• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기도 수축

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The effect of high-carbohydrate diet and low-fat diet for the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Korean adolescents: Using the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES) 1998-2009 (우리나라 청소년의 고탄수화물 식사와 고지방 식사가 대사증후군 위험요인에 미치는 영향: 1998~2009년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Han, Mi-Rhan;Lim, Jeong Hyun;Song, YoonJu
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has increased in both the adult population and in adolescents. However, few studies have been conducted for adolescents. The aim of this study was to examine the association of metabolic syndrome and its risk factors with high carbohydrate diet and high fat diet using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1998-2009). Methods: Using the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for Korean Dietary Reference Intakes, subjects whose energy intake from carbohydrate was greater than 70% and from fat was less than 15% were classified as the 'High-carbohydrate & low-fat diet (HCLF)' group and subjects whose energy intake from carbohydrate was less than 60% and from fat was 25% or more were classified as the 'Low-carbohydrate & high-fat Diet (LCHF)' group. Among 5,931 eligible subjects, HCLF included 853 subjects and LCHF included 1,084 subjects. Results: The mean age in both groups was 14 years and significant difference in age, BMI, sex, physical activity, and household income was observed between the HCLF and LCHF groups. Regarding the energy intake compared to Estimated Energy Requirement, the HCLF group met 79.0% and the LCHF group met 100.3%. Regarding nutrient intake per 1,000 kcal, carbohydrate, iron, potassium, and vitamin C intake in the HCLF group were significantly higher, but protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin intakes were significantly lower in the HCLF group compared to the LCHF group. After adjusting for age, sex, BMI, study year, household income, physical activity, and energy intake, the serum triglycerides level and systolic blood pressure were slightly higher, while the serum HDL-cholesterol level was significantly lower in HCLF than LCHF. The odds ratio of metabolic syndrome did not differ significantly between HCLF and LCHF. Conclusion: Our findings indicate an association of a high carbohydrate diet with increased risks for metabolic syndrome components. Conduct of future studies would be necessary in order to explore the underlying mechanism and to confirm our findings in a prospective study.

Impacts of Diastolic Function on Clinical Outcomes in Young Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (젊은 급성 심근경색증 환자에서 좌심실 이완 기능 및 충만압이 관상동맥중재술 후 임상 경과에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Eun Young;Jeong, Myung Ho;Yoon, Hyun Ju;Kim, Yong Cheol;Sohn, Seok-Joon;Kim, Min Chul;Sim, Doo Sun;Hong, Young Joon;Kim, Ju Han;Ahn, Youngkeun;Cho, Jae Young;Kim, Kye Hun;Park, Jong Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Medicine
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    • v.93 no.6
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    • pp.538-547
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    • 2018
  • Background/Aims: The impact of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function and filling pressure on clinical outcomes in young patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has been poorly studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of LV diastolic function and LV filling pressure on major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) in young patients with AMI. Methods: A total of 200 young patients (males < 45 year, females < 55 year) with AMI were divided into two groups according to the diastolic function; normal (n = 46, $39.5{\pm}5.3$ years) versus abnormal (n = 154, $43.5{\pm}5.1$ years). Results: Despite regional wall motion abnormalities, normal LV diastolic function was not uncommon in young AMI patients (23.0%). During the 40 months of clinical follow-up, MACEs developed in 26 patients (13.0%); 14 re-percutaneous coronary intervention (7.0%), 8 recurrent MI (4.0%), and 4 deaths (2.0%). MACEs did not differ between the normal and abnormal diastolic function group (13.6% vs. 10.9%, p = 0.810), but MACEs were significantly higher in the high LV filling pressure group than the normal LV filling pressure group (36.8% vs. 10.5%, p < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, high LV filling pressure was an independent predictor of MACEs (hazard ratio 3.022, 95% confidence interval 1.200-7.612, p = 0.019). Conclusions: This study suggested that measurement of the LV filling pressure (E/e' ratio) would be useful in the risk stratification of young patients with AMI. However, it would be necessary to monitor this category of patient more carefully.

Benefits of adherence to the Korea Healthy Eating Index on the risk factors and incidence of the metabolic syndrome: analysis of the 7th (2016-2018) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (제7기 (2016-2018년) 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용한 식생활평가지수 준수와 대사증후군 위험요소 및 대사증후군 발생 관계 연구)

  • Choi, Sun A;Chung, Sung Suk;Rho, Jeong Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.120-140
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate whether adherence to the Korea Healthy Eating Index (KHEI) was associated with metabolic syndrome and risk markers. Methods: The participants included 8,345 adults, aged 20-59 years, who took part in the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). The data were analyzed using a complex-sample t-test, the Rao Scott χ2-test, and logistic regression analysis on the SPSS v. 26.0 software. The participants were divided into four groups by quartiles of KHEI scores. Results: The average KHEI score was 61.06 points out of 100, and the women's score (62.50 points) was significantly higher than that of men (59.63 points). The KHEI quartiles status showed significant differences by age (p < 0.001), household income (p < 0.001), smoking status (p < 0.001), and food security. Specifically, the KHEI quartiles in the men showed significant differences in education (p < 0.001) and economic activity (p < 0.001) whereas those of women showed significant differences in alcohol-consumption (p < 0.001), depression (p < 0.01) and eating-out (p < 0.001). As the KHEI scores increased, the proportion of subjects with an energy intake below the estimated energy requirement (EER) was lower, and significantly better levels of intake were observed for carbohydrate, protein, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and niacin. The incidence of the metabolic syndrome risk factors, hypertriglyceridemia and hyperglycemia for men and hypertension, and hyperglycemia for women showed significant differences. The KHEI scores were inversely associated with abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: Based on these results, we conclude that higher adherence to the KHEI was associated with lower metabolic syndrome risk factors and incidence of the metabolic syndrome.

The Changes of Plasma Catecholamines Concentration during Waking and Sleep in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patients with Systemic Hypertension (전신성 고혈압을 동반한 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증후군 환자에서 각성시와 수면중의 혈장 Catecholamines 농도 변화)

  • Moon, Hwa Sik;Lo, Dae Guen;Choi, Young Mee;Kim, Young Kyoon;Kim, Kwan Hyoung;Song, Jeong Sup;Park, Sung Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.600-612
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    • 1996
  • Background : Recent studies deported that untreated patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome had high long-term mortality rates, and cardiovascular complications of these patients clad a major effect on mortality. Several data indicates that obstructive sheep apnea syndrome contributes to the development of diurnal systemic hypertension. But the pathophysiological mechanism of the development of systemic hypertension in these patients is still uncertain. This study was performed to evaluate the possible role of sympathetic nervous system activity for the development of systemic hypertension in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Method : 35 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS) and 13 Control subjects(control) were included in this study. 21 patients of OSAS were normotensives(OSAS-NBP), and 14 patients of OSAS were hypertensives(OSAS-HBP). Full night polysomnography was undertaken to all subjects. We measured plasma norepinephrine(NE) and epinephrine(EP) concentrations during waking and sleep, using high performance liquid chromatography, in all patients and control subjects. Results : In OSAS, OSAS-NBP and control, plasma NE and EP concentrations during sleep were lowed than during waking(p<0.01). But, in OSAS-HBP, these was no difference between during waking and sleep. Plasma NE concentrations during sleep of OSAS, OSAS-NBP and OSAS-HBP were higher than Control(p<0.05). In OSAS-HBP, daytime systolic blood pressure correlated with plasma NE concentration during sleep(r=0.7415, p<0.01), arid correlated inversely with mean arterial oxygen saturation(r=-0.6465, p<0.05) or arterial oxygen saturation nadir(r=-0.6) 14, p<0.05) during sleep. Conclusion : The sympathetic activity during sleep of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients was higher than control subjects. In obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients with systemic hypertension, there was no diurnal variation of sympathetic activity, and there was correlation between daytime systolic blood pressure and sympathetic activity during sleep. These data suggests that chronic hyperactivity of sympathetic nervous system may contribute to the development of diurnal systemic hypertension in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

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Anti-Hypertensive Effects of Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) (본태성 고혈압 쥐에서 복분자 완숙과 추출물의 혈압 개선 효과)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyun;Choi, Hye Ran;Lee, Su Jung;Lee, Min Jung;Jang, Ji Eun;Kwon, Ji Wung;Park, Pill Jae;Lee, Tae-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 50% ethanol extracts of ripe black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis, RBR) on hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The final systolic blood pressure of the group treated with RBR for 12 weeks was significantly lower than that of the SHR group. The mRNA expression level of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) was significantly decreased in SHR. However, treatment with RBR and captopril increased the level of eNOS mRNA in SHR. Moreover, plasma levels of homocysteine and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 were significantly reduced by RBR. Plasma total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were lower in SHR than Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY). However, there was no significant difference in plasma triglyceride level between WKY and SHR. The number of eosinophilic cardiac muscle cells was reduced in heart muscles after treatment with captopril and RBR. Therefore, this study suggests that RBR extracts may be useful for improvement of hypertension.

The Effect of EEG And Physiological Changes To Participation in Progressive Relaxation Technique Of The University Archery players (호흡을 통한 신체적 이완이 대학 양궁선수의 뇌파 및 생리적 변인에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Sang-Nam;Park, Soo-Woong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.467-473
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to monitor the physiological changes by measuring EEG, blood pressure, heart rate, etc after applying progressive relaxation technique to university archery players in order to verify the effect of progressive relaxation through respiration, and, ultimately, improve an athlete's archery performance. This study chose 13 female archery athletes. The EEG, blood pressure, and heart rate of the athletes were measured before applying Jacobson's progressive relaxation technique for 12 weeks, during which the EEG, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured 3 times a week after 15 to 20 minutes of training before every measurement. We used the SPSS18.0 program for technical analysis to check the general features of the athletes and carried out the paired t-test to examine the changes made to the EEG, blood pressure, and heart rate of a single test group before and after the experiment. All statistical level of significance was maintained at ${\alpha}=0.5$. The results are as follows. First, after 12 weeks of appliance, between the targets' relative ${\alpha}$ wave and ${\beta}$ wave, the relative ${\alpha}$ wave showed a statistically significant increase while the relative ${\beta}$ wave showed no changes. Second, after 12 weeks of appliance, in terms of blood pressure, the systolic pressure showed no changes while the diastolic pressure showed a statistically significant change. Third, there was no statistically significant change to the heart rate. In conclusion, progressive relaxation through breathing has a positive effect on the archery athletes.

Time-synchronized measurement and cyclic analysis of ultrasound imaging from blood with blood pressure in the mock pulsatile blood circulation system (박동 혈액 순환 모의 시스템에서 시간 동기화된 혈압 및 혈액의 초음파 영상 측정 및 주기적 분석)

  • Min, Soohong;Jin, Changzhu;Paeng, Dong-Guk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.361-369
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    • 2017
  • Hemodynamic information in the carotid artery bifurcation is very important for understanding the development and progression mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease and for its early diagnosis and prediction of the progress. In this paper, we constructed a mock pulsatile blood circulation system using an anthropomorphic elastic vessel of the carotid artery bifurcation and ex vivo pig blood to acquire ultrasound images from blood and vessels synchronized with internal pressure while controlling the blood flow. Echogenicity, blood flow velocity, and blood vessel wall motion from the ultrasound images, and internal blood pressure were extracted over a cycle averaged from five cycles when the pulsatile pump rates are 20 r/min, 40 r/min, and 60 r/min. As a result, respectively, the peak systolic blood flow velocities were 20 cm/s, 25 cm/s, and 40 cm/s, the blood pressure differences were 30 mmHg, 70 mmHg, and 85 mmHg, the arterial walls were expanded to 0.05 mm, 0.15 mm, and 0.25 mm. Time-delayed cyclic variation of echogenicity compared to blood flow and pressure was observed, but the variation was minimal at 20 r/min. Time-synchronized cyclic variations of these parameters are important information for accurate input parameters and validation of the computational hemodynamic experiments which will provide useful information for the development and progress mechanisms of carotid artery stenosis.

Metabolic Syndromes Improvement and Its Related Factors among Health Checkup Examinees in a University Hospital (일개 대학병원 건강검진 수진자의 대사증후군 호전과 관련요인)

  • Jo, Mal-Suk;Suh, Soon-Rim;Kim, Keon-Yeop
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with the improvement of metabolic syndrome, and provide basic data for the health management of clients. The subjects were 280 adults who were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome in 2013, and who were examined from January 2013 to December 2014. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ${\chi}^2$-test, and logistic regression analysis with SPSS WIN 18. The change rate from 3 to 2 risk factors was 60.6% among those clients whose metabolic syndrome improved. The improvement group showed a decrease in their waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides and increase in their HDL cholesterol in 2014 compared to 2013, as well as decreased drinking, increased exercise, proper calorie, protein and carbohydrate uptake, and increased consumption of a lipid lowering agent. Exercise, calorie uptake and maintenance of an oral hypoglycemic drug influenced the improvement of the metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, it is necessary to have an intervention program including exercise enhancement and diet modification and to reinforce the health education for continuing health management.

Study on Material Segregation of Grout and Filling Characteristic of Grouting for Post-Tensioned Concrete Beam (PC 그라우트의 재료분리 및 PC 빔 그라우팅 충전성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jun-Ki;Choi, Joon-Ho;Yoon, Jeong-Seob;Cho, In-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.419-426
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    • 2010
  • This paper discusses a series of experiments including material improvement in order to ensure quality of grouting for the post-tensioned structure. In presstressed concrete, grouting refers to the construction procedure of filling empty space of duct enclosing the prestress tendons using cementitious material, To date, adequate quality control of the grouting has not been established in Korea because the relationship between the grouting and durability of post-tensioned structure is not well-recognized. The Korean standard does not consider the important material characteristic, wick effect, which is caused by tendons in the ducts, and furthermore current standard testing method does not quantify reasonable material segregation. As a result, the grout material, which satisfies the current material standards, may well exhibit excessive bleeding of water or shrinkage during construction. In this study, international codes and standards related to grouting were surveyed. The mix proportions of the constituents and novel admixtures were suggested to meet equivalently with these standards. Performance of this enhanced grout was compared with common domestic grouts using the international standard testing method. A series of mock-up specimens considering geometry of PC beam was constructed and grout flow pattern was observed as the grout was injected. It was observed that the grouting performance was highly influenced by material properties and filling characteristic can be varied depending on geometry of ducts.

도공층의 공극 구조와 인쇄후 잉크의 잔류 거동에 관한 연구(II)

  • ;;Douglas W. Bousfield
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.127-127
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    • 2001
  • 종이의 공극은 도공용 원지 또는 인쇄 용지로 사용될 때 도공액과 잉크 조성분의 침 투 거동에 영향을 미침으로써 여러 가지 물리적 성질에 변화를 가져온다. 도공 공정의 경우, 도공액에 포함되어 있는 물과 수용성 고분자 물질의 원지 침투는 도공 작업성과 도공층의 구조에 변화를 가져 올 수 있다. 이러한 변화는 물을 포함한 수용성 물질의 원지 침투가 빨라질 때 도공액의 고형화점 상승에 의한 원지 피복력 저하에 따른 도공 지의 평활성 감소를 가져온다. 또한 높은 전단력이 가해지는 블레이드 도공에서는 도피 직전 도공액의 수분 이탈이 급격하게 일어날 경우 블레이드에서 도공액의 유동성 저하 가 발생됨으로써 여러가지 문제점을 나타낸다고 보고 된 바 있다. 인쇄 공정의 경우에 는 도공층이 잉크의 직접적인 기질(substrate)로 작용되어 잉크 성분의 잔류 및 침투 거동에 영향을 미친다. 즉 지나치게’발달된공극 특성을 지닌 도공층에서는 잉크 안료가 적절한 결합력을 가지고 도공층에 정착되기 전에 잉크 속의 레진과 용제가 도공층의 공극으로 소실됨으로써 인쇄 완료 후 작은 외력에도 잉크 층이 파괴되는 효킹 ( (chalking) 현상이 일어난다. 그러나 과도한 바인더의 적용과 미세한 안료의 사용에 따 라 도공층의 공극이 폐쇄될 경우에는 인쇄 후 잉크의 건조가 늦어져 인쇄 작업성의 저 해 요인으로써 작용한다. 종이의 공극성과 인쇄적성은 주지하는 바와 같이 불가분의 관계에 있으며, 본 연구에 서는 피인쇄체로서 공극성을 달리한 세 종류의 도공지를 제조하고 실험실적으로 제조 된 잉크를 사용하여 각각의 특성에 따른 잉크의 잔류 특성에 대하여 고찰해 보고자 하 였다. 특히 인쇄 전 피인쇄체의 공극 특성에 따른 인쇄 전후의 공극율 변화와 주요 인 쇄 적성간의 관계에 대해 초점을 맞추었다.시아노에틸화한 PYA용액의 점탄성 평가를 위하여 storage modulus와 loss modulus 를 분석하였다. 일반적 유변특성 평가 결과 PYA용액은 shear-thinning, pseudoplastic 한 특성을 나타내어 표면사이즈 공정에서의 적용 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. 사용하는 통계기법 중의 하나인 주성분회귀분석을 실시하였다. 주성분 분석은 여러 개의 반응변수에 대하여 얻어진 다변량 자료의 다차원적인 변 수들을 축소, 요약하는 차원의 단순화와 더불어 서로 상관되어있는 반응변수들 상호간 의 복잡한 구조를 분석하는 기법이다. 본 발표에서는 공정 자료를 활용하여 인공신경망 과 주성분분석을 통해 공정 트러블의 발생에 영향 하는 인자들을 보다 현실적으로 추 정하고, 그 대책을 모색함으로써 이를 최소화할 수 있는 방안을 소개하고자 한다.금 빛 용사 둥과 같은 표면처리를 할 경우임의 소재 표면에 도금 및 용 사에 용이한 재료를 오버레이용접시킨 후 표면처리를 함으로써 보다 고품질의 표면층을 얻기위한 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 따라서 국내, 외의 오버레이 용접기술의 적용현황 및 대표적인 적용사례, 오버레이 용접기술 및 용접재료의 개발현황 둥을 중심으로 살펴봄으로서 아직 국내에서는 널리 알려지지 않은 본 기 술의 활용을 넓이고자 한다. within minimum time from beginning of the shutdown.및 12.36%, $101{\sim}200$일의 경우 12.78% 및 12.44%, 201일 이상의 경우 13.17% 및 11.30%로 201일 이상의 유기의 경우에만 대조구와 삭제 구간에 유의적인(p<0.05) 차이를 나타내었다.는 담수(淡水)에서 10%o의 해수(海水)로 이주된지 14일(日) 이후에 신장(腎臟)에서 수축된 것으로

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