• Title/Summary/Keyword: 뇌졸중의 예방

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Predictors of Persistence and Adherence with Secondary Preventive Medication in Stroke Patients (지역사회 뇌졸중 환자들의 이차 예방을 위한 치료 지속률과 약물 순응도 관련 요인)

  • Kim, Young Taek;Park, Ki Soo;Bae, Sang-Geun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study aimed to explore the persistence and adherence to secondary preventive medication of stroke patients after discharge and to assess the reasons for persistence and nonadherence. Methods: Four hundred twenty-nine patients with stroke were surveyed to determine their behaviors from discharge. Reasons for stopping medications were ascertained. Persistence was defined as continuation of all secondary preventive medications prescribed at hospital discharge, and adherence as continuation of prescribed medications according to health care provider instructions. Results: Of the 429 patients, 86.5% were treatment persistent and 41.2%(non-intentional nonadherence=39.4%, intentional nonadherence=19.4%) were adherent. Independent predictors of persistence included having experience about health education. Independent predictors of non-intentional nonadherence were modified Rankin Scale(mRS) (Exp(B)=2.858, p=0.001) and health education experience (Exp(B)=0.472, p=0.032), and independent predictors of intentional nonadherence were mRS (Exp(B)=2.533, p=0.006), depressive symptoms (Exp(B)=1.113, p=0.016), beliefs about medications questionnaire(necessity, Exp(B)=0.879, p=0.011, concern, Exp(B)=1.098, p=0.019). Conclusions: Although up to one-ninth of stroke patients continued secondary prevention medications, nonadherence is common. Several potentially modifiable patient, provider, and system-level factors associated with persistence and adherence may be targets for future interventions. Specially, interventions to improve adherence should target patients' beliefs about their medication.

Risk Factors Influencing Stroke : using data from the 7th(2016-2018) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (뇌졸중에 영향을 미치는 위험요인 : 국민건강영양조사 제7기(2016-2018) 자료를 활용하여)

  • Chung, Myung Sill;Seomun, GyeongAe
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the risk factors influencing stroke. The research method was used two-stage stratified cluster sampling using data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey (2016-2018). This study subjects performed a complex sample logistic regression analysis on adults aged 19 or older. Risk factors affecting stroke were shown as follows: in age groups, odds ratio were conformed when people are in their 70s, the rate is 8.861 times higher; when they are in their subjective health conditions, the odds ratio are 4.501 times higher in the bad groups; odds ratio was 3.158 times higher in the group diagnosed with hypertension and 1.598 times higher in the group diagnosed with diabetes. The result of this study found that chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes and the management of senior citizens are important because stroke is dangerous and can be managed through prevention.

연간 특별기획-제1편 당뇨병

    • 건강소식
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    • v.32 no.2 s.351
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    • pp.4-11
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    • 2008
  • 서울의대.울산의대.고려의대 예방의학교실 연구팀이 대한민국 인구의 약 2.5%인 120만명을 무작위로 추출해 2002년부터 5년간 추적조사를 토대로 발표한 <한국인의 질병부담보고서(2005)>에 의하면 질병부담 1순위가 당뇨병인 것으로 나타났다. 이어 뇌졸중, 천식, 위.십이지장 궤양, 심근경색증, 간경화.류머티스 관절염, 우울증, 간암, 위암, 폐암, 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환 순으로 질병부담이 높은 것으로 측정되었다. 질병부담이란 질병에 걸릴 뿐 아니라 해당 질병으로 인한 질병 후유증과 장애까지 포함하는 광범위한 개념이다. 이에 2008년에는 <건강 소식> 연간 특별기획으로‘한국인의 10대 질병부담, 그 예방과 극복’이라는 주제를 선정,한국인의 질병부담이 높은 10가지 질환에 대한 기초적인 지식과 실생활에 활용할 수 있는 예방과 관리, 극복방법등의 정보를 독자들에게 전하고자 한다

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Association between intakes of minerals (potassium, magnesium, and calcium) and diet quality and risk of cerebral atherosclerosis in ischemic stroke patients (뇌졸중 환자들의 무기질 (칼륨, 마그네슘, 칼슘) 섭취와 식사의 질 및 대뇌 죽상경화증과의 상관성 연구)

  • Son, Jihyun;Choe, Han-Saem;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Song, Tae-Jin;Chang, Yoonkyung;Kim, Yong-Jae;Kim, Yuri
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the association between intakes of potassium, magnesium, and calcium and diet quality in ischemic stroke patients. Methods: This study analyzed data from 285 subjects recruited from February 2011 to August 2014 in Seoul, Korea. Nutrition intakes were obtained from a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire composed of 111 food items. The subjects were divided into 4 groups by quartiles according to intakes of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR), and DQI-International (DQI-I) were analyzed for assessment of diet quality. Results: We found a positive association of intakes of these three minerals with MAR and DQI-I after adjustment for age, sex, education level, smoking, atrial fibrillation, and total energy intake. However, total moderation of DQI-I score in the Q4 group was significantly lower than that of the Q1 group. The age, sex, education level, and smoking, atrial fibrillation, and total energy intake-adjusted odds ratios of extensive cerebral atherosclerosis were inversely associated with intake of magnesium (Ptrend = 0.0204). However, this association did not exist with intakes of potassium and calcium. Conclusion: Potassium, magnesium, and calcium rich and high quality diet could be associated with decreased risk of ischemic stroke, in part, via effect on extensive cerebral atherosclerosis.

A Neurobehavioral Performance Assessment in Lacunar Infarction Case-control Study (열공성 뇌경색 환자-대조군에서 신경행동검사의 수행 평가)

  • Kim, Ham-Gyum;Park, Sue-Kyung;Lee, Kun-Sei;Kim, Hyeoug-Su;Kim, Wha-Sun;Chang, Soung-Hoon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : We carried out tests for neurobehavior by using WHO-NCTB (neurobehavioral core test battery) and Perdue pegboard score test to identify differences between lacunar infarction cases and controls. Methods : Among the subjects who underwent MRI between February 2001 and March 2002 in a university hospital located in Seoul and who were diagnosed only as lacunar infarction without any intracranial disease, 46 patients were selected as cases (male: 21, female: 25). Controls were selected who had no cerebrovascular disease on MRI by matching age (5 years), gender, and education (2 years) in a ratio of 1:1 , Among WHO-NCTB, the following 5 tests and Perdue pegboard score test were used to categorize the study subjects: digit and symbol matching, simple reaction time, Benton visual retention, digit span, and Pursuit aiming test, Results : Among the above 6 tests of neurobehavior, lacunar infarction cases showed lower score than controls except for the simple reaction time test. As the controlling variables of multivariate analysis in the stepwise regression analysis, the followings were selected due to their significant association: age, education, BMI, gender, drinking, exercise, add systolic blood pressure. From multivariate regression analysis, there was significant difference (p<0.05) between lacunar infarction cases and controls in digit and symbol matching, Benton visual retention, digit span, pursuit aiming, and Perdue pegboard score test, but not in the score of simple reaction time test. Conclusions : We suggest that the above 5 tests for neurobehavior, with the exception of the simple reaction time test, might be used as the basis for recommendation of further treatment and other neurological tests by the earlier defection for neurological abnormality in lacunar infarction.

The Effect of Physical and Psychological, and Social factors on Health Promotion Behavior among the stroke patients (뇌졸중환자의 신체적, 정신적, 사회적 요인이 건강증진행위에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.8525-8534
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate relations among the Health Promotion Behavior, Physically, Psychological, and Social factors of the stroke patients. The subjects include the patients that were Stroke was diagnosed and being admitted to hospital. The data of total 223 stroke patients were used in analysis. Collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and Structural Equation Analysis. As a result, The higher medical support health promotion behavior scores were higher. Health Promotion Behavior had correlations with the subjective health state(r=.56, p=.000), family support (r=.68, p=.000), medical support(r=.65, p=.000), Fatigue(r=.27, p=.004), and behavioral intentions(r=.75, p=.000). Factors Affecting Health Promotion Behaviors of the Stroke patients Physically factors of(${\beta}$=-.156, p=.014), Psychological factors of subjective health(${\beta}$ =.283, p=.001), behavioral intentions((${\beta}$=.362, p=.000), Social factors such as family support(${\beta}$=.219, p=.010), the medical support(${\beta}$=.246, p=.004) was found to be significant influence factors. In conclusion, health promotion behavior in stroke patients is subjective health, behavioral intentions, a family support. The higher medical support health promoting behavior appears score was found to be highly Psychological factors and social factors are important factors in promoting healthy behavior. Therefore, psychosocial personalized approach to maintaining the stroke health promotion, health promotion action program itdaneunde be used as basis for relapse prevention is significant.

Presence and characteristics of dysphagia in stroke patients without awareness of dysphagia (연하장애에 대한 병식이 없는 뇌졸중 환자들의 연하장애 유무와 양상)

  • Shin, Joong-Il;Kam, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed to examine the presence of dysphagia and analyze characteristics of the symptoms in cerebrovascular accident(CVA) patients without awareness of dysphagia. A questionnaire for this study was given to CVA patients who had visited P rehabilitation medical center in Busan. Eleven patients (4 males and 7 females) who answered no awareness of dysphasia were given to VFSS, functional dysphasia scale, and NCSE. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analysis were performed by SPSS 12.0. All of subjects without awareness of dysphasia showed characteristics of dysphasia symptoms. Prominent dysfunctions were problems in oral phase and delay of swallowing reflex in pharyngeal phase. For the aspect of cognition, they showed lower score in construction, memory, and similarity than other NCSE items. There was highly significant correlation between orientation, judgment and delay of swallowing reflex. Verbal comprehension and residual materials in oral cavity showed closed correlation. CVA patients without awareness had dysphagia with high probability. The early evaluation of dysphagia should be performed in CVA patients in order to prevent complications due to CVA, so it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy.

Experiences of Stroke Patients With Combined Treatment of Self-selected Oriental and Western Medicine (뇌졸중 환자의 자가 선택에 의한 한·양방 병행 치료 경험)

  • Han, Jin-Sook;Kim, Yang-Sin;Moon, Young-Sook;Han, Su-Jeong;Park, In-Sook;Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Ae-Ran
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2014
  • This research was done to determine and analyze a qualitative on the essential structure of the experiences of stroke patients with combined treatment of oriental and western medicine. Methods: Participants in this study were targeting 25 stroke patients who live mostly in D city and received the combined treatment of oriental and western medicine, but received oriental medicine treatments based on their own wills. Data were collected and recorded through in-depth interviews. Data analysis was conducted by Colaizzi's phenomenological method. Results: As a result, their acculturation were classified into 21 clusters of theme and 6 categories. Selected 6 categories as follows. 'being severely shocked from sudden attack', 'being depressed with rehabilitation', 'western therapy was more effective in emergency situations', 'having limitations in western therapy', 'selecting oriental therapy for themselves', 'discovering the meaning of rehabilitation in oriental therapy'. Conclusion: Based on these necessary data for systematic oriental rehabilitation development.

Preferences of Stroke Patients for Kitchen Environment in Residential Space (주거공간의 부엌 환경 특성에 대한 뇌졸중 환자의 선호)

  • Baek, Da-Rae;Jung, Yeon-Jin;Kang, Suk-Gu;Kim, Hee-Jung;Lee, Chun-Yeop
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the preferences of kitchen environment for stroke patients. Methods : The subjects of this study were 97 who have experience in rehabilitation therapy at hospitals in Busan. A questionnaire was distributed and collected from February 24th to March 13th, 2014. Descriptive statistics of frequency Study were used to analyze data. Results : First, the subjects demand for improvement that use a chair for work and install non-slip tiles. Second, they preferred the non-slip mat, boilers in heating equipment, drawer storage, L-shaped safety handle, adjustable sink of the height, automatic cutout of gas leak, faucet of touch-sensitive type, ㄷ-shaped kitchen and the ceiling-type hood in ventilation system. Third, they need kitchen items such as the sink self coming down, scissors for slices and knife to avoid hand injury. Conclusion : This study would contribute to kitchen environment for fall prevention and ease in use.

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A Study on the Relationship between Body Function and Prelusive Movement to Falls to Promote Wellness in Chronic Stroke Patients (만성뇌졸중 환자의 웰니스 증진을 위한 신체기능과 낙성전조동작의 관련성 연구)

  • Park, Chang-Sik;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of a participatory rehabilitation program on sit-rise and rise-to-walk test performances, and perception and motor skills in adults with medically vulnerable individuals and, adults with developmental disabilities in particular. Seventeen adults with developmental disabilities participated in a participatory rehabilitation program using resistance bands and exercise balls, for 60 minutes once weekly over 13 weeks. Their performances were measured before and immediately after the intervention, and 12 weeks after. The findings were as follows. In the sit-rise test, the number of times rising from sitting posture increased after the intervention versus before, but the difference was not statistically significant. In the rise-to-walk test, the performance showed statistically significant difference over time, and the post-hoc test showed a significant effect after the intervention versus before. There was no significant difference in perception and motor skills. In sum, the participatory rehabilitation program positively influenced dynamic balancing related to functional activities but had no significant effect on perception and motor skills, which is related to motor control and motor learning. It is suggested that to increase the participation in community activities, reduce fall risk, and improve dynamic balancing abilities in adults with developmental disabilities, participatory rehabilitation programs should be utilized to promote the physical wellbeing.