• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다양성과 조직성과

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The Relationship between Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Perceived Work Performance: Focusing on the 3-way interaction Effect of Leader-member Exchange and Self-efficacy (조직정치지각과 지각된 업무성과: 리더-구성원 교환관계와 자기효능감의 삼원조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jae-Choon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of perceptions of organizational politics(i.e., POPs) and leader-member exchange(i.e., LMX) on the perceived work performance. Also, this paper investigates the moderating effect of LMX on the relationship between POPs and work performance. Particularly, this study is to expand on prior research by investigating the three-way interaction effect of LMX and self-efficacy. The summary of results based on a sample of 280 employees who were working in various organizations in KOREA is following. First, POPs were not significantly related to perceived work performance. Second, LMX was positively and significantly related to perceived work performance. Third, LMX did not moderate the negative relationship between POPs and perceived work performance. Finally, our results showed that for individuals with a high level of self-efficacy, LMX moderates the negative relationship between POPs and perceived work performance. That is, for individuals with a high level of self-efficacy, POPs were positively related to work performance under high LMX(in-group), but were negatively related to work performance under low LMX(out-group). Theoretical and practical implications of our findings as well as directions for future research are provided.

국내 암호연구 성과에 대한 소고: Crypto DB를 중심으로

  • Park, Sang-Min;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2012
  • 정보서비스 이용이 보편화됨에 따라 개인과 조직 모두에게 보안은 매우 중요한 이슈가 되었다. 보안위협에 대비하기 위해 사용되는 정보보안 제품 및 서비스에 필수적인 요소가 암호이며, 정보 이용 및 관리 환경이 다양해짐에 따라 그 중요성이 점차 강조되고 있다. 암호분야의 지속적인 발전을 위해서는 관련 연구의 성과에 대한 측정 및 평가가 필수적일 것이다. 본고에서는 세계암호학회(International Association for Cryptologic Research, IACR) 주관의 학술행사 및 학술지에서 발표된 논문을 기준으로 암호분야 연구의 성과를 고찰하였다. 발표논문편수와 발표자수 기준으로 국내 암호연구 성과를 파악하였고, 국내 연구자의 연구결과물의 국제적 위상에 대해 비교하였다.

신제품 개발조직의 지식역량 향상에 관한 연구

  • 김형준
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.47-75
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    • 1999
  • 지식사회, 지식경제의 등장과 더불어 기업의 자원으로서 지식(knowledge)의 중요성이 부각됨에 따라 마케팅 전략의 한 분야로서의 신제품 전략에서도 신제품 개발과정에 있어 기업(혹은 신제품 개발 팀)의 지식과 지식의 활용 능력을 어떻게 확장할 것인가가 중요한 전략적 이슈(issue)가 된다. 신제품 개발 과정에서는 필연적으로 불확실성-시장 불확실성과 기술 불확실성-이 존재하며 불확실성을 해소하기 위하여 정보와 지식의 중요성이 부각되고 기업내의 다양한 조직-특히 R&D, 생산, 마케팅-과의 지식공유·통합과정이 중요시된다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 첫째, 기업이 가지고 있는 지식을 제품으로 구체화하는 과정이 신제품 개발(New Product Development; NPD)과정이며 구체화 과정에서 개발의 효율성과 효과성을 어떻게 달성할 것인가에 관한 문제를 다루고자 한다. 둘째, 기존의 신제품 성과 요인으로 제시되고 있는 많은 요인들을 '지식역량(knowledge competence)'의 개념으로 정리하고 이러한 지식 역량과 신제품 경쟁우위 간의 인과적 관계를 살펴봄으로써 신제품 경쟁우위에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가에 대한 분석을 하고자 한다. 셋째 신제품 개발조직의 지식역량을 향상시키기 위한 전략적 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 이론적 배경으로 기업을 지식의 결집체로 인식하고 있는 지식거점관점(knowledge based perspective)과 이러한 지식자원의 활용에 초점을 맞춘 조직학습(organizational learning) 이론 그리고 심리학에서 다루고 있는 분산된 인지이론(distributed cognition theory)을 활용한다.

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The Effect of Organizational Learning on Management Performance: Mediating Effects of Innovation Activities (조직학습이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 - 혁신활동을 매개로 -)

  • Kang, Hee-Kyung;Choo, Gyo-Wan
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.237-256
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    • 2018
  • This study focused on the concept of organizational learning as a prior variable of innovation activities, and reviewed the relationship between organizational learning, innovation and management performance. According to prior studies, the ability to perform these activities may be enhanced through organizational learning, as the success of the innovation requires activities to acquire and share knowledge within the organization. In other words, organizational learning is playing a role as a precursor to innovation. Therefore, in this study, the effects of organizational learning on management performance are to be verified through the mediation effect of product and innovation activities. Organizational learning provides various definitions and components for each scholar, but this study consisted of a series of knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information analysis and process memory using the framework of the learning ability analysis by Levitt and March(1988) and Huber(1991), Innovation was also divided into product innovation and process innovation, and measured with sub-variables such as presentation of new products and improvement activities to increase productivity. Management performance was measured as financial and non-financial performance. To verify the effects of the mediation, we used a three-step regression analysis procedure of Baron and Kenny(1986)'s and a sobel-test. Empirical studies show that organizational learning has a positive effect on management performance and that knowledge acquisition and information distribution, which are the early stages of learning activities in the lower variables, affect performance through product innovation. Based on the results of the above empirical study, the implications, limitations of the study and future research directions were presented.

Mediating Effect of Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction Between Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: Focusing on the Beauty Service Industry (기업가정신과 재무적 성과 간의 고객지향성, 고객만족의 매개효과: 미용 서비스산업 중심으로)

  • Kwak, jinman;Lee, sehee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2021
  • In the service industry the types are diversifying and the scale of service companies is greatly improving. Such a phenomenon is caused by economic growth and technological development diversifying consumer needs creating demand for new services maturing the service industry and intensifying competition among companies in the form of global competition. It can be said that this is because it is necessary to improve competitiveness by utilizing the economy of scale. Research is needed on the impact of entrepreneurship on various outcome variables in order for service organization managers to respond quickly to diverse and rapidly changing environments and achieve organizational outcomes and corporate goals of management outcomes. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relationship in which the entrepreneurial spirit of a manager influences the relationship between customer orientation, which is an organizational result, customer satisfaction, and financial result, which is a management result. In order to verify such research, the questionnaire was composed of one business owner questionnaire, two employee questionnaires, and two customer questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 400 companies, and the questionnaires of 340 companies were collected. Of these, 303 companies, excluding the questionnaires of 37 companies with many dishonest or missing values, were used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, entrepreneurship had a positive (+) effect on customer orientation, supporting the hypothesis. Second, customer orientation showed a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, supporting the hypothesis. Third, customer satisfaction showed a positive (+) effect on financial outcomes, supporting the hypothesis. Fourth, it was found that entrepreneurship influences customer satisfaction through customer orientation, and customer satisfaction affects financial outcomes. It turns out that customer orientation between entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction is completely mediated, and customer satisfaction is completely mediated by customer orientation and financial outcomes. The relationship between entrepreneurship and management improved employee behavior and attitudes, which is an individual outcome, and this change was found to improve customer satisfaction, which is an organizational outcome. It makes frequent contact with customers in the process of servicing them. Employee roles are important at service contacts and influence service purchases. Employees facing customers through service contacts act as a decisive factor in maintaining a continuous relationship with customers. Within a beauty service company, it is necessary to create a customer-oriented environment among workers. It suggests that customer-oriented companies and employees can anticipate their desires and provide products or services of superior value to achieve greater customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage. In addition, it was clarified that customer satisfaction has an aspect relationship with financial management, which is a management result. Therefore, it is suggested that the entrepreneurial spirit is an important factor for the management of a beauty service company to secure competitiveness and improve results.

직무성과에 대한 인지적 및 비인지적 능력의 영향: 대학생의 학업성과를 중심으로

  • Seo, Yun-Hui;Sin, Ho-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Quality Management Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.447-447
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    • 2010
  • 조직이나 기업에서 높은 수준의 직무 성과는 뛰어난 지적 능력과 더불어 다른 요소들의 영향에 의해 결정된다고 광범위하게 인식되고 있다. 따라서 인사선발시 인지적인 능력뿐만이 아니라 성격과 같은 비인지적 능력을 평가하는 시도가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구는 이를 실증적으로 검증하고자 수행되었다. 즉, 본 연구에서는 서울지역에서 재학 중인 대학생 (n=260) 을 대상으로 하여 인지적 능력은 입학성적으로, 비인적 능력은 Big Five 성격 특성으로, 직무성과는 학업성과(예, 학업평점, 대학 및 학과에 대한 만족도, 동아리 활동, 등) 로 각각 측정하여 이들의 관계성을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 인지적 능력과 더불어 Big Five 성격 특성 중 성실성과 개방성이 다양한 학업성과와 상관관계를 보여주었다. 본 연구는 추가적으로, 학업성과 중 동아리 활동이 대학생활의 만족도와 상관관계가 있음을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 결과는 인사선발 과정에서 지원자의 잠재적 직무성과를 예측할 때 지적 능력 같은 인지적 측면뿐만이 아니라 성격과 같은 비인지적 측면을 동시에 고려해야 한다는 실무적 시사점을 제시하고 있다.

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시장지향성 연구의 논제와 방법

  • Jeong, Gi-Han;Jang, Hyeong-Yu
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.6
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    • pp.391-414
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    • 2000
  • 조직 및 산업간의 치열한 경쟁상황에서 마케팅 개념에 대한 좀더 명확한 이해와 실천이 현대의 기업들에게 필요하다. 1990년을 기점으로 마케팅 개념의 구체적인 실체성에 대한 연구가 활발해졌고, 다양한 측면의 연구가 시도되고 있다. 이른바 시장지향성 이라고 불리는 이 실체적인 개념을 통하여 마케팅 개념의 실천에 대한 명확한 성과를 측정할 수 있게 되 었고 다양한 환경적 변수의 영향을 고려할 수 있게 되었다. 이를 통하여 학계는 물론 실무 에 있어서 시장지향성을 매개로 하는 제반적 경영성과에 대해 보다 구체적이고 정확한 접근이 가능해졌다. 이에 본 연구는 시장지향성 연구들의 기본적 배경을 살펴보고, 그 동안 연구되었던 시장지향성의 주요논제 즉, 시장지향성의 매개변수, 성과측정, 조직학습, 혁신 등과 시장지향성의 실증적 연구방법에 있어 척도개발, 매개변수, 특정업종에서의 시장지향 성을 고잘하여 앞으로의 시장지향성 연구방향을 제시하였다.

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Competency Theory and Practice for Developing a Extension Competency Model (농촌지도 역량모델 개발을 위한 이론과 실제)

  • Shim, Mi-Ok
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.75-111
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 국내 농촌지도인력 역량모델 개발을 위한 기초 연구로서 역량의 정의, 역량모델 개발방법, 인적자원개발을 위한 역량모델 활용 현황에 대한 문헌을 고찰하였다. 역량은 사용되는 상황이나 맥락에 따라서 다양하게 정의되고 있어 사전적인정의와 다양한 연구자들의 역량의 정의에 대한 이론, 특정한 조직이나 직업군에서 사용되고 있는 역량의 정의를 비교 분석하였으며, 결과적으로 역량은 개인의 역할 수행과 직무성과와 상관관계가 있으며 훈련과 개발을 통하여 개선되어질 수 있는 관련된 지식, 기술, 태도의 집합체로 정의하였다. 역량모델을 개발하는 방법도 다양한데, 초기단계에서는 탁월한 직원과 일반직원의 특정한 업무추진사례를 인터뷰와 관찰을 통하여 분석하여 이들 간에 차이를 가져오는 특성이나 행동을 추출하는 직무역량진단법이 주로 활용되었다. 이 방법에는 많은 비용과 시간이 소모되어 이를 간소화한 여러 가지 방법이 개발되었다. 또한 기존 직원 특성 분석보다 다양한 정보원과 미래에 대한 가정을 활용하여 바람직한 직무 결과와 역량, 역할을 추출하는 방법도 개발되었으며 직업이 빠르게 변화하는 시대적인 특성상 이런 방법의 활용이 확대되고 있다. 이런 다양한 방법 중 역량 모델을 활용할 직무나 조직의 특성에 맞는 방법을 선택하여 적용하여야 한다. 역량모델을 활용한 인적자원개발을 통하여 기업뿐만 아니라 정부조직에서도 효율적인 직원 역량 개발, 개인과 조직의 성과 향상 등의 효과가 나타나고 있으며, 앞으로 농촌지도조직에서도 지도인력 역량 개발과 지도사업의 효율성을 향상을 위하여 역량모델을 개발 활용할 필요성이 있다.

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How Does Technostress Influence Employees' Role and Performance in An Organization?: The Moderating Effect of Innovation Support (조직 내 기술스트레스가 역할과 성과에 미치는 영향: 혁신지원의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Geuna;Kim, Sanghyun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.97-124
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    • 2014
  • This study applies the concepts of sociotechnical theory and role theory in order to verify the effects of stress (that is, technostress) created from information and computer technology (ICT) concerning role stress and performance. We suggest diverse perspectives concerning the elements leading to technostress along with the stress-creating process of ICT among organizational members. The following four major hypotheses are proposed: (1) Technostress is positively related to role stress (e.g., conflict and overload of roles), adverse psychological outcomes, and adverse IS use related outcomes, (2) Role conflict is positively related to adverse psychological outcomes and adverse IS use related outcomes, (3) Role overload is positively related to adverse psychological outcomes and adverse IS use related outcomes, and (4) Innovation support will play as a moderator between technostress, roles tress, adverse psychological outcomes and adverse IS use related outcomes. A partial least square (PLS) with data gathered data from ICT users of organizations was used to verify the proposed hypotheses. The results supported our claims excluding the hypothesis associated to the relationship between technostress and role stress. We suggest a theoretical implication based on the verification of technostress related to the current concept of stress experienced by individuals within organizations. We also propose that a practical implication concerning the opposite effect of technostress, can be utilized as a method of reducing role stress, and suggests a diagnostic tool for assessing the degree of technostress within organizations.

The Effectiveness of Authentic Leadership on Public and Private Organizations (진성리더십의 효과성 분석: 공공조직과 사조직에 미치는 영향을 중심으로)

  • Tak, Jin-Gyu;Roh, Tae-Woo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, the authenticity of leaders has become an important issue in leadership research. It is because the sincerity of the leader exerts a great influence on the behavior, attitude and performance of members of the organization. This study examines the effect of authentic leadership on organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance, and empirically analyzes whether the effect varies depending on public organizations and private organizations. The survey administered through a questionnaire was conducted for members of public corporations and private companies in Korea. Of the collected questionnaires, 444 were used in the analysis. Empirical results were verified by factor analysis and regression analysis using SPSS/WIN 23.0 and STATA 14.0. Results show that leadership had a positive effect on organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance and the effect was significant in both public and private organizations.