• Title/Summary/Keyword: 금융서비스혁신

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A Study on Factors Affecting a User's Behavioral Intention to Use Cloud Service for Each Industry (클라우드 서비스의 산업별 이용의도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kwang-Kyu Seo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2020
  • Globally, cloud service is a core infrastructure that improves industrial productivity and accelerates innovation through convergence and integration with various industries, and it is expected to continuously expand the market size and spread to all industries. In particular, due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, the introduction of cloud services was an opportunity to be recognized as a core infrastructure to cope with the untact era. However, it is still at the preliminary stage for market expansion of cloud service in Korea. This paper aims to empirically analyze how cloud services can be accepted by users by each industry through extended Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), and what factors influence the acceptance and avoidance of cloud services to users. For this purpose, the impact and factors on the acceptance intention of cloud services were analyzed through the hypothesis test through the proposed extended technology acceptance model. The industrial sector selected four industrial sectors of education, finance, manufacturing and health care and derived factors by examining the parameters of TAM, key characteristics of the cloud and other factors. As a result of the empirical analysis, differences were found in the factors that influence the intention to accept cloud services for each of the four industry sectors, which means that there is a difference in perception of the introduction or use of cloud services by industry sector. Eventually it is expected that this study will not only help to understand the intention of using cloud services by industry, but also help cloud service providers expand and provide cloud services to each industry.

Taiwan Security Industry and Its Current Development of Education (대만 민간경비의 현황과 발전전망(臺灣保安産業與敎育發展現況))

  • 왕계원
    • 한국경호경비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.63-82
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    • 2008
  • 지난 10여 년 동안 대만사회의 가장 큰 변화 중 하나는 '개인 경비', 혹은 '개인 경호' 사업이 크게 발달했다는 것이다. 민간의 역량과 과학화된 설비로써 재산보호와 신변보호를 하고자 하는 개인 경비에는 여러 방식이 있다. 예를 들어 개인안전 경비(즉, 수행경호), 현금운송 경비, 주거경비, 상공업경비(여기에는 공장지대의 안전한 보호와 백화점, 금융기관, 보석상점 및 편의점 등의 경비가 포함됨), 그리고 각종 경비장치의 설치 등이 있다. 천징훼이(陳靜慧, 2006)는 대만의 경비 산업 경영형태에 대해 아래와 같이 분석하였다. 그의 주장에 따르면, 대만의 경비 산업은 일반 업무 위주로 하고 있으며, 여기에는 시스템 경비, 상근 경비, 현금 경비, 신변 경비가 있다고 밝혔다. 이 일반 업무는 일본, 미국, 독일의 형태와 유사하다. 그러나 미국과 독일의 경비회사들은 특수한 업무를 담당하고 있다. 미국의 경우 무장경비 현금수송, 신용조사 업무, 보험조사 업무, 거짓말 탐지 업무를 수행한다. 독일의 특수 업무에는 군대설비 경비, 교통지휘 및 질서 유지, 신속 고발 경비, 그리고 교도소 경비가 있다. 량신쩐(梁心禎, 2006)은 대만의 경비 산업 발전의 흐름에 대해 다음 세 단계로 구분했다. 제1단계는 1978년부터 1987년까지로 이 시기 대만은 일본 경비 사업 발전의 영향을 수용했기 때문에 일본의 경비사업 관리방식과 시스템 설비를 받아들여 점차 대만 방식의 경비 형태로 발전시켜 나갔다. 초기 발전단계의 경영방식은 주로 외국 기술과의 협력을 통한 시스템 경비가 주를 이루었다. 제2단계는 1988년부터 1997년까지인데, 이 시기에 이르러 경비 사업은 비인기 사업에서 인기 사업으로 시장이 확대되었고, 해외업체와의 활발한 기술 교류, 새로운 브랜드 개발과 경비 경영 방식의 혁신, 그리고 상근 경비와 수행경호와 같은 경비 관련 항목의 확장을 이루었다. 또한 이 시기에 수많은 경비회사들이 세워져 새로운 경쟁시대로 돌입하였다. 제3단계는 1998년부터 현재까지로 이전의 전통적인 건물경비 방식에서 경비와 부동산 관리 서비스를 함께하는 방식으로 경영 형태가 바뀌었고 전반적인 서비스 품질을 중시하기 시작하였다. 따라서 경비 사업자는 아파트 및 빌딩관리 보호 회사를 설립하여 이를 공동 경영하였으며, 전문적이고 종합적인 단계로 들어섰다. 대만 경비 교육제도의 설립과 제도화된 면허증 시스템 구축은 아직 초보적인 단계로써 여전히 이 두 방면의 발전을 강화시켜야 하는데, 교육과 심사를 시행하여 경비원의 소질을 향상시켜야 할 것이다. 경비사업자는 과학기술적인 통제 시스템을 받아들여 인건비를 낮추고 서비스의 범위와 품질을 향상시켜야 한다. 또한 각 지방의 노동조합은 정부가 법령을 개정하여 경비원의 자격제한과 업무를 보장해주도록 건의해야만 경호원의 대우와 이미지가 개선될 수 있다. 아울러 국제학술교류의 확대와 경비 관련 산업에 대한 토론회와 전시회를 자주 개최하여 새로운 지식을 습득해야 한다.

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A Study of Countermeasure against Security Risk of Fintech Services for Financial Innovation (금융혁신을 위한 핀테크 서비스의 보안 리스크 대응방안 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Kuk;Kim, Injai
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2015
  • Fintech, which means the convergence of finance and information technology, becomes a hot topic in the financial sector. Through innovative activities on financial services, ICT(Information and Communication Technology) is integrated into the overall financial industry, and a new form of financial services could be expected to improve the existing financial system. On the other hand, fintech services are relatively vulnerable to security issues. Due to the process simplication and the channel fusion, the leakage of personal and financial informations, authentication bypass, phishing, and pharming are getting more concerned. In this study we investigated the security risk of fintech services in the viewpoints of service provider, technology adoption, and security policy. The possible countermeasures to reduce those risks are suggested because security is an important criterion for selecting financial services. This study basically offers quantification of the potential security risks and step-by-step control measures about business processes in the fintech services. The suggested security model includes user authentication, terminal security, payment information protection, API(Application Programming Interface) security, and abnormal transaction monitoring. This study might contribute to an understanding of the security risks and some possible measures for mitigating those risks on the practical perspective.

A New Approach to Evaluation of Industrial Informatization (차세대 기업 정보화수준 평가 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Leem, Choon-Seong;Yu, Eun-Jung;Kim, Byeong-Wan;Shin, Seon-Do;Lee, Byeong-Ryul;Cha, Jeong-Hoon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.125-144
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the main concerns of enterprise management activities is how to strengthen the competitiveness to quickly respond to changes and sustain the growth in business environment. As IT(Information Technology) has become to be viewed as a key driver for the business competitiveness, new paradigms, such as business and IT alignment, IT-driven product/service innovation and so on, are regarded as the hot topic in many industries. However, previous studies related to IT evaluation, which is more critical than any other IT activities, have focused on quantitative IT deployment, utilization and its economical effects. Therefore, this study presents the newly-developed evaluation domains and items based on four pairs of relative concepts in industrial informatization, and their multi-dimensional analysis methodology which explains various types of IT characteristics of enterprises. And finally, pilot tests at 2 companies in financial service sector will be performed in order to verify the practicality of the evaluation system.

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Financial Condition and the Determinants of Credit Ratings in Korean Small and Medium-Sized Business (중소상공인의 금융현황과 신용등급의 결정요인 관련 연구)

  • Kang, Hyoung-Goo;Binh, Ki Beom;Lee, Hong-Kyun;Koo, Bonha
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2020
  • This paper analyzes the 5,521 samples of the small and medium-sized businesses(SMBs) obtained from the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund. From January 2014 to September 2019, 85% of the SMBs have 5 or fewer full-time employees. The proportion of SMBs is overwhelmed by the elderly men, and most founders are the CEO. Also, about 87% of the workplace types are rented, while 64% of the CEO's residence types are owner-occupation. 47% of the financial grade score is less than 10 points out of 100 and 80% of SMBs have less than 200 million won of the loan guarantee. In particular, the total guarantee loan amount or the days of net guarantee have significantly positive relations with the working period of the CEO in the same industry, the number of employees, the operation period of SMBs, and the corporate business type. In the case of the financial grading score which has the highest weight in overall credit rating gets higher with the higher number of employees, the longer the operation period, and the corporate business type. However, the quantified non-financial grading score has no significant relationship with other explanatory variables, except for the corporate business type. This implies that a non-financial grade score is measured by other determinants that are not observed by the Korea credit guarantee fund. The pure non-financial grade score has positive relations with the working period of the CEO. Overall, this paper would help Korean SMBs upgrade their credit ratings and expand the money supply when there is no standardized credit rating model or no publicly available evaluation criteria for SMBs. We expect this paper provides important insights for further research and policy-makers for SMBs. In particular, to address the financial needs of thin-filers such as SMBs, technology-based financial services (TechFin) would use alternative data to evaluate the financial capabilities of thin-filers and to develop new financial services.

New Insights on Mobile Location-based Services(LBS): Leading Factors to the Use of Services and Privacy Paradox (모바일 위치기반서비스(LBS) 관련한 새로운 견해: 서비스사용으로 이끄는 요인들과 사생활염려의 모순)

  • Cheon, Eunyoung;Park, Yong-Tae
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2017
  • As Internet usage is becoming more common worldwide and smartphone become necessity in daily life, technologies and applications related to mobile Internet are developing rapidly. The results of the Internet usage patterns of consumers around the world imply that there are many potential new business opportunities for mobile Internet technologies and applications. The location-based service (LBS) is a service based on the location information of the mobile device. LBS has recently gotten much attention among many mobile applications and various LBSs are rapidly developing in numerous categories. However, even with the development of LBS related technologies and services, there is still a lack of empirical research on the intention to use LBS. The application of previous researches is limited because they focused on the effect of one particular factor and had not shown the direct relationship on the intention to use LBS. Therefore, this study presents a research model of factors that affect the intention to use and actual use of LBS whose market is expected to grow rapidly, and tested it by conducting a questionnaire survey of 330 users. The results of data analysis showed that service customization, service quality, and personal innovativeness have a positive effect on the intention to use LBS and the intention to use LBS has a positive effect on the actual use of LBS. These results implies that LBS providers can enhance the user's intention to use LBS by offering service customization through the provision of various LBSs based on users' needs, improving information service qualities such as accuracy, timeliness, sensitivity, and reliability, and encouraging personal innovativeness. However, privacy concerns in the context of LBS are not significantly affected by service customization and personal innovativeness and privacy concerns do not significantly affect the intention to use LBS. In fact, the information related to users' location collected by LBS is less sensitive when compared with the information that is used to perform financial transactions. Therefore, such outcomes on privacy concern are revealed. In addition, the advantages of using LBS are more important than the sensitivity of privacy protection to the users who use LBS than to the users who use information systems such as electronic commerce that involves financial transactions. Therefore, LBS are recommended to be treated differently from other information systems. This study is significant in the theoretical point of contribution that it proposed factors affecting the intention to use LBS in a multi-faceted perspective, proved the proposed research model empirically, brought new insights on LBS, and broadens understanding of the intention to use and actual use of LBS. Also, the empirical results of the customization of LBS affecting the user's intention to use the LBS suggest that the provision of customized LBS services based on the usage data analysis through utilizing technologies such as artificial intelligence can enhance the user's intention to use. In a practical point of view, the results of this study are expected to help LBS providers to develop a competitive strategy for responding to LBS users effectively and lead to the LBS market grows. We expect that there will be differences in using LBSs depending on some factors such as types of LBS, whether it is free of charge or not, privacy policies related to LBS, the levels of reliability related application and technology, the frequency of use, etc. Therefore, if we can make comparative studies with those factors, it will contribute to the development of the research areas of LBS. We hope this study can inspire many researchers and initiate many great researches in LBS fields.

Analysis of Success Cases of InsurTech and Digital Insurance Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Focused on Ping An Insurance Group Ltd. in China (인공지능 기술 기반 인슈어테크와 디지털보험플랫폼 성공사례 분석: 중국 평안보험그룹을 중심으로)

  • Lee, JaeWon;Oh, SangJin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the global insurance industry is rapidly developing digital transformation through the use of artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and deep learning. As a result, more and more foreign insurers have achieved the success of artificial intelligence technology-based InsurTech and platform business, and Ping An Insurance Group Ltd., China's largest private company, is leading China's global fourth industrial revolution with remarkable achievements in InsurTech and Digital Platform as a result of its constant innovation, using 'finance and technology' and 'finance and ecosystem' as keywords for companies. In response, this study analyzed the InsurTech and platform business activities of Ping An Insurance Group Ltd. through the ser-M analysis model to provide strategic implications for revitalizing AI technology-based businesses of domestic insurers. The ser-M analysis model has been studied so that the vision and leadership of the CEO, the historical environment of the enterprise, the utilization of various resources, and the unique mechanism relationships can be interpreted in an integrated manner as a frame that can be interpreted in terms of the subject, environment, resource and mechanism. As a result of the case analysis, Ping An Insurance Group Ltd. has achieved cost reduction and customer service development by digitally innovating its entire business area such as sales, underwriting, claims, and loan service by utilizing core artificial intelligence technologies such as facial, voice, and facial expression recognition. In addition, "online data in China" and "the vast offline data and insights accumulated by the company" were combined with new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis to build a digital platform that integrates financial services and digital service businesses. Ping An Insurance Group Ltd. challenged constant innovation, and as of 2019, sales reached $155 billion, ranking seventh among all companies in the Global 2000 rankings selected by Forbes Magazine. Analyzing the background of the success of Ping An Insurance Group Ltd. from the perspective of ser-M, founder Mammingz quickly captured the development of digital technology, market competition and changes in population structure in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, and established a new vision and displayed an agile leadership of digital technology-focused. Based on the strong leadership led by the founder in response to environmental changes, the company has successfully led InsurTech and Platform Business through innovation of internal resources such as investment in artificial intelligence technology, securing excellent professionals, and strengthening big data capabilities, combining external absorption capabilities, and strategic alliances among various industries. Through this success story analysis of Ping An Insurance Group Ltd., the following implications can be given to domestic insurance companies that are preparing for digital transformation. First, CEOs of domestic companies also need to recognize the paradigm shift in industry due to the change in digital technology and quickly arm themselves with digital technology-oriented leadership to spearhead the digital transformation of enterprises. Second, the Korean government should urgently overhaul related laws and systems to further promote the use of data between different industries and provide drastic support such as deregulation, tax benefits and platform provision to help the domestic insurance industry secure global competitiveness. Third, Korean companies also need to make bolder investments in the development of artificial intelligence technology so that systematic securing of internal and external data, training of technical personnel, and patent applications can be expanded, and digital platforms should be quickly established so that diverse customer experiences can be integrated through learned artificial intelligence technology. Finally, since there may be limitations to generalization through a single case of an overseas insurance company, I hope that in the future, more extensive research will be conducted on various management strategies related to artificial intelligence technology by analyzing cases of multiple industries or multiple companies or conducting empirical research.

An Exploratory Study on Fintech Regulations and Start-ups: Focusing on the US, China, and Korea Cases (핀테크 산업 규제와 스타트업 활성화 방안에 대한 탐색적 연구: 미국, 중국, 한국 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Seongmin;Pak, Do Hyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2020
  • Among the fintech businesses that are actively developing around the world, payment and settlement are the most prominent. Korea has a well-developed IT industry and a good existing card payment environment, however, its innovative movement is overwhelmingly slower than that of other countries in the fintech. In this study, we try to assess the regulations on fintech and their impacts on the startup ecosystem by comparing the cases of U.S., China, and Korea. We have found that both the United States and China have lowered barriers to entry for the newly launched fintech industry, allowing startups and IT companies to start fintech businesses at the existing financial sector. Particularly the implementation of predictable regulations in U.S., and the failure to apply the financial regulations in China, help start-up companies' growth in the fintech industry. This finding provides us with a lesson that current positive regulations in Korea should gradually change into negative regulations, and predictable regulations that strictly enforce post-management except major items rather than pre-approval. The policy implications are discussed with the perspective of start-ups in fintech industry.

Evaluating the Success Factors of Microfinance : A Case Study of Grameen Bank (마이크로파이넨스 성공요인 연구 : 그라민 은행 사례)

  • Nargis, Farhana;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kwon, Kyung-Sup
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2012
  • Microfinance has been an important tool for the economic growth and poverty alleviation. But the success factors and risk factors have not been synthesized in academic literature. This article has paid attention to success factors and potential risk of the Grameen Bank. Grameen Bank methodology is almost the reverse of the conventional banking methodology. Conventional banking is based on the principle that the more you have, the more you can get. Founder of Grameen Bank, Professor Yunus pointed out that, "The least you have the highest you have the priority to receive a loan". On the basis of theoretical literature, there have been different kinds of success factors of microfinance observed in this paper. Key success factors of Grameen Bank are like these: innovation, strict administrative structure, adaptation and learning practice, incentive system. Complementary services such as business consulting and brokerage will contribute to borrowers' economic performance development.

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A Study on the Identification of Cloud Security Risks in the Manufacturing Industry (제조산업 클라우드 보안위험 식별 연구)

  • Junghun Oh;Juno Lee;Hangbae Chang
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2024
  • In the trend of digital transformation and the increase in non-face-to-face services triggered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the demand for cloud computing services is being sharply stimulated. Currently, the cloud is being introduced in various industrial sectors including public, IT, and finance, and the manufacturing industry is also adopting the cloud to secure future sustainability and is promoting innovation through smart manufacturing. However, it has been found that there are constraints in the adoption of cloud by manufacturing companies due to concerns about security. Existing studies that have identified cloud security risks have been limited to presenting general cloud security risks or technical security risks rather than focusing on the manufacturing industry. Therefore, this study aimed to identify cloud security risks in the manufacturing industry based on the actual concerns in the field. For this, expert interviews and literature research were conducted to newly identify cloud security risks in the manufacturing industry, and the adequacy and urgency of the selected security risks were verified through surveys. Based on this study, if a cloud security management system for the manufacturing industry is designed in the future, it is expected that the adoption of cloud in the manufacturing industry will be more activated.

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