• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기쁨

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The Aspect of Gamseong Expression and Way of Healing in Women's Folk Songs - Focused on the folk songs in South Jeolla Province - (여성 민요에 나타난 감성의 발현양상과 치유방식 - 전남지역을 중심으로 -)

  • You, mok-hwa
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.20
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    • pp.129-161
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    • 2010
  • Women's social status is marginal in the patriarchal system, therefore it is not easy to express their's desire. Women's social role are restricted by the Confucian culture in the late of Chosun Dinasty. But women freely expressed their's gamseong(感性) by singing the folk songs. Many researches have focused on the reality of life or the structure and meanings of the women's folk songs. On the contrary, no one has paid attention to the gamseong in the women's folk songs. This is the reason why this thesis focused on the aspects of gamseong in the women's folk songs. The aspect of gamseong expression in women's folk songs can be classfied as follow: HAN(恨) resulting from living with one's husband's parents (Si-jip-sa-ri); LONGING caused by parting with the lover; HOPE due to childbirth and bringing up; SHIN-MYOUNG(神明) through deviation and liberation. In conclusion, We can find out women's gamseong would be formed from the their own roles and relationship with the others. Besides they could offset their sorrow and cure their pain through loving others and selfloving.

A Study on the conflicts between the grandfather and the grandson contained in Mukjae Lee Mun Geon's 『Yangarok』 (묵재(默齋) 이문건(李文楗)의 『양아록(養兒錄)』에 나타난 조손(祖孫) 갈등(葛藤)에 대한 일고(一考))

  • Jeong, Si-youl
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.50
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    • pp.179-209
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    • 2013
  • This study takes as its text "Yangarok", the record written by Mukjae Lee Mun Geon (1494-1567) about his grandson rearing and examines the conflicts between the grandfather and the grandson. The reason it is focused on the conflicts between the grandfather and the grandson particularly among many aspects of Yangarok is that the paper notices the dual feelings of love and hatred lying in the mind of Mukjae, the subject of the narrative. Because the record of grandson rearing plainly reflects the dual elements of the grandfather, love and hatred, expectation and disappointment, and hope and resignation, it shows the acute conflicts between the two persons well. At the time of the grandson's birth, Mukjae went through a gloomy period both in family and socially. He had to taste tremendous frustration in the status as an exile pushed back from the center of the political world, and his only son was handicapped, so he could not expect his caring after that. Spending each day in such frustration, he faced the birth of his grandson just like a miracle. However, the excitedness and expectation he had in the beginning of the child raising were turned into disappointment and complaining as time went by. His change lets us think about the distance between love and hatred existing in human relations. This study analyzes Yangarok but is focused on the conflicts between the grandfather and the grandson for further discussion, so it attempts to understand Yangarok from a different perspective. First of all, Chapter 2 of this article notices the fact that cause results in effect and examines the ultimate factors raising grandfather-grandson conflicts. Next, Chapter 3 considers the concrete aspects of grandfather-grandson conflicts. Based on the above examination on the causes and aspects of the conflicts, Chapter 4 focuses on the value that Yangarok has as the material for introspection and lays the ground to think about the messages that this record implies for contemporaries.

Blended IT/STEM Education for Students in Developing Countries: Experiences in Tanzania (개발도상국 학생들을 위한 블랜디드 IT/STEM교육: 탄자니아에서의 경험 및 시사점)

  • Yoon Rhee, Ji-Young;Ayo, Heriel;Rhee, Herb S.
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2020
  • Education is one of the priority sectors specified in Tanzania, and it has committed to provide 11 years of compulsory free basic education for all from pre-primary to lower secondary level. Despite the Government's efforts to provide free basic education to all children, there are 2.0 million (23.2 per cent) out of 8.5 million children at the primary school age of 7-13, who are out of school in Tanzania. The ICT class should be offered as a regular class in all secondary schools in Tanzania, recommended by the ministry of education. However, many schools are struggling to implement this mandate. Most of schools offer the ICT class with theory without any real hardware. Some schools were given with computers but they were not maintained for operation. There is a huge task to make ICT education universal. Main issues include: remoteness (off-grid area), lack of ICT teachers, lack of resources such as hardware, infrastructure, and lack of practical lessons or projects to be used at schools. An innovative blended ICT/STEM education program is being conducted not only for Tanzanian public and private/international schools, but also for out-of-school adolescents through institutions, NGO centers, home visits and at the E3 Empower academy center. For effective STEM education to take place and remain sustainable, more practical curriculum, and close-up teacher support need to be accompanied concurrently. Practical, project-based simple coding lessons have been developed and employed that students experience true learning. The effectiveness of the curriculum has been demonstrated in various project centers, and it showed that students are showing new interests in exploring new discovery, even though this was a totally new area for them. It has been designed for an easy replication, thus students who learned can repeat the lessons themselves to other students. The ultimate purpose of this project is to have IT education offered as universally as possible throughout the whole Tanzania. Quality education for all children is a key for better future for all. Previously it was hoped that education with discipline will improve the active learning. But now more than ever, we believe that children have the ability to learn on their own with given proper STEM education tools, guidelines and environment. This gives promising hope to all of us, including those in the developing countries.

A Study on Park Gye-hyeong -Focusing on the Change of Romantic writing (박계형론 -낭만적 글쓰기의 변주를 중심으로)

  • Jin, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.247-275
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    • 2019
  • We hope that more diverse interests will arise in the novels by Park Gye-hyeong By looking at writers and works in time, we identified the key element of Park Gye-hyeong's novels as 'romantic'. Romantic nature of this time is lyrical, sentimental, spiritual, unrealistic and idealistic. Based on a romantic understanding of the world, the core sanction of the novel is love, focusing on feelings of sadness, and on the aspects of joy, separation, and pain that arise from loving relationships rather than the aspects of joy. Based on the feelings of grief, the novels end with failure, death and betrayal, thus embodying tragic romanticism. Before her marriage, Park Gye-hyeong's novels were love stories that revealed her longing for beautiful love based on sensibility. The idyllic world and longing for nature reveal a romantic world-view. Ultimately, it is a fictional worldview that the author seeks to despair and long for, and to find the sincerity and morality of love in an environment that does not. Park Gye-hyeong, who became a housewife, expressed that she wanted to write a piece that can give readers a sense of nostalgia by embodying "romance at a high level," not "sentimental." In subsequent works, physical relationships are treated as failures of love and spiritual relationships as the fruit of love, revealing the lofty spirituality, idealistic longing and religious nature of love. Park Gye-hyeong confessed her shame about her previous work when she published a new one after more than two decades of writing. And after more than two decades of reflection, her new novel had a new theme of "recovering destroyed humanity." However, the search for "humanity" in the two novels released after the write-off tends to be somewhat hasty at the end of the novel. The question of human nature, sin and forgiveness, is the next best thing to save as a way of life, rather than as a result of the intense inner agony and behavior of the characters within the narrative, and this also shows a sudden shift in religiousness at the end of the novel. Therefore, the romantic meaning of the superficial is superficial.

.A Study on Parents' Transnational Educational Passion in the Tendency of Globalization : The Potential and Limitations of Educational Nomadism (세계화의 흐름에서 학부모의 초국가적 교육열 - 교육노마디즘의 가능성과 한계를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, So-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Arts Education Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.97-147
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    • 2010
  • Under the recent trend of globalization, a new proposal on education has not been able to avoid the request for multi-cultural trend. Furthermore, education has been exposed to circumstances which are far different from the previous situations in which global cooperation and intercultural understanding have been more emphasized. 'Educational Nomadism'is a metaphor of creating new value and significance of education. In fact, transnational education which could be a crisis and opportunity at the same time has recently been the mainstream throughout the world. In terms of education, Korea has encountered base hollowing-out in which excessive dependence on the US education and autonomous education coexist. In fact, the world has spent a lot of time and money to have better educational background on a resume through redundant expense by the government and parents. Under this critical situation, it's urgent to change Korea's modern education into a creative educational system in connection with an advanced foreign educational system and further develop the advantage of Korea's education. A parent's investment in his/her child is a support to create new culture as well as an assistance for hope and better future of Korean education. A new direction of parents' education fever that has opened a door to global communitas can stir up infinite potential through which the flow of education fever can be changed to the resources of new civilization. The global cooperation and efforts for communitas means the communication with this world. Through this communication, the culture in which people are forced to zero-sum competition can leap into the education for change of civilization which creates pleasure of self sufficiency and donation.

Analytical Psychology-Based Interpretation of a Russian Fairy Tale Entitled "Seven Stars" (러시아 민담 '일곱 개의 별'에 대한 분석심리학적 해석)

  • Myeong-Sook Hwang
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 2015
  • A study on a Russian fairy tale entitled "Seven Stars" was conducted from the perspective of analytical psychology. The plot goes as follows. Once upon a time, a village in Russia was suffering from severe drought. Villagers were dying of thirst, and crops were withering day by day. One night, a little girl left their house carrying a wooden dipper to find water for her sick mother by herself. However, water was nowhere to be found. She felt tired and fell asleep. When she woke up, the moon was already over her head, and the dipper had been filled with water. On her way home to give the water to her mother, she found a dog lying on the ground. The dog was also dying of excessive thirst, so she gave the dog a handful of water. Then the wooden dipper suddenly turned into a silver dipper. When she had finally arrived home and her mother has drunk the water, the silver dipper changed into a golden dipper. At that moment, an old man showed up and asked for water. The little girl gave him water. When the old man stared at the water, she realized that there were seven diamonds twinkling like stars in the dipper. The water never ran out. Surprisingly enough, the seven diamonds suddenly soared up into the sky and eventually formed a constellation of the Big Dipper. The water was shared with the other villagers who, then, recovered their strength. The severe drought came to an end, and the villagers danced together with joy. In this fairy tale, the severe drought symbolizes devastation caused by a unidirectional stream of consciousness while the little girl represents a new function, which shows the value of women who can heal and restore from that devastation. Symbolized in a fairy tale character such as 'a daughter' or 'a little girl', the new function eventually reaches up to the value which leads and affects the group as well as individuals. To conclude, this new function represents the unconscious process whose role is to revitalize the maternity and resolve the problems posed to a group as well as individuals.

A Perspective of Analytical Psychology on "Jin Do Dasiraegi" (진도 다시래기의 상징적 의미)

  • Sang-Hag Park
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.149-188
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    • 2011
  • This thesis presents the research of analytical psycholoy in respect of Jindo Dasiraegi. In a funeral of Jindo, situated in the southern island of Korea, there is a theatrical performance which is called Dasiraegi(rebirth). This research manifested a basic, universal meaning of psychological approach related the implicit of death in performing theatre from a analytic psychological point of view. The characteristics of this theatrical feast are like these ; 1) funeral festival 2) entrance of clown(the existence of antipole and conflict) 3) eroticism 4) active participation of female character 5) difficulty in her delivery 6) the moment of joy thanks to childbirth. The prerequisite of this feast should be a propitious mourning of person dying old and rich. That is, after having a complete life, it could be an entire death. Three main roles in Dasiraegi ; a bat-blind buddhist devotee, a strolling actor teasing men, an apostate monk, theses characters lock horns in a form of triangle conflict relations, then they keep a balance with a fake mourner as a protagonist , modulator and narrator. These characters are indeed clowns who manifested a metaphor as a decent, sacred and reasonable part of shadow regards group consciousness. The alive and the deceased, mourner and fake mourner, piety and confusion, wail and laugh, silence and grumble, death and birth, diverse antipole all coexist then theses are in harmony. The blind devotee and the monk are in antipole, the entertainer(anima) provokes a conflict between them. The infant is a solution as same as a result of conflict. This conflict seems to be eased by birth of a baby which is a symbol of wholeness(ganzheits) but the conflict of antipole is reenacted as insisting his parental right so this solution is leaving the baby to the chief mourner who is fourth character and the first beginning. Unconsciousness, hereby, is negotiating with appeared reality. The Images in unconsciousness are conscious and this new energy in unconsciousness is proceeding towards consciousness, then it became a therapeutic power for the loss of consciousness. Dasiraegi is the play of consolation much more for the alive than the deceased. The death signified not a loss but a resurrection and this intends a transition of new leading independent role for the alive. These make us have more prudent consideration concern the double sense of renewal for the dead and the alive. It is preserved as only a form of drama on stage after disappearance of Dasiraegi in a funeral recently. Dasiraegi was a manifestation of unconsciousness for compensation about the unilateral attitude of group consciousness to the strict death excessively. Therefore, this will enable reflect the relativeness and the attitude which regards the death as the end today.

A Vision for the Implementation of Daesoon Jinrihoe's Temple Stay (대순진리회 템플스테이 전망 고찰)

  • Joo So-yeon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.49
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    • pp.187-227
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this article is to examine the prospects of the religious cultural experience program of Daesoon Jinrihoe by referring to the current status of Korea's Buddhist temple stays, which began with the 2002 World Cup and have become a regular program for the general public with the establishment of the Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism in 2004. The motivation for Korean participation is mainly rest, while foreigners tend to be more interested in Korean traditional culture. During the experience, the perceived value felt by the participants led to satisfaction and an intention to revisit. Temple stays have contributed to the globalization of Korean Buddhism. The temple stay of Daesoon Jinrihoe is a religious cultural experience program for the public. If it became a regular program, the target could be expanded to include foreigners who wish to experience Korean culture. The activities such as wearing Hanbok, taking a Dojang Tour, praying, and dialogue over tea can be allocated to the program. As a result, the perceived value by participants could be taken as a cognitive value. For instance, they could learn about Sangje's Reordering of the Universe that transformed the order of Sanggeuk (Mutual Contention) into the order of Sangsaeng (Mutual Beneficence). They way that they live their lives could change as a result of these new understandings. The emotional value of the experience would come from experiencing traditional Korean religious culture. The prospect of implementing such a program is twofold: firstly, there are the tasks of proper preparation, and secondly, there are the positive effects. The tasks would first involve creating a systematic and organized center point. Next there would be the matter of preparing spaces for the temple stay, and lastly, an online platform for advertisement, recruitment, and application would also be greatly beneficial. This is a vision that could contribute to the improving public image of the order, its globalization, and to the overall improvement of the facilities and management that would produce a more socially friendly environment.

The Photography as Technological Aesthetics (데크놀로지 미학으로서의 사진)

  • Jin, Dong-Sun
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.11
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    • pp.221-249
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    • 2007
  • Today, photography is facing to the crisis of identity and dilemma of ontology from the digital imaging process in the new technology form. It is very important points to say rethinking of the traditional photographic medium, that has changed the way we view the world and ourselves is perhaps an understatement and that photography has transformed our essential understanding of reality. Now, no longer are photographic images regarded as the true automatic recording, innocent evidence and the mirror to the reality. Rather, photography constructs the world for our entertainment, helping to create the comforting illusions by which we live. The recognition that photographs are not constructions and reflections of reality, is the basis for the actual presence within the contemporary photographic world. It is shock. This thesis's aim is to look for the problems of photographic identity and ontological crisis that is controlling and regulating digital photographic imagery, allowing the reproduction of the electronic simulations era. Photography loses its special aesthetic status and becomes no more true information and, exclusively evidence by traditional film and paper that appeared both as a technological accuracy and as a medium-specific aesthetic. The result, photography is facing two crises, one is the photographic ontology(the introduction of computerized digital images) and the other is photographic epistemology(having to do broader changes in ethics, knowledge and culture). Taken together, these crises apparently threaten us with the death of photography, with the 'end' of photography and the culture it sustains. The thesis's meaning is to look into the dilemma of photography's ontology and epistemology, especially, automatical index and digital codes from its origin, meaning, and identity as the technological medium. Thus, in particular, thesis focuses on the analog imagery presence, from the nature in the material world, and the digital imagery presence from the cultural situations in our society. And also thesis's aim is to examine the main issues of the history of photography has been concentrated on the ontological arguments since the discovery of photography in 1839. Photography has never been only one static technology form. Rather, its nearly two centuries of technological development have been marked by numerous, competing of technological innovation and self revolution from the dual aspects. This thesis examines recent account of photography by the analysis of the medium's concept, meaning, identity between film base image and digital base image from the aspects of photographic ontology and epistemology. Thus, the structure of thesis is fairy straightforward to examine what appear to be two opposing view of photographic conditions and ontological situations. Thesis' view contrasts that figure out the value of photography according to its fundamental characteristic as a medium. Also, it seeks a possible solution to the dilemma of photographic ontology through the medium's origin from the early years of the nineteenth century to the raising questions about the different meaning(analog/digital) of photography, now. Finally, this thesis emphasizes and concludes that the photographic ontological crisis reflects to the paradoxical dynamic structure, that unsolved the origins of the medium, itself. Moreover, even photography is not single identity of the photographic ontology, and also can not be understood as having a static identity or singular status from the dynamic field of technologies, practices, and images.

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Quantitative Analysis of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Oil Contents of Korean Foods Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (근적외 분광분석법을 이용한 국내 유통 식품 함유 탄수화물, 단백질 및 지방의 정량 분석)

  • Song, Lee-Seul;Kim, Young-Hak;Kim, Gi-Ppeum;Ahn, Kyung-Geun;Hwang, Young-Sun;Kang, In-Kyu;Yoon, Sung-Won;Lee, Junsoo;Shin, Ki-Yong;Lee, Woo-Young;Cho, Young Sook;Choung, Myoung-Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.425-430
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    • 2014
  • Foods contain various nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, oil, vitamins, and minerals. Among them, carbohydrates, protein, and oil are the main constituents of foods. Usually, these constituents are analyzed by the Kjeldahl and Soxhlet method and so on. However, these analytical methods are complex, costly, and time-consuming. Thus, this study aimed to rapidly and effectively analyze carbohydrate, protein, and oil contents with near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). A total of 517 food samples were measured within the wavelength range of 400 to 2,500 nm. Exactly 412 food calibration samples and 162 validation samples were used for NIRS equation development and validation, respectively. In the NIRS equation of carbohydrates, the most accurate equation was obtained under 1, 4, 5, 1 (1st derivative, 4 nm gap, 5 points smoothing, and 1 point second smoothing) math treatment conditions using the weighted MSC (multiplicative scatter correction) scatter correction method with MPLS (modified partial least square) regression. In the case of protein and oil, the best equation were obtained under 2, 5, 5, 3 and 1, 1, 1, 1 conditions, respectively, using standard MSC and standard normal variate only scatter correction methods with MPLS regression. Calibrations of these NIRS equations showed a very high coefficient of determination in calibration ($R^2$: carbohydrates, 0.971; protein, 0.974; oil, 0.937) and low standard error of calibration (carbohydrates, 4.066; protein, 1.080; oil, 1.890). Optimal equation conditions were applied to a validation set of 162 samples. Validation results of these NIRS equations showed a very high coefficient of determination in prediction ($r^2$: carbohydrates, 0.987; protein, 0.970; oil, 0.947) and low standard error of prediction (carbohydrates, 2.515; protein, 1.144; oil, 1.370). Therefore, these NIRS equations can be applicable for determination of carbohydrates, proteins, and oil contents in various foods.