• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노선 정보

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Advanced Bus Information System Using Smart Phone GPS (스마트폰 GPS를 활용한 개선된 버스정보시스템)

  • Park, Jae-Heung;Kang, Sun-Hee;Seo, Yeong-Geon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2014
  • This study supplements the existing bus information system's weakness which is a text-based system, transmits GUI based user request contents, design and implements the bus information system using smart-phone GPS. The existing bus information system had to install the terminals on the bus and take enormous expenses on maintenance with setting up the direction board on each bus station. The proposed system provides bus route and user location using the smart-phone map screen, finds the nearest bus station, indicates the bus route on map screen, applies our algorithm which increases accuracy of the bus arriving time, and provides route construction of the inner-cycle bus. The accuracy of the estimated bus arriving time has increased to about 88.71% which is 22.71% more than the existing system whose accuracy is 67% and improved into GUI form that the existing system was on text and table UI. Consequently, the upgraded bus information system uses the smart-phone GPS to supplement the existing bus information system and satisfies different requests of users.

ACE-BIS: A Cost-Effective Bus Information System (ACE-BIS: 최적의 버스 노선을 선택하기 위한 비용 효율적인 알고리즘의 개발)

  • Lee, Jong-Chan;Park, Sang-Hyun;Seo, Min-Koo;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.655-667
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    • 2006
  • Due to the rapid development in mobile communication technologies, the usage of mobile devices such as cellular phones and PDAs becomes increasingly popular. One of the best ways to maximize the usability of mobile devices is to make them aware of their current locations and the locations of other fixed and mobile objects. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective Bus Information System, ACE-BIS, which utilizes a mobile device to retrieve the bus routes to reach a destination from the current location. To accomplish this task, ACE-BIS maintains a small amount of information on bus stops and bus routes in a mobile device and runs a heuristic routing algorithm based on such information. When a user asks more accurate route information or calls for a 'leave later query', ACE-BIS entrusts the task to a server into which real-time traffic and bus location information is being collected. By separating the roles into a mobile device and a server, ACE-BIS is able to provide bus routes at the lowest cost for wireless communications, without imposing much burden to a server. The results of extensive experiments revealed that ACE-BIS is effective and scalable in most experimental settings.

Development of GIS Application Technology for Environment - friendly Construction (친환경 건설을 위한 GIS 활용기술 개발)

  • 우제윤;구지희;김태훈;홍창희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2004
  • 우리나라에서는 그동안 급속한 경제발전과 함께 많은 SOC 건설공사가 이루어졌으나 환경성의 고려와 보존에는 미흡하였다. 그러나 경제가 발전되고 국민의 의식수준이 향상됨에 따라 환경에 대한 관심과 중요성이 높아졌으며, 친환경적인 건설의 요구가 증대되고 있다. 이러한 추세에 따라 친환경 건설을 위한 많은 연구와 노력들이 진행되고 있지만, 타 분야에 비해 정보화 및 전산화, 특히 GIS의 활용은 많이 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 초기 건설계획 및 설계분야에 최신 GIS 기술을 접목ㆍ활용함으로써 환경성이 고려된 국토개발을 지원하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 도로건설분야를 대상으로 하여 다양한 대안노선들의 환경성을 비교ㆍ검토하여 최적의 노선선정을 지원하고, 선정된 노선에 대하여 영향평가분석을 수행할 수 있도록 시범시스템을 개발하였다. 기존의 환경성 검토ㆍ평가방법이 종이도면과 서술적인 기술에 의지했던 반면, 본 시스템은 수치지도 및 위성영상을 활용한 다양한 GIS 공간분석결과를 2차원 또는 3차원적으로 디스플레이하여 객관성과 효율성을 향상시키면서 시각적 효과를 높여줄 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

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3D Terrain Analysis and Modeling for Double-Tract Railway Route Selection Using Geo-Spatial Information (공간정보를 이용한 복선 철도노선 선정에서의 3차원 지형분석 및 모델링)

  • Lee Young-Wook;Yeon Sang-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.248-254
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    • 2005
  • Recently remote sensing technology is applied for construction planning and design areas by use of remote sensed satellite images according to engineering application technology in the various experimental tasks. In this study, it was applied for 3 dimensional terrain analysis and basic design by comparing with present railway and newly expanded double-tract railway route of forest sites on the new construction site of 15km at national railway lines, and then showed 3-D perspective images and fly simulation images to examine possibility of various application as terrain analysis modeling and running simulation at the corresponding course. As a result of its application, it gained the results not only improvement of present methods but also real various application possibilities.

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A Study on the Landscape Analysis of Rode Using GIS (G.I.S를 이용한 노선주위의 경관해석에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Young-Dong;Ko, Jae-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.1 s.6
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 1996
  • With the growth of cities, there is a nero today for construction of outer road of cities but there are many problems in executing the scheme. In this study 5 kilos' distance, a part of the first section from East Kwangju I.C. in 36kilos' distance, the road circling Other Kwangju city is determined as the object of this study and illustrated by GIS. Besides that, the landscape which is varied according to survey location is illustrated each section by using data such as plans and 1he planed height. and the area for this study which is circling around Mt. Mudeung, a noted in Kwangju city is represented by GIS.

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Determination of the Optimum Runoff Coefficient using GIS in the Route Design (GIS를 이용한 노선설계시의 최적 유출계수 결정)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Park, Myoung-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2008
  • This study has been performed to define the standard of runoff coefficients which are applicable to the process of route design or various public facilities design. The application of accurate runoff coefficients is very important in construction works due to the fact that the abnormal weather and torrential downpour are raising. However, in Korea society, as planner's subjective judgement of an object region status would make the application of erroneous runoff coefficients, many problems have been occurred. Consequently, in this study, we could perform terrain analysis and rainfall basins extraction with GIS technoques and suggest the application standard of runoff coefficients in accordiance to terrain characteristics and the land covers. By having the application of the study results to past flooded areas, we could suggest improved plans.

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Analysis of the Effects of Radio Traffic Information on Urban Worker's Travel Choice Behavior (교통방송이 제공하는 교통정보가 직장인의 통행행태에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • 윤대식
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2002
  • Travel choice behavior is affected by real-time traffic information. Recently, in urban area, real-time traffic information is provided by several instruments such as transportation broadcasting, internet PC network and variable message sign, etc. Furthermore, it has been increasing for urban travelers to use real-time traffic information provided by several instruments. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of advanced traveler information on urban worker's travel choice behavior. Among several Advanced Traveler Information System(ATIS) employed in urban area. This study focuses on examining the effects of transportation broadcasting on urban worker's travel choice behavior. This study attempts to examine traveler's mode change behavior in the pre-trip stage and traveler's route change behavior in the on-route stage. For this study, the survey data collected from Daegu City in 2000 is used. For empirical analysis, several nested logit models are estimated, and among them, the best models are reported in this paper. Furthermore, based on the empirical models estimated for this research, important findings and their policy implications are discussed.

The Design for the fast process in the complex and various information. (복잡하고 다양한 정보 속에서 빠른 정보 처리 디자인 -색의 범주화를 통한 빠른 정보처리)

  • Min, Kyoung-Geun
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.1150-1155
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    • 2009
  • In the information society, the amount of information have been increased by technological development. It is not easy to deal with information for fast data processing because of increasing of the complexity and diversity of data. So this paper will confirm the fact that the color plays the role of the classification of complex information and can make data processing fast. Experiment 1 shows that the searching time of target(line name) is more faster when the color of a subway line is equal to the color of station`s name. Experiment 2 using the task for classification of word mixed in various categories shows that color category processing is more faster rather than semantic category processing and the effect of this task is far better when color difference is more clear.

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The Analysis and Integration of Graphic and Attribute Information for Intelligent Transportation Systems (지능형 교통시스템을 위한 도형.속성정보의 통합 분석)

  • 강준묵;이형석;조성호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 2000
  • This study is to integrate and to analyzegraphic and attribute data in features which should be preceding for the ITS construction. A 1:5000 scale map as a national basemap was used and was checked for feasibility. For the convenience of position confirmation, the analysis component was developed and was linked to addresses. Also, the attribute information was considered on the shortest route, and optimal route was selected by investigating traffic volumes on main crossroads depending on the time zone. The optimal route could be selected by analyzing user's demands, position and statistical data, and the position information could be provided efficiently by combining the graphic information with the land register information.

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