• Title/Summary/Keyword: 내시경 검사

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The Effect of Steroid on the Treatment of Endobronchial Tuberculosis (기관지 결핵 치료에 있어서 스테로이드의 효과)

  • Sung, Yun-Up;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Shin, Jong-Wook;Lim, Seong-Yong;Kang, Yun-Jung;Koh, Hyung-Gee;Park, In-Won;Choi, Byoung-Whui;Hue, Sung-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.130-141
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    • 1995
  • Background: Endobronchial tuberculosis is one of the serious complications of pulmonary tuberculosis. Without early diagnosis and proper treatment of endobronchial tuberculosis, bronchostenosis can leave and lead to the collapse of distal lung parenchyme, bronchiectasis, and secondary pneumonia accompanied with moderate to severe dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, and localized wheezing. Therefore steroid therapy has been tried to prevent bronchostenosis. But the effect of steroid therapy on the endobronchial tuberculosis is not definite at present. We tried to elucidate the effect of steroid on the treatment of endobronchial tuberculosis for prevention of bronchostenosis. Methods: We observed the initial and sequential bronchoscopic findings, pulmonary function tests and simple chest roentgenograms in 58 patients diagnosed as endobronchial tuberculosis and admitted to Chung-Ang university hospital from 1988 to 1992. The patients in nonsteroid group (n=39) were treated with anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy only and steroid group(n=17) with combined steroid therapy. Sequential bronchoscopic findings, pulmonary function tests, and chest roentgenograms were comparatively analyzed between the two groups. Results: 1) The endobronchial tuberculosis was highly prevalent in young females especially in third decade. 2) Both actively caseating type and the stenotic type without fibrosis was the most common in the bronchoscopic classification. 3) The sequential bronchoscopic findings in steroid group 2 months after treatment showed no significant improvements compared with nonsteroid group. 4) There was no significant difference between the two groups in the sequential bronchoscopic improvements according to bronchoscopic types. 5) We did not find any significant difference in improvements on follow-up pulmonary function tests and simple chest roentgenograms between the two groups 2 month after treatment. 6) There was no significant adverse effect of steroid during the treatment. Conclusion: Combined steroid therapy provably would not influence outcome of the treatment of endobronchial tuberculosis.

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A Clinical Observation on Children with Corrosive Esophagitis (소아 부식성 식도염의 임상적 고찰)

  • Choi, Dong-Hyeon;Cho, Moon-Gi;Ju, Hyo-Geun;Kim, Byung-Ju;Ma, Jae-Sook
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to evaluate the clinical features and complication such as esophageal stricture in children with corrosive esophagitis. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 31 children who accidentally ingested corrosive materials and visited to emergency room of Chonnam National University Hospital from Jan. 1992 to Dec. 1999. Twenty-one children were examined by upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy to evaluate location and severity of caustic injury. Results: 1) Among 31 patients, there were 20 males and 11 females and the ratio of male to female was 2:1. Average age at diagnosis was 2.3 years (12 months to 9.8 years). Twenty-seven (87.1%) patients were accidentally ingested vinegar. 2) Initial presenting symptoms were dysphagia (54.8%), vomiting (48.3%), chemical burn on lips and skin (45.2%), excessive salivation (45.2%), coughing and respiratory grunting (32.3%) and aspiration pneumonia (9.8%). 3) UGI endoscopic examination showed caustic injury in 17 children: grade I in 8, grade II in 7 and grade III in 2. The region of caustic injury was proximal esophagus in 5, distal esophagus in 3, entire esophagus in 9 and stomach in 6. 4) Corrosive esophageal strictures developed in 6 children (19.4%) and gastric outlet stricture in 1 (3.2%). All of them showed grade II or III caustic injury on endoscopic examination. Conclusion: The development of esophageal stricture was related to the severity of the caustic injury. Early UGI endoscopic examination in caustic ingestion seems to be useful for prediction of development of caustic stricture.

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A case of echinostomiasis with ulcerative lesions in the duodenum (십이지장 궤양을 동반한 호르텐스극구흡충 감염증례)

  • 채종일;홍성태
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.201-204
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    • 1994
  • Echinostomiasis is an endemic intestinal trematodiasis of humans in Korea We observed a human case of Echinostomn honense infection who had ulcerations on the duodenal mucosa. A 55-year old man living in Hamyang-gun, Kyongnam, complained of epigastric pain with hematemesis In April 1994. Endoscopy revealed lesions of early gastric cancer and duodenal ulcerations. A penetrating parasite into the duodenal mucosa was picked out, and identified as E. honense. As the patient was treated 10 praziquantel 10 mg/kg single dose,3 more E. hofene and 7 Metogonimw worms were recovered. This case demonstrates that echinostomiasis causes gross ulcerations in the duodenum.

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Scintigraphic Evaluation of Inhalation Injury in Fire Victims (화재사고시 흡입에 의한 기도손상의 핵의학적 평가)

  • Chun, Kyung-Ah;Cho, Ihn-Ho;Won, Gyu-Jang;Lee, Hyung-Woo;Shin, Kyung-Chul;Jeong, Jin-Hong;Lee, Gwan-Ho
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Conventional chest X-ray and pulmonary function test cannot sensitively detect inhalation injury. Bronchoscopy is known to be the gold standard but it is invasive method. We evaluated whether lung inhalation/perfusion scans can sensitively detect inhalation injury of fire victims. Materials and Methods: Nineteen patients (male 9, female 10, mean age 31.6 yr) of fire victims were enrolled in this study. Inhalation lung scan was performed 2 days later after inhalation injury with $^{99m}Tc$-technegas. Perfusion lung scan was performed 4 days later with $^{99m}Tc$- MAA (macroaggregated albumin). Follow up lung scans were performed 16 and 18 days later for each. Chest X-ray was performed in all patients and bronchoscopy was performed in 17 of 19 patients at the same period. Pulmonary function test was performed in 9 patients. Results: Four of 19 patients showed inhalation and perfusion defects and one showed inhalation defect but, normal perfusion scan findings. These five patients with abnormal scan findings showed abnormal bronchoscopic findings and severe respiratory symptoms. On chest X-ray, 2 of them had pulmonary tuberculosis and one of them showed pulmonary congestion. FEV1 /FVC was abnormal in 3 patients. On the follow up scan, all patients with abnormal initial scan findings showed improved findings and they had improved clinical state. Conclusion: Inhalation/perfusion lung scans can detect inhalation burn injury noninvasively in early stage and may be useful in therapeutic decision making and follow up of patients.

Clinical Features of Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Gastroenteropathy without Purpura before Diagnosis (진단 전에 자반이 동반되지 않았던 Henoch-Schönlein 자반 위장병증의 임상적 고찰)

  • Oh, Jae Min;Park, Jae Hong
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Henoch-$Sch{\ddot{o}}nlein$ purpura (HSP) is a small-vessel vasculitic disease that most often affects the skin. Abdominal symptoms precede the typical purpuric rash of HSP in 14~36%. It is a challenge to diagnose HSP in the absence of a rash, because there are no biologic tests that can identify HSP with certainty, so we tried to find out the characteristic features of HSP gastroenteropathy without purpura before diagnosis. Methods: This study included 82 children with HSP who had been admitted or visited outward of the Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University Hospital from 1995 to 2000. The cases that the onset of purpura preceded or coincided that of abdominal pain were defined as purpura-positive group. The cases that the onset of abdominal pain preceded purpura more than 1 week and purpura was not presented till diagnosed as HSP gastroenteropathy were defined as purpura-negative group. We compared and analyzed the clinical features of the two groups by reviewing the medical records retrospectively. To ensure the diagnosis of HSP gastroenteropathy, we conducted upper GI series, abdominal ultrasonogram, abdominal CT, endoscopy and/or skin biopsy. Results: The number of cases of purpura-positive group and purpura-negative group were 72 and 10, respectively. There is no difference between two groups in the incidence of clinical symptoms and laboratory findings. Children with HSP gastroenteropathy had characteristic erosive or ulcerative lesions in the stomach or duodenum on esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or mural thickening of the small bowel on abdominal ultrasonogram, CT or upper GI series. Skin biopsy revealed leukocytoclastic vasculitis in 3 of them, although biopsy specimen was taken from any areas of normal- appearing skin. In purpura-negative group, 9 patients improved by steroid therapy. Conclusion: In purpura-negative group, there is no diagnostic feature on the laboratory findings and clinical features. Therefore, to diagnose HSP gastroenteropathy in patients with abdominal pain in the absence of the characteristic rash, careful observation of clinical features and laboratory data, and prompt application of available diagnostic tools such as gastrointestinal endoscopy, radiologic study and skin biopsy are recommended. Early use of corticosteroid may reduce the suffering in these patients.

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Information Extraction Method for Labeling Learning Data from the Capsule Endoscopic Video Images (캡슐내시경 동영상으로부터 학습 데이터 레이블링을 위한 정보 추출 기법)

  • Jang, Hyeon-Woong;Lim, Chang-Nam;Park, Ye-Seul;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Lee, Jung-Won
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.375-378
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    • 2019
  • 최근 딥러닝과 머신러닝 기법이 소프트웨어의 성능 향상에 도움이 되는 것이 입증됨에 따라, 의료 영상 진단 보조 소프트웨어를 개발하기 위한 시도가 활발해 지고 있다. 그 중 캡슐내시경은 소장 소화기관을 관찰할 수 있는 초소형 의료기기로, 기존의 내시경 검사와 다르게 이물감이 느껴지지 않고 의료보험 적용으로 최근 들어 널리 이용되고 있다. 일반적으로 캡슐 내시경은 8 시간 동안 소화기간을 촬영하며, 한 번의 검사 결과로 생성된 동영상 데이터 셋은 수 만장의 이미지를 포함하기 때문에, 방대한 양의 이미지들을 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 체계가 필요하다. 특히, 방대한 양의 캡슐내시경 이미지를 학습하는 경우, 수 만장의 이미지 속에서 유의미한 특징(촬영정보, 의사소견, 환자정보, 병변의 위치 및 크기 등)을 추출해내야 하므로 학습 데이터 레이블링을 위한 정보를 정확히 추출해야 하는 작업이 요구된다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 캡슐내시경 영상을 학습할 때, 학습 데이터 레이블 정보를 체계적으로 구축할 수 있게 하는 레이블 정보 추출 기법을 제안하고자 한다. 제안하는 기법은 병원에서 14년간 수집된 총 340명의 캡슐내시경 데이터(약 1,700 만장의 이미지)를 토대로 영상데이터를 구조적으로 분석하여 유의미한 정보를 추출하고 노이즈 데이터를 제거한 뒤, 빅데이터 저장소에 적재할 수 있음을 보였다.

The Effect of 2-Week Dual Therapy with Proton Pump Inhibitor and Amoxicillin in the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection for Treatment of Children with Recurrent Abdominal Pain (만성 반복성 복통 환아에서 Helicobacter pylori 감염에 대한 Proton Pump Inhibitor 및 Amoxicillin 2주 치료 효과)

  • Lee, Young-Mock;Lee, Chang-Han;Chung, Ki-Sup
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: It has recently been recognized that Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an important factor in the pathogenesis of recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in children. But, the best treatment for H. pylori infection is still unsettled. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of 2 weeks dual therapy with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) and amoxicillin for children with H. pylori infection associated with RAP. Method: Our study included 24 children with RAP who were H. pylori positive assessed by CLO test and histologic examination (silver stain). We used the regimen consisted of PPI (omeprazole, 0.7 mg/kg/day) and amoxicillin (50 mg/kg/day) for 2 weeks to eradicate H. pylori. Eradication of H. pylori was determined 4 weeks after the termination of treatment using the CLO test and histologic examination. Results: The endoscopic diagnoses of patients were nodular gastritis in 11 cases, superficial gastritis in 7 cases, peptic ulcer in 4 cases and normal finding in 2 cases. H. pylori was eradicated in 12 cases by omeprazole and amoxicillin dual therapy for 2 weeks and the eradication rate was 50%. In 4 of 12 children in whom H. pylori had not been eradicated with that regimen, we successfully eradicated H. pylori with other regimens of which 2 or 3 drugs among omeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, colloidal bismuth subcitrate ($Denol^{(R)}$) and metronidazole were used. Conclusion: The dual therapy with PPI and amoxicillin for 2 weeks had no clear advantage over other regimens for the eradication of H. pylori infection in children. We concluded that the combi-nation of PPI and amoxicillin for 2 weeks is not so good for H. pylori eradication as other commonly used regimens.

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Efficiency of Staging Work-Ups in the Evaluation of Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix (자궁경부암에 있어서 병기결정을 위한 검사의 효용성)

  • Kim, Jae-Sung;Ha, Sung-Whan
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 1991
  • A series of 510 patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix given the curative radiation therapy from March 1979 through December 1986 was evaluated to determine the value of intravenous pyelography (IVP), cystoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and abdomino-pelvic CT as staging work-up prior to treatment. On IVP and cystoscopy, $10.7\%$(49/456) and $5.3\%$(24/452) showed abnormality, respectively, but only $0.7\%$(3/413) did on sigmoidoscopy. As a result of these work-ups prerequisite to FIGO staging, twenty six ($5.1\%$) out of 510 patients were upstaged from the stage determined by the findings of physical examination alone. The proportions of upstaging in each stage were as follows; none in stage IB (35), IIA (89) and IIIA (8), $7.9\%$(20/252) in stage IIB (14 patients to FIGO stage IIIB, 6 patients to FIGO stage IVA), and $4.8\%$(6/126) in stage IIIB (all to FIGO stage IVA). Positive findings of staging work-ups were found only in patients with advanced stages of stage IIB or over determined by physical examination alone but not in those with earlier stages. CT was performed in 337 patients. CT detected pelvic lymph node (LN) enlargement in $25.2\%$ (85/337) and paraaortic LN enlargement in $7.4\%$(25/337). Pelvic LN positivity was well correlated with increasing stage but paraaortic LN positivity was not. In the evaluation of parametrial involvement, CT findings were in accordance with those of physical examination only in $65.6\%$ (442/674). When compared with endoscopic studeies, CT had much lower positive predictive value than negative predicitive value in the evaluation of adjacent organ invasion. The staging work-ups should be individualized by the disease extent of each patient, and then the efficiency of work-uus may be increased without compromising the appropriate FIGO staging and treatment.

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Helicobacter pylori Infection in Children with Recurrent Abdominal Pain (소아에서 만성 반복성 복통(Recurrent Abdominal Pain)과 Helicobacter pylori 감염과의 연관성에 대한 연구)

  • Na, So Young;Seo, Jeong Kee
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between H. pylori infection and recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in children and to evaluate the effects of eradication therapy on RAP. Methods: From January 1998 to January 2005, 166 children with RAP (61 male, 105 female) aged $10.0{\pm}3.3$ years were included. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopies were performed for all the patients. All H. pylori infected children (n=70) received the eradication therapy and were divided into two groups: Group Ia (n=52); eradicated, Group Ib (n=18); non-eradicated. H. pylori-negative children (n=96) were divided into three groups according to the medication: Group IIa (n=67); no medication, Group IIb (n=13); acid-suppressant, Group IIc (n=16); both acid-suppressant and antibiotics. Questionnaire for symptoms were asked at the first, 6th, 12th, 24th, and 36th months following the treatment (grade 0; completely resolved, grade 1; definitely improved, but there are occasional episodes of mild abdominal pain, grade 2; no change in the frequency and intensity of abdominal pain). Results: In about 90% of H. pylori positive children, RAP improved in the both H. pylori-eradicated and non-eradicated children in a follow-up survey. In about 75% of H. pylori-negative children, RAP also improved among in the three groups of patients regardless of medication. Conclusion: These results suggest that there was no correlations between improvement of RAP and eradication of H. pylori, and between improvement of RAP and medication. Consequently the reassurance that the children with RAP have no serious organic cause was important to improvement of RAP.

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