• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근거 중심 의학

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A Quality Assessment of Systematic Review of Oriental Medicine in South Korea (AMSTAR를 활용한 국내 한의학 관련 체계적 문헌고찰 논문의 질 평가)

  • Kim, Yun-Young;Hyun, Hye Sun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to find the problems of evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine and seek the future development direction by evaluating the quality of oriental medicine related systematic review(SR) studies using AMSTAR tool. The 26 SR studies related to oriental medicine were searched from the database of DBPIA, OASIS, and KISS, and they were evaluated on the basis of AMSTAR. The average of AMSTAR for the quality assessment of SR studies was 6.0 point, and the 26 studies included 2 high quality studies (7.7 %), 21 normal quality studies (80.8 %), and 3 low quality studies (11.5 %). The quality of studies was not correlated with the publication years. The quality of oriental medicine related SR studies need to be improved steadily. Furthermore, continued efforts to promote the evidence-based practice in the field of Oriental Medicine will help to establish foundation for the convergence approach in the healthcare sector.

Research Trends in Evidence Based Medicine on Acupuncture -Randomized Controlled Trial- (침 관련 근거중심의학의 연구 동향 - Randomized Controlled Trial을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ro-Min;Nam, Sang-Su;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to review the recent research trends of evidence based medicine, especially human randomized controlled trials on acupuncture. Methods : The articles were collected by retrieving the database of Pubmed and Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society. The retrieving period was from October 2003 to September 2008, and the search term was 'acupuncture'. The articles were classified according to their publication journals, countries, publication years, targeted diseases, types of acupuncture and types of control. Results : In total, 558 articles in Pubmed and 35 articles in Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society were searched. The number of articles on acupuncture research has increased with higher rate since 2000, but the Qualitative development has not achieved the same amplitude. Studies in Korea were insufficient both in Qualitative and Quantitative aspects. In countries, China had the most papers, and in targeted diseases, pain diseases were most dominant. In the types of acupuncture, classical acupuncture, and in the types of control, conventional western treatment showed the highest frequency. Conclusions: We need to do many-sided and more high Quality researches on acupuncture. For that, well-designed randornized trials are absolutely necessary.

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"내경(內經)", "난경(難經)"중영위기혈관염적탐토(中榮衛氣血觀念的探討)-이문자고석위핵심관점(以文字考釋為核心觀點) - "내경(內經)", "난경(難經)"에 나타난 영위기혈(營衛氣血) 관념에 대한 고찰 - 문자학적 해석을 중심으로

  • 옹의덕;임소경
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.243-247
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문은 "난경(難經)"과 "내경(內經)"에 나타난 영위기혈(營衛氣血)의 관념에 관한 연구로서 문자의 훈석(訓釋)을 중심관점으로 삼아 전문적 문자학(文字學) 서적 및 고대경전원저(古代經典原著)를 인용하여 그에 근거해 해설하였다. 문자적(文字的) 근원(根源)을 연구하는 과정에서, 문자학적(文字學的) 관점을 이용하여 여러 전적(典籍)들에서 서술된 관념들을 한층 더 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있다는 점을 발견하였다. 예컨대 본문(本文)에서 논술한 '영'(榮)자에는 "무성하며 밝고 윤택(潤澤)하여 일정한 규칙에 따라 온몸을 순환한다(번무광윤(繁茂光潤), 규도환주(規度環周))"는 의미가 있으며, '위'(衛)자에는 "온몸을 순환하면서 지키고 방어한다(환요어주(環繞於周), 수위방호(守衛防護))"는 의미가 있는데, 중의경전(中醫經典)에서는 영(營)과 위(衛)라고 명명(命名)하여, "온몸을 순환하면서 영양(營養)을 공급하고 몸을 보호하는 작용"을 나타내었다. 문자는 이치를 담고 있으며, 의학의 이치는 글로써 전해진다. 중의(中醫)의 사상(思想)은 모두 이러한 경전고적(經典古籍) 속에 기록되어 있으며, 이러한 경전저작을 학습할 때에는 그것이 표현하는 형식을 분명히 이해해야 하는데, 특히 그 가운데 문자(文字)에 대한 분명한 인지는 매우 중요하다.

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A Healing Environment Study focused on Attention Restoration Theory for Healthy Environmental Planning and Design - A Case Study of Cheonggyecheon - (건강환경 조성을 위한 주의회복이론 관점의 치유환경 고찰 - 청계천을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Moohan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2017
  • With the recent increasing interest in preventive medicine, observation has been made regarding the positive relationship between a routinized place that includes activity and health improvement. This study evaluates the effective value of a designed landscape for seeing a healing environment and sees the difference of the effective value of classified physical settings regarding Evidence Based Design. Therefore, the study evaluates the perceived restorativeness scale of Cheonggyceheon's 1.5km section and five type settings in the same section regarding how much it works as a healthy urban park. The research methodology used to study sub-settings' and the research site's restoration effects was observation and questionnaires. A PRS (Perceived Restorativeness Scale) questionnaire survey was the research tool employed. The study drew two major results. Firstly, PRS 6.12 is the score of the whole research site, so the study identifies that Cheonggycheon has a mental fatigue restoration function. Secondly, the sub-setting named 'Near Sidewall' was the most attention restorative, according to the ANOVA results. In conclusion, this study suggests significant information support regarding the reasons for creating green areas in urban settings by identifying a particular designed healing sit.

Effect of Duloxetine in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder : In the Perspective of 'Brain-Gut Axis' (기능성 위장관 장애에서 Duloxetine의 효과 : '뇌-장관 축' 모델을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Shin;Park, Si-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 2012
  • The pathophysiology of functional gastrointestinal disorder(FGID) is not completely understood, but the importance of the 'Brain-Gut Axis(BGA)' model in FGID is being increasingly recognized. The BGA model is a bidirectional, hard-wired and homeostatic relationship between the central nervous system(CNS) and the enteric nervous system(ENS) via neural, neurohormonal and neuroimmunological pathways. In addition, the BGA model would provide a rationale for the use of psychotropics on FGID. The authors experienced two cases in which duloxetine, a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, was effective in relieving FGID symptoms as well as psychiatric symptoms such as depression and hypochondriacal anxiety. Therefore we discuss the vignettes from the perspective of BGA theory. Duloxetine showed efficacy in these two patients by reducing visceral hypersensivity (bottom-up regulation) and by relieving depression and anxiety(top-down regulation).

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고추(번초(番椒), 고초(苦椒))의 어원(語源)연구

  • Kim, Jong-Deok;Go, Byeong-Hui
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 1999
  • 1. 연구 목적 한국의학사(韓國醫學史)의 한 분야인 식품사(食品史) 및 약물사(藥物史)는 미개척분야라 해도 과언은 아닐 정도로 연구 업적이 부족하다. 특히 식물명칭에 대한 정리는 기초학문이지만 방치되어진 것도 부인할 수 없다. 따라서 본고는 식품문화사(食品文化史)를 정리하는 과정중의 일환으로 고추의 어원(語源)을 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 이는 식품사(食品史) 연구에 도움이 되는 동시에 체질식이요법을 강조하는 사상의학(四象醫學)의 식품 분류에 대한 학술적 근거를 제시하는 계기로 삼고자 한다. 1493년 콜럼버스에 의해 알려진 고추는 우리 나라에 들어와 천초(川椒)대신 사용됨으로서 현재 중요한 양념이 되었다. 이에 고추의 도입과정과 호칭변화를 살펴봄으로서 현재 사전류에서 잘못 서술되고 있는 것을 시정하고, 고추가 도입된 이래 우리가 어떻게 이해하고 응용하였는 지에 대하여 문헌고찰을 통하여 의학사적(醫學史的) 입장으로 정리하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 2. 연구 방법 "산림경제(山林經濟)"(1715), "임원경제지(林園經濟志)"(1827)같은 농서(農書), "물명고(物名考)"(1830), "오주연문장전산고(五洲衍文長箋散稿)"(1850) 같은 유서(類書), "훈몽자회(訓蒙字會)"(1527), "신증유합(新增類合)"(1574)같은 사전류, "지봉유설(芝峰類說)"(1614), "성호사설(星湖僿說)"(1763)같은 문집류, "흠정수시통고(欽定授時通考)"(1737), "본초강목습유(本草綱目拾遺)"(1765)같은 중국본초서(中國本草書) 등과 국내의서 등 을 통하여 고추에 대한 문헌정리를 시도하였다. 3. 연구 결과 고추가 도입된 이래 남만초(南蠻椒), 남초(南椒), 번초(番椒), 왜초(倭椒), 왜고초(倭苦椒), 왜개자(倭芥子), 고초(苦椒), 랄가(辣茄), 고쵸, 등으로 표기되어 왔다. 하지만 고추가 도입되기 전에 출간된 "구급간이방(救急簡易方)"(1489)에 '초(椒) 고쵸, 죠피'라는 기록이 나온다. 이는 천초(川椒)(초피나무)를 의미하는 '고쵸'로 보아야 한다. 후에 고추가 도입됨에 따라 의미가 변하여 고추를 의미하게 되는데 이를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현존하는 문헌 중 고추에 대한 최고기록인 "지봉유설(芝峰類說)"(1614)에 근거하여 고추(남만초(南蠻椒))는 임진왜란때 일본에서 도입되었다는 것이 정설이었다. 하지만 임진왜란 이전에 일본을 통하여 고추가 도입되었고 이의 개량종을 오히려 임진왜란때 일본으로 전해주었을 가능성이 높다. 둘째, 현재 대부분의 사전류에서 "훈몽자회(訓蒙字會)"(1527)의 '고쵸 쵸(초(椒))'를 고추에 대한 최초의 어원으로 보고 있으나 이는 잘못된 것이다. "훈몽자회(訓蒙字會)"의 '고쵸(초(椒))'는 고추가 아닌 매운 열매의 총칭으로 호초(胡椒), 천초(川椒), 진초(秦椒)를 의미한다. 이는 "구급간이방(救急簡易方)"(1489)의 천초(川椒)를 의미하는 '초(椒) 고쵸'에서도 확인할 수 있다. 셋째, 현재 대부분의 사전류에서 고추의 한문표기가 고초(苦草)로 되어 있으나 고초(苦椒)로 정정되어져야 한다. 초(草)(상성(上聲))와 초(椒)(평성(平聲))는 발음은 같지만 성조(聲調)가 다르며, 또한 "본사(本史)"(1787)에 고초(苦椒)와 고초(苦草)는 서로 다른 식물로 기록되어 있다. 넷째, 고초(苦椒)는 '고쵸'라는 우리말에 맞추어 만든 국자(國字)로 고추가 천초(川椒)와 비슷하지만 맵고 쓰다라는 뜻으로 사용된 것이다. 다섯째, 맵고 뜨거운 성질이 있는 고추는 냉증(冷症)을 유발시킬 수 있는 냉성(冷性)야채를 중화(中和)시키는 작용을 한다. 여섯째, 고추는 소음인 식품의 경향성을 띈 훈채류에 속한다.

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Arrangement and analysis of multi-isocenter based on 3-D spatial unit in stereotactic radiosurgery (정위적 방사선 수술시 3차원적 공간상의 체적소에 기반한 회전중심점들(Multi-isocenter)의 표적내 자동적 배치 및 분석)

  • Choi, Kyoung-Sik;Oh, Seung-Jong;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Suh, Tae-Suk;Choe, Bo-Young;Kim, Moon-Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.75-77
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    • 2004
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS) is a technique to deliver a high dose to a particular target region and a low dose to the critical organ using only one or a few irradiations while the patient is fixed with a stereotactic frame. The optimized plan is decided by repetitive work to combine the beam parameters and identify prescribed doses level in a tumor, which is usually called a trial and error method. This requires a great deal of time, effort, and experience. Therefore, we developed the automatic arrangement of multi-isocenter within irregularly shaped tumor. At the arbitrary targets, which is this method based on the voxel unit of the space, well satisfies the dose conformity and dose homogeneity to the targets relative to the RTOG radiosurgery plan guidelines

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Experience of spinal stenosis, herniation of intervertebral disk patients with low back pain under non-surgical treatment (비수술적 요법을 받는 척추관협착증, 추간판탈출증 환자의 요통 경험)

  • Kang, Myoung-Mi;Kim, Ae-Kyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the study was to explore the process of experience of spinal stenosis, herniation of intervertebral disk patients with low back pain under non-surgical treatment. 10 participants attended in-depth individual interview. Data analyzed using the Grounded theory methodology of Corbin and Strauss(2015). A core category emerged as 'Compromise with my body in the swamp of pain'. Central phenomenon was 'Constrained life by severe pain'. The process of the low back pain experience included three phases: 'cognition', 'coping', and 'adaptation'. This finding will be helpful for understanding the low back pain experience and be as fundamental data as for developing and applying nursing intervention program according to the low back pain experience process.

Methodological Quality Evaluation of a Meta-Analysis Study of Rehabilitation Treatment Interventions for Stroke Patients in Korea Applying AMSTAR-2: Focusing on Upper Extremity Function and Recovery of Daily Life (AMSTAR-2를 적용한 국내 뇌졸중 환자의 재활치료 중재 메타분석 연구의 방법론적 질 평가: 상지기능과 일상생활회복을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Ho-Sung;Ham, Min-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.660-670
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    • 2022
  • This study was analyzed by applying AMSTAR-2, a methodological quality evaluation tool, to evaluate the quality of domestic meta-analysis papers on rehabilitation interventions for stroke patients. The purpose of this study is to provide guidelines for qualitative improvement of evidence-based practice and meta-analysis research by analyzing the qualitative level of the analyzed research. The literature search was conducted using the Research Information Sharing Service, Korean Medical database, and Korean studies Information Service System. Two authors searched, extracted, and reviewed literature using the keywords 'stroke' and 'meta-analysis'. As a result of the AMSTAR-2 quality evaluation of the final 18 studies, 3 studies (16.67%) were 'Moderate', 8 studies (44.44%) were 'Low', and 7 studies (38.89%) were 'Critically Low'. In future research, scientific and objective data selection and extraction process should be performed. It is expected that interest and efforts to improve the quality of meta-analysis research will continue by referring to the contents analyzed in this study as a way to improve the quality of literature.

A Proposal for Use in Research Methodology of Traditional Medicine in East Asia - Historical Evidence-Based Medicine - (전통한의학 연구방법론의 현대화에 대한 소고(小考) - 역사적 근거중심의학에 대한 제언 -)

  • Eom, Seok-Ki;Kim, Se-Hyun;Choi, Won-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2010
  • Research methodology on Traditional Medicine in East Asia refers to logical thinking system, empirical positivism system and methodology of developing these knowledge systems. Logical thinking system of abstract concepts such as analogy or abduction and positivism system of reasonable explanation such as the five elements and their characteristic theory have been used in various ways empirically or in the form of humanities and knowledge system was developed through parallel structure of empirical positivism and exegetical studies. After the 16th century, evidence was required along with the tradition of putting emphasis on rationality, logicality and empirical positivism and characteristics of medical humanities can be found in emphasizing on medical ethics. Data that can be considered as structural review paper or meta analysis from original data of research on Traditional East Asian Medicine should be evaluated as historical evidence which is equivalent to specialist opinion, descriptive disease research, single case report or case series. Historical evidence based medicine is a research method using Historical evidence to selectively support data that are faithful to traditional theory with higher possibility to be used in future traditional east Asian medicine that links between traditional knowledge and scientific research methodology. Moreover, historical evidence based medicine tries to re-evaluate the value of traditional knowledge and ultimately, guides the direction of development of traditional medicine through scientific rationality based on history and culture.