• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기재

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Effect of Peeling Degrees and Drying Methods on the Quality of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas (작약근(芍藥根)의 박피정도(剝皮程度)와 건조방법(乾燥方法)에 따른 품질(品質) 특성(特性))

  • Kim, Ki-Jae;You, Oh-Jong;Park, Chun-Hong;Park, So-Deuk;Kim, Se-Jong;Choi, Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 1997
  • Peony is commonly used as roots that peeled and dried. But intact root contains higher medicinal constituents than peeled root (machine peeling). The yield of roots was also higher in intact roots. Use of intact root saved the labor time for peeling and 15% of root from yield loss by peeling. Paeoniflorin content was different with each zones of root. The content of Paeoniflorin was 5.11% in epidermis and 3.28% in cortex. When peeled peony roots were dried at hot air after briquet fire drying, root color was good for commercialization. But color of intact root was good at hot air drying without briquet fire drying. The required time for drying was longer in drying of intact roots than peeled roots drying.

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TEM Investigations of Structures and Phase Transitions in Tridymite (투과전자현미경을 이용한 Tridymite의 구조 및 상전이 연구)

  • 김윤중
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.44-58
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    • 2002
  • A new polymorph of tridymite, an incommensurately modulated phase (IC phase), has been identified. While the symmetry of the IC lattice is same as that of the Ll phase, the geometry of the IC lattice structure is same as the basis of the L3 structure with a different modulation (modulation vector q=0.22 $c*_{H}$;$\lambda$ 37 ). On the other hand, the characteristic curved diffuse diffration observed from the Ll atoms could occur even at room phase suggests that the dynamic disordering of atoms, especially oxygen atoms could occur even at room temperature. The phase transition of Ll to L3 by grinding is gradual but very conspicuous: LllongrightarrowL1+IClongrightarrowIC+L3longrightarrowL3. However, it is revealed that real transition processes of individual grains are directly related to the local stress fields and preexisting microstructures.

Identification and Isolation of Zygomycetous Fungi Found on Maeju, a Raw Material of Korean Traditional Soysources (메주에서 분리한 접합균(Zygomycetes)의 분리 동정)

  • Lee, Sang-Sun;Park, Kwang-Ho;Choi, Kyoung-Jin;Won, Sun-Ae
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.172-187
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    • 1993
  • Forty eight fungal isolates were isolated from the maeius collected through the whole nation. Out of them, nine isolate were observed to be zygomyceteous fungi(4 genera and 9 species): Mucor hiemalis, M. circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus, M. circinelloides, M. jansseni, M. racemosus f. racemosus, Mortierella isabellina, Rhizopus stolonifer, R. oryzae, and Absidia corymbifera. Four species(M. circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus, M. hiemalis, M. jansseni, and R. oryzae) identified here were known as species involved in maeiu but not described in detail. The others were first reported as a species inhabiting in the maeiu. Two species of M. hiemalis f. hiemalis. and M. circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus were determined to play a role in biochemical changes of soybean in the fermentation of maeiu. However, the others seldom inhabited but considered to be comtaminated fungi in maeiu.

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Actual Assessment to Introduce Bio-ethanol Blended Fuel in Domestic (국내 바이오에탄올 혼합연료유 도입을 위한 실증평가연구)

  • Yim, Eui-Soon;Min, Kyung-Il;Jeon, Cheol-Hwan;Lee, Don-Min;Kim, Jong-Ryeol;Kim, Seung-Soo;Jang, Eun-Jung;Park, Cheon-Kyu;Jung, Chung-Sub;Kim, Jae-Kon;Lim, Young-Kwan;Shin, Seong-Cheol
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2007
  • 국제 원유가의 지속적인 상승에 따라 화석연료 고갈을 대비한 대체에너지 및 온실가스배출 감소를 위하여 바이오연료의 시용 및 상용보급은 전세계적인 추세이다. 우리나라의 경우 바이오디젤은 2002년부터 시범보급사업(Demonstration & disseminatio을 거쳐 2000년 7월부터 전국주유소를 통하여 경유 중에 바이오디젤 0.5%를 혼합한 BD0.5를 수송용 연료로 도입하여 아시아 최초로 상용보급화를 시행하고 있다. 또한 휘발유 중 바이오에탄올 혼합 연료유 도입을 위한 실증평가연구를 2006년 8월부터 2008년 7월까지 수행중이다. 자동차용 휘발유의 옥탄가 향상을 위해 함산소 기재로 사용되는 MTBE(Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether)를 바이오에탄올로 대체한 바이오에탄올 혼합연료유는 수분 혼입에 의한 상 분리(Phase separation)와 금속에 대한 부식성 문제를 야기 시킬 수 있다. 바이오에탄올을 서브옥란가솔린(Sub-octane gasoline)에 혼합하여 상 분리 모사실험, 금속류 부식시험, 고무류 침지실험 등 다양한 품질특성평가를 수행하였으며, 이런 결과들을 바탕으로 국내실정에 알맞은 최적의 혼합량(E3, E5)을 도출하였다. 또한 전국에 4개 시범주유소를 운영하여 바이오에탄올 혼합 연료유의 유통 및 보급을 통해 최적의 유통인프라(Distribution infrastructure) 보완 및 구축 방안을 도출 하고자 한다.

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A Taxonomic study of the Ophelia D. Don(Gentianaceae) in Korea -Anatomical and ultrastructure- (한국산 용담과 쓴풀속(Ophelia) 식물의 분류 2. 해부학적형질 및 미세구조)

  • 백원기
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2000
  • Anatomical characters such as stem, leaf, ovary, calyx lobe, ultrastructure of stigma, epidermis of leaf blade and midvein, corolla lobe, nectary, seed coat and pollen were examined on 6 taxa of Korean Ophelia, including 5 taxa distributed in south Korea and one taxon considered to be the variation type of Ophelia wilfordi, in order to clarify the limits of intersection and interspecies and to establish the taxonomic position. One taxon distributed in north Korea was also included in the description of species by observation of herbarium specimen of the University of Tokyo in Japan. The two sections were successfully distinguished by internal structure of ovary, morphology of nectary, surface sculpturing of corolla lobe and pollen, ultrastructure of seed and seed coat, which were useful characters to distinguish taxa higher than species. The variation type of Ophelia wilfordi was not distinguished with other species except for absent or present of purple spot in corolla lobe.

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A Statistical Model for Decisions on Arrest Warrants (구속영장발부 여부에 관한 통계모형)

  • Kim, Jung-Hun;Lee, Na-Rae;Lee, Gye-Min
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1225-1234
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    • 2010
  • When most examining judges deny the request for an arrest warrant, they cite (as a reason) that there is no worry about escape or the destruction of evidence. Consequently, there has been no knowing what characteristics of a crime mainly affect the decision for an arrest warrant and there has been significant dispute about the exact decision criteria used for an arrest warrant. This paper classified the data about the request of arrest warrants for crimes committed in the jurisdiction of the Jinju Public Prosecutors' Office in 2006, 2007 and 2008, into 7 categories according to characteristics of the crimes. For each category we construct a statistical model about the decision on arrest warrants by applying a crosstabulation analysis in order to look for the characteristic of crime that affect the decision for an arrest warrant.

Trematodes in Marine Fishes from the Western Coastal Water of Korea (한국 연안산 어류에 기생하는 흡충류 4종)

  • Kim, Young-Gill;Lee, Dae-Suab;Park, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2001
  • From March 1998 to April 2000, 4 species of marine fishes including black rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli), goby (Acanthogobius flavimannus), fine-spooted flounder (Pleuronichthys cornutus), and croaker (Nibea albiflora) were captured from the coastal area of the Gogunsan island located in the mouth of the Kum River, and greenling (Hexagrammos otakii) was sampled from the coastal areas of the Gogunsan island and the Wan-do. Trematodes from the stomach and the intestine of the fishes were detected and identified on the basis of the morphological characteristics. Four species of trematodes were detected in the stomach and the intestine of the examined fishes ; Opecoelus lobatus Ozaki, 1925 from black rockfish, fine-spotted flounder and greenling, Coitoecum glandulosum Yamaguti, 1934 from goby, Phyllodistomum sp. Braun, 1899 from croaker, and Pharyngora sp. Lebour, 1908 from greenling captured from Wan-do. This report gave morphological descriptions of O. lobatus, Pharyngora sp. and Phyllodistomum sp. from coastal marine fishes in Korea.

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Granulite xenoliths in porphyroblastic gneiss from Mt. Jiri area, SW Sobaegsan massif, Korea (소백산육괴 서남부 지리산지역의 반상변정질 편마암에서 산출되는 백립암질 포획암)

    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1999
  • Mafic granulite xenoliths are found in precambrian porphyroblastic gneiss of the Mt. Jiri area, SW Sobaegsan massif, Korea. The xenoliths are rounded to ellipsoidal in shape, 50-100 cm in length and coarse-grained with granoblastic and foliated texture. The xenoliths consist of orthopyroxene, garnet, biotite, plagioclase, quartz, ilmenite and secondary orthoamphibole. Orthopyroxene is mostly resorbed and rimmed by coronitic orthoamphiboles. Garnets occur as porphyblasts and are zoned with higher pyrope content in cores than in rims. Geothermo-barometry results yield conditions of about $800-850^{\circ}C$, 6 kb and $500^{\circ}C$, 4 kb for early and retrograde stages of equilibration, respectively. According to available geochronological data, it is suggested that the granulite facies metamorphism occurred prior to 2.1-1.9Ga and that the area was superimposed by the high-grade (over $600-700^{\circ}C$) metamorphism between 1.9-1.7Ga, followed by cooling during uplift.

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Degreasing of Impurities for a Web Strip Iron Mills (금속인발가공선의 협잡물 제거 (탈지)방법의 고찰(I))

  • 김주항
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 1998
  • 본 지도업체인 쌍희금속은 1988년 2월 설립, 주생산제품은 닉켈합금선으로서 1997년 12월 현재 총매출액 7.4억원(수출 0.12억 포함) 당기순이익 0.32억원으로 종업원 9명을 포함한 개인기업 형태로 특히 총매출액의 6%를 기술투자비율에 할당하고 있는 유망 중소기업이다. 기술지도와 관련한 연선의 선재(線材)는 포항제철의 $^{ø}$8mm 태선(允線)이 주종이나 특수선(特殊線)인 경우는, 국내선재의 경우 멜팅(Melting)기술이 부족하여 독일국으로부터 $^{ø}$5.5 mm의 선재를 직수입에 의존하고 있었다. 한편 세선가공의 선재는 20여개의 Dies공구 가공공정을 통한 $^{ø}$1.3 mm의 선채를 사용하여 $^{ø}$0.6 mm의 세선(細線)을 가공하고 있었다. 그러나 인발(引拔) 기술과 관련함에 특히 Dies 공구로부터 세선(細線)을 제조한 후 마무리 공정에서의 탈지문제가 정립돼있지 못하여 End User로부터 불만사례가 종종 야기 되었다 이의 원인 규명을 기술지도를 통해 조사한 결과 소성가공유(습식형)의 인식 부족이 주원인이였다. 소성가공유의 조성은 일반적으로 식물성. 광물성, 계면활성제, 극압제 등으로 구성됨에 마무리공정에서의 탈지방법은 가공유제의 기재(Base oil)에 따라 다르다 즉 기유(基油)가 광물계인 경우는 탈지제가 용제형(TCE 등)이 양호하나 식물계인 경우는 Alkali계가 양호하다. 따라서 NaOH sol'n2~3%+분산제(기포방지제)로서 음이온인 노닐페놀 0.1~0.3%의 처방을 제시하고 설비로서는 8$0^{\circ}C$로 유지되는 조제된 알칼리 Vessel과 물중탕 설비(열풍설비 포함)등을 대입하는 공정개선으로 Dies를 통과한 중간제품의 세선 $\longrightarrow$ 탈지설비 $\longrightarrow$ 80~85$^{\circ}C$로 유지되는 열처리(Aniling)공정을 대입함에 세선의 가공경화가 없었으며 아울러 수용성 가공유의 관리 한계(사내표준화)를 설정 관리 하도록 지도함으로서 지도 전에 비해 제조원가의 절하 및 생산성 향상은 물론 세선의 신규 탈지제 개발과 공정 개선을 통하여 가열공정의 부하개선 과 최종제품인 절연선의 품질향상을 가져 왔다.

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Fungus flora of paddy fields in Korea. II. Fungal flora of paddy fields. (한국 논 토양중의 균류에 관한 연구 II. 토양균류상)

  • Kyung Hee MIN;CHUN Kyung Sook;Tadayoshi ITO;Tatsuo YOKOYAMA
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1982
  • The soil microfungal flora of the paddy fields in Korea was investigated at four different seasons. The fungi were isolated by the dilution plate method from soil samples of two selected sites around Seoul. A total of 85 isolates was obtained as pure cultures and 30 species 13 genera were identified and 11 isolates were unidentified. Among these, 6 species of Deuteromycetous fungi, Penicillium spp., were found to be dominant in paddy field soils. Penicillium funiculosum, P. piceum, P. roqueforti and P. verruculosum were described as new to Korea. P. piceum has remarkable characteristics of the typical columnar head similar to a compact spruce-like evergreen tree. P. requeforti has penicilli variable in pattern with compactly branched metulae and appressed or Paecilomyces variotii were also described. In addition, Zygorhynchus moelleri, a remarkably dominant Zygomycete in Korean paddy soils, produces subglobose sporangia with oval columella and dark colored zygospores of about $35\mu\textrm{m}$ in diameter.

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