• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다공성 사암

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A Suggested Method for Predicting Permeability of Porous Sandstone Using Porosity and Drying Rate (공극률과 건조율을 이용한 다공질 사암의 투과도 추정방법 제안)

  • Ko, Eunji;Kim, Jinhoo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2014
  • As the permeability is an important parameter to characterize the ease with which a porous medium transmits fluids, it is usually obtained by fluid flow experiment using core samples. In order to measure the permeability, however, an experimental apparatus is required and it might take long measurement time, especially for tight samples. In this study, the relationship between permeability and porosity as well as drying rate has been investigated to predict the permeability without a series of measuring experiments. Porosity is measured by drying monitoring method, which measures weight variation continuously while drying surface-dried saturated sample, and drying rate is obtained from weight variation ratio with respect to the water saturation. The total of 6 Berea sandstone samples, which have a permeability range of 70 to 670 mD, were used in this work, and a new and empirical equation which could predict permeability of porous sandstone by using porosity and drying rate were obtained through regression analysis.

Laboratory study of $CO_2$ migration in water-saturated anisotropic sandstone, based on P-wave velocity imaging (P-파 속도 영상화에 근거한 물로 포화된 이방성 사암에서의 $CO_2$ 이동에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Xue, Ziqiu;Lei, Xinglin
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2006
  • We measured the changes in P-wave velocity that occur when injecting $CO_2$ in gaseous, liquid, and supercritical phases into water-saturated anisotropic sandstones. P-wave velocities were measured in two cylindrical samples of Tako Sandstone, drilled along directions normal and parallel to the bedding plane, using a piezo-electric transducer array system. The velocity changes caused by $CO_2$ injection are typically -6% on average, with maximum values about -16% for the case of supercritical $CO_2$ injection. P-wave velocity tomograms obtained by the differential arrival-time method clearly show that $CO_2$ migration behaviour is more complex when $CO_2$ flows normal to the bedding plane than when it flows parallel to bedding. We also found that the differences in P-wave velocity images were associated both with the $CO_2$ phases and with heterogeneity of pore distribution in the rocks. Seismic images showed that the highest velocity reduction occurred for supercritical $CO_2$ injection, compared with gaseous or liquid $CO_$ injection. This result may justify the use of the seismic method for $CO_2$ monitoring in geological sequestration.

3-Dimensional ${\mu}m$-Scale Pore Structures of Porous Earth Materials: NMR Micro-imaging Study (지구물질의 마이크로미터 단위의 삼차원 공극 구조 규명: 핵자기공명 현미영상 연구)

  • Lee, Bum-Han;Lee, Sung-Keun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2009
  • We explore the effect of particle shape and size on 3-dimensional (3D) network and pore structure of porous earth materials composed of glass beads and silica gel using NMR micro-imaging in order to gain better insights into relationship between structure and the corresponding hydrologic and seismological properties. The 3D micro-imaging data for the model porous networks show that the specific surface area, porosity, and permeability range from 2.5 to $9.6\;mm^2/mm^3$, from 0.21 to 0.38, and from 11.6 to 892.3 D (Darcy), respectively, which are typical values for unconsolidated sands. The relationships among specific surface area, porosity, and permeability of the porous media are relatively well explained with the Kozeny equation. Cube counting fractal dimension analysis shows that fractal dimension increases from ~2.5-2.6 to 3.0 with increasing specific surface area from 2.5 to $9.6\;mm^2/mm^3$, with the data also suggesting the effect of porosity. Specific surface area, porosity, permeability, and cube counting fractal dimension for the natural mongolian sandstone are $0.33\;mm^2/mm^3$, 0.017, 30.9 mD, and 1.59, respectively. The current results highlight that NMR micro-imaging, together with detailed statistical analyses can be useful to characterize 3D pore structures of various porous earth materials and be potentially effective in accounting for transport properties and seismic wave velocity and attenuation of diverse porous media in earth crust and interiors.

Weathering of Rock Specimens Exposed to Recurrent Freezing and Thawing Cycles (동결-융해 풍화에 의한 암석 물성 변화 양상과 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Sung-Hoon;Song, Jae-Joon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.276-283
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    • 2012
  • Changes in rock properties due to freezing and thawing cycles ranging from $-20^{\circ}C$ to $10^{\circ}C$ were checked for the typical Korean rocks: granite (weathered), limestone, sandstone, tuff, shale and basalt. The porosity, seismic velocity, shore hardness and specific gravity were measured every 10 cycles for each type of rock up to 40 cycles. The specific gravity was rarely changed. Granite (w), shale and basalt decreased gradually in their shore hardness and seismic velocity values, these values for limestone, sandstone and tuff changed only a very little. The porosity increased in the granite (w), shale and basalt, whereas in the others it did not change. Due to the low tensile strength with high porosity, granite (w), shale and basalt were susceptible to the F-T cycles. A linear regression equation was calculated based on the experiment results according to properties and types of rock. The relationship between the freeze-thaw sensitivity (=initial porosity/initial tensile strength) and the coefficients of the regression equation was examined. With additional experimental data, the coefficients of the regression equation can be estimated using the F-T sensitivity. This makes it possible to predict the properties of rock as affected by freeze-thaw weathering by only measuring the initial properties without knowledge of the regression equation coefficients for each type of rock.

Estimation of $CO_2$ saturation from time-lapse $CO_2$ well logging in an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan (일본 Nagaoka 육상 대수층에서 시간차 $CO_2$ 물리검층으로부터 $CO_2$ 포화도의 추정)

  • Xue, Ziqiu;Tanase, Daiji;Watanabe, Jiro
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2006
  • The first Japanese pilot-scale $CO_2$ sequestration project has been undertaken in an onshore saline aquifer, near Nagaoka in Niigata prefecture, and time-lapse well logs were carried out in observation wells to detect the arrival of injected $CO_2$ and to evaluate $CO_2$ saturation in the reservoir. $CO_2$ was injected into a thin permeable zone at the depth of 1110m at a rate of 20-40 tonnes per day. The total amount of injected $CO_2$ was 10400 tonnes, during the injection period from July 2003 to January 2005. The pilot-scale demonstration allowed an improved understanding of the $CO_2$ movement in a porous sandstone reservoir, by conducting time-lapse geophysical well logs at three observation wells. Comparison between neutron well logging before and after the insertion of fibreglass casing in observation well OB-2 showed good agreement within the target formation, and the higher concentration of shale volume in the reservoir results in a bigger difference between the two well logging results. $CO_2$ breakthrough was identified by induction, sonic, and neutron logs. By sonic logging, we confirmed P-wave velocity reduction that agreed fairly well with a laboratory measurement on drilled core samples from the Nagaoka site. We successfully matched the history changes of sonic P-wave velocity and estimated $CO_2$ saturation a(ter breakthrough in two observation wells out of three. The sonic-velocity history matching result suggested that the sweep efficiency was about 40%. Small effects of $CO_2$ saturation on resistivity resulted in small changes in induction logs when the reservoir was partially saturated. We also found that $CO_2$ saturation in the $CO_2$-bearing zone responded to suspension of $CO_2$ injection.