• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술.전문적 역량

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A Study on Importance Level & Present Level Analysis of ISO Auditor' Competency Factors (ISO 심사원 역량요소의 중요도와 보유도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Ki Hoon;Yang, Seoung Weon;Lee, Dong Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the priority of the ISO auditors' specialized knowledge and job skills required to perform their duties, along with their personal characteristics, in order to enhance field-based auditing capability. For achieving the objectives of the study, the questionnaire consisted of a total of 50 competency factors, adding personal characteristics area to the ISO 19011-based specialized knowledge and job skills areas and the survey was conducted on the currently active ISO auditors with a five-point recert scale. Based on the results of the survey, the importance and present of ISO auditors in 3 competency areas were verified statistically significant difference through a t-test. The top priority and next priority competency factors for the overall competency and each competency areas were obtained through the Borich coefficient and the Locus for Focus Model. Considering the top priority competency factors in each competency areas identified from the study results, it can help develop related auditing curriculum. for improving the auditors' competency, and furthermore, it is expected to help strengthen ISO management system including quality, health & safety, environment and business continuity for companies.

A Study on the Training Plan for Strengthening the Ability of Human Resources in Culture and Arts Education: Focus on work-site application of arte academy training program (문화예술교육 전문인력 역량강화를 위한 연수방안 연구: 아르떼 아카데미 연수 현업활용 분석을 중심으로)

  • Han, Chan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.275-283
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    • 2019
  • The purpose this study is to analyze how human resources in culture and arts education use the contents of Arts Academy training program in the field, and to suggest implications and improvements of the training for strengthening the competence of professional manpower. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted for the participants of the Arte Academy training program to investigate the actual application rate. As a result of the analysis, overall application of the training was high. However, the work-site application was divided into indirect and direct applications. Indirect application showed higher results than direct application. This shows that the training is effective in terms of strengthening the participants' personal competence, but they are somewhat lacking in applying the contents learned in the training directly in the field. Indirect application is a result of training and is a necessary part of strengthening competence. However, considering that culture and arts education is a consumer-oriented policy that enjoys culture and art, it needs to be strengthened more directly in the field, and the competence of the applicant should be applied to the field more smoothly. The Korea Arts & Culture Education Service needs to review and implement such a training that has a higher direct application than indirect application.

A Study of Building Digital Capacity of Museum Professionals through the Use of Virtual Museum (가상박물관 활용을 통한 박물관 전문인력의 디지털 역량 강화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Mi;Lee, Jong-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2022
  • The overall digital transformation in society is rapidly progressing with the corona virus epidemic. In particular, in the field of cultural heritage and museums, digital transformation is taking place throughout the preservation, management, and utilization of cultural heritage. To respond to this, the importance of cultivating the digital literacy of museum professionals to select and utilize digital cultural heritage information is increasing. However, the current digital capacity education of museum professionals has not reached the cultivation of digital literacy due to one-way theory and one-way practical education. To overcome this, we propose a digital capacity building program using virtual museums. We propose a curriculum based on participatory museums, cooperative learning, and project-based learning theories. Learners experience the entire process of acquiring, selecting, and utilizing digital cultural heritage information through individual, cooperative, constant, exhibitions, and project-based learning programs. We were evaluated by experts in terms of education, museum education, and ICT technology education to prove its usability and derive improvements. This study will contribute to building the digital capacity of museum professionals.

Relationship between Dynamic Capabilities, Operational Capabilities and Innovation Performance : Considering Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism (동적역량, 운영역량, 혁신성과 간의 관계: 환경역동성을 조절변수로 하여)

  • Park, Sang Oon;Cho, Keun Tae
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.27-62
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    • 2020
  • This study empirically verified the effect of environmental dynamism on changes in the dynamic and operational capabilities of an enterprise and its innovation performance. With the aim of quantification, the concept and definition of each capability were defined as a hierarchical structure of dynamic and operational capabilities. Five research hypotheses were established through prior research on dynamic capabilities, operational capabilities, innovation performance, and environmental dynamism. For empirical analysis, the hypotheses were verified based on surveys from 300 Korean manufacturing companies. It was shown that Dynamic capabilities had a positive relationship with operational capabilities and operational capabilities had a positive relationship with innovation performance. And it was shown that operational capabilities had a positive relationship with radical innovation in business groups with high environmental dynamism while operating capabilities had a positive relationship with gradual innovation in business groups with low environmental dynamism. Also, the moderating effect of environmental dynamism was not significant in the relationship with dynamic capabilities on operational capabilities. This study is meaningful in that it lays the groundwork for empirically verifying the dynamic capabilities of an enterprise by embodying its dynamic capabilities and operational capabilities into processes, and verifies the effect of environmental change on its capabilities and innovation performance. And it has implications to suggest how an enterprise should transform its capabilities to sustain its competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment.

A Study on Outplacement Countermeasure and Retention Level Examination Analysis about Outplacement Competency of Special Security Government Official (특정직 경호공무원의 전직역량에 대한 보유수준 분석 및 전직지원방안 연구)

  • Kim, Beom-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.51-80
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    • 2012
  • This study is to summarize main contents which was mentioned by Beomseok Kim' doctoral dissertation. The purpose of this study focuses on presenting the outplacement countermeasure and retention level examination analysis about outplacement competency of special security government official through implement of questionnaire method. The questionnaire for retention level examination including four groups of outplacement competency and twenty subcategories was implemented in the object of six hundered persons relevant to outplacement more than forty age and five grade administration official of special security government officials, who have outplacement experiences as outplacement successors, outplacement losers, and outplacement expectants, in order to achieve this research purpose effectively. The questionnaire examination items are four groups of outplacement competency and twenty subcategories which are the group of knowledge competency & four subcategories including expert knowledge, outplacement knowledge, self comprehension, and organization comprehension, the group of skill competency & nine subcategories including job skill competency, job performance skill, problem-solving skill, reforming skill, communication skill, organization management skill, crisis management skill, career development skill, and human network application skill, the group of attitude-emotion competency & seven subcategories including positive attitude, active attitude, responsibility, professionalism, devoting-sacrificing attitude, affinity, and self-controlling ability, and the group of value-ethics competency & two subcategories including ethical consciousness and morality. The respondents highly regard twenty-two outplacement competency and they consider themselves well-qualified for the subcategories valued over 4.0 such as the professional knowledge, active attitude, responsibility, ethics and morality while they mark the other subcategories below average still need to be improved. Thus, the following is suggestions for successful outplacement. First, individual effort is essential to strengthen their capabilities based on accurate self evaluation, for which the awareness and concept need to be redefined to help them face up to the reality by readjusting career goal to a realistic level. Second, active career development plan to improve shortcoming in terms of outplacement competency is required. Third, it is necessary to establish the infrastructure related to outplacement training such as ON-OFF Line training system and facilities for learning to reinforce user-oriented outplacement training as a regular training course before during after the retirement.

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A Empirical Research for Subcontractor Selection Model in the International Construction Project (해외건설 전문건설기업 선정모델 개선을 위한 실증 연구)

  • Lee, Changjun;Seok, Hochan;Lee, Sangjun;Jang, Woosik;Han, Seung-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2016
  • International construction market have quantitatively increased and have reached up to 700 Bil. US$ through active effort of construction firms and government. In spite of this increase, substantiality issue has been constantly disputed due to qualitative problems such as lack of capability and technical shortage. To overcome these problems, many methods in performing quantitative growth and qualitative substantiality of overseas construction are being researched which showed that selection of subcontractors in general contractor is regarded as a very important success factor. However, it is difficult to make a reasonable decision for selecting the subcontractors due to the lack of evaluation standards and reliability. This study proposes an improved evaluation system through adjustment of the evaluation indicators using correlations analysis and multiple regression analysis with pre-qualification and performance evaluation of 121 firms in 6 countries.

A study on core competence of dental hygiene based on learning outcomes for establishing dental hygiene education evaluation and certification system (치위생학교육평가·인증체계 정립을 위한 학습성과기반 치위생 핵심역량에 관한 조사)

  • Lee, Sun-Mi;Jang, Kyeung-Ae;Lee, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2020
  • This study conducted to investigate the core competency of dental hygiene based on learning outcomes for establishing an educational evaluation and certification system for dental hygiene. The sub-categories of core competencies, the overall score of professional behavior and ethical decision-making ability (category 1) and the ability to apply scientific and professional clinical hygiene and knowledge and skills of clinical dental work (category 2) was highest. and the level of communication skills (category 3) was 4.48 points, and the level of evidence-based integrated thinking and problem solving skills (category 5) was 4.35 points. Furthermore, there was a strong correlation between the core competency sub-categories, and it is necessary to identify the core competency between health care service occupations and to qualitatively study the core competency of dental hygienists working in clinical practice.

대한민국 반세기 연구개발정책의 변천

  • 이공래
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2023
  • 본 챕터는 과거 50년 연구개발정책의 역사를 돌이켜보면서 한국 산업과 경제의 성장과정에서 연구개발정책이 어떤 역할을 수행했는가를 조명한다. 1960년 초 경제개발 5개년계획을 추진하기 시작하던 때부터 1970년 대 말까지 연구기반 구축기, 1981년부터 2000년까지 연구역량 축적기, 2001년부터 2020년 현재까지 연구개발 도약기 등 3단계로 나눠서 살펴본다. 연구기반 구축기간 중에는 연구개발 투자의 증가와 함께 본격적인 연구와 우수 연구인력을 양성하기 위하여 여러 국책연구기관을 설립하였으며 연구 단지를 조성하는 등 연구기반을 구축하는 정책을 추진하였다. 다양한 분야의 전문 연구기관의 설립 필요성이 제기되자 주요 분야 연구조직을 KIST 부설 형태로 발족한 후 독립 연구기관으로 분리하는 것이 주요 정책이었다. 연구역량 축적기에는 정부가 연구개발 사업을 기획하여 추진하였고 1990년대에 이르러서는 대학의 연구 잠재력을 조직화함으로써 연구역량을 축적하였다. 수출 고도화와 수출시장에서의 경쟁력을 향상해야 하는 기업들의 절박한 기술혁신의 필요성에 기인하여 기업의 연구개발 투자가 급속도로 증가했다. 2000년대에 이르러서는 우리나라 연구개발투자가 절대규모에서도 세계 5위국으로 부상했고, GDP대비 연구개발투자 비중에서는 세계 최고 수준에 도달했다. 이렇듯 연구기반 구축기, 연구역량 축적기, 연구개발 도약기를 거치면서 우리나라는 매 20여년의 주기로 연구개발 시스템을 시대 상황에 맞도록 정책을 혁신하여 추진함으로써 오늘에 이르렀다. 과학기술의 혁신은 산업과 기업의 성장에 결정적인 기여를 하였다. 정부의 도전적인 연구개발 투자는 정밀한 정책 기획과 추진이 병행되면서 그 효과가 발휘되었고 산업과 기업의 성장을 견인할 수 있었다.

Analysis of Perceptions and Differences between Groups regarding Generative AI (생성형 AI에 관한 인식 및 집단간 차이 분석)

  • Kyoo-Sung Noh
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of generative AI and the perception of differences between user groups. This study explored the perceptions of different user groups regarding generative AI, aiming to derive implications for enhancing AI utilization capabilities for each group. Upon analysis, it was found that there were no significant differences in perceptions across age groups. However, notable differences were observed between professional backgrounds, particularly in the areas of generative AI application and ethical perspectives. Consequently, this study suggests the need for diversified AI solutions tailored to specific fields of expertise. It underscores the importance of customized education and training programs, as well as specialized education focused on ethical considerations. Additionally, this research contributes academically by proposing varied AI usage strategies for different age and professional groups. It also highlights the role of text mining techniques in developing and improving AI utilization skills.

How Entrepreneur Competency Impacted Startup Survival During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Business Performance (코로나19 팬데믹 기간 창업자 역량이 창업기업의 생존에 미치는 영향: 경영 성과의 매개 역할)

  • Kim, Bongkeun;Yoo, Bumjoon;Hwangbo, Yun;Kim, YoungJun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2024
  • The COVID-19 pandemic not only posed an enormous human crisis, but also had a profound impact on firms' survival. Social distancing and global lockdown measures designed to protect human lives have paradoxically impaired the business environment. As a result, firms that sought to gain competitive advantage by leveraging external resources were cut off from the external world and faced unexpected challenges. Under these circumstances, researches were conducted in the early stage of the pandemic to explore how certain firms survived while others fell, but they were limited to re-examining business performance using traditional financial factors. However, this study aims to investigate the role of entrepreneurs' competency in crisis situations from the Resource-Based View (RBV), as such competency plays an important role in improving business performance and subsequently the probability of startups' survival. Specifically, we evaluated the performance as of end of 2019 of 1,127 startups evaluated by the Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC), which provides policy financing based on technology assessment, in 2016. We then conducted an empirical study to determine the mediating role of business performance in the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and firm survival by verifying how many of the sample firms were still in operation at the end of June 2023, when the Korean government declared COVID-19 as an endemic. For this purpose, we defined technological, financial, and marketing competencies as the sub-factors of entrepreneurial competency, and sales growth rate and employment growth rate as the sub-factors of business performance. The results of the empirical analysis showed that technological and financial competencies of the entrepreneur had a positive impact on both business performance and firm survival, and that sales growth rate and employment growth rate mediated the relationship between technological competence and firm survival. However, the positive influence of entrepreneurs' financial competence of the survival of startups was only evident through the growth of employment. This study is the first study in South Korea to define the survival factors of startups in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is expected to contribute to the theoretical and practical discussions on the importance of entrepreneurs' competency as a firms' survival factor based on RVB.

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