• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다리 형태

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A Study on the Preference of Young Children for the Outward Appearance of a Teacher-aided Humanoid Robot (교사보조 인간형 로봇의 외형에 대한 만4세 유아 선호도 연구)

  • Ha, Soo Yeun;Lee, Seong Ae
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is analyzing the preference of young children for the outward appearance of a teacher-aided humanoid robot. The subjects of this study were 180 kindergarten children who were 4 years old. Ninety five children among the subjects were male, and 85 children were female. The instrument used for this study consisted of 15 questions that involved 3 domains; figure, face, and practical use of robot. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, young children preferred a smooth and intimate robot, and one that had a similar size to them. Second, young children preferred a more characteristic face with big eyes. Third, young children preferred a robot which had a contoured body Fourth, young children preferred a robot which had two legs or tank wheels. Fifth, young children preferred a robot that could play with them and be manipulated by them.

Seasonal Occurrence and Age Structure of Paromius exiguus (Distant) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) on Major Host Plants (흑다리긴노린재[Paromius exiguus (Distant)](Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)의 발생소장과 주요 기주에서 시기별 연령분포)

  • Park, Chang-Gyu;Park, Hong-Hyun;Uhm, Ki-Baik;Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2009
  • Paromius exiguus (Distant) has caused serious damage by pecky grains around Gimpo paddy fields in 2001. We conducted field and laboratory studies to determine the seasonal occurrence and age distribution of P. exiguus on the three major host plants. The overwintering P. exiguus was found mainly on the basal part of gramineae weeds in various localities. After overwintering, in mid-May, the adults aggregated on the grain parts of Imperata cylindrica, laid their eggs and nymphs developed into adults on the same host plants. By the time, the Calamagrostis epigeios colony had newly occupied I. cylindrica areas, the nymphs and adults of first generation had already moved to the second host. The second generation of P. exiguus, after having completed its life cycle on C. epigeios, the newly emerged adults migrated to the rice plants and other gramineae weeds in early August. Afterwards, they complete its third generation cycle where they can move to the overwintering site again. P. exiguus has the five nymphal stages and each nymphal stage could be determined by head or prothoracic width. On the I. cylindrica and O. sativa hosts, the age distribution of P. exiguus showed a simple structure as each stage ratio increased stepwise with time. But in case of C. epigeios, as the newly emerged adults and immature nymphs continuously migrate after a month from the I. cylindrica, the age structure became remarkably complex. The peak nymphal density was observed when the ratio of third and forth instar was the highest in the population. The finding about the specific age structure on each generation of the insect would be very useful in control decision making on the major host plants. It is also important to consider the host's specificity to pesticide sensitivity in relation to various nymphal stages.

A Study on the Incontinence Panty Pattern by Torso Type Using 3D Simulation (3차원 시뮬레이션을 활용한 몸통 유형별 요실금 팬티 패턴 연구)

  • Cha, Su-Joung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.329-330
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 3차원 시뮬레이션 프로그램을 활용하여 40대, 50대, 60대 여성의 하반신 몸통 관련 부위 유형에 따라 요실금 팬티 패턴을 제작하여 하반신 몸통 유형별 요실금 팬티 패턴을 비교·분석하고자 하였다. 유형 1의 패턴은 가장 길이가 길고 폭은 두 번째로 넓은 형태를 나타냈고, 유형 2는 길이가 가장 짧고 좁은 형태를 나타냈다. 유형 3은 길이가 가장 짧고 폭은 가장 넓은 형태를 나타냈으며, 유형 4는 가장 폭이 좁고 길이가 두 번째로 긴 형태를 나타냈다. 가상착의에 대한 평가결과, 유형 2가 앞면, 옆면, 뒷면 모두에서 가장 우수한 것으로 평가되었다. 유형 3은 허리와 복부, 엉덩이와 넙다리둘레가 가장 크고, 하반신이 짧은 비만 체형으로 다른 체형과 같은 방식으로 패턴을 제작하였을 시 다리둘레와 엉덩이부위의 감싸는 분량이 부족한 것으로 평가되었다.

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Morphological and Morphophysiological Dormancy in Seeds of Two Genera (Heloniopsis and Thalictrum) Native to Korea (자생 관상용 Heloniopsis와 Thalictrum속 종자의 형태적 및 형태생리적 휴면)

  • Lee, Seung Youn;Rhie, Yong Ha;Jung, Hyun Hwan;Kim, Ki Sun
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.310-317
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to find basic information for the research of morphological dormancy in seeds of two genera (Heloniopsis and Thalictrum) native to Korea. Seeds of Heloniopsis koreana, Heloniopsis tubiflora, Thalictrum rochenbrunianum, Thalictrum uchiyamai, and Thalictrum coreanum were collected, and embryo morphology and seed germination were investigated. All seeds of five species had underdeveloped embryos which occupied about 10-20% of the full seed length at maturity. The seeds of H. koreana and H. tubiflora had rudimentary embryos. The seeds of T. rochenbrunianum, T. uchiyamai, and T. coreanum had intermediate type between rudimentary and linear embryo. The small embryos of all seeds of five species grew to a critical length before radicles emerge from the seeds. At 30 days after sowing, the seeds of H. koreana and H. tubiflora germinated to 22.7% and 40.7%, respectively. On the other hand, the seeds of T. rochenbrunianum, T. uchiyamai, and T. coreanum germinated to 12.5%, 3.3%, and 0%, respectively. If embryo growth and germination in seeds are completed in approximately 30 days, the seed are said to have morphological dormancy (MD). However, if the seeds require > 30 days for germination, they are considered to have morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Thus, the seeds of H. koreana and H. tubiflora had about 78% and 60% MPD, respectively. On the other hand, the seeds of T. rochenbrunianum, T. uchiyamai, amd T. coreanum had about 87%, 96%, and 100% MPD, respectively. There was a different level of dormancy (MD and MPD) within the same seed population examined. Therefore, germination of the seeds was delayed due to the underdeveloped embryos. This result could contribute to determine morphological seed dormancy and germination mechanism in seeds of the Korean Peninsula.

Anti-oxidative and Anti-cancer Activities by Cell Cycle Regulation of Salsola collina Extract (솔장다리 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 세포주기조절에 의한 항암 활성 분석)

  • Oh, You Na;Jin, Soojung;Park, Hyun-Jin;Kwon, Hyun Ju;Kim, Byung Woo
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2014
  • Salsola collina, also known as Russian thistle, is widely distributed in and around waste facilities, roadsides, and drought and semi-drought areas, and is used as a traditional folk remedy in Chinese medicine for the treatment of hypertension. In this study, we have evaluated the anti-oxidative and anti-cancer activities of the ethanol extract of S. collina Pall. (EESC), and the molecular mechanisms of its anti-cancer effects on human colon carcinoma HT29 cells. EESC exhibited anti-oxidative activity through DPPH radical scavenging capacity and showed cytotoxic activity in a dose-dependent manner in HT29 cells. After EESC treatment, HT29 cells altered their morphology, becoming smaller and irregular in shape. EESC also induced cell accumulation in the G2/M phase in a dose-dependent manner, accompanied by a decrease of cell population in the G1 phase. The G2/M arrest by EESC was associated with the increased expression of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p21 and Wee1 kinase, which phosphorylates, or inactivates, Cdc2. EESC treatment induced the phosphorylation of Cdc2 and Cdc25C, and inhibited cyclin A and Cdc25C protein expression. In addition, S arrest was induced by the highest concentration of EESC treatment, associated with a decrease of cyclin A and Cdk2 expression. These findings suggest that EESC may possess remarkable anti-oxidative activity and exert an anti-cancer effect in HT29 cells by cell cycle regulation.

수입 닭고기와 국내산 닭고기의 육색 특성

  • Yu, Yeong-Mo;Chae, Hyeon-Seok;Park, Beom-Yeong;Jo, Su-Hyeon;An, Jong-Nam;Kim, Dong-Hun;Lee, Jong-Mun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2004
  • 매년 수입닭고기 국내 유통량의 증가에 따른 국내산과 수입산의 외형적인 색도 차이를 분석하고자 국내산 신선육과 국내산 냉동 닭고기, 수입산 냉동 닭고기의 뼈 및 근육 가죽의 색도 차이를 분석하였다. 국내산의 신선닭다리 뼈의 명도 L 값은 56.04로 밝은 반면 냉동상태인 수입닭 뼈는 40.34 및 국내산 냉동은 38.58로서 명도값이 떨어졌다(P<0.05). 적색도 a 값도 국내산 신선닭의 2.81로서 월등히 낮은 값을 보였다(p<0.05). 수입 닭고기 다리뼈의 단면 색은, 국내산 냉동 뼈의 명도값이 37.50으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 신선 닭고기와과 미국산 냉동육 뼈 단면의 명도 값은 낮게 나타났다(P<0.05). 적색도 a 값은과 황색도 b 값에서도 차이를 보이지 않았다. 닭다리 근육의 명도값은 국내산과 수입육간에 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 적색도 a 값은 국내산 신선육이 6.99로서 수입 냉동육 9.72 및 국내산 냉동 11.31 보다 훨씬 낮게 나타났다(P<0.05). 황색도 b 값에서도 국내산 신선육이 12.76으로 낮았다. 수입 닭고기는 일반적으로 냉동상태로 수입 및 유통되기 때문에 장시간 냉동에 의해 약간 검붉은 빛깔을 띠며, 광택이 없지만, 국내산 닭고기는 신선냉장상태로 유통되기 때문에 육색이 밝고 광택이 있어 보인다. 특히, 수입 닭고기 중 미국산 다리부위는 정육이 아닌 주로 뼈가 포함된 닭다리 형태로 비닐말이에 종이박스로 포장되어 수입되는 실정으로 장기간 냉동으로 건조가 될 뿐만 아니라 냉동과정 중, 뼈속에 잔류하는 혈액성분이 남아있어 일반적으로 수입닭고기는 검붉게 보이는 특성이 있다. 이러한 뼈와 근육 및 가죽에 의한 색도의 차이에 따른 특성으로 국내산과 수입산의 외형상의 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다.rhamnose의 생합성 과정을 예상할 수 있었다.되어 있는 양 정도의 콜레스테롤을 추가적으로 보상시킬 수 있다고 하는데, 이는 달걀 이외의 음식물에서도 섭취되는 콜레스테롤 양을 감안할 때 하루 총 1,000~1,500mg에 해당하는 양이다. 뿐만 아니라 이중 일부 사람들은 일반적인 식단 하에서 6개의 달걀을 추가하여 섭취하여도 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 높아지지 않는다고 한다. 여러 나라에서 아직도 일률적으로 권장되는, 음식물을 통한 일당 콜레스테롤 섭취량을 최고 300mg으로 제한해야 한다는 것은 건강인에 있어서는 앞에서 언급한 바와 같은 생리적인 피이드-백 기작으로 말미암아 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준을 저하시키지 못하거나 미미한 정도에 불과하다. 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 정상적인 범위인 180~240 mg/dl에 해당하는 대부분의 건강인에게도 콜레스테롤이 많이 함유된 달걀이나 기타 축산물을 이용한 식품의 지속적인 섭취를 적극 피하도록 권장하는 것은 국민보건상 별로 큰 위미가 없다고 생각한다. 왜냐하면 이로 말미암아 국민 건강상 문제점이 크게 향상되었다는 연구보고는 아직 발견되지 않고 있기 때문이다. 더욱이 동물성 콜레스테롤 다량 함유식품인 달걀, 우유, 유제품 및 육류 등의 섭취를 꺼리게 되면 이들 식품들이 영양생리학상 매우 중요한 양질의 영양소를 많이 함유하고 있기 때문에 여러 중요한 필수 영양소의 공급상태를 뚜렷히 감소시키게 된다. 병적으로 혈중 콜레스테롤의 수준이 높은 사람은 관상성 심장병의 발병 내지는 심장경색에 의한 사망에 대한 통계학적 위험성이 증가된다. 고콜레스테롤 혈증(청, 중년층의 경우 260mg /dl 이상) 환자중 많은 사람들은 대부분 음식물을 통한 다량의 콜레스테롤 섭취에 의해 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 높아진 것이 아니고

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Damage Reduction Effect and Attracted Distance by Aggregation Pheromone Trap of the Bean Bug, Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius), (Hemiptera: Alydidae) in Soybean Fields (콩 포장에서 집합페로몬 트랩을 이용한 톱다리개미허리노린재 (Riptortus pedestris) 유인거리 및 피해 경감 효과)

  • Park, Chang Gyu;Yum, Ki Hong;Jung, Jin Kyo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2012
  • The lure-distance of Riptortus pedestris aggregation pheromone was elucidated and the damage mitigation effect by mass trapping of R. pedestris was examined in commercial soybean fields. The recaptured ratio showed that 76.1% of total recaptured individuals were lured within 40 m and 89.0% of total recaptured adults were arrested in the lower 80 m. There is not much difference in the number of recaptured individuals according to the location of installed traps in the experiment. There was linear correlation between the total installed number of traps and the total number of trapped individuals in commercial soybean fields. and the highest yield (261.8 g/10 stems) was investigated in the field that had installed a pheromone trap per $770m^2$. No relationship wasf found between the covered areas of a pheromone trap for mass trapping and yield loss. The ratio of type A seed (healthy) was higher in the field that installed a trap per $385m^2$ and $770m^2$ (around 62%) and type B seed (showing distinct injury marks) was lower in the same fields (around 27%). From this result, we could reduce slightly the damage of soybean seeds by the mass trapping of Riptortus pedestris adults with an aggregation pheromone trap per $385{\sim}770m^2$ area range.

Pleuronichthys sp. Fossils (Pleuronectidae) from the Duho Formation, Pohang Uhyeon-dong in Korea (포항시 우현동 두호층에서 산출된 Pleuronichthys sp. 화석)

  • Ko, Ju-Yeong;Nam, Kye-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2016
  • Two specimens of the Cenozoic fish fossils were discovered from the Miocene Duho Formation of Uhyeon-dong, Pohang, Korea. These fossils are identified as Pleuronichthys sp. based on the following- firstly, front dorsal fin rays elongated to the upper part of neurocranium, Secondly, right sided orbit of neurocranium, Thirdly, presence of urohyal like fish-hook, Fourthly, curved sciatic part of the urohyal, Fifthly, presence of postcleithrum, Sixthly, over 27 centrum, Seventhly, elongated first pterygiophore of the anal fin rays, Eightly, c-shaped inner side of urohyal, Ninthly, small or few cardiac apophysis, and Tenthly, presence of many spots on body. These fossils of Pleuronichthys represent the first record in East-Asia. Two specimens are anatomically different in the extent of the asymmetry and the flatness of skull. This represents the unique ontogeny stage of the Pleuronectidae, because they accompany the above anatomical difference when they transform from pelagic lifestyle to benthic lifestyle.

A Study on Task Planning and Design of Modular Quadruped Robot with Docking Capability (결합 가능한 모듈형 4족 로봇의 설계 및 작업 계획에 대한 연구)

  • Sun, Eun-Hey;Kim, Yong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2016
  • There are many researches to develop robots that improve its mobility and task planning to adapt in various uneven environments. In this paper, we propose the design method and task planning of quadruped robot which can have top-bottom docking structure. The proposed quadruped robot is designed to adjust leg length using linear actuators and perform top-bottom docking and undocking using octagonal cone shaped docking module. Also, to stable walking and information gathering in the various environments, a geomagnetic sensor, PSD sensor, LRF sensor and camera. We propose an obstacle avoidance method and the topbottom docking algorithm of the two quadruped robots using linear actuator. The robot can overcome obstacles using adjusting leg length and activate the top-bottom docking function. The top-bottom docking robots of two quadruped robot can walk 4 legged walking and 6 legged walking, and use 4 arms or 2 arms the upper. We verified that the docking robots can carry objects using 4 leg of the upper robot.

Legged Robot Trajectory Generation using Evolved Fuzzy Machine for IoT Environments (IoT 환경을 위한 진화된 퍼지머신을 이용한 로봇의 궤적생성)

  • Kim, Dong Won
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2020
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) era, in which all items used in daily life are equipped with a network connection function, and they are closely linked to increase the convenience of life and work, has opened wide. Robots also need to develop according to the IoT environment. A use of new type of evolved fuzzy machine (EFM) for generating legged robot trajectory in IoT enviornmentms is discussed in this paper. Fuzzy system has been widely used for describing nonlinear systems. In fuzzy system, determination of antecedent and consequent structures of fuzzy model has been one of the most important problems. EFM is described which carries out evolving antecedent and consequent structure of fuzzy system for legged robot. To generate the robot trajectory, parameters of each structure in the fuzzy system are tuned automatically by the EFM. The results demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach for the legged robot.