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Effects of Air Drain and Confined Conditions to Infiltration Rate in Unsaturated Soils (불포화 토양에서 공기의 배출/제한이 침투속도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sangrae;Ki, Jaehong;Kim, Youngjin;Han, Mooyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.681-687
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    • 2008
  • It is well known that the water infiltration rate depends on soil properties such as soil water content, water head, capillary suction, density, hydraulic conductivity, and porosity. However, most of proposed infiltration models assume that the air phase is continuous and in equilibrium with the atmosphere or air compression and air entrapment on infiltration was not considered. This study presents experimental results on unsaturated water infiltration to relate air entrapment and hydraulic conductivity function based on soil air properties. The objectives of this study were to measure change of soil air pressure ahead of wetting front under air drain and air confined condition to find the confined air effect on infiltration rate, to reduce the entrapped air volume related with soil air pressure to increase the soil permeability, and to make a basis of infiltration process model for the purpose of improvement of infiltration rate in the homogeneous soil column. The results of the work show that soil air pressure increases according to increasement of the saturated soil depth rather than the wetting front depth during infiltration process.

Quality property of bioethanol blends & counterplan of infrastructure (바이오에탄올 혼합가솔린 품질특성 및 유통인프라 대응)

  • Jung, Choong-Sub
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.2 no.4 s.8
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 2006
  • 에탄올은 금속, 고무 수지를 부식시키고 열화시키기 때문에 FFV 등 알코올 대응차량이 아닌 경우 에탄올 허용도가 제한되고 있으며, 물과의 상호용해성과 흡습성으로 수분혼입에 의한 상분리가 발생하여 혼합가솔린의 유통에서의 취급에 어려움이 야기되고 있다. 또한, 에탄올은 가솔린과 혼합되면 공비현상으로 인하여 50% 유출온도가 크게 떨어지고 증기압이 7kPa 정도 상승을 초래하는 점도 간과하지 않을 수 없다. 따라서, 자동차용휘발유에 에탄올을 혼입하여 사용할 경우, 가솔린기재를 적절히 선택하여 적정품질을 유지하여야 하며 무엇보다도 에탄을 혼입농도에 따른 저장탱크와 주유기 등의 부품에의 영향과 저장시의 상분리 문제를 충분히 규명하여 유통인프라에서의 적절한 대응책이 마련되어져야 한다. 유통 인프라 대응을 위해서는 우선 생산단계에서 수분 혼입을 최소화하기 위하여 저유소의 출하지점에서 서브옥탄가솔린과 에탄올을 라인브랜딩에 의해 제조하는 방법이 가장 타당하며, 수송부문에서는 탱크로리 등의 공급라인인 파이프와 실링 재질 등에 대해서 면밀한 검토가 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 주유소에서의 대응은 에탄을 혼합연료와 직접 접촉하는 연료계 등 부품재질을 내부식성의 재질로 변환시켜야 하며, 수분혼입을 최소화하기 위한 이중탱크 설치, 지하탱크 환기구내의 대기벨브 설치 등이 필요하며, 기타, 품질 및 수분관리 대책 등도 마련되어야 할 것이다.

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The Study for Application of the Hot Medicinal Compress Technique of the Donguibogam ("동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"에 기재된 위법(熨法)의 활용에 대한 조사)

  • Kwon, O-Sang;Baek, Seung-Min;Kim, Sul-Gi;Choi, Sun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : This research dealt with the content of the hot medicinal compress technique in Donguibogam in order to develope the hot medicinal compress technique as a new therapy technique. Methods : In this research, we searched for the hot medicinal compress treatment in Donguibogam. Results : The hot medicinal compress technique mainly cures the diseases on the body surface and it can be applied to digestive troubles and gynecologic diseases. The hot medicinal compress technique is operated mainly at wound around the affected parts and it is applied to the constitutional symptom at the abdominal region. In the hot medicinal compress technique was used much more with medication, and the herbs used in the treatment consists of hot tastes and the warm characteristics. In the hot medicinal compress method with direct heating the herbs was mainly used. Conclusions : The hot medicinal compress technique is considered as treatment which can be utilized easily and it can be used an easy and useful self-treatment.

Study for Improvement of the Doctor's Satisfaction and Completeness of the Medical Record in the EMR System (전자의무기록(EMR) 시스템하에서 의사의 만족도와 의무기록정보의 기재 충실도 향상 방안)

  • Park, Un-Je
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to present ways to enhance the stabilization of electronic medical records, ensure the commitment to filling in information of the medical record and improve the overall quality Electronic Medical Record(EMR) information. For that purpose, the present state of the incomplete record rate and the doctor's satisfaction in Electronic Medical Record(EMR) have been surveyed by comparing and analyzing Paper-based Medical Record(PMR) and Electronic Medical Record(EMR). The survey was conducted on 31 doctors in charge of EMR system and each PMR and EMR inpatients were collected for a period of 5 months and analyzed. The results showed that the doctor's satisfaction level was higher for EMR, and the rate of incomplete record appeared to be lower in EMR in departments of both internal and external medicine. In this context, it can be said that the higher efficiency of EMR helped accomplish the increase in commitment to completing medical record information and improve the quality of the data.

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Preparation of UV-Curable Hydrophilic Coating Films Using Colloidal Silica (콜로이드 실리카를 이용한 UV 경화형 친수성 코팅 도막 제조)

  • Yang, Jun Ho;Song, Ki Chang
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.754-761
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    • 2017
  • UV-curable hydrophilic coating solutions were prepared by mixing colloidal silica dispersed in alcohol with an acrylic monomer, pentaerythritol triacrylate (PETA). Hydrophilic coating films were also prepared by spin coating the hydrophilic coating solutions on PC substrates and UV curing for 10 minutes subsequently. The effect of the amount of colloidal silica in the coating solutions, which was varied from 10 g to 50 g, was investigated on the hydrophilic properties of UV-cured coating films. The results showed that the amount of colloidal silica had a great influence on the hydrophilic properties of UV-cured coating films and the coating film prepared with 30 g of colloidal silica showed a lowest contact angle of 37 and an excellent pencil hardness of H.

Classification of the Triozidae front Korea (Homoptera: Psylloidea) (한국산 참나무이과 해충의 분류 (동시아목 : 나무이 상과))

  • Kwon Yong Jung;Lee Hyeung Sik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.20 no.3 s.48
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    • pp.155-167
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    • 1981
  • This paper deals with the Triozidae of Korea A total of 20 species belonging to 5 genera are recognized, among them 6 species are new to science as: Bactericera (S.) distinctissima n. sp., B. (S.) miyatakei n. sp., B. (S.) yamagishii n. sp., Heterotrioza (D.) noknamui n. sp., Trioza breviata n. sp., and T. mayicola n. sp., 4 species are newly recorded from Korea as: Epitrioza yasumatsui Miyatake, 1978, Bactericesa (S.) calcarata (Schaefer, 1949), B, (S.) striola (Flor, 1861), and Trioza abdominalis Flor, 1861, and a new combination is made to: Heterptrioza (D.) chilgia (Park et Lee, 1980) n. comb. Keys are provided to the genera and species respectively Some illustartions of head, forewing, male and female genitalic characters are given.

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Synopsis of the Stargazer Fish, Family Uranoscopidae (Perciformes) from Korea (한국산 통구멍과(농어목) 어류의 분류)

  • 이충렬;주동수
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.364-374
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    • 1995
  • The taxonomic revision of the family Uranoscopidae from Korea was made on the basis of the speciemens collected in the coasts of the Korea from 1986 to 1994. The key to the species and genera for classification of the famiiy Uranoscopidae was provided with synonym and their distributions. The stagazer fishes from Korea are composed of 6 species in 3 genera: Uranoscopus Japonicus, U. bicinctus, U. chinensis, U. tosae, Gnathagnus eolngatus and Ichthyscopus lebeck sannio. The Korean stagazer fishes were widely distributed in the West and South Sea of Korea, but only Ichthyscopus lebeck sannio distributed in the around sea of Cheju Island.

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Nano-emulsion Formed with Phospholipid-Nonionic Surfactant Mixtures and its Stability (인지질-비이온계면활성제 혼합물로 형성된 나노에멀젼과 이의 안정성)

  • Cho, Wan Goo;Kim, Eun Hee
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2014
  • IIn this study, O/W type nano-emulsions were prepared by phospholipid-nonionic surfactant mixtures and octyldodecylmyristate using the phase transition low-energy emulsification method. The nano-emulsions were formed only in the very narrow area of the concentration of mixed surfactant and oil molar ratio of around 1 : 1. The particle size of the emulsions was decreased as adding the aqueous phase into the emulsions after phase inversion point unlike the emulsions formed only with nonionic surfactant. Nano-emulsion was stable at room temperature for more than a month. Thus, the nano-emulsions containing phospholipids can be widely used as a cosmetic formulations.

Patrinia monandra (Valerianaceae): an unrecorded species in Korea (긴뚝갈(마타리과): 국내 미기록종)

  • Kim, Jin-Seok;Lee, Byung-Chun;Chung, Jea-Min;Pak, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2004
  • We report an unrecorded species of Patrinia in Korea, P. monandra C. B. Clarke. This species was found from Neasosa, Buan-gun, Prov. Jeollabuk-do, Sanghwangbong and Bogildo, Wando-gun, Prov. Jeollanam-do in the southwest of Korea. We named 'Gin-dook-gal' as a common name of this species. It is easily distinguishable from Patrlnia villosa (Thunb.) Juss. by the characteristics such as lemon yellow corolla, one (sometimes three) stamen(s) and fruit fused with large bracteole-wing orbiculate.

A new species of Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae): F. drizae J. Kim & M. Kim (하늘지기속(사초과)의 신종: 물하늘지기(Fimbristylis drizae J. Kim & M. Kim))

  • Kim, Jonghwan;Kim, Muyeol
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.8-11
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    • 2015
  • A new species, Fimbristylis drizae J. Kim & M. Kim, is named and described from Sucheong Lake, Jeongeup-si, Jeollabuk-do, Korea. Fimbristylis drizae shares several characters (five-angled culm, 1-2 bladeless sheath, and compound anthela inflorescence) with the related species F. diphylloides Makino. It is, however, distinct from F. diphylloides, which has two to three stigmas, ovate spikelets, two stamens, a blackish brown scale, and a roadside habitat. In contrast, the new species has two stigmas, oval spikelets, one (or rarely two) stamens, a yellowish brown scale, and a lakeside habitat.