• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대지향

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1970s Korean film and landscape of Others -with 'family community' and 'death' motif (1970년대 한국 영화와 타자들의 풍경 -'가족'과 '죽음' 모티프를 중심으로)

  • Han, Young-Hyeon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.429-465
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    • 2019
  • This paper analyzed the ways in which "others" were reproduced in Korean movies in the 1970s. In the midst of the social changes of the era, such as urbanization due to rapid industrial modernization, many people became laborers for industry in order to obtain the fruits of modernization.But the landscape of others, which was inevitably produced in the process of constructing such subjects, has been limited to analysis that is focused on gender and youth discourse. This article aims to extract the landscape of others in the 1970s by adopting a different perspective. The way in which the other is present can be divided into the following two categories. First, in 1970s film, the family community, in contrast with 1960s film, has disintegrated and cracked, due to the inability of others to enter or leave the community. The desperate perception that the family community can no longer function as a stable foundation or center of the constitution, and that it cannot have a sense of security and belonging,is revealed through the way the others are wandering in and out of the community. Second, 'Death' is an element of social life in the violence of the national ideology of the 1970s, and the everyday exceptional state. The way in which the 'other' is completely eliminated from the normal subjectivity requested by the state and is deported in film reflectshow everyday death or potential death is part of life of the 1970s. Normal life pursued through rapid urbanization and industrialization leads to the death of the other beings, but the way of existence of others is the desperate reality of the 1970s, when the boundaries of the state that provide stability and belonging are broken. As a result, the landscape of others in the 1970s reveals a violent reality that destroys the perfect middle class family discourse that industrial modernization was oriented around in the 1970s, and that produced masses of others who caused numerous deaths. In spite of regime censorship, Korean films were popularly revealing the violence of life brought in by the 1970s, following a detour of representation.

A Study on Conceptual Suitability or Unfitness of 'Silhak' ('실학實學' 개념의 적합성 또는 부적합성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jeong-Hoo
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.88
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to study on conceptual suitability or unfitness of Silhak(實學). It is general that by criticizing Chujahak(朱子學) or beyond the limitation of Seonglihak(性理學), Silhak has developed practical tendency to reforming the society in the middle and end of Chosen Dynasty, related to the context of Korean national reflection in modern times. However, it is unfortunate to be understood. As presented in Chosenwangjosillok(『朝鮮王朝實錄』), there has been a few usages in the term 'Silhak'. In short, it was different from its contemporary meaning. At that time, it was usually used to have the meaning of Gyunghak(經學), compared to Sajanghak(詞章學), or rarely, of 'the true study' or 'the practical study'. Therefore, it is to claim that its conception has been manipulated or exaggerated very seriously. Since 1930s, in particular, its conception has been misused in interpreting works of Jung Yak-Yong by some scholars, such as Jung In-Bo, Moon Il-Pyung and An Jae-Hong, who tried to apply the term to overcome the Japanese colonial era symbolised as modernity based on the future life of Korea. Even though their attempt has led to have crucial discussions on the conceptions of Silhak, it has an unnecessary result that there has been a new and totally different understanding of Silhak in South Korea, North Korea, China, Japan, etc., which means that the unsustainable conception of Silhak has been one of major problems in studying of Silhak. To give an practical solution, I would try to make sense of 'time spirit' whose scholars studied Silhak in the middle and end of Chosen Dynasty. A problem, however, is that a scholar group in the name of Bukhakpa(北學派) had certain links and bonds. This is because many scholars studying of Silhak were usually features out of the main stream, which made them it difficult to form any various groups. That is to say, it seems to be natural that they have dreamed of utopian imaginations less than of overlapping points in reality. To sum up, it would be concluded at least that any approach to human lives and thoughts in the given conceptions of Silhak, e.g. ethical thoughts of Silhak, enables us to be indifferentiated to take its true meaning and time spirit of Chosen Dynasty. To be disenchanted of its social roles in Chosen Dynasty, fundamentally, it should be escaped from the wrong net of illusions and sings in understanding Silhak in certain eclectic steps.

Entre l' espace sculptural et, l' espace architectural (조각공간과 건축공간의 관계)

  • Lee Bong-Soon
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.5
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    • pp.175-216
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    • 2003
  • 시각이 아닌 오감체계에 관계하는 때문에 현대미술은 외관만으로 이루어지지 않는다. 곧 예술 작품들은 하나의 장소를 관객에게 제공하여, 심리적, 물리적, 또는 예술이 존재여부에 관한 갖가지 질문들을 제기한다. 모든 예술 작품은 메시지를 담고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 개념 또는 아이디어에 우선하는 현대미술은 그들의 메시지를 전달하기 위해 우리의 사회적 배경과 보편성을 간과할 수 없다. 우리의 물체 인식은 결국 우리의 경험체계를 통해서 이루어진다고 간주하면, 현대미술의 새로운 형태는 보편적 특질들이 그 특질들 이상의 상태로 보여지도록 유도한다. 이러한 창조 행위의 시작은 현대인간의 문화 읽기이며 문화는 인간과 자연의 긴밀한 관계 속에서 이루어진다. 역사는 지나간 시간을 기록한 것이며, 이 또한 우리의 지식과 정보 체계에 속한다. 회화가 평면에 입체감을 표현하는 것과는 달리 조각은 자연 속, 즉 실재공간 속에 있는 모든 것을 표현하기 때문에 시각(visible) 이외에도 촉각(tangible)이 관여하게 된다. 조각의 특수성은 촉각(tangible)이 우선하는 것이다. 그러나 시각과 촉각은 매우 적극적으로 미학적 경험에 참여하는 감각으로 이들을 서로 분리하여 생각하기가 무척 힘들다. 왜냐하면 어떤 경험에 있어서 기억연합 또는 감각 연합에 의해 하나의 감각이 다른 여러 감각을 촉발하여 연쇄반응 혹은 '형태 Gestalt'를 이루기 때문이다. 대부분의 근대 조각 작품들은 조각대 위에 고정되어 있는 구상 형태를 지녔기 때문에 조각작품 자체가 지닌 외적 형태와 그 자체내의 공간이 더욱 중요한 역할을 하게 된다. 말하자면 미로의 비너스 조각은 대리석과 비너스 형태의 결합이다. 때문에 관객은 그 주변을 돌면서 우리 신체의 내적 공간과 시각에 의존하면서 그 작품의 중량감, 양감, 형태 등의 특질과 만나게 된다. 그러나 현대 추상조각과 개념조각은 이보다 좀 더 확장된 공간을 제시한다. 이것은 현대조각이 건축개념을 수용한 때문이며, 그것이 때로는 안 쪽에서 때로는 바깥 쪽에서 그 형태를 결정하며, 보고 듣고 느끼고 만져지고 왕래하는 등의 인식 영역인 관객의 오감체계에 직접적으로 관계하기 때문이다. 우리는 건축 공간에서, 시각 외에도 청각이나 촉각을 통해 지각한다. 대강 요약하자면 공간은 객관적 상태이기보다는 인식영역의 주관성을 통해 받아들여진 우리가 지나쳐온 것들이나 체험된 공간이다. 여기서 '받아들여지는' 일은 과거 경험들의 주체들, 언어와 문화에 의해서 이루어져야 한다. 건물, 즉 둘러싸고 있는 공간은 중앙이 아니다. 중앙은 바로 나, 둘러싸여진 나이다 나는 나의 동작에 따라 그 공간의 시스템을 변화시킬 수 있는 유동적인 중심이다 (이때의 나는 위치의 축을 변화시키는 것이 아니라, 그들을 탐색하는 것이다). 작품이 대형화되면서 이러한 건축공간개념이 현대 조각가들의 작품개념에 이용되었다고 본다. 현대미술에서 In situ작업과 특정한 장소를 위한 기획되어진 최근의 프로젝트 작업들은 대형화되어있으며, 건축에서처럼 특정한 장소를 만들어낸다. 로잘린드 크라우스(Rosalind Krauss)는 또한 '조각영역의 확장 (La sculpture dans le champ elargi)'에서 현대조각이 건축과 환경의 영역을 침범하고 있음을 지적한다. 그녀에 의하면, 1960년대 이후의 현대조각은 이러한 탈 귀속성과 조각의 자율성을 획득함으로써 조각은 건축물이 아니면서 건축물 주변에 위치하거나 풍경이 아니면서 풍경 안에 자리잡게 되었다. 이와 같이 현대의 대형조각 작품들 - 예를 들어 대형화된 미니별 조각이나 개념미술, 또는 대지예술 등 -은 풍경의 실재가 아니기 때문에 환경으로부터 구분된다고 언급하고 있다. 이들 조각은 더 이상 만져지는 실체이거나 점유하는 공간의 상징언어를 지닌 조각의 범주에 한정되지 않게 된다. 조각과 건축의 공간인식을 인체의 크기와 관련하여 보면, 메를로 퐁티(Merleau-Ponty)의 '지각의 현상학' 은 우리가 논하는 작품의 공간체계를 분석하는데 지침표가 되어준다. 메를로 퐁티가 말하는 지각은 정신에 의해서만 이루어지는 것이 아니며, 몸과 함께 이루어지는 현상이다. 지각은 우리가 부단히 눈을 움직이고 만지고 냄새를 맡고 주변을 돌아 다니면서 세계와의 직접적인 접촉을 통해 이루어 진다. 몸의 움직임을 통하여 나타나는 신체적 표현은 몸 자체가 원천적으로 지향적 활동의 주체로서 파악되는 한 이미 항상(恒常, constant) 의미 현상을 지니다. 우리의 지각이 움직이는 몸의 지향 활동을 통해 이루어진다는 것은 우리의 몸의 지향활동이 의식에 선행함을 의미한다. 몸의 움직임은 의식의 의도를 표현할 때에만 의미를 나타내는 기호가 되는 것이 아니라, 이미 그 자체가 살아있는 표현이다. 우리의 몸짓, 표정은 우리 의식이 의도하기 전에 이미 의미가 담겨있다. 몸은 그 자체가 기호(Signe)적이다. 결국. 메를로 퐁티에게서 세상(le monde entier)은 그 자신이 주체가 되어 인식한다, 그리고 이 인식 구조에는 우리의 몸이 구심점(le point centripete)이 된다. 만약 우리가 이러한 메를로 퐁티의 개념을 염두에 둔다면, 예술작품의 특성에 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 재료와 크기를 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

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Design of the Former National Tax Service Building Site on Sejong-daero as a Historic Urban Landscape (역사도시경관으로서 세종대로 (구)국세청 별관 부지 설계)

  • Seo, Young-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2016
  • The Seoul metropolitan government announced an open design competition for reconfiguring the annex building of the National Tax Service Building site on Sejong-daero as a space for citizens to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation. The site, built during the Japanese colonial period, has been in use ever since. This study, as one of the entries for the competition, described the strategy and design contents by drawing the concept and main points of the design through an analysis of the historical context of the site. As the guidelines instructed to consider the value of the Sejong-daero area and the cultural heritage through a comprehensive analysis, this study specified the site as a place connecting the past, present and future. Since the foundation of the Joseon dynasty, the Korean Empire and the Japanese colonial period, Sejong-daero has been a main site for important events and activities along with the change of the city structure. Jungdong, to the rear of the site, was a place for adopting new culture during the beginnings of modern Korea, while adjacent places like Duksugung, the Anglican church, and the Seoul City Council building have also been historic urban landscapes of the historical layers of time as the city has changed. When Gojong announced the Korean Empire, the city structure was remodeled with this site as the center along with Sogong-ro, Wongudan and so forth. In this study, public interest stated in the guidelines was focused and the relevance of the road and the plaza was considered from the view of an historic urban landscape by a comprehensive analysis with Sejong-daero as the center. The restoration of public interest was to be drawn as the concept of the object site by considering the current status and the change around the site and Jungdong at the rear. Returning the site to the public is ambiguous with the relevance of the restoration of public interest and as the symbol of the idea of the Korean Empire by Gojong's announcement. The object site, having the characteristic of being returned to the public, must ensure public interest and therefore the design strategy has been established with the keywords of openness, connection and void. As a result of a review of the alternatives, a plan for a square has an 8% slope, just as the original site does, and provides ramps for convenient access for all, including the disabled and the elderly, and is connected to the grounds adjacent. No construction is allowed at the terrace square of the Anglican church level and the main square connected to the pedestrian street, so a variety of modern city utilization can be done. The value of the site at which this design is aimed shall be given back to the public with the concepts of modern democracy, independence, and the vision of Gojong by reinterpreting the space from a modern viewpoint. This study focused on the processes of establishing a main concept and strategy rather than the content of the design details, and the suggestion is meaningful in that the design for the object site with historic backgrounds and the layers of time can continue to be grown.

Sympathy in Unrest: Beyond Jonjae's Philosophy (불온한 공감 - 존재의 사유, 너머 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung-ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.52
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    • pp.9-35
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    • 2017
  • This article is to study the life and philosophy of Jonjae Gidaeseung, who was at strife with his days and did not negotiate with himself, with focus on two concepts of buron(不穩, unrest) and 'sympathy'. It is the fact that to study the traditional philosopher is likely to be enlightening. In order to prevent the risk, we need to define first the concept of unrest as including anxiety to critical resistance. Also, I would like to propose the concept of sympathy in order to grasp the function of his mind which judges whether his feelings and actions are valid from an emotional horizon of unrest. Methodologically this article is to adopt a transversal and correlative thinking by combining an east Asian Confucian traditional concept unrest with a modern one space. It is because this research is to show a significant meaning when we study highlighted and hidden layers of our life and politics in 'now-here' and the 'between space' even though this transversal and correlative study shows the horizon of his life. This article is to investigate how a case is structured by occurrences and divergences and reinterpret a meaning from an emotional horizon. This process is done centering on two terms Guchatuan(pursuing ease ignobly), and Suwolbingho(moon reflected in the water and ice in a bottle), which is the source of Bingwoldang. The two terms were used by Jonjae himself. The latter shows an opposite meaning from the first and is accordingly a way by which we can look into his life and days. My research of Jonjae's life and politics from the emotional-philosophical level is original in that it reveals emotional traces beyond his philosophical ideas which previous studies did not show. In this article, I showed that Gobong was ambitious and resolute, and definite in his judgment and therefore was not good at controlling his uprightness. Also he was too straightforward to purify a language. His unrest characters made him conflict with old ministers and high ranking officials and therefore they avoided him even thought he was excellent in writing and learning and talented. He was oriented toward living by goodness and right Ways, which is summed up as Gisesa(vague movement, situational advantage, and death).

A Study on the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth: As Analyzed via the Hegelian Concept of Arbeit (헤겔의 노동(勞動, Arbeit) 개념을 통해 본 천지공사(天地公事) 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-hyeon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.32
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims to define Kang Jeungsan's Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth through the Hegelian concept of 'labor (arbeit),' which is the fundamental medium in which humans substantialize their own absoluteness in an existentialist context. The Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth performed by Jeungsan enabled Heaven, Earth, and Humanity to communicate with each other through the harmony of Sangsaeng (Mutual Beneficence). As Hegel found the possibility of freedom and emancipation of human subjects through labor and Jeungsan exercised His will to free and emancipate human beings, comparative thinkers are led to recognize a relationship between His Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth and the Hegelian concept of labor. The key point of this paper centers around articulating the meaning of the precise situation wherein labor occurs for the Supreme Being. Labor is a concept that occurs for real-live humans. Human beings can be said to exist between the ideological world and the natural world, or between Heaven and Earth, and this dichotomy creates a specific product given the interplay of infinitude and finitude that it entails. In other words, labor is not a passive deployment but is instead a subjective development. From the point wherein this labor occurs for the Supreme Being, a paradigm shift towards unity begins throughout the universe. The occurrence of God's labor happens at a time of great transformation. These occurrences of God's labor form the communication among Heaven, Earth and Humanity and form a qualitative equality. In other words, the fact that God is far from the world of ideology and has come into the world of finitude means that God conveys His absoluteness to the world of finitude. Therefore, the work of God on Earth builds the world of Heaven on Earth. This can also be seen as the Sangsaeng of Heaven, Earth and Humanity.

A Study on the Dao of Buddhism in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 불도관 연구)

  • Kim, Gui-man;Lee, Gyung-won
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.29
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    • pp.101-140
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    • 2017
  • Currently, the whole world is being swept away by spiritual movements. Since the Three Kingdoms periods, Korea has been under the influence of "The Three Teachings". But during the modern times, the word "The Three Daos" began to be widely used alongside the expression "The Three Teachings" within various circles of New Korean Religions. Regarding this, Daesoon Thought is particularly noteworthy due to its description of the religious realm spoken of as "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism" and the figurehead of that realm, the "Gwan-wang (Crowned King)". This study suggests that there should be a distinction noting the differences between "The Three Teachings" and "The Three Daos" in order to understand the status of the "Gwan-wang" in Daesoon Thought and to facilitate the study Buddhism as both a religion and a religious principle within the context of "The Gwan-wang of the Three Daos". Chapter II, details the conceptions of "Dao" and "Teaching" in the Eastern tradition and "Religion" in the Western tradition. This chapter includes a discussion of how the word "The Three Daos" could be approached as a "Theory of the Three Daos" that explains the religions of the East and the West through comprehensive principles. Chapter III goes through descriptions in the Jeon-gyeong of Buddhistic faiths, doctrines, monks, and temples to discover the meaning of the Dao of Buddhism and Buddhist culture as contained in the Jeon-gyeong. In chapter IV, the Buddhistic characteristics of Daesoon Thought is clarified in three ways: the Dao of Buddhism as the "substance of form", oneness as "growth and nurturing", and "Jinmuk" as the leader of the Dao of Buddhism. From this discussion, it is shown that research on the Dao of Buddhism in Daesoon Thought is a crucial avenue for understanding the identity of Daesoon Thought. In other words, the status of Daesoon Thought is not irrelevant to the Dao of Buddhism or to Buddhism proper, but Daesoon Thought should instead be understood as pursuing the state of Gwan-wang (Crowned King), which has the Dao of Buddhism as an axis characterized as "the substance of form" or as "growth and nurturing". Also, it provides a comprehensive view by which the various aspects of Buddhism as a modern day religious phenomenon of can be understood under the principle of the Dao of Buddhism.

Analysis of causal factors in the relationship marketing for optical stores (안경원의 관계마케팅 영향요인)

  • Han, Suk-Young;Kim, Tae-Hun;Sung, A-Young;Kim, Douk-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2005
  • On entering new millenium, there has been an important switchover in the divergent View and its cases on commercial marketing. This study is to focus on the related influence factors of the optician's marketing. Aiming to improve the relationship of the manager and the manager and the clients, this study tried to find out the influences of the marketing. We defined quality of relation as three element, trust, satisfaction, absorption. We investigated how it influenced optician's characters, goods, service, price, physical convenience and communication to the quality of relation. Moreover, we investigated how it influenced optician characters like knowledge information, good impression, contact and relation marketing of dissatisfaction solution, also quality of relation could or not influence about repurchase intension and Big Mouth marketing. Optician's characters affect on affirmative effect to trust and absorption, but little affirmative effect to satisfaction. Since optician's characters are trust and absorption rather than satisfaction influence, they actively should improve customer-oriented variety of goods, service, physical convenience, communication. As price and communication structure of optician was formed so not modernized, we realized these have not influenced their trust, satisfaction, absorption to customer. Optician's characters influenced more affirmative effect to satisfaction than thrust and absorption. quality of relations mostly provided affirmative effect to the result of relation. The opticians should make efforts to influence on customer satisfied with goods and service, also to have trust and absorption for customer, should maintain good partnership with customer.

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An Inquiry into the Cultural Identity of Korean Design: 'Well-Being' and 'Body-Mind Monism' (한국 디자인의 문화적 정체성에 대한 소고: '웰빙'과 '심신일원론')

  • Ko, Young-Lan
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2004
  • It is incontestable that the essence of the current fever of well-being is pseudo-ideology, which is the commercialized well-being. Nevertheless, the potential value as the cultural contests of Korean Design, reaching the philosophy of well-being, must not be overlooked. Being more than its dictionary meaning of 'happiness' and 'welfare', well-being aims peace of mind and richness in mentality, thus supports the life style of 'Body-Mind Monism'. As a trend that has taken a ride on the consumerism, it is inevitable to excavate the benign cultural value that an ordinary sign of well-being lacks in order to create a peculiar model of Korea's design contents by sublimating the commodity aesthetic of well-being into an alternative argument possessing the cultural identity of Korea. Well-being, not much different form an attitude of following the 'ways of nature', is a typical model of non-dualistic thinking of East Asia. By tracing back to the indication of well-being that already existed in the non-dualistic thought and design of East Asia, the genealogy connecting the current phenomena of well-being to the Body-Mind Monism can be found in the cultural traditions of as close as Korea and as far as East Asia. In the case of adopting the monistic way of East Asian thinking that sees body and mind as one not two as the theoretical background of well-being imported fro the West, it is expected to provide a solution for the design discourse of Korea to be out of colonialism. Well-being contributes to the monistic awareness in the period of self-reflected modernization, which needs to search new values based on the reconsideration of dualistic paradigm centered on the Western culture, thus it is worth putting anticipation on the potential significance well-being would have in the field of national as well as international design world.

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Significance of Forest Road on the Productive Potency and It's Economic Utility (임도(林道)의 생산력적(生産力的) 의의(意義)와 경제적(經濟的) 효용(效用))

  • Park, Myong Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 1984
  • Theoretical studies on the effects of forest road are considered to be significant from a present viewpoints which is headed for mordernization and activation of forestry. 1) From a viewpoint of wood production techniques, forest road is enable to economical transport of all kinds of forest products and easy transport to forest of operative tools and necessary materials, and largely contribute to efficiency of all operations, including reforestation, tending, forest protection and conservation of forests. 2) And, from a viewpoint of forest management, development of forest road makes wood marketability be secured and curtailment of various indirect expenditure with the operation efficiency be possible. 3) Forest road, also in living aspects of inhabitants in mountainous villages, plays direct and indirect roles in promoting their welfare including improvement of employment for forest labor, traffic benefits in mountainous area and introduction of culture. Therefore, as a premise to realize intensive management in forestry, the necessities of forest road were increased in its aspects of important and fundamental facilities as well as production basis.

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