• Title/Summary/Keyword: 담론성

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An Analysis of Social Media Discourse on the Agent in the Press (언론의 소셜 미디어 담론의 주체 분석)

  • Kim, Hyung-Gon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.242-251
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    • 2011
  • Social media in the press is often described as a future oriented and pioneering image. These press reports have played an important role in the proliferation of social media. This paper investigates social implications of social media discourse through the analysis of the press's reports. As a result, social media in the press was described as wave of an irresistible social changes. Corporations, governments, politicians and even the general public were reported to have shown a positive attitude towards using social media. It means that people accept disciplinaire needed for the time for progress toward a new future.

'Others' as Mimesis and 'Multiculturalism' as Diegesis: Focus on the Visual Discourses of Migrants Represented on Terrestrial Broadcasting News (미메시스로서의 '타자'와 디에게시스로서의 '다문화' : 지상파 방송 뉴스에 재현된 이주민들의 영상 담론 분석)

  • Joo, Jaewon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.503-514
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    • 2016
  • The starting point of this study is an examination of the vital role of terrestrial broadcasting in Korean society, where ethnic minorities have increasingly become visible. Korean terrestrial broadcasters' mandate emphasises the broadcaster's responsibility to represent and reflect the range of public opinion and experiences beyond class, age, ethnicity and ideological orientation. The main purpose of this study is to visually examine the means through which terrestrial broadcasting generates discourses of We-ness and Otherness at times of change in the Korean society. The study focuses on prime-time broadcasting news programmes' visual representations of migrants and ethnic minorities.

'Media Influence' Discourses Articulated for Crowd Control in Colonial Korea (식민지 '미디어 효과론'의 구성 대중 통제 기술로서 미디어 '영향 담론')

  • Yoo, Sunyoung
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.77
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    • pp.137-163
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    • 2016
  • In the early 1900, photography, magic lantern and cinema were simultaneously introduced and experienced until the mid-1910s as mysterious and magical symbol of modern science and technology. The technology of vision, cinema in particular demonstrated its commercially expandable potentials through serial films in the mid-1910s, silent cinema in the 1920s and talkies in 1930s. I argue that a metaphor 'like a movie' which was would be spoken out by peoples as a cliche ever since the late 1910s whenever they encountered something uncanny, mysterious, and looking wholly new phenomena informs how cinematic technology worked in colonial society at the turning point to the early 20th century. Mass in colonial society accepted cinema and other visual technologies not only as an advanced science of the times but as texts of modernity that is the reason why cinema had so quickly taken cultural hegemony over the colony. Until the mid-1920s, discourse on cinema focused not on cinema itself, rather more on the theatre matters such as hygiene, facilities for public use, disturbance, quarrels and fights, theft, and etc. Since the mid-1920s and especially in wartime 1930s, discourses about negative influences and effects of cinema on behavior, mind and spirit of masses, bodily health, morality and crime were articulated and delivered by Japanese authorities and agencies like as police, newspapers and magazines, and collaborate Korean intellectuals. Theories and research reports stemming from disciplines of psychology, sociology, and mass-psychology that emphasized vulnerability and susceptibility of the crowd and mass consumers who would be exposed to visual images, spectacles and strong toxic stimulus in everyday lives. Those negative discourse on influences and effects of cinema was intimately associated with fear of the crowd and mass as well as new technology which does not allow clear understanding about how it works in future. The fact that cinema as a technology of vision could be used as an apparatus of ideology and propaganda stirred up doubts and pessimistic perspectives on cinema influence. Discourse on visual technology cinema constructed under colonial governance is doomed to be technology of mass control for empire's own sake.

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A Study of Internet Discussion on Inter-regional co-prosperity : Focusing on Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regions (지역간 상생 협력에 관한 인터넷 담론: 대구-경북을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Ho Young;Park, Han Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2020
  • This study examined Internet discourse on inter-regional co-prosperity. In particular, the study is interested in the co-prosperity between the Daegu-Gyeongbuk regions. The Internet discourse was searched through a set of four keywords: co-prosperity, economy, business attraction, and cultural tourism. The study also conducted sentiment analysis of YouTube comments to determine how the Internet responds to co-prosperity topics. The findings of the analysis are as follows. First, Internet discourse related to co-prosperity has evolved from abstract concepts to concrete cooperative measures and policy contents. Second, the discussion of co-prosperity has moved from outside help or support to self-sustaining innate motivation. Finally, YouTube sentiment analysis showed that if co-prosperity efforts between regions are promoted through concrete policy contents, it becomes easier to gain positive responses from citizens and lead a positive policy drive. In this regard, a study on Internet discourse is a useful means to detect citizens' response to inter-regional co-prosperity.

Inquiring the Possibility of Critical Pedagogy as Discourse for 'Zeitgeist' (시대정신을 위한 교육 담론으로서 비판교육학의 가능성 탐구)

  • Hur, Changsoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2019
  • Korean society is now in the 2017 system. The zeitgeist is now hoping to move into a society where the right to pursue happiness centered on democracy, human rights, and peace is recognized, and to the era of the fourth industrial revolution. The paradigm shifts in the education arena began before the start of this socio-political system. The educational autonomy centered on the progressive education superintendent is accelerating the influx of alternative education, which is part of the civic education movement, through public school reforms. It can be seen that not only the progressive camp but also the conservative government emphasized educational policies such as the liberal semester system, which was gradually adopted by the government. For education that is appropriate for a rapidly changing society, it is necessary to discuss about educational grand-discourse that can alternate current public education. Although it does not mean only one discourse, it is a necessary process to systematically consider alternate education of public education and to suggest the direction for future education. In this regard, this study aims to introduce the discourse that can produce critical consciousness and creativity that emphasize the praxis and practice through critical pedagogy and bricolage.

Convergence and divergence of beneficiary groups'policy priorities in the child-care politics (보육정책 이슈에 대한 수익자 집단의 인식과 복지정치)

  • Hong, Kyung-Zoon;Kim, Min-Seong;Kim, Sa-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.265-291
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    • 2013
  • In the context of welfare politics, this study tries to examine how interest groups'policy priorities in the child-care policy of Korea were shaped and changed. Based on the already institutionalized child-care services, each beneficiary group-parents, employer and employee of child care center-has its own preference and perception in child-care policy. Futhermore, this difference has produced conflict of interests in the priority of policy options and brought interest group politics to the realm of child-care policy. With regard to interest group politics, this study firstly examines divergence of beneficiary groups'perception about the child-care policy priorities. Meanwhile, discourse politics should be regarded as another dimension of welfare politics because beneficiaries'perception preference in policy could be sometimes changed and converged by communicative policy discourse. By examining convergent aspects of beneficiary groups'perception about policy priority, this study secondly tries to analyze the discourse politics which has been influenced by the free child-care discourse during 2010-12 election period. To investigate these two dimensions of child-care politics, beneficiary groups'policy priority should be systematically and comprehensively classified and quantified. Using Analysis Hierarchy Process(AHP), this study identifies 11 policy issues and determines different ranking priorities of each beneficiary group.

The Modern subject and experience of pain described in medicine advertisements in the early modern times. (초기 근대 의약품 광고 담론분석: 근대적 아픔의 주체와 경험에 대한 소고)

  • Lee, Byeong-Joo;Mha, Joung-Mee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.32
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    • pp.247-293
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    • 2006
  • It is an aim of this study to analyze a relation between modern medicine advertisements and body. Recently the academic world has discussed how comes it that the modernity had been formed. This trend is remarkable in the field of the history of everyday life. Because everyday life is connected with people's vivid experience. Especially in modern advertising it is in existence such as popular culture, consumer culture, sexuality, family, food, clothing and housing, disease. Since modern times the body has been reorganized into a new shape. Namely the premodern body that had been regulated by a status system is changed into modern body that have to form itself after the customs and values. We analyzed medicine advertisements in the early modern times and hoped to explain how modern people had understood their body. We applied Foucault's theory of discourse as a methodology. As a result of research, we came to the conclusion that there were several rules in the texts of medicine advertisements, which had formed a modern subject of pain. There was a disciplinary power such as a internalization of clinical eyes, self-watch in medicine advertisements. These advertisements contributed to the formation of subject of pain and related to the state power.

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Postmodernism and Korean National Archives System since 1999 (기록의 역운 <포스트1999>를 전망하며)

  • Lee, Young-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.39
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    • pp.229-280
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    • 2014
  • This essay focused on the critical review of Korean National Archives System(KNAS) since 1999. We think that KNAS could establish the backbone with basic records law on 1999. It's right. But it is not enough for explaining the full historical growth. there are some factors below the growth. This essay tried to the basic three factors below. That means the the demonstration discourse, archival system practices, and archiving technologies in the contexts of the unique standard by the basic records law. These three factors have been the powerful engine for the take-off of KNAS since 1999. However, the powerful history has shadows of growth. This essay narrated the shadows by the frame of 'counter-destiny'. The most dangerous shadow is the loss of archival cultures because the KNAS has been composed of efficiency mentality. That means that KNAS has no unique archival culture for citizenship. So, this essay tried to talk about 'Post1999' to Archives Community.

Agent "M" -The Apparatus of "Hate" and Human or Non-Human Beings as Living Dead (Agent "M" -'혐오'의 장치와 리빙 데드의 (비)인간)

  • Kwon, Doo-Hyun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.133-185
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    • 2021
  • This study is an attempt to connect television drama M, which deals with abortion issues, with theoretical focus such as materiality, relativity, and agency, to understand diffractively as an cartography of agential reality. According to Karen Barard's Agential Realism, Television drama M is a sociocultural phenomenon produced by the agential intra-actions of material-discursive apparatuses such as medical technology, ghost stories and legends, and male-affect. The 1990s repeatedly revealed "hate" through apparatuses such as technology, discourse, and affect, which are directed at women's gendered bodies. The material -discursive practice of plastic surgery and abortion proves that the agential reality surrounding the body is closely intertwined with medical technology, as well as with the genderized hate. Another related material-discursive phenomenon is rediscovery of the legend and fad of the ghost story, which is also produced from the hate of the denaturalized body, which is once again expanded and reproduced. Appearing in this environment of affect, M enacts diffraction, which is based on backlash, lacking posthuman implications for the materialization of the techno-body. M puts humanistic assumptions about "Man" as a universal definition, historically framed and defined in context. But it is not universal and it is gendered. The current time when the political turmoil surrounding medical technology, discourse, and bodily matters is violently intra-acted is the time to carefully account and respond to the alternative definitions of human beings that M has rejected.