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Outcomes after Radiotherapy in Inoperable Patients with Squamous Cell Lung Cancer (수술이 불가능한 편평상피성 폐암의 방사선치료 성적)

  • Ahn Sung-Ja;Chung Woong-Ki;Nah Byung-Sik;Nam Tack-Keun;Kim Young-Chul;Park Kyung-Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.216-223
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : We evaluated retrospectively the outcomes of inoperable squamous cell lung cancer patients treated with radiotherapy to find out prognostic factors affecting survival. Materials and methods : Four hundred and eleven patients diagnosed as squamous cell lung cancer between November 1988 and December 1997 were the basis of this analyses. The planned dose to the gross tumor volume was ranged from 30 to 70.2 Gy. Chemotherapy was combined in 72 patients (17.5%) with the variable schedule and drug combination regimens. Follow-up period ranged from 1 to 113 months with the median of 8 months and survival status was identified in 381 patients (92.7%). Overall survival rate was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results : Age ranged from 23 years to 83 years with the median 63 years. The male to female ratio was about 16:1. For all 411 patients, the median overall survival was 8 months and the 1-year survival rate (YSR), 2-YSR, and 5-YSR were 35.6%,12.6%,and3.7%, respectively. The median and 5-YSR were 29 months and 33.3% for Stage IA, 13 months and 6.3% for Stage IIIA, and 9 months and 3.4% for Stage IIIB, respectively(p=0.00). The median survival by treatment aim was 11 months in radical intent group and 5 months in palliative, respectively (p=0.00). Of 344 patients treated with radical intent, median survival of patients (N=247) who received planned radiotherapy completely was 12 months while that of patients (N=97) who did not was 5 months (p=0.0006). In the analyses of the various prognostic factors affecting to the survival outcomes in 247 patients who completed the planned radiotherapy, tumor location, supraclavicular LAP, SVC syndrome, pleural effusion, total lung atelectasis and hoarseness were statistically significant prognostic factors both in the univariate and multivariate analyses while the addition of chemotherapy was statistically significant only in multivariate analyses. The acute radiation esophagitis requiring analgesics was appeared in 49 patients (11.9%) and severe radiation esophagitis requiring hospitalization was shown in 2 patients (0.5%). The radiation pneumonitis requiring steroid medication was shown in 62 patients (15.1%) and severe pneumonitis requiring hospitalization was occurred in 2 patients (0.5%). During follow-up, 114 patients (27.7%) had progression of local disease with 10 months of median time to recur (range : 1\~87months) and 49 patients (11.9%) had distant failure with 7 months of median value (range : 1\~52months). Second malignancy before or after the diagnosis of lung cancer was appeared in 11 patients Conclusion : The conventional radiotherapy in the patients with locally advanced squamous cell lung cancer has given small survival advantage over supportive care and it is very important to select the patient group who can obtain the maximal benefit and to select the radiotherapy technique that would not compromise the life quality in these patients.

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STUDIES ON AVIAN VISCERAL LYMPHOMATOSIS I. THE INCREASED INCIDENSE AMONG CHICKEN FLOCKS AND PATHOLOGIC PICTURES (장기형임파종증(臟器型淋巴腫症)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 1. 계군(鷄群)에서의 임파종증(淋巴腫症)의 발생(發生) 및 병리학적소견(病理學的所見))

  • Kim, Uh Ho;Lim, Chang Hyeong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1964
  • 1). An nanlysis was made of 3,500 postmortem diagnoses for the three years 1961 through 1963 to determine whether there was any actual incidence of avian visceral lymphomntosis in the field. Chickens autopsied, which showed gross alterations were 7.6 percent or 266 cases. The diminished incidence of the disease in second and third years seemed due to decreased total numbers of chicken flocks year by year for the reason of difficult feed supply. 2). Because chickens autopsied in this study were not clearly known of their breeds and lines, no distinct data on the incidence in various breeds were made. Some exact breeds were in too small numbers to have any statistical significance. Inconceivably, no other types of avian leukosis than visceral lymphomatosis had been observed in any appreciable number in this analysis. 3). Pathologic analysis for affected organs was made grossly and microscopically. In the gross pictures, liver, spleen, kidney, ovary, and in some case, intestine principally showed lesions, but its manifestation was variable in different organs. In such organs, livers were affected more frequently, and spleens followed next. The organs were classified and arranged according to the gross alterations, and among their distribution one-half of livers were in diffuse variety; one-fourths in nodular; about one-sevenths in mixed; and granular variety followed next. In the spleen samples, two-thirds were in diffuse variety; one-fourths in nodular; and follicular only in three cases. Ovaries almost showed follicular lesions, the diffused were less than one-fifths of total specimens. Kidneys were occurred almost in diffuse variety. And intestine showed only nodular tomors. Microscopically, 42 cases of visceral lymphomatosis composed of 24 livers, 10 spleens, 3 kidneys, 3 intestines and 2 ovaries were examined. The tumor cells were lymphoid cells showing various component in size, shape and stainability. Mitotic figures were usually present. The proportion of the component cells were various in all cases and there were variations in the distribution of the tumor cells. The types of distribution were classified according to the standard proposed by Horiuchi as nodular, infiltrative and diffuse proliferation. In cases of visceral lymphomatosis of the livers and the spleens the types of infiltrative, nodular and diffuse proliferation could be classified. In the cases of the kidneys the types of diffuse and nodular proliferation were observed. In the cases of the intestines and the ovaries the types of infiltrative and diffuse proliferation were observed respectively.

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Comparative Analysis of Delivery Management in Various Medical Facilities (의료기관별 분만관리 양상의 비교 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Han;You, Young-Sook;Kim, Jang-Rak
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.22 no.4 s.28
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    • pp.555-577
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to compare the delivery management including laboratory tests, medication and surgical procedures for the delivery in various medical facilities. Two university hospitals, two general hospitals, three hospitals, two private obstetric clinics, and two midwifery clinics in a large city were selected as they permitted the investigators to abstract the required data from the medical and accounting records. The total number of deliveries occurred at these 11 facilities between 15 January and 15 February, 1989 was 789 among which 606(76.8%) were vaginal deliveries and 183 (23.3%) were C-sections. For the normal vaginal deliveries, CBC, Hb/Hct level, blood typing, VDRL, hepatitis B antigen and antibody, and urinalysis were routinely done except the private clinics and midwifery clinics which did not test for hepatitis B and Hb/Hct level at all. In one university hospital ultrasonography was performed in 71.4% of the mothers and in one general hospital liver function test was done in 76.7% of the mothers. For the C-section, chest X-ray, bleeding/clotting time and liver function test were routinely done in addition to the routine tests for the normal vaginal deliveries. Episiotomy was performed in 97.2% of the vaginal deliveries. The type and duration of fluid infused and antibiotics administered showed a wide variation among the medical facilities. In one university hospital antibiotics was not administered after C-section at all while in the general hospitals and hospitals one or two antibiotics were administered for one week on the average. In one private clinic one pint of whole blood was transfused routinely. A wide variation was observed among the medical facilities in the use of vitamin, hemostatics, oxytocics, antipyreptics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents. sedatives. digestives. stool softeners. antihistamines. and diuretics. Mean hospital day for the normal vaginal deliveries of primipara was 2.6 days with little variation except one hospital with 3.5 days. Mean hospital day for the C-section of primipara was 7.5 days and that of multipara was 7.6 days and it ranged between 6.5 days and 9.4 days. Average hospital fee for a normal vaginal delivery without the medical insurance coverage was 182,100 Won for the primipara and 167,300 Won for the multipara. In case of the primipara covered by the medical insurance a mother paid 82,400 Won and a multiparous mother paid 75,600 Won. Average hospital fee for a C-section without the medical insurance was 946,500 Won for the primipara and 753,800 Won for the multipara. In case of the primipara covered by the medical insurance a mother paid 256,200 Won and a multiparous mother paid 253,700 Won. Average hospital fee for a normal vaginal delivery in the university hospitals showed a remarkable difference, 268,000 Won vs 350,000 Won, as well as for the C-section. A wide variation in the laboratory tests performed for a normal vaginal delivery and a C-section as well as in the medication and hospital days brought about a big difference in the hospital fee and some hospitals were practicing the case payment system. Thus, standardization of the medical care to a certain level is warranted for the provision of adequate medical care for delivery.

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Trends of Study and Classification of Reference on Occupational Health Management in Korea after Liberation (해방 이후 우리나라 산업보건관리에 관한 문헌분류 및 연구동향)

  • Ha, Eun-Hee;Park, Hye-Sook;Kim, Young-Bok;Song, Hyun-Jong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.28 no.4 s.51
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    • pp.809-844
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of this study are to define the scope of occupational health management and to classify occupational management by review of related journals from 1945 to 1994 in Korea. The steps of this study were as follows: (1) Search of secondary reference; (2) Collection and review of primary reference; (3) Survey; and (4) Analysis and discussion. The results were as follows ; 1. Most of the respondents majored in occupational health(71.6%), and were working in university (68.3%), males and over the age 40. Seventy percent of the respondents agreed with the idea that classification of occupational health management is necessary, and 10% disagreed. 2. After integration of the idea of respondents, we reclassified the scope of occupational health management. It was defined 3 parts, that is , occupational health system, occupational health service and others (such as assessment, epidemiology, cost-effectiveness analysis and so on). 3. The number of journals on occupational health management was 510. It was sightly increased from 1986 and abruptly increased after 1991. The kinds of journals related to occupational health management were The Korean Journal of Occupational Medicine(18.2%), Several Kinds of Medical Colloge Journal(17.0%), The Korean Journal Occupational Health(15.1%), The Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine(15.1%) and others(34.6%). As for the contents, the number of journals on occupational health management systems was 33(6.5%) and occupational health services 477(93.5%). Of the journals on occupational health management systems, the number of journals on the occupational health resource system was 15(45.5%), occupational finance system 8(24.2%), occupational health management system 6(18.2%), occupational organization 3(9.1%) and occupational health delivery system 1 (3.0%). Of the journals on occupational health services, the number of journals on disease management was 269(57.2%), health management 116(24.7%), working environmental management 85(18.1%). As for the subjects, the number of journals on general workers was 185(71.1%), followed by women worker, white coiler workers and so on. 4. Respondents made occupational health service(such as health management, working environmental management and health education) the first priority of occupational health management. Tied for the second are quality analysis(such as education, training and job contents of occupational health manager) and occupational health systems(such as the recommendation of systems of occupational and general disease and occupational health organization). 5. Thirty seven respondents suggested 48 ideas about the future research of occupational health management. The results were as follows: (1) Study of occupational health service 40.5%; (2) Study of organization system 27.1%; (3) Study of occupational health system (e.g. information network) 8.3%; (4) Study of working condition 6.2%; and (5) Study of occupational health service analysis 4.2%.

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Epidemiology and Clinical Manifestations of HenochSch\"onlein Purpura in Children (소아 HenochSch\"onlein 자반증의 역학 및 임상양상)

  • Kim Se-Hun;Lee Chong-Guk
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The cause and pathogenesis of HenochSch\"onlein purpura has been studied for many years but the results are disappointing. Recently the hypothesis that abnormalities involving the glycosylation of the hinge region of immunoglobulin Al(IgAl) may have an important role in the pathogenesis of HenochSch\"onlein purpura is being approved. HenochSch\"onlein purpura is the most common vasculitis Ihat affects children and the prognosis is good. But if kidney invovement occurs, the course may be chronic and troublesome. So we evaluated children with HenochSch\"onlein purpura especially from the point of epidemiology and clinical manifestations. Methods : Investigation of 124 children who were diagnosed with HenochSch\"onlein purpura at Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital from December 1999 to July 2003 was performed retrospectively through chart review. Efforts were made to get informations about the profile, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, progress of the disease and recurrence rate of patients. Results : The patients were 69 boys and 55 girls, with a mean age of 6.1±2.7 years at the time of data collection. The male to female ratio was 1.25 : 1. The occurrence rate was much higher in autumn(from September to November, 31.5%) and winter(from December to February, 28.2%) than in spring and summer, with a peak in November. Joint involvement was shown in 66.9% of patients mostly on the foot/ankle(75.9%), knee(39.8%). Seventy(56.5%) out of 124 patients had abdominal pain and 10 patients(8.1%) showed bloody stools. Renal involvement was observed in 24 patients(19.4%) after 21.1 days on the average. IgA was elevated in 10 of 21 patients(47.6%). C3 and C4 levels were normal in 40 of 49 patients (81.7%) and 47 of 48 patients(97.9%), respectively Antistreptolysin-O(ASO) titer was elevated over 250 Todd units in 29 of 62 Patients(46.8%). Mycoplasma antibody titer was elevated in 21 of 49 patients(42.9%) equal or greater than 1:80. Radiologic studies were peformed in 23 patients. Seven patients(30.4%) showed bowel wall thickening and one of them received intestinal resection and anastomosis operation due to terminal ileum necrosis. Eighty four patients took steroid 1.4 mg/kg/day in average. Recurrence rate was 2.5 in 37 patients(29.8%). Conclusion : HenochSch\"onlein purpura in childhood appears most in about 6 years of age. The occurrence rate is much higher in autumn and winter relatively. Diagnosis can be made through the perspective history taking and the inspection of clinical manifestations, but the laboratory findings are not of great help. A small portion of the patients might show abdominal pain or arthritis before purpura develops, therfore various diagnosis can be made. Radiologic evaluation should be performed to avoid surgical complications in cases accompanying abdominal pain, and long term follow up should be needed especially in patients suffering from kidney involvement. In about 30% of the patients HenochSch\"onlein purpura would recur. Steroid can be used safely without side effects.

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Analysis of Isolated Proteinuria on School Urinary Mass Screening Test in Busan and Kyungsangnam-do Province (학교 신체 검사에서 발견된 단독 단백뇨의 분석)

  • Oh Dong-Hwan;Kim Jung-Soo;Park Ji-Kyoung;Chung Woo-Yeong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.142-149
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The urinary mass screening program for the detection of urinary abnormalities in school aged population has been performed in Seoul since 1981. Nation-wide urinary mass screening program was also performed since 1998. The aim of this study was to analyze the cause and nature of isolated proteinuria detected by chance on the urinary mass screening test in Busan and Kyungsangnam-do Province Methods : The medical records of 44 cases of isolated proteinuria detected by chance on the urinary mass screening test in Busan and Kyungsangnam-do Province, and evaluated for urinary abnormalities at the pediatrics outpatients renal clinics of Busan Paik Hospital from April 2002 to August 2003 were reviewed prospectively. Results : The cause and incidence of isolated proteinuria were as follows; transient proteinuria 4 cases(9.1%), orthostatic proteinuria 36 cases(81.8%) and persistent proteinuria 4 cases (9.1%). The total protein amount of the 24 hour urine were 121.0±136.4mg in transient proteinuria, 179.1±130.0mg in orthostatic proteinuria and 1532.8±982.5mg in persistent proteinuria. In the orthostatic proteinuria group, the total protein amount of the 24 hour urine was in the range of 40-616 mg. Spot urine protein/creatinine ratio(PCR) were 0.10±0.01 in transient proteinuria, 0.61±0.61 in orthostatic proteinuria and 4.35±4.04 in persistent proteinuria. In the orthostatic proteinuria group, spot me PCR was in the range of 0.09-2.32. Renal biopsy was peformed in 4 children of the persisitent proteinuria group. They showed minimal change in 1 case, membranoproliferatiye glomerulonephritis in 2 cases and secondary renal amyloidosis in 1 case. Conclusion : The majority of isolated proteinuria which was detected by chance on school urinary mass screening were transient or orthostatic proteinuria. Even though the incidence of persistent proteinuria was much lower, it is necessary to take care of these children regularly and continuously, because persistent proteinuria itself is a useful marker of the progressive renal problems.

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A Study of Guidelines for Genetic Counseling in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) (착상전 유전진단을 위한 유전상담 현황과 지침개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Jee;Lee, Hyoung-Song;Kang, Inn-Soo;Jeong, Seon-Yong;Kim, Hyon-J.
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), also known as embryo screening, is a pre-pregnancy technique used to identify genetic defects in embryos created through in vitro fertilization. PGD is considered a means of prenatal diagnosis of genetic abnormalities. PGD is used when one or both genetic parents has a known genetic abnormality; testing is performed on an embryo to determine if it also carries the genetic abnormality. The main advantage of PGD is the avoidance of selective pregnancy termination as it imparts a high likelihood that the baby will be free of the disease under consideration. The application of PGD to genetic practices, reproductive medicine, and genetic counseling is becoming the key component of fertility practice because of the need to develop a custom PGD design for each couple. Materials and Methods: In this study, a survey on the contents of genetic counseling in PGD was carried out via direct contact or e-mail with the patients and specialists who had experienced PGD during the three months from February to April 2010. Results: A total of 91 persons including 60 patients, 49 of whom had a chromosomal disorder and 11 of whom had a single gene disorder, and 31 PGD specialists responded to the survey. Analysis of the survey results revealed that all respondents were well aware of the importance of genetic counseling in all steps of PGD including planning, operation, and follow-up. The patient group responded that the possibility of unexpected results (51.7%), genetic risk assessment and recurrence risk (46.7%), the reproduction options (46.7%), the procedure and limitation of PGD (43.3%) and the information of PGD technology (35.0%) should be included as a genetic counseling information. In detail, 51.7% of patients wanted to be counseled for the possibility of unexpected results and the recurrence risk, while 46.7% wanted to know their reproduction options (46.7%). Approximately 96.7% of specialists replied that a non-M.D. genetic counselor is necessary for effective and systematic genetic counseling in PGD because it is difficult for physicians to offer satisfying information to patients due to lack of counseling time and specific knowledge of the disorders. Conclusions: The information from the survey provides important insight into the overall present situation of genetic counseling for PGD in Korea. The survey results demonstrated that there is a general awareness that genetic counseling is essential for PGD, suggesting that appropriate genetic counseling may play a important role in the success of PGD. The establishment of genetic counseling guidelines for PGD may contribute to better planning and management strategies for PGD.

Quantitative Differences between X-Ray CT-Based and 137Cs-Based Attenuation Correction in Philips Gemini PET/CT (GEMINI PET/CT의 X-ray CT, 137Cs 기반 511 keV 광자 감쇠계수의 정량적 차이)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo;Park, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Hyo;Kim, Jae-Il;Lee, Hong-Jae;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: There are differences between Standard Uptake Value (SUV) of CT attenuation corrected PET and that of 137Cs. Since various causes lead to difference of SUV, it is important to know what is the cause of these difference. Since only the X-ray CT and 137Cs transmission data are used for the attenuation correction, in Philips GEMINI PET/CT scanner, proper transformation of these data into usable attenuation coefficients for 511 keV photon has to be ascertained. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy in the CT measurement and compare the CT and 137Cs-based attenuation correction in this scanner. Methods: For all the experiments, CT was set to 40 keV (120 kVp) and 50 mAs. To evaluate the accuracy of the CT measurement, CT performance phantom was scanned and Hounsfield units (HU) for those regions were compared to the true values. For the comparison of CT and 137Cs-based attenuation corrections, transmission scans of the elliptical lung-spine-body phantom and electron density CT phantom composed of various components, such as water, bone, brain and adipose, were performed using CT and 137Cs. Transformed attenuation coefficients from these data were compared to each other and true 511 keV attenuation coefficient acquired using 68Ge and ECAT EXACT 47 scanner. In addition, CT and 137Cs-derived attenuation coefficients and SUV values for 18F-FDG measured from the regions with normal and pathological uptake in patients' data were also compared. Results: HU of all the regions in CT performance phantom measured using GEMINI PET/CT were equivalent to the known true values. CT based attenuation coefficients were lower than those of 68Ge about 10% in bony region of NEMA ECT phantom. Attenuation coefficients derived from 137Cs data was slightly higher than those from CT data also in the images of electron density CT phantom and patients' body with electron density. However, the SUV values in attenuation corrected images using 137Cs were lower than images corrected using CT. Percent difference between SUV values was about 15%. Conclusion: Although the HU measured using this scanner was accurate, accuracy in the conversion from CT data into the 511 keV attenuation coefficients was limited in the bony region. Discrepancy in the transformed attenuation coefficients and SUV values between CT and 137Cs-based data shown in this study suggests that further optimization of various parameters in data acquisition and processing would be necessary for this scanner.

Different Uptake of Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPAO in the Normal Brains: Analysis by Statistical Parametric Mapping (정상 뇌 혈류 영상에서 방사성의약품에 따라 혈류 분포에 차이가 있는가: 통계적 파라미터 지도를 사용한 분석)

  • Kim, Euy-Neyng;Jung, Yong-An;Sohn, Hyung-Sun;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Yoo, Ie-Ryung;Chung, Soo-Kyo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.244-254
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study investigated the differences between technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (Tc-99m ECD) and technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (Tc-99m HMPAO) uptake in the normal brain by means of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analysis. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed age and sex matched 53 cases of normal brain SPECT. Thirty-two cases were obtained with Tc-99m ECD and 21 cases with Tc-99m HMPAO. There were no abnormal findings on brain MRIs. All of the SPECT images were spatially transformed to standard space, smoothed and globally normalized. The differences between the Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT images were statistically analyzed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM'99) software. The differences bgetween the two groups were considered significant ant a threshold of corrected P values less than 0.05. Results: SPM analysis revealed significantly different uptakes of Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPAO in the normal brains. On the Tc-99m ECD SPECT images, relatively higher uptake was observed in the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, in the basal ganglia and thalamus, and in the superior region of the cerebellum. On the Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT images, relatively higher uptakes was observed in subcortical areas of the frontal region, temporal lobe, and posterior portion of inferior cerebellum. Conclusion: Uptake of Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPO in the normallooking brain was significantly different on SPM analysis. The selective use of Tc-99m ECD of Tc-99m HMPAO in brain SPECT imaging appears especially valuable for the interpretation of cerebral perfusion. Further investigation is necessary to determine which tracer is more accurate for diagnosing different clinical conditions.

Purification Characteristics and Hydraulic Conditions in an Artificial Wetland System (인공습지시스템에서 수리학적 조건과 수질정화특성)

  • Park, Byeng-Hyen;Kim, Jae-Ok;Lee, Kwng-Sik;Joo, Gea-Jae;Lee, Sang-Joon;Nam, Gui-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.4 s.100
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between purification characteristics and hydraulic conditions, and to clarify the basic and essential factors required to be considered in the construction and management of artificial wetland system for the improvement of reservoir water quality. The artificial wetland system was composed of a pumping station and six sequential plants beds with five species of macrophytes: Oenanthe javanica, Acorus calamus, Zizania latifolia, Typha angustifolia, and Phragmites australis. The system was operated on free surface-flow system, and operation conditions were 3,4444,156m3/d of inflow rate, 0.5-2.0 hr of HRT, 0.1-0.2 m of water depth, 6.0-9.4 m/d of hydraulic loading, and relatively low nutrients concentration (0.224-2.462 mgN/L, 0.145-0.164 mgP/L) of inflow water. The mean purification efficiencies of TN ranged from 12.1% to 14.3% by showing the highest efficiency at the Phragmites australis bed, and these of TP were 6.3-9.5% by showing the similar ranges of efficiencies among all species. The mean purification efficiencies of SS and Chl-A ranged from 17.4% to 38.5% and from 12.0% to 20.2%, respectively, and the Oenanthe javanica bed showed the highest efficiency with higher concentration of influent than others. The mean purification amount per day of each pollutant were 9.84.1gm2d1 in BOD, 1.2992.343gm2d1 in TN, 0.0851.821gm2d1 in TP, 17.9111.6gm2d1 in SS and 0.0110.094gm2d1 in Chl-a. The purification amount per day of TN revealed the hi링hest level at the Zizania latifolia bed, and TP showed at the Acrous calamus bed. SS and Chl-a, as particulate materials, revealed the highest purification amount per day at the Oenanthe javanica bed that was high on the whole parameters. It was estimated that the purification amount per day was increased with the high concentration of influent and shoot density of macrophytes, as was shown in the purification efficiency. Correlation coefficients between purification efficiencies and hydraulic conditions (HRT and inflow rate) were 0.016-0.731 of R2 in terms of HRT, and 0.015-0.868 of R2 daily inflow rate. Correlation coefficients of purification amounts per day with hydraulic conditions were 0.173-0.763 of Ra in terms of HRT, and 0.209-0.770 daily inflow rate. Among the correlation coefficients between purification efficiency and hydraulic condition, the percentages of over 0.5 range of R2 were 20% in HRT and in daily inflow rate. However, the percentages of over 0.5 range of correlation coefficients (R2) between purification amount per day and hydraulic conditions were 53% in HRT and 73% in daily inflow rate. The relationships between purificationamount per day and hydraulic condition were more significant than those of purifi-cation efficiency. In this study, high hydraulic conditions (HRT and inflow rate) are not likely to affect significantly the purification efficiency of nutrient. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the purification amounts per day with high hydraulicloadings (HRT and inflow rate) for the improvement of eutrophic reservoir withrelatively low nutrients concentration and large quantity to be treated.