(Common Gateway Interface)방식 보다 빠르고 안전한 웹서비스 할 수 있고, 다른 한편으로는 선 후배간 되물림을 토대로 친목 도모를 할 수 있다. 대학 중고서점은 역 경매 방식으로 설계되었으며, 일반 중고서점 쇼핑몰과는 달리 대학 교과서를 중심으로 매매가 형성되며, 책을 모아둘 창고가 별도로 필요치 않아 소자본으로도 창업이 가능하다. 제목별, 지은이별 검색은 물론, 학교별 분류, 학과별 분류를 제공하여 교과서를 검색하기 때문에 누구든 빠르고 쉽게 교재를 검색하고 찾을 수 있도록 구현 하였다.

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Feasibility study for the establishment of Oriental Medicine Hospital in W-city (W시에서의 한방병원 창업타당성 평가 - S 한방병원 분원 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun;Chao, Yun-Yeop
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2012
  • This study evaluated the economic feasibility for the Oriental Medicine Hospital is established in W-city. To analyze the demand and supply of Oriental Medicine Hospital status and population trends were analyzed inthe hospital service area. As a result, the Service Area of the demand for Oriental Medicine were met by the S-Oriental Hospital. Thus, On the demand side to assess the adequacy of Oriental Hospital established does not make sense. So, Oriental Hospital of 50 beds and 70 beds, separated by the economic feasibility was evaluated. As a result, the Oriental Hospital opened was found to be not economically feasible.

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The Entrepreneurship of Mayun and The Logistics Strategy of Alibaba Group (마윈(馬雲)의 기업가정신과 알리바바의 물류 전략)

  • Jo, Jin-Haeng
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.149-172
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    • 2017
  • The Alibaba Company, founded by Mayun in 1997, captured no.1 position in the global electronic commerce industry in 2016. Logistics strategy and paying system of the firm have greatly contributed to its success. The study aims not only to investigate the entrepreneurship of Mayun to inspire Korean youths with it, but also to help Korean E Commerce industry with logistics strategy of the Alibaba Group. The study adopts the management history approach through a literature survey on life time story, management philosophy of Mayun. Results from a study on Ma Yun's entrepreneurship style showed certain key characteristics: a global mindset, marketing and advertising proficiency, patriotism, a challenging spirit, and creativity. Alibaba's logistics system has greatly contributed to the success of the company's E commerce trade so far. However, some things are left to be desired in the following areas: logistics management system, logistics contract unit price, competitiveness in warehousing compared to rival Chinese companies, and last mile delivery.

Tech shop building plan and its effect to encourage local start-up (지역 창업 활성화를 위한 테크숍 구축 방안과 기대효과)

  • Lee, Wan-Bok;Ryu, Seuc-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2019
  • The Tech Shop, which provides an environment for fast prototyping by using 3D printers and various work tools, is a place where the fusion design education can be realized and creative ideas can be produced in the era of industrial 4.0. The purpose of this study is to propose and establish the possibility of a tech shop for the revitalization of local businesses in the Chungcheong province where many of contents related universities and institutions are located. For this purpose, we reviewed the necessity and the requirements of a tech shop, and analyzed the necessary components of a tech shop for successful operation. If the proposed tech shop is built and efficient operation is applied, it is expected that many of prototypes based on good ideas could be quickly produced and commercialized.

Job Roles and Performances of Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation focused on Technology Commercialization and Startup-supporting Officers (대학 산학협력단의 기술사업화 인적구성과 산학협력 성과)

  • Yim, Euijoo;Kim, Changone;Cho, Keuntae
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.115-136
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    • 2013
  • Although the proposition of universities in national R&D has been soaring up recently in Korea, there is gap between the performances and the social expectations. To meet the gap, there are increasing trial to strengthen the role of Industry-Academic Cooperation(IAC) Foundations supporting university-industry collaboration activities. This study focuses on IAC Foundations and attempts to validate the relation between their roles and IAC performances with a regression analysis and futhermore to analyse the effect of the size of full-time-entities(FTEs). This study proposes positive relations between the IAC related performance and the FTEs in technology commercialization in IAC Foundations. Moreover, we identified that two groups-the below- and above-average groups-show different effects of the roles in IAC on the performance and that in the above-average group, the FTEs in technology commercialization are affecting the performance more than below in above-average group. This study suggests that it is important to allocate role more in technology commercialization than in other ones for enhancing the productivity of IAC performances and staffing by job-sector should be different depending on the size of the industry-academic cooperation foundation.

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Knowledge and Technology Transfer of University and Regional Development: A Case Study of Chonnam National University (대학의 지식 및 기술이전과 지역발전: 전남대학을 사례로)

  • 안영진
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.171-191
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    • 2003
  • Today universities are regarded as one of the key institutions in the national and regional innovation systems. First of all the diffusion and distribution of the knowledges, technologies, information and know-hows from higher educations to regions are capable of promoting an innovation-led regional development. This study aims to evaluate the transfer and spatial diffusion of knowledge and technology from the Chonnam National University(CNU) in Kwangju to the regions and to focus the analysis of the technology transfer, personnel transfer and spin-off development. The results show that there are some differences in the spatial range and effects of the knowledge and technology transfer of the CNU by the type of transfers. And the Analysis provide evidence that the knowledge and technology distributions from the CNU make more and less positive contribution to regional developments.

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A Study of Measures to Support Startup Company Development: Focusing on DeepTech Startups (스타트업 기업 육성지원 방안 연구: 딥테크(DeepTech) 스타트업을 중심으로)

  • Chang-Kyu Lee;SungJoo Hwang;Hui-Teak Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2024
  • The startup ecosystem is experiencing a paradigm shift in founding due to the acceleration of digital transformation, online platform companies have grown significantly into unicorns, but the lack of differentiated approaches and strategic support for deep tech startups has led to the inactivity of the startup ecosystem. is lacking. Therefore, in this study, we proposed ways to develop domestic startup development policies, focusing on the US system, which is an advanced example overseas. Focusing on the definition and characteristics of deep tech startups, current investment status, success stories, support policies, etc., we comprehensively analyzed domestic and international literature and derived suggestions. In particular, he proposed specific ways to improve support policies for domestic deep tech startups and presented milestones for their development. Currently, the United States is significantly strengthening the role of the government in supporting deep tech startups. The US government provides direct financial support to deep tech startups, including detergent support and infrastructure support. It has also established policies to foster deep tech startups, established related institutions, and systematized support. It is worth noting that US universities play a core role in nurturing deep tech startups. Leading universities in the United States operate deep tech startup discovery and development programs, providing research and development infrastructure and technology. It also works with companies to provide co-investment and commercialization support for deep tech startups. As a result, the growth of domestic deep tech startups requires the cooperation of diverse entities such as the government, universities, companies, and private investors. The government should strengthen policy support, and universities and businesses should work together to support R&D and commercialization capabilities. Furthermore, private investors must stimulate investment in deep tech startups. Through such efforts, deep tech startups are expected to grow and Korea's innovation ecosystem will be revitalized.

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A Study on Relationship between Performance of University-Industry Cooperations and Competency Factors of University-Industry Cooperations by Characteristic of Universities (대학의 특성에 따른 산학협력역량과 산학협력성과의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Jung;Jeon, Byung-Hun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the effect of the competency factors (resources and education competency)on the performance of university-industry cooperation by characteristic of universities through multiple regression model using 202 datasets empirically. The input factors variables used in a research model were characteristics of universities (research oriented/education-oriented universities and public/private universities) and competency factors (resource competency and education competency) of university-industry cooperation. The performance factors of university-industry cooperation were composed of the outcomes of intellectual knowledge asset, technology transfer, spin-off and financial profits. The empirical results show that research-oriented universities and public universities produce a uniter performance of university-industry cooperation than education-oriented universities and private universities, respectively and the competency factors of university-industry cooperation such as resource and education competency also have a positive effect on the performance of university-industry cooperation.

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The Effect of Informal Learning of University Students on Employment Competency and Entrepreneurial Intention: Focusing on the Satisfaction Level of Team-based Learning (대학생의 무형식학습이 구직능력 및 창업의도에 미치는 영향: 팀 학습 만족도의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Ka, Hye Young;Jeon, Hye Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2020
  • University Students go through the development process of expertise in a single field based on theoretical knowledge they have learned in the university. Their plans to develop their careers could lead to a shift in business as they choose to find jobs and start businesses throughout their lives. The attitude of career decision making process has been changed from learning in the form of receiving and memorizing existing knowledge to learning in a more proactive and autonomous manner, and there is a growing need for informal learning. In this study, the informal learning is investigated to clarify the impact on the employment competency and entrepreneurial intention. New implications are deduced by the introduction of start-up business to the traditional approach based on the employment ability. In addition, the importance of team-work has been increased in the field of eduction and business. The impact on the employment competency and entrepreneurial intention is studied based on the satisfaction level of team-based learning. Survey was conducted on 163 university students in North Chungcheong Province from March to June 2019 and the results of the study were summarized as follows. First, it has been confirmed that the informal learning of university students has a significant impact on their employment competency, but not on their entrepreneurial intention. Second, the employment competencies have perfect mediating effect on the informal learning and the entrepreneurial intention. Third, the satisfaction on the team-based learning did not have a significant impact on the employment competency of university students by informal learning, but it had a positive effect on the dependency between employment competency and entrepreneurial intention. In these days, start-up education at universities has been strengthened. Throughout this research, the need for informal learning is confirmed to enhance the employment competency and entrepreneurial intention of the university education program. In addition, team-based learning is introduced actively to utilize a variety of information from the university students.

The Effects of Luck in Belief and Positive Cognitive Bias on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (행운신념이 긍정적 인지편향과 창업효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Hwan Ho;Byun, Chung Gyu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2023
  • Entrepreneurial self-efficacy is an important variable that explains people's attitudes and behaviors toward start-ups. In this study, we focused on individual psychological characteristics variables such as luck in belief and positive cognitive bias that affect entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Among these variables, we paid particular attention to luck in belief. The belief that business success depends on luck is widespread, but scientific verification about it has not been much. The reason for the academic indifference is that luck is a kind of superstition, related to precognition or extrasensory perception, and randomly caused by the external environment. The study of luck began in earnest as a measure to measure luck as an individual characteristic variable such as personality was developed. The purpose of this study is to examine the existing studies on luck in belief and to examine the effect of this luck in belief on positive cognitive bias and entrepreneurial self-efficacy through empirical analysis. For empirical analysis, this study conducted an on-line survey of 400 ordinary people and conducted a structural equation model analysis using AMOS 21.0 to verify the hypothesis. As a result of hypothesis testing, all hypotheses that luck in belief would have a positive effect on positive cognitive bias(self-enhancement bias, illusion of control bias, unrealism optimistic bias) were adopted. The hypothesis that positive cognitive bias(self-enhancement bias, illusion of control bias, unrealistic optimism bias) will have a positive effect on entrepreneurial self-efficacy was also adopted. Additional analysis was conducted to examine the mediating role of positive cognitive bias in the relationship between luck in belief and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, which showed that 'luck in belief→positive cognitive bias →entrepreneurial self-efficacy' were statistically significant. Through this, we confirmed the mediating effect of positive cognitive bias in the relationship between luck in belief and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. In the conclusion, the implications and limitations of the study were presented based on the results of this study.

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