• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노이즈 검출

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A Study on the Improvement of Color Detection Performance of Unmanned Salt Collection Vehicles Using an Image Processing Algorithm (이미지 처리 알고리즘을 이용한 무인 천일염 포집장치의 색상 검출 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Deok;Ahn, Byong-Won;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1054-1062
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    • 2022
  • The population of Korea's solar salt-producing regions is rapidly aging, resulting in a decrease in the number of productive workers. In solar salt production, salt collection is the most labor-intensive operation because existing salt collection vehicles require human operators. Therefore, we intend to develop an unmanned solar salt collection vehicle to reduce manpower requirements. The unmanned solar salt collection vehicle is designed to identify the salt collection status and location in the salt plate via color detection, the color detection performance is a crucial consideration. Therefore, an image processing algorithm was developed to improve color detection performance. The algorithm generates an around-view image by using resizing, rotation, and perspective transformation of the input image, set the RoI to transform only the corresponding area to the HSV color model, and detects the color area through an AND operation. The detected color area was expanded and noise removed using morphological operations, and the area of the detection region was calculated using contour and image moment. The calculated area is compared with the set area to determine the location case of the collection vehicle within the salt plate. The performance was evaluated by comparing the calculated area of the final detected color to which the algorithm was applied and the area of the detected color in each step of the algorithm. It was confirmed that the color detection performance is improved by at least 25-99% for salt detection, at least 44-68% for red color, and an average of 7% for blue and an average of 15% for green. The proposed approach is well-suited to the operation of unmanned solar salt collection vehicles.

Robust Skyline Extraction Algorithm For Mountainous Images (산악 영상에서의 지평선 검출 알고리즘)

  • Yang, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2010
  • Skyline extraction in mountainous images which has been used for navigation of vehicles or micro unmanned air vehicles is very hard to implement because of the complexity of skyline shapes, occlusions by environments, dfficulties to detect precise edges and noises in an image. In spite of these difficulties, skyline extraction is avery important theme that can be applied to the various fields of unmanned vehicles applications. In this paper, we developed a robust skyline extraction algorithm using two-scale canny edge images, topological information and location of the skyline in an image. Two-scale canny edge images are composed of High Scale Canny edge image that satisfies good localization criterion and Low Scale Canny edge image that satisfies good detection criterion. By applying each image to the proper steps of the algorithm, we could obtain good performance to extract skyline in images under complex environments. The performance of the proposed algorithm is proved by experimental results using various images and compared with an existing method.

Detection Technique and Device of Series Arcing Phenomena (직렬아크현상의 검출기술 및 장치)

  • Ji, Hong-Keun;Jung, Kwang-Suk;Park, Dae-Won;Kil, Gyung-Suk;Seo, Dong-Hoan;Rhyu, Keel-Soo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.332-338
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    • 2010
  • Annually, electrical fires caused by arcing phenomena in power system rapidly increase as the use of more electric appliances, but there is no established method for the prevention of the accidents. With this background, this paper dealt with the experimental results on a series arc detection technique and a device for air conditioners. Series arcing phenomena that is generated in incomplete connection of air conditioners was simulated, and the frequency spectrum was analyzed. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the arc pulse showed that the dominant frequency components exist in ranges of 190 kHz~250 kHz and 900 kHz~1.6 MHz. An arc detection circuit with low cut off frequency of 170 kHz to attenuate 60 Hz by 170 dB and a signal discriminator were designed. Also, an algorithm which separate series arc signal from unwanted noises produced by switching operation, inverter, and surge was proposed. Application experiment was carried out on several types of air-conditioners by using the arc generator specified in UL1699, and the results showed the over 99 % accuracy.

Characteristic Evaluation of Mercury lodide Film for Fluoroscopy Application (Fluoroscopy 적용을 위한 Mercuric lodide film 특성 평가)

  • Kang, Sang-Sik;Park, Ji-Koon;Cho, Sung-Hoo;Yoon, Kyoung-Jun;Kang, Hyun-Gyu;Nam, Sang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.494-497
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구는 방사선 영상센서 적용을 위한 $HgI_2$ 필름의 특성 평가에 관한 것으로서 X-선 조사조건별 인가전압에 따른 검출신호 특성을 조사하였다. 기존의 $HgI_2$ 검출기의 경우 신호량이 크다는 장점이 있으나 노이즈의 양이 크다. 이에 대한 해결책으로 보호층을 삽입하나 이 경우 X-선 조사에 따른 시간 응답 특성이 있어서 전하트랩현상(tailing effect)에 의한 영향이 크게 존재하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하고자 보호층으로써 a-Se 을 삽입하여 기존의 $HgI_2$ 검출기에서 사용되어지는 parlyene이 삽입된 검출기와 전기적 특성을 측정, 비교해보고자 한다. 제작방식으로는 대면적 제작이 용이한 스크린 프린팅 방식을 이용하여 두께 $140\;{\mu}m$$3\;cm\;{\times}\;2\;cm$ 면적으로 제조하였다. 측정결과, a-Se을 보호층으로 사용한 $HgI_2$ 필름이 민감도는 거의 비슷하나 누설전류가 안정화 되는데 걸리는 감소시간(decay time)이 parlyene을 사용한 구조에 비해 훨씬 낮았다. 또한 X선에 대한 민감도는 기존의 a-Se에 비해 월등히 높아 적은 방사선 조사량(radiation dose)에서도 신호검출이 가능하여 저선량이 요구되는 방사선 투시촬영(digital fluoroscopy) 적용에 유용할 것으로 기대된다.

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Image Evaluation of Resolution Parameter and Reconstitution Filter in 256 Multi Detector Computed Tomography by Using Head Phantom (256 다중 검출기 전산화단층촬영에서 두개부 전용 팬톰을 이용한 분해능 파라메터와 재구성 필터의 영상 평가)

  • Gu, Bon-Seung;Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.814-821
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate of resolution parameter and reconstitution filter in the 256 multi detector computed tomography(MDCT) by using the head phantom. We used 256 MDCT, and head phantom of philips system. We evaluated to image quality by using Extended Brilliance Workspace. The protocol were axial scan method with 120 kVp, 0.5 sec of rotation time, 5 mm of slice thickness and increment, 250 mm of field of view(FOV), $512{\times}512$ of matrix size, 1.0 of pitch, $128{\times}0.625$ mm of collimations. The resolution parameter was applied for 'Standard', 'High' and 'Ultrahigh'. The reconstitution filters were changed to seven type of 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'UA', 'UB', 'UC'. The assesment factors of image quality were the uniformity, the noise, the linearity and 50% and 10% of the modulation transfer function(MTF). Finally The good image quality in 'High' resolution parameter showed at the uniformity, the linearity and 50% and 10% of MTF. The 'UA', 'UB' reconstitution filter showed at the good image quality of the uniformity and the noise and 'C' reconstitution filter showed at the same result of the linearity and 50% and 10% of MTF.

A Study on Non-uniformity Correction Method through Uniform Area Detection Using KOMPSAT-3 Side-Slider Image (사이드 슬리더 촬영 기반 KOMPSAT-3 위성 영상의 균일 영역 검출을 통한 비균일 보정 기법 연구 양식)

  • Kim, Hyun-ho;Seo, Doochun;Jung, JaeHeon;Kim, Yongwoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1013-1027
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    • 2021
  • Images taken with KOMPSAT-3 have additional NIR and PAN bands, as well as RGB regions of the visible ray band, compared to imagestaken with a standard camera. Furthermore, electrical and optical properties must be considered because a wide radius area of approximately 17 km or more is photographed at an altitude of 685 km above the ground. In other words, the camera sensor of KOMPSAT-3 is distorted by each CCD pixel, characteristics of each band,sensitivity and time-dependent change, CCD geometry. In order to solve the distortion, correction of the sensors is essential. In this paper, we propose a method for detecting uniform regions in side-slider-based KOMPSAT-3 images using segment-based noise analysis. After detecting a uniform area with the corresponding algorithm, a correction table was created for each sensor to apply the non-uniformity correction algorithm, and satellite image correction was performed using the created correction table. As a result, the proposed method reduced the distortion of the satellite image,such as vertical noise, compared to the conventional method. The relative radiation accuracy index, which is an index based on mean square error (RA) and an index based on absolute error (RE), wasfound to have a comparative advantage of 0.3 percent and 0.15 percent, respectively, over the conventional method.

Moving Object Contour Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Edge with a Fixed Camera (고정 카메라에서의 시공간적 경계 정보를 이용한 이동 객체 윤곽선 검출 방법)

  • Kwak, Jae-Ho;Kim, Whoi-Yul
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.474-486
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a new method for detection moving object contour using spatial and temporal edge. In general, contour pixels of the moving object are likely present around pixels with high gradient value along the time axis and the spatial axis. Therefore, we can detect the contour of the moving objects by finding pixels which have high gradient value in the time axis and spatial axis. In this paper, we introduce a new computation method, termed as temporal edge, to compute an gradient value along the time axis for any pixel on an image. The temporal edge can be computed using two input gray images at time t and t-2 using the Sobel operator. Temporal edge is utilized to detect a candidate region of the moving object contour and then the detected candidate region is used to extract spatial edge information. The final contour of the moving object is detected using the combination of these two edge information, which are temporal edge and spatial edge, and then the post processing such as a morphological operation and a background edge removing procedure are applied to remove noise regions. The complexity of the proposed method is very low because it dose not use any background scene and high complex operation, therefore it can be applied to real-time applications. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional contour extraction methods in term of processing effort and a ghost effect which is occurred in the case of entropy method.

Accurate Step-Count Detection based on Recognition of Smartphone Hold Position (스마트폰의 소지위치 인지 기반의 정확한 보행수 검출 기법)

  • Hur, Taeho;Yeom, Haneul;Lee, Sungyoung
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.374-382
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    • 2017
  • As the walking exercise is emphasized in personalized healthcare, numerous services demand walking information. Along with the propagation of smartphones nowadays, many step-counter applications have been released. But these applications are error-prone to abnormal movements such as simple shaking or vibrations; also, different step counts are shown when the phone is positioned in different locations of the body. In this paper, the proposed method accurately counts the steps regardless of the smartphone position by using an accelerometer and a proximity sensor. A threshold is set on each of the six positions to minimize the error of undetection and over-detection, and the cut-off section is set to eliminate any noise. The test results show that the six position type were successfully identified, and through a comparison experiment with the existing application, the proposed technique was verified as superior in terms of accuracy.

A Study on the Implementation of SoC for Sensing Bio Signal (인체신호 측정을 위한 SoC 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Sun, Hye-Seung;Song, Myoung-Gyu;Lee, Jae-Heung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the implementation of a human signal sensing module that has capabilities to check and restore the weak signals from the human body is presented. A module presented in this paper consists of processing and sensing elements related to human pulse and body temperature and a controller implemented with SoC design method. PPG data is detected by a noise filtering process toward the amplified signal which is from the operating frequency between 0.1Hz - 10Hz. A digital temperature sensor is used to check the body temperature. A sensor outputs the corresponding value of the electric voltage according to the body temperature. Moreover, this paper discusses the implementation of an enhanced microprocessor which is synthesized with VHDL as a part of the SoC development and used to control the entire module. The SoC processor is implemented on a Xilinx Spartan 3 XC3S1000 device and has the achieved operating frequency of 10MHz. The implemented SoC processor core is successfully tested with macro memories in FPGA and the experimental results are hereby shown.

Region-Based Moving Object Segmentation for Video Monitoring System (비디오 감시시스템을 위한 영역 기반의 움직이는 물체 분할)

  • 이경미;김종배;이창우;김항준
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents an efficient region-based motion segmentation method for segmenting of moving objects in a traffic scene with a focus on a Video Monitoring System (VMS). The presented method consists of two phases: motion detection and motion segmentation. Using the adaptive thresholding technique, the differences between two consecutive frames are analyzed to detect the movements of objects in a scene. To segment the detected regions into meaningful objects which have the similar intensity and motion information, the regions are initially segmented using a k-means clustering algorithm and then, the neighboring regions with the similar motion information are merged. Since we deal with not the whole image, but the detected regions in the segmentation phase, the computational cost is reduced dramatically. Experimental results demonstrate robustness in the occlusions among multiple moving objects and the change in environmental conditions as well.