• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대교육

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Botany: A Modern Natural Science Book written by Mathematician Sang-Seol Lee (수학자 이상설이 소개한 근대자연과학: <식물학(植物學)>)

  • Park, Young-Min;Kim, Chae-Sik;Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae-Hwa
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.341-360
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    • 2011
  • This paper deals with contents that Sang-Seol Lee contributed to the natural science in the 19th century Korea. Prof. Sung-Rae Park, the science historian, called Sang-Seol Lee Father of the Modern Mathematics education of Korea. Sang-Seol Lee wrote a manuscript Botany with a brush in late 19th century. Botany was transcribed from Science Primers: Botany (written by J. D. Hooker), which is translated into Chinese by Joseph Edkins in 1886. The existence of Sang-Seol Lee's book Botany was not known to Korean scientists before. In this paper, we study the contents of Botany and its original text. Also we analyze people's level of understanding Western sciences, especially botany at that time. In addition, we study authors of 16 Primers jar Western Knowledge. We study the contribution of mathematician Sang-Seol Lee to science education in the 19th century Korea.

Two aspects of transforming ShimChungJeon for modern times (근대 시기 <심청전> 극적 변용의 두 양상 -잡극 <심청왕후전>과 시나리오 <효녀 심청전>을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Yukyung
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.33
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    • pp.185-210
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    • 2016
  • This thesis explores how JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon and the Devoted daughter ShimChungJeon scenario have transformed ShimChungJeon, a notable work of Pansori literature, dramatically for modern times. By analyzing the adapter's consciousness and changing direction in these two works, it was found that ShimChungJeon was tailored to audiences in the 1900s. JobGeuk and the scenario are attempts to transform ShimChungJeon to meet cultural needs in the 21st century and to make the works appealing to the public. The aspects of the transformation of JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon are 1) reinforcement of logical causality, 2) weakening the humor and simultaneously emphasizing the work's surreal nature, and 3) dramatic expression by song. The aspects of the change in direction of the Devoted daughter ShimChungJeon scenario are 1)the insertion of a new narrative, 2)trying to evoke both humor and tragic sadness, 3)seeking newness with the reassignment of time and events. JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon is the first example of the transformation of ShimChungJeon's dramatic style and Devoted daughter ShimChungJeon is the first transformation of its scenario. These two works show how ShimChungJeon can be adapted to modern times and new cultures, and how ShimChungJeon can be made relevant and be enjoyed by the public regardless of the era.

Enjoyment Methods of Traditional Theater Performances in the Early 20th Century (20세기초 극장무대 전통공연물의 향유방식)

  • Jeong, Choong-Kwon
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.38
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    • pp.103-138
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the modern succession, transformation and significance of enjoyment methods of classical literature (art) with a focus on the characteristics of those methods that appeared when the performances of the traditional era began to be displayed on the stage of the theaters in modern Seoul. The clues to the reasons for this type of enjoyment can be found in newspapers, magazine articles, and advertisements from the early 20th century. The emergence of stage theaters at the beginning of the modern era caused a sweeping change in the performance environment, including the fact that it was possible for all kinds of people to enjoy art beyond the existing socioeconomic hierarchies or barriers of status, that the performers were given employment through the theater, and that the audience had the tendency of the general public of an unspecified number because the audience was able to see the performances only by paying the viewing fee. The way of enjoying traditional performances also changed based on these new adaptations: the performances were sequential, show-oriented, and re-contextualized as public performances. It is significant that in the traditional era, performers and audiences had been segregated according to their status and a strict hierarchy; now, such cultural norms were breaking down in favor of a kind of equality. In addition, it was possible for the audience to experience sensory enjoyment, and theater brought about a new kind of popular consumer enjoyment of an artistic product. Of course, though, it is possible to look back and find problems related to the contemporary context, but the traditional performances, which were the main performances for the lower class, took the first place on the modern theater stage, and as a result, no one can deny that it became possible to move forward in the first phase of an era of public performance.

Insects in Modern Traditional Three-verse Korean Poem, Sijo (근대 시조문학 작품에 등장하는 곤충)

  • Youm, Chul;Lee, DongWoon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2019
  • The discipline that deals with the role of insects in various activities that affect human aesthetics is called cultural entomology. This study investigated the kinds of insects appearing in modern traditional three-verse Korean poem, Sijo from the perspective of cultural insects. The subject literature surveyed 6,604 works and examined insect words. Among them, there were 215 works that appeared insect words and there were 26 works containing insect words in the title. All of the insect words appeared 257 times and were distinguished by 30 kinds of insects. The most commonly used insect words appeared 57 times as a butterfly, 45 crickets, and 44 insects. Studies in the field of cultural entomology will be needed through various works of art.

Findings of Modern Physical Body: From Moral Training(修身) To Physical Education(體育) (근대적 몸[신체]의 발견: 수신(修身)에서 체육(體育)으로)

  • Park, Jeoung-Sim
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.36
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    • pp.173-202
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    • 2013
  • In Korea The understanding about physical body contains several cultural and historical experiences. In the modern times several discussions bring about changes from moral training to physical education. Physical education shows clearly modern physical human being by destructions of confusional human being. In confusional philosophy human body contains moral facts such as moral training. Moral training shows right mind, so every physical acts target mental and cultural training. So in this capitalism, it is needed o training right moral training and right physical education.

A Study on the Spiritual Formation Process of Modern Christian Women : Focusing on Hwang Ester and Eo Yoon Hee (근대 여성기독교인의 영성형성과정 연구 : 황에스터와 어윤희를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hee Young
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.369-407
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    • 2020
  • This article studies the spiritual formation of modern Christian women in the cases of Hwang Ester and Eo Yoon-Hee. I take McGrath's definition of Christian spirituality as my starting point, namely, "Christian spirituality concerns the queset for a fulfilled and authentic Christian existence, involving the bringing together of the fundamental ideas of Christianity and the whole experience of living on the basis of and within the scope of the Christian faith." I center the terms of Christian existence and whole experience of living from McGrath's text, and understand Christian existence to relate to being a disciple and whole experience of living to relate to being a citizen. This study looks at the life history of Hwang Ester and Eo Yun-Hee, and looked at the spirituality of these women with the focus on discipleship and citizenship. Thus, I find that, for modern Christian women, becoming a disciple is inseparable from becoming a citizen. Also, I can see that, in modern women's spirituality, being a true disciple leads to becoming a right citizen.

Dissemination of Nursing Science and Nursing Training Policy during the Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 간호학의 보급과 간호사 양성 정책)

  • Jung, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2021
  • This study attempted to present the direction that nursing should have for the future nursing development by looking at the process of trying to protect the subjectivity of nursing in various events during the Japanese colonial period. In the early days of modern nursing, from 1910 to 1919, nursing education institutions were expanded and nursing-related systems were created. From 1920 to 1937, as a development of modern nursing, not only expanded the field of nursing, but also revised nursing-related laws and organized two nursing associations. From 1939 to 1945, the stagnation period of modern nursing, amidst the social disaster of war, a training policy for mobilizing war personnel was unfolded, and another change was experienced. In order to expand the field of nursing and continue to develop it, continuous interest and research on the role and spread of nursing that change in various social events from the past to the present are needed.

세계 명문대학 순례 - 북경대학

  • An, Tae-Sang
    • The Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.6 s.325
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    • pp.32-34
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    • 1996
  • 1898년 창설된 경사대학당이 전신인 북경대학은 청왕조가 멸망한 1921년 북경대학으로 개편하여 현재에 이르고 있다. 북경대학의 교수와 연구원은 모두 2천5백51명이며 대학본과, 대학원, 성인교육원에 재학중인 학생은 2만여명에 이른다. 창립 때부터 민주화와 과학의 전통을 이어온 북경대학은 항상 중국의 새 역사를 이끌어 중국 근대화 발전에 큰 공헌을 해오고 있다.

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Main Issues in Korean Moral Education and Eastern Moral Education (도덕교육의 쟁점과 동양윤리교육)

  • Ko, Dae-Hyuk
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.333-374
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    • 2009
  • Korean traditional education emphasizes moral education than any other country or culture. Education is recognized as practical task for self-realization and self-transcendence in traditional Confucian community. This study starts from two questions. First, how moral education in Korea from late in the 19th, when the modernized schooling started, to now can be classified according to social and political circumstances? Second, what is the main issue of moral education in the progress of Korean education after independence from Japanese imperialism? Especially, this study focuses on reflecting and reviewing these issues by context of Eastern moral education. After late in the 19th century, moral education in Korea is divided into three types: "Education for loyalty and filial piety and Moral cultivation", "Citizenship education and Education for anti-communism", and "Moral education and Character education". This study mainly insists these types of moral education distort the sprit by political interests rather than inherit and develop sprit or basic value of moral education. Furthermore, this study discusses characteristic of moral education and way to improve based on important two issues in Korean society; "Nationalism in moral education" and "Western biased education" Making individual's free will into group consciousness in accordance with political power group's interests rather than developing moral community based on each one's character building, nationalism in moral education deepens self-alienation. Western biased education makes self-negation as it considers western as core, and Korea and other traditional ideas as side. This study emphasizes reanalysis Eastern moral education and need effort for understanding of Eastern moral education to overcome Western biased education in Korean moral education.

Insadong History Experience Program Activation Measuresof The March First Independence Movement of 1919 (3.1운동 중심의 인사동 역사체험프로그램 활성화 방안)

  • Choi, In-dam;Chu, Chin-oh
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.447-448
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    • 2015
  • 인사동은 전통문화의 거리로 알려졌으나 관광상품 위주의 일시적 개발이 진행되어 역사적 장소로서 그 중요성이 부각되지 않았다. '3.1운동' 유적지를 중심으로 한 역사체험프로그램을 통해 교육적 효과를 높일 수 있는 장소로 인사동을 활성화시켜야 한다. 이를 통해 3.1운동의 발생지로서 인사동의 역사적 의미를 되찾고 공간과 학습이 결합한 역사적 공간으로 근대문화유산의 가치를 교육적으로 활용하는 방안을 모색한다.

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