• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대지향

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The Publishing and the Emergence of Nationalism in Modern Korea (근대 민족주의의 형성과 개화기 출판)

  • Chae, Baek
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.41
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    • pp.7-40
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study is to examine the role of publishing in emerging process of nationalism in modern Korea. In the process of coping with the imperialist invasion, the Korean nationalism had begun to emerge. With the Patriotic Enlightenment movement from 1905 till 1910, the publishing in Korea had become activated remarkably. With the books of enlightenment the Korean society could try to overcome the traditional China-centered world view and try to build up a new recognition of 'others'. In addition the books of enlightenment provided information on the various aspects of modern nationalism. And the republishing the Korean classical books seemed to have been very conducive to improve national self-esteem of Korea. The books on history contributed to building up new national identity which was an indispensable to the nationalism. The Korean history was reinvented from the nationalistic viewpoint. The biographies of historic heros presented some historic model of overcoming the national crisis. In conclusion the publishing in modern Korea played an important role in emerging process of the Korean nationalism.

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A discussion for concept establishment of 'the unity of rhythm and writing' in the formative period of Korean modern poem: Focusing on the Kim Eok's poetics (근대시 형성기의 율문일치(律文一致) 개념정립을 위한 시론(試論) - 김억의 시론(詩論)를 중심으로)

  • Jeong Eunki
    • 기호학연구
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    • v.60
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    • pp.81-103
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the direction and direction of the establishment of a free verse as the concept of the unit of rhythm and writing(律文一致) in the process of forming a modern free verse and to argue about it. In general, it was free verse under the influence of symbolism that our poetry was chosen from the threshold of modern times as a new poetic form of modern times. However, in the reality of Joseon, language has not yet been organized. Although the language of poetry has a distinction from the customs of ordinary languages, the analysis and understanding of poetry has been forced to presuppose an understanding of the language text. For the same reason, literary officials who sought the modern era of Joseon had to think about the rhythm of being referred to as the phonetic level. For this reason, in the phase of seeking a new prototype through the acceptance of modern early Western literature, the question of the universal nature of poetry was mainly directed through the theoretical question of "what is poetry?" But as the perception of the Korean language expanded, it focused on the agony of the Joseon Dynasty amid the special context of 'What is Joseon Dynasty?' In particular, Kim Eok's theory of poetry is an example of whether to understand the rhythm, which correspond to the phonetic stratum of language, at the formal level. This is the process of eventually passing on the fundamental question of "What is poetry?" to the special question of "What is Joseon poetry?" and could result in the question of how to match Joseon's writing and phonetic structure. 「格調詩形論小考」 is an example of this concern.

Korean nation-centralism and Confucianism(I) - the reflection of controlled modern rationality (한국의 국가 중심주의와 유교(I) - 통제적 근대 합리성에 관한 성찰 -)

  • Lee, Sang-bong;Rhee, Myung-su
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.28
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    • pp.237-266
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    • 2010
  • This thesis is to check whether the modernization, promoted mainly in 1960-1970 of Korea may have the relations with Confucian values or have a gap between this and that, and have the question about the idea of the appearance of modernity under Park Jung-hee's government, which is based on the viewpoint that Confucianism would have been made ill use of or have contribution to the nation-directing modernity, especially to the modernization of people. In a sense this thesis demands the overcome of the modern ills such as social dichotomy, leaving out matters of locals, and neglecting the diversities and singularities of creatures, resulted from efficiencies and uniformity caused by nation-centralism. At first Confucianism have represented humanism with a view to finding the mean between the two of locals, affairs, and men. As such it has seek to find centrality, which means my real mind for meeting outward things or the optimum as the mean, the best state between of the two. The political doctrines modified from Confucian learnings including chung, hyo, samgang, and oryun worked as the mechanism for finding nation-directing modernity. As a result we have lived in the modernity, strengthened by nation-centralism. And the leading concepts in related with Neo-Confucianism had people lose their spaces of desire for their own future or got them to be narrow. Accordingly the modernization of Korea means not an integral space in which we can achieve what we want in various aspects, but a deficient space to be complemented, resulted from the centralization of all conditions of life, dichotomous way of approaching matters by nation-centralism, far from being the essence of Confucianism. In the end the rapid modernization by the leaders in Korea has given rise to the concentration politics, economy, and so forth on Seoul as the center. Then we should deeply reflect the deficiency state of centralism like this and how Confucianism would have been responsible for it and will give how to relieve the unequal centralism of nation. Now for this matter we would like to expect our study in the future.v

Continuity of Japanese National Education between pre and post war in the context of Citizenship Education (전전-전후 일본 교육의 연속성 : 시민교육의 맥락에서)

  • Park, Seong-In
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine the continuity of national education between prewar and postwar Japan in the context of nationalism and citizenship education by considering the direction and process of educational reform which has been a turning point in Japanese education policy. It explores the limitations of educational reform at the normative level and institutional and procedural level. Meiji Japan needed to form a united group to support modernization while also cultivating obedient people who supported the emperor, and the modern education system played a major role in achieving this task. After Japan's defeat in World War II, the nation sought to change the framework of authoritarian nationalism inherent in Japanese traditional through educational reforms and achieve the goals of democratization and non-militarization. The postwar educational reform has transformed the educational structure, but democracy and peace orientation have not been rooted internally. Under the backdrop of the Cold War, the education returned to the inverse.

An Analysis of Theoretical Orientations and Methodologies of Archival Appraisal (기록평가의 이론적 지향과 방법론 분석)

  • Seol, Moon-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.75
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    • pp.5-39
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    • 2023
  • More than 20 years after introducing the public records management system in Korea, the criteria and methodologies for archival appraisal and selection are still unclear. Modern archival appraisal theories have developed in two orientations, such as provenance and pertinence. This study aims to investigate the methodological implications of each theoretical orientation of archival appraisal and to suggest some directions for improving the appraisal practices and policies. Firstly, archival appraisal theories are analyzed according two orientations. Secondly, four methodologies are derived from combining the macro/micro dimension and theoretical orientations. Thirdly, the methodological orientations of the criteria for selecting permanent records presented in the Public Records Management Act are analyzed. Finally, based on these analyses, appraisal policies and practices for selecting the records with permanent value are proposed to be improved.

A Study on the Social Implication and Reflection on the Disaster in the Film - focusing on 'The Host' (영화 속 재난에 나타난 사회적 함의와 그 성찰 -<괴물>을 중심으로-)

  • Yoo, Mun-Mu
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.279-303
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    • 2007
  • The Study on the Film, as the one of the main fields in the cultural studies, has the significant meaning in analyzing our society in that culture represents the realities of the present society. Film is the metaphorically expressed text and the specific space where a variety of discourses cross. The director's social consciousness projected in the film must have the ultimate significance through the dialectic relation between the intention of the director and the interpretation of the audience, not through the his one-sided message to the audience. This paper focuses on the analysis of the movie 'The Host', which is evaluated to show the meaningful social phenomena related to 'disaster' among the recent movies in Korea. The Host which is characteristic of 'the open structure' can be referred to as the film reflecting the imperial order prevalent in the colonial society.

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An introduction of the concept of “Metonemy”to the Field of Design (디자인에 있어서 환유개념의 도입)

  • 김미정
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14
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    • pp.283-294
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    • 1996
  • This study is one of the many tnals which would prove the need of linguistic approach to the process of making and evaluating design. Also, this study is a suggestion that a concept of metonymy should be applied to the field of desIgn. In ord"r to proceed above thesis, this study, begins with emploY1Og an linguistIc eye isual language, in the fIeld of design. Secondly, the method of exitence and the positive meaning of metonymy wIll be ecplained in the relation to the post-structural and post-modern thinking structure. ThIS IS because through the use of metonymy, people can express theIr concern about particularity and individuality whIch Modernist universality skept over. Finally, this sudy proves the validity of employing the concept of metomyny 10 the field of post-modern design by analizing actual examples.ples.

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A Study on the Social Reformation Policy of the Swedish Government during 1930-1970 Period and its Influence on Swedish Modern Design (1930-70년대 스웨덴의 사회개혁 정책과 현대 디자인의 형성)

  • 강현주
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 1998
  • The social-democratic ideas which define the modern national Swedish idea have had an important influence on Swedish modern design during this century. Swedish designers found humanistic and democratic values in the traditional design style and they tried to create a modem style that was based on handcraft traditions as well as modern industrial aesthetics. Issues raised by Swedish designers of that time induded how Sweden was achieving a national identity through design and how design retlected changes within society. The purpose of this study is to investigate the social reformation policy of the Swedish government during the 1930-1970 period and its influence on Swedish modern design. This paper, it is hoped, will provide an opportunity to place contemporary Swedish design in a social and aesthetic context.

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'A Posthuman Psychology' and the Fate of Autonomous Subjects ('탈인간의 심리학'과 자율적 주체의 운명)

  • Choe, Hoyoung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Arts Education Studies
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2010
  • The posthumanism, as it is discussed in several areas of the humanities, calls the modern humanist concept of autonomous subject into question. The scientific psychology has been since its birth as independent discipline at the 19th century a 'posthuman psychology' in the sense that there has been always humanistic approaches to humans as autonomous beings on the one hand, and natural-scientific approaches to humans as determined beings on the other hand. I have argued that the concept of autonomous subject makes still sense as a regulating principle of everyday life of purposive agents and as a conceptual framework for interpreting causal knowledges about humans. And I have argued that culture and cultural education should play an important role in reflecting on the meaning and rationality of sciences and technologies.

Reappraisal of Empowerment through Giddens's Theory of Reflexivity -In Quest of the Integrated Paradigm for Social Welfare Practice- (기든스(Giddens)의 성찰성 이론을 통한 임파워먼트의 재해석 -통합적 사회복지실천 패러다임에 대한 탐색-)

  • Choi, Myungmin;Kim, Giduk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.103-130
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    • 2013
  • Although both ecosystem theory and empowerment have become the most prevalent candidate for integrated paradigm for social welfare practices, they could not overcome completely the long-standing and sharp divides between micro and macro practices, that is, between subject and structure as a main explanatory element in social welfare realm. Along with such traditional dualism and tension, a new emerging divide between modernism and postmodernism regarding intrinsic mission and roles of social welfare has urged strongly to develop the overarching theoretical framework for social welfare practice. In this regard, this study aims to recast the ecosystem theory and empowerment through the reflexive modernization theory of critical sociologist Anthony Giddens. With relatively strong emphasis on human capability coined as the reflexivity, Giddens's own creative theory of modernization can be thoroughly expected to provide a solid foundation of integrated paradigm enough to bridge the existing dualisms in social welfare theory and practice. Especially, his unique account of integrated way of how human agency is involved in the construction of social structure and how to transform each other recursively has profound implication for empowerment to be adequate and proper comprehensive framework for social welfare practice.

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