• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기대심리

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Concerning the Constitution Court's constitutional decision and the direction of supplemental legislation concerning Article 33 paragraph 8 of the Medical Service Act - With a focus on legitimacy of a system that prohibits multiple opening of medical instituion, in the content of 2014Hun-Ba212, August 29, 2019, 2014Hun-Ga15, 2015Hun-Ma561, 2016Hun-Ba21(amalgamation), Constitutional Court of Korea - ('의료법 제33조 제8항 관련 헌법재판소의 합헌결정'에 대한 평가 및 보완 입법 방향에 대하여 -헌법재판소 2019. 8. 29. 2014헌바212, 2014헌가15, 2015헌마561, 2016헌바21(병합) 결정의 내용 중 의료기관 복수 개설금지 제도의 당위성 및 필요성을 중심으로-)

    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.143-174
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    • 2019
  • Our Constitution obliges the state to protect the health of the people, and the Medical Law, which embodied Constitution, sets out in detail the matters related to open the medical institution, and one of them is to prohibit the operation of multiple medical institutions. By the way, virtually multiple medical institutions could be opened and operated because the Supreme Court had interpreted that several medical institutions could be opened if medical activities were not performed directly at the additional medical institution which was opened under the another doctor's license. However, some health care providers opened the several medical institutions with another doctor's license for the purpose of the maximization of profit, and did illegal medical cares like the unfair luring of patients, over-treatment, and commission treatment. Also, realistic problems such as the infringed health rights have arisen. Accordingly, lawmakers had come to amend the Medical Law to readjust the system of opening for medical institution so that medical personnel could not open or operate more than one medical institution for any reason. For this reason, the Constitutional Court recently declared a constitutional decision through a long period of in-depth deliberation because the constitutional petition and the adjudication on the constitutionality of statutes had been filed on whether Article 33 paragraph 8 of the revised medical law is unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court acknowledged the "justice of purpose" in view of the importance of public medical institutions, of the prevention from seduction of for-profit patients and from over-treatment, and of the fact that health care should not be the object of commercial transactions. Given the risk that medical personnel might be subject to outside capital, the concern that the holder of the medical institution's opening certificate and the actual operator may be separated, the principle that the human body and life should not be just a means, and the current system's inability to identify over-treatment, it also acknowledged the 'minimum infringement'. Furthermore, The Constitutional Court judged it is constitutional in compliance with the principle of restricting fundamental rights, such as 'balance of legal interests'. In this regard, legislative complements are needed in order to effectively prevent the for-profit management and the over-treatment the Constitutional Court is concerned about. In this regard, consumer groups actively support the need for legislation, and health care providers groups also agree on the need for legislation. Therefore, the legislators should respect the recent Constitutional Court's decision and in the near future complete the complementary legislation to reflect the people's interests.

Analysis on the core factors in the successful importing of ERP system in Small & Medium Enterprises - Focusing on the Cooperation Model between Industry and Education in Chung-Buk province (중소기업 ERP 시스템 도입 핵심성공요인 분석 -충북지역 산학연계 모델을 중심으로-)

  • 김범년;김영렬
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2003
  • In the radical char]go of the business environments that the existing facilities can not guarantee the business-frosts anymore, enterprises have been importing ERP system. In Korea, Sam-sung Electronics did it for the first tin in the latter half of 1994 and other enterprises succeeded. Currently, government and public enterprises as well as most of the large enterprises are employing ERP system to sharpen the competitiveness and to win the business transparency. On the other hand, it is harder for small and medium enterprises shaded by the large enterprises to be well-equipped with information system such as ERP, because they have already suffered from chronic financial difficulties and shortage of many resources. Most of all, they prefer the short-term project that does not need much tine for them to make decisions and to carry out fully. Grounded on the above factors, in this work, I suggest the suitable ERP model for the small and medium enterprises and the successful importing process of ERP, which is derived from the previous researches made by other masters' thesis. If necessary information and human resources are interchanged pertinently between local education institute and small and medium enterprise, the latter could not only deal with the confronted difficulties successfully inside and outside but attain the goal of being proficient in up-to-minute high technology. Besides, giving the students the opportunity of researching into the practice of the business they have not ever known, local universities could help their students accumulate knowledges and acquire ideas which could not be achieved in pure academic studies. When the above-mentioned procedure is over, the students might get the intellectual faculty to ponder on the future more concretely and enter a profession more carefully. In the result, we would raise up the percentage of the employment among the graduates. And active participation of university professors is the last important factor that assists the small and medium enterprises for introducing ERP system successfully. Their scholarly attainments play an important role in strengthening local economy and make the business competitiveness balanced between the capital and the local economy.

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독창적 아이디어에서 창조적 혁신까지 : 인공씨감자 기술혁신 성공사례 분석

  • 현재호
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1997.07a
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    • pp.222-223
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    • 1997
  • By analyzing the successful innovation case of potato microtuber mass production technology, a representative case of technology-push type creative innovation in an imitation oriented research culture, this paper attempts to figure out conceptual model of creative innovation that is initiated by the public laboratories in catching-up country, Stages of creative innovation can be divided into the internal R&D stage and the external commercialization stage. Success of the internal R&D stage depended on autonomy to secure creative research idea and commitment of individual researchers. Psychological pressure evoked from sportlights of mass media and commitment of sponsor increased the intensity of research efforts of the researcher Recognition of research problem and its significance was intensified by site visits of agricultural fields, and the recognized higher impacts of expected research results and knowledge creation achieved were a fundamental source of self-motivation. In the stage of commercialization stage, various legal, socio-economic, and psychological barriers were confronted. In a catching-up country lacking of experiences of creative innovation, creative innovation process can be regarded as a barrier elimination and cultural revolution process. Among the barriers, psychological refusal of farmers to corn-sized potato seeds was critical, which finally enforced to further researches to enlarge the size of potato seeds. In addition, the researcher has concentrated his research efforts in one specialized research area by getting a series of similar research project funds rather than diversification. It was lucky for him to have a chance to carry out a series of similar researches in one research area during the last 10 years. In getting research funds from government and private companies continuously in one research area, both internal and external promoters played significant roles.

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An Empirical Testing of Employee Attchment Model: A Comprison of South Korean and U.S. Teachers (조직유착모형의 경험적 적합성에 관한 고찰 - 교사들의 경우를 중심으로 한 한 . 미간 비교연구 -)

  • 조동기
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.139-159
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    • 1996
  • This study comparatively examines a causal model of employee attatchment which focuses on employee's organizational commitment and intent to stay with an organization. This study is based on two separate studies of employee attachment among teachers : the U.S. case of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the South Korean case of the Seoul Educational District (SED). The main purpose of this study is to replicate in Korea the CPS study. A revised model based on the unique characteristics of Korean teachers is also developed and estimated. The Price Mueller model of employee attachment provides the basic theoretical framework for this study. It includes five general classes of variables : 1) employee responses to work variables : job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to stay; 2) psychological stress variables: role ambiguity, role conflict, work overload, and quality of students; 3) social structural variables: autonomy, routinization, distributive justice, and legitimacy; 4) economic structural variables: pay, job security, promotional opportunities, and job opportunities; and 5) work orientation variables : career commitment, normative commitment, work motivation, affectivity, work values, and met expectations. The data was collected through questionnaire survey and a sample of 649 secondary school teachers in Seoul, South Korea, was included in the final analysis. Covariance structure analysis (LISREL) was used to estimate the causal model. The results indicate that the endogenous variables of job satisfaction and commitment play a considerably less important role than in the U.S. model in mediating the effects of the exogenous variables on intent to stay, and the model fails to explain the majority of the variance in intent to stay. In addition, the new variables added to the revised Korean model do not bave significant effects on intent to stay. The structural characteristics of the employment relationship and labor markets associated with Korean teachers forced mobility and closed external markets - are largely accountable for the major differences between the Korean and the U.S. cases. The study suggests that conceptual and empirical work on what produces employee attachment under these structural constraints needs to receive more attention in future studies.

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A Look at the Need for a Crafts program of Developmental Disabilities (발달장애의 수예공작 프로그램 필요성에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Nam-Soon;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Hee-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2011
  • The number of the disabled person had been increased for the industrial accident and the environmental pollution. Especially, developmental disability has the high prevalence rate between 5% and 10% of the whole children. The children with a developmental disability can be treated by the physical therapy, the occupational therapy, the psychology therapy, speech therapy, and art therapy. Visual preception which is function to recognize the external environment through the optic organ could be related to most behaviors on the everyday life. But because the children with disability could not develop the visual-preception enough, they came to have difficulties in executing daily life project. For this reason, it is most important to understand the estimation and the cure on the visual-preception in the pediatric occupational therapy. To improve the visual-preception power, we have many kind of methods including sensory integration, training program for the visual-perception and art-craft program. Particularly, the art-craft which is the representative activity for making something by hands, can be applied to anyone. As the study on the brain has been activated, it was proved that handicraft actives could have an good effect on the brain function and using brain. When the fine motor exercise and more delicate and accurate motion were carried, these motions need the essential help of the visual-perception. So it could be expected that using the repetitive hand function by art-craft makes the brain function improve, when a activity that needs a fine motor exercise and more delicate, accurate motion was carried, It also indicates that the art-craft program has a clear treatment value. Though the intervention between visual-perception development and visual-perception disability have a majority in the field of occupational therapy, there is a few study yet. Therefore, this study tried to look back on the necessity of applying the art-craft program to the children with disability as the prestudy for preliminary validity of the master's thesis.

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M2 Velocity and Expected Inflation in Korea: Implications for Interest Rate Policy (인플레와 M2 유통속도(流通速度))

  • Park, Woo-kyu
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 1991
  • This paper attempts to identify key determinants of long run movements of real M2 by using the Johansen procedure for estimating and testing cointegration relations. It turns out that the real M2 equation has been stable over the long run despite rapid changes in financial structure since 1975. Moreover, the real M2 equation can be reduced to a velocity equation with the opportunity cost variable, expected inflation less the weighted average rate paid on M2 deposits, being the key determinant. However, it does not work to use a market interest rate such as the yield on corporate bonds in place of expected inflation for calculation of the opportunity cost. In the U.S., a market interest rate can be used, but not in Korea. Presumably, two somewhat different reasonings can be used to explain this result. One is that the yield on corporate bonds may not adequately reflect the inflationary expectations due to regulations on movements in interest rates. The other is that M2 deposits are not readily substitutable with such assets as corporate bonds because of market segmentations, regulations, and so on. From the policymaker's point of view, this implies that the inflation rate is an important indicator of a policy response. On the other hand, policymakers do not regard movements of the yield on corporate bonds as an important policy indicator. Altogether, the role of interest rates has been quite limited in Korea because of incomplete interest rate liberalization, an underdeveloped financial system, implementation procedures of policy measures, and so on. The result that M2 velocity has a positive cointegration relation with expected inflation minus the average rate on M2 implies that frequent adjustments of the regulated rates on M2 will be necessary as market conditions change. As the expected inflation gets higher, M2 velocity will eventually increase, given that the rates on M2 do not change. This will cause higher inflation. If interest rates are liberalized, then increases in market interest rates will result in lagged increases in deposits rates on M2. However, in Korea a substantial portion of deposit rates are regulated and will not change without the authority's initiatives. A tight monetary policy will cause increases in a few market interest rates. But the market mechanism, upward pressure for interest rate adjustments, never reaches regulated deposit rates. Hence the overall effects of tight monetary policy diminish considerably, only causing distortions in the flow of funds. Therefore, frequent adjustments of deposit rates are necessary as market conditions such as inflationary expectations change. Then it becomes important for the policymaker to actively engage in adjusting regulated deposit rates, because the financial sector in Korea is not fully developed.

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A Study on the Visual Preference of Users according to the Location of Benches at Urban Community Parks (도시공원에서 벤치의 배치장소에 따른 이용자의 시각적 선호도에 관한 연구)

  • 유상완;문석기;권상준
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to find out what is the preference of users according to the location of benches at urban community parks. This location of benches is seperated into 4 patterns according to arranging pattern of water space, a walk, pergola and shelter, greenspace. To investigate the visual preference is examined by analyzing visual volume of 4 patterns. Results are as follows; 1. Factor analysis by the total data showed that 5 factors explain 60.40 percent of total variance of the location of bench visual character. They were classified by the sensitive factor, visual factor, physical-individual factor, distinct factor, density factor. Among 5 factors, the sensitive factor which represented psychological reaction was appreciated to be highest. 2. Most of 20 items showed the following scores of mean values in sementic differential experiment : Spot 1->Spot 4-> 2-> 3. The mean values between arrangement place locational differences showed significantly, that could explain to be a violent contrast between the natural factors(weater space, green space, etc) and the artificial factors (around of pergola, shelter, etc)

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Potential Role of Hedgehog Signaling in Radiation-induced Liver Fibrosis (방사선에 의한 간섬유증에서 헤지호그의 잠재적 역할)

  • Wang, Sihyung;Jung, Youngmi
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.710-720
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    • 2013
  • Radiotherapy is commonly used in treating many kinds of cancers which cannot be cured by other therapeutic strategies. However, radiotherapy also induces the damages on the normal tissues. Radiation-induced fibrosis is frequently observed in the patients undergoing radiotherapy, and becomes a major obstacle in the treatment of intrahepatic cancer. Hedgehog (Hh) that is an essential in the liver formation during embryogenesis is not detected in the healthy liver, but activated and modulates the repair process in damaged livers in adult. The expression of Hh increases with the degree of liver damage, regulating the proliferation of hepatic progenitors and hepatic stellate cells (HSC). In addition, Hh induces epithelial-to-mesencymal transition (EMT) and activation of myofibroblasts. In the irradiated livers, up-regulated expression of Hh signaling was associated with proliferation of progenitors, EMT induction, and increased fibrosis. Female-specific expression of Hh leaded to the expansion of progenitors and the accumulation of collagen in the irradiated livers of female mice, indicating that gender disparity in Hh expression may be related with radiation-susceptibility in female. Hence, Hh signaling becomes a novel object of studies for fibrogenesis induced by radiation. However, the absence of the established experimental animal models showing the similar physiopathology with human liver diseases and fibrosis-favorable microenvironment hamper the studies for the radiation-induced fibrosis, providing a few descriptive results. Therefore, further research on the association of Hh with radiation-induced fibrosis can identify the cell and tissue-specific effects of Hh and provides the basic knowledge for underlying mechanisms, contributing to developing therapies for preventing the radiation-induced fibrosis.

The Strategy of Characterizing Space that uses Anti-House as a Metaphor for Character's Self-Defense Mechanism - Focusing on the TV Series and the Theater version of - (캐릭터의 자아방어기제를 은유하는 '안티돔' 공간의 성격화 전략 - <에반게리온>의 TV 시리즈와 극장판 를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Se-Hyeok;Ryu, Beom-Yeol
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.75-106
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    • 2015
  • Animations characterize space as a strategy to effectively show the inner conflicts of characters and to highlight the theme. During the process of inner conflict, characters unconsciously use defense mechanism to protect their egos from the fear that came from deficiency, and because of the self-deceptive quality of self-defense mechanism, the reality is distorted and conflicts get intensified. This study focuses on the concept of anti-house, the space where conflicts get intensified, analyzes animations to find out the aspect of inner conflict, and interprets the characteristic of space that is used for metaphoric structure frame. Also, it aims to reveal how the defense mechanism, which intensifies the inner conflict of characters, is characterized as anti-house. The analysis in this study was mainly done with the TV series, , and the theater version of . It is because the characters have serious deficiency from broken home and have a psychological quality of closed boundary that is symbolized as 'A.T. field'. Especially, the core character, 'Shinji Ikari', shows how a character uses compulsive self-defense mechanism to deal with inner conflict and as a result, goes through ego-collapse and then introspection. This process of the character's experience is the core of the whole plot. Through analysis, the relationship between the character's self-defense mechanism and the space, anti-house(which expands to Anti-city), was inferred. The space is made up of three axes, x-axis of horizontal space, y-axis of vertical space, and in the sense that all the space has no exit, z-axis of deeper contradictory space. This thesis started with the decision that is the most suitable work in analyzing the metaphorical relationship between self-defense mechanism and anti-house. There was limitation, however, as the typical characteristics of Japanese animations, pedantic composition and the possibility of broad interpretation, hindered clear verification. Hopefully, this limitation will be overcome by following studies and this study is expected to show the importance of space in interpreting the text of animations, and to serve as database for other creative works.

The Effects of Service Quality on Shopping Value and Repatronage Intention: The Case of Specialty Coffee Shops (서비스 품질이 쇼핑가치와 재이용의도에 미치는 영향: 커피전문점을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2012
  • While recent economic stagnation has left consumers dispirited, rapid growth has been seen in the domestic coffee industry recently. With the growth in coffee consumption, a tremendous increase in the number of specialty coffee shops has been seen in the domestic coffee market. The expectation that markets specializing in coffee will continue to grow for a long time will cause existing enterprises to expand their shops and increase the rate of entry of new shops. Intense competition in the domestic coffee market will force companies to create a competitive advantage through differentiated marketing strategies. This paper focuses on how the shopping value and repatronage intention of customers using coffee shops is affected by service quality. Moreover, this paper intends to examine the service quality that is critical for the successful management of relationships and the values that are important to consumers. For these purposes, the discriminative effect of service quality on shopping value was analyzed and the effect of utilitarian and hedonic value on repatronage intention was reviewed. The results of this study are detailed below. First, interaction and outcome quality can positively affect the hedonic value, whereas environment quality is not meaningful for utilitarian value. Considering the relative effect on utilitarian value outcome, the effect of outcome quality is greater than that of interaction. This result shows that the role of outcome quality is most important for improving utilitarian value. Second, outcome and environment quality positively affect hedonic value; however, interaction quality does not meaningfully increase hedonic value. These results indicate that customers recognize hedonic value on the basis of their evaluation of the service outcomes and the background to delivery service. In particular, it was revealed that the relative effect of outcome quality on hedonic value is greater than that of environment quality. Third, both utilitarian value and hedonic value had a positive effect on repatronage intention. The relative influence of the hedonic value is that the shopping value affects the repatronage intention more than the utilitarian value. These results mean that customers recognize coffee shops as spaces for satisfying utilitarian and hedonic values, and they place more importance on the benefits of the emotional experience than functional needs. Finally, this study suggests that output quality is more important than other service factors, and the results of this paper give some implications to the coffee shop industry that customers seek utilitarian needs based on economic value and place more weight on hedonic value, such as that offered by relationship media.

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