• Title/Summary/Keyword: 담론의 기능

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A Study on the 'Re-appearance of Picturing ' in the On-Line Community (온라인 커뮤니티에서의 픽처링 재현에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Keum-Sun;Yoon, Jun-Sung
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02b
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    • pp.737-742
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    • 2007
  • The concept of 'Picturing' is beyond the 'Illusion' of traditional art in the Digital Media era. It is a 'Suffering' of the 'Re-appearance' that is masquerade the 'Actual' as a 'Digital Apparition.' This study aims to concern the point of view on the above subject; the 'Picturing' through the analysis of communication problems in the digital era. To begin with, need to define the concept of 'Picturing' and how it is expected to have a role through the accessibility of medium use, intervention by body and images. Also, I suggest a new approach to 'Picturing' as a new mutual communication method. Body, Digital media, and Image. These three principles of 'Picturing' create huge benefits to our world/nature whether we want it or not. It seems to become more and more of powerful self-replicating organism. We have to be aware what sort of images are surrounding us and how transmitting it to where in/on our body via newest sophisticated media we use. 'Picturing' is an invasion of ordinary, no longer exists pleasure for body, no longer speaks intension of its next destination. It strongly self-grows and also controls us in the name of Digital media era. However, 'Picturing' is a mode of re-imaging activity and also suggestion of re-appearance practice.

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Characteristics of Boulevard-type Plaza Design - Focusing on Ansan Gwangduk Theme Plaza Design, Ansan City, Korea - (광로형 광장 설계의 특징과 의의 - 안산 광덕로 테마광장 설계를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Wook-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2013
  • The 2002 World Cup cheering in front of Seoul City Hall and Seoul Plaza design competition provided an opportunity for the discussion of a variety of discourses regarding our plaza culture. The Gwanghwamun Plaza constructed in 2009 also generated discussions for questions on the function of our plaza as a symbolic, humanistic and utilized place. The questions on whether we have created a plaza culture or what should be done for the design of our plaza are still being explored. The reason is that our plazas were constructed without social consensus regarding identity of our plaza while we are influenced by western plaza ideas. The principle of our plaza culture and shape is not yet discussed and determined. The emergence of discussion sparked by the Gwanghwamun Plaza and the Seoul Plaza can be seen as a positive phenomenon. If we can continue to build creative discourse, we will be able to establish our plaza cultures soon. In this context, the Ansan Gwangduk-ro theme plaza design can be a significant material to be discussed. The design competition for the plaza was held in 2009 and it is followed by the construction of the plaza in late 2010. Considering cultural and spatial issues on our plaza in mind, the project will be explained and the identity of the contemporary design will also be explored.

Claiming Global Responsibility for Distant Suffering in Media Discourse -Bosnia and Kosovo- (미국 엘리트 언론이 주장하는 전지구적 책임의 정치적 성격 -보스니아 내전과 코소보 분쟁-)

  • Park, Chong-Dae
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.44
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    • pp.144-179
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    • 2008
  • This paper explores the formation of global responsibility discourses in the elite US media used in promoting NATO's military interventions in the post-Cold War era. The case study of global responsibility discourses surrounding the Bosnian War (1992-1995) and the Kosovo Conflict (1998-1999) offers an account of the roles of the elite US media in foreign policy. The construction and articulation of global responsibility discourses in the elite US media were closely related to the US government's policy and were formed within the framework of US national interest and domestic responsibility. The cases of military intervention in the post-Cold War period imply that there were more fundamental structure and patterns by which the elite US media approached the 'humanitarian crises': 'benevolent domination' and the subsequent construction of a 'melodramatic national identity' in the war narratives. Presuming that the elite US media's discourse is a primary site for the public for experiencing and understanding distant suffering, this paper concludes that global responsibility discourses within the media may have dangerous ramifications for global democracy because the discourse of responsibility can potentially absorb the creative, progressive energies created by the public's awareness of responsibility on a global scale in order to reinforce the relations of domination.

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Seniority Based Pay System and the Relational basis of Workplace Inequality (연공성임금을 매개로 한 조직내 관계적 불평등: 내부자-외부자 격차에 대한 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyunji;Ham, Sunyu
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2017
  • This study aims at explaining organizational mechanisms of inequality that has been rising rapidly alongside the proliferation of irregular employment in the post-crisis Korean labor market. It argues that inequality is not sufficiently explained by individual gap in human capital or widespread marketization as such. Social categories into which each individual worker falls seems more important as a source of labor market inequality. Employment types that are composed of regular and irregular employment do not simply indicate the different economic meanings of employment contracts but have rather been institutionalized as a social category of status in the context of inequality over the past two decades. They are also often matched with other social categories such as gender that have created and reproduced greater labor market inequality. We pay attention to the organizational practice of dominant incumbents who make claims for advantages of return based on their exclusive accessibility to limited organizational resources and explain how that particular practice plays a role to increase relational inequality between those insiders who achieve advantageous returns and outsiders mostly irregular workers who are excluded from those resources because of the social categories that they belong to. In this study, we identify seniority based pay as the key organizational practice that justifies categorical differences within the workplace and examine how that particular practice contributes to organizational level segmentation and income ineqaulity.

The Directions and Tasks for the Creation of Exhibition Contents Based on Oral Records: Focused on 'A Research Project of Producing Oral History Video Clips Displayed at the Exhibition of IMF Situations' of National Museum of Korean Contemporary History (구술 기록에 기반한 박물관 전시콘텐츠 생성의 방향과 과제 - 대한민국역사박물관의 '전시 맞춤형 구술영상 제작 연구'를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Sungsil
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.56
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    • pp.305-327
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    • 2020
  • This study started with the question of whether the museum oral history recording projects, which have been increasing steadily in recent years, are being used in various forms, especially in exhibitions. This paper is emphasized on the need for the oral history-related projects to lead to various museum activities including exhibitions and educations and so on. As a practical example of this, to explore the future directions and tasks for oral history projects in museums 'A Research Project of Producing Oral History Video Clips for the Exhibition of IMF Financial Crisis Situations' of National Museum of Korean Contemporary History is analyzed. This research argues that oral history functions as an exhibition representation device that more actively reveal the reality of a specific historical event. Therefore, this study suggests that the museum can be developed as a venue for various discourses in which citizens participate actively using oral history.

Das Problem des Selbstbewußtseins Zwischen Vernunft und Existenz: Im Zentrum auf die Transformationen von Kants Selbstbewußtseinstheorie in Heideggers Analytik vom Dasein, Apels Lehre von diskursiver Vernunft, und Ebelings Lehre von Widerstandsbewußtsein (이성과 실존 사이에서 자기의식의 문제: 하이데거의 현존재 분석론, 아펠의 담론적 이성 이론, 그리고 에벨링의 저항의식 이론에서칸트의 자기의식 이론에 대한 변형들을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chungjoo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.120
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    • pp.217-250
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    • 2018
  • Subjekt oder $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ ist ein grundlegendes Prinzip neuzeitlicher Philosophie. Das $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ ist bei Kant $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$(analytische Einheit der Apperzeption als klare Selbstbeziehung) in Objekts $bewu{\ss}tsein$(synthetischer Einheit der Apperzeptuion). Dabei zeigt er ein Reflexionsmodell des $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseins$. Aber er $erkl{\ddot{a}}rt$ nicht systematisch ein $Verh{\ddot{a}}ltnis$ zwischen synthetischer Einheit und analytischer Einheit der Apperzeption, und auch $l{\ddot{o}}st$ er nicht theorienimmanente und formale Schwierigkeiten von Zirkelargument bzw. unendlicher Iteration in der Reflxionsstruktur des $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseins$. Aufgrund der Voraussetzungen seiner eigenen Fundamentalontologie kritisiert der $fr{\ddot{u}}he$ Heidegger, $da{\ss}$ Kants $traditionsabh{\ddot{a}}ngige$ $Subjektivit{\ddot{a}}tstheorie$ Symptome der Seins vergessenheit zeigt, transformiert Kants $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseinstheorie$, interpretiert Kants transformierte Theorie als $subjektivit{\ddot{a}}tstheoretische$ $Begr{\ddot{u}}ndung$ der traditionellen Ontologie von Vorhandenheit, und versteht sie als ersten Schritt und erstes phlosophisches Modell seiner Fundamentalontologie. Durch kritische Interpretation von Kants Lehre von Selbstaffektion und $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ deutet er ein Modell des $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseins$ als des $ph{\ddot{a}}nomenologischen$ $Horizontsbewu{\ss}tseins$ an. In diesem Modell der vorreflexiven und unmittelbaren Selbstbeziehung entstehen Schwierigkeiten von Zirkelargument bzw. unendlicher Iteration nicht. Apel kritisiert Kants $selbstbewu{\ss}te$ Apperzeptionstheorie in dem Sinne, $da{\ss}$ sie solipsistisch sei, und in seiner Transzendentalpragmatik $vervollst{\ddot{a}}ndigt$ er Kants transzendentalphilosophische $G{\ddot{u}}ltigkeit$ in der Dimension von $Intersubjektivit{\ddot{a}}t$ diskurierender Menschen. Hierbei ersetzt die Kommunikationsgemeinschaft Kants Apperzeption oder $Bewu{\ss}tsein$ ${\ddot{u}}berhaupt$. In der transzendentalpragmatischen Sicht, die auf den sprachlichen Bezug des Denkens und Erkennens und die Kommunikationsgemeinschaft geht, beruht das $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ oder die Reflexion des Subjekts wesentlich auf seinem sprachlich vermittelten sozialen Bezug. Also geht es nicht um Zirkelargument und unendliche Iteration in denkender Selbstbeziehung des Subjekts. Ebeling hebt Heideggers Daseinsanalytik auf das Niveau von Apels Transzendentalpragmatik an und entwickelt Fundamatalpragmatik ${\ddot{u}}ber$ $Widerstandsbewu{\ss}tsein$ gegen allgemeinen Tod. Dieser $Widerstandsbewu{\ss}tsein$ ist fundamentalpragmatische Transformation von Kants $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$. Der $Widerstandsbewu{\ss}tsein$ der Vernunft bleibt in der solipsistischen Dimension nicht und ist ein $Bewu{\ss}tsein$, das in der Widerstandsgemeinschaft durch Argumentation universalisiert werden kann. Hierbei geht es nicht um Zirkelargument und unendliche Iteration.

An Exploration of the Possibilities for Archival Art as Local Community Archive: Gyeonggi Archive Exhibition and Seongbuk Documenta Exhibition (지역공동체 아카이브로서 아카이브 예술의 가능성 탐색 연구 - 경기아카이브 전시와 성북도큐멘타 전시 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • SEO, U-Seok;KIM, Min Jae
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.60
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    • pp.5-35
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    • 2021
  • Profound changes have occurred in the archival landscape since the advent of community archives and the global spread of archival art. This trend can be seen in Korea where a noticeable growth in archival arts and local community archives can be observed. This study explores how archival arts in Korea function when they are specifically intended to play a role in local community archiving. For this purpose, we analyzed the 'Gyeonggi archive_Now (2018)' and 'Seongbuk Documenta (2016-2018)' exhibitions, which were both exemplary cases of archival arts exhibited in connection with local community archives. Based on the analysis of the Gyeonggi Archive, which was aimed at strengthening the local identity of Gyeonggi Province, as well as the analysis of Seongbuk Documenta, which focused on the loss of place that resulted from redevelopment projects in the area of Seongbuk-gu, this study identifies the multiple roles of artists in archiving work. This study also reveals the variety of archiving works that exist and illuminates the value that such initiatives have in constructing local identity and reviving a sense of place. In particular, this research shows that archival art has the potential to empower local community archives while also providing opportunities to boost artistic creation. Our research concludes by highlighting the necessity of promoting the right environment and conditions that are required for archival arts if they are to play a role not only in keeping records and memories but also in producing further knowledge and discourse in a local community.

A Critical Review on the use of Media Platform in Dance: Focused on popularization strategy (무용의 미디어 플랫폼 활용에 대한 비판적 고찰: 대중화 전략을 중심으로)

  • YIM, Sujin
    • Trans-
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    • v.5
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the popularization strategy of domestic dance field through media platform and examines it based on the interaction of cultural participants. What does popularization of dance ultimately mean? What are the characteristics of media-based popularization strategies? Can all of these attempts be understood as popularization strategy with same attributes? The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of broadcasting media, which are used as the main medium of dance popularization strategy, and the online platform that recently attracts attention, and to focus on the communication process of cultural participants related to each media. Through this approach, media based activities turns out to be Mass Culture, controlled by businessman, capital, making it impossible for the creator to communicate directly with the audience, and producing the cultural products planned by the businessman. On the other hand, an online community platform is classified as Popular Culture since it allows creator to communicate and interact with audience without the direct involvement of the businessman and guarantees the rights of creation. Thereby it function as appropriate media platform and expand the discourse on popularization of dance in Korea.

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A Study on Book Reviews for Further Readings (심화독서용 서평에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Kyeong-Rok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.35-59
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    • 2018
  • A book review expands readers' choice of resources by providing them with the contents and bibliographic data of various books. It also functions as a reader support service designed to enrich their reading experiences. In particular, in the field of children's reading, literary devices are used to convey knowledge and information to children. Therefore, a review for a children's book should help children follow a book with further readings so that they can expand their literary imagination through comparative reading. In light of the above, this study looks into the case of a children's story entitled Little Red Riding Hood to identify the points that should be addressed in the "Literature Comparison" section of a book review in order to suggest further readings to readers. First, the review should provide an objective description of the content of Little Red Riding Hood. Second, it should explain the literary value of the reviewed book and the discourse that surrounds it so as to analyze its unique features that separate it from other literary works. Third, the review should provide bibliographic information on other works that use narrative structures adapted from those of Little Red Riding Hood. Fourth, it should broaden readers' choice and access by introducing, if any, works adapted from Little Red Riding Hood into other media.

Analyzing Product Reviews by Consumers using Natural Language Processing Techniques (자연어 처리 기법을 이용한 상품평 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, So-Eun;Lee, Young-Gu;Park, Kyeong-Cheol;Paik, Woo-Jin
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.660-663
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    • 2009
  • Consumers express how they evaluate what they purchased by writing reviews especially when they purchased products online. By analyzing the reviews about a product, it will be possible to find out what the consumers liked and disliked about the product. It will be also possible to identify the general consensus on what matters in purchaing certain product type such as a laptop if many reviews about many instances of a particular product type is analyzed. However, it takes a lot of time to manually analyzing the reviews. Thus, we propose to use two natural language processing oriented computational techniques to analyze a large number of reviews. The techniques are text classification and information extraction. We developed an review analysis system and conducted experiments against the reviews about the laptop computers posted on the Naver information portal.

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