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Comprehensive comparison of the primary and secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity of Polygoni multiflori Radix by processing methods (가공 방법에 따른 하수오의 영양성분 및 항산화 활성의 종합적인 비교)

  • Hee Yul Lee;Chung Eun Hwang;Kyung Pan Hwa;Du Yong Cho;Jea Gack Jung;Min Ju Kim;Jong Bin Jeong;Mu Yeun Jang;Kye Man Cho
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated the changes in the physiochemical property, phytochemical content, nutritional content and antioxidant activity of Polygoni multiflori Radix by steam, aging, and fermentation. After processing Polygoni multiflori Radix (PMR), pH slightly decreased, while acidity increased (pH 5.70→4.78, acidity 0.23→0.29%). The reducing sugar content increased after aging and fermentation from 1.19 mg/g (PMR) to 1.40 (fermented PMR, FPMR), 1.30 (red PMR, RPMR), 1.53 (fermented red PMR, FRPMR), 1.99 (black PMR, BPMR), and 2.33 mg/g (fermented black PMR, FBPMR). Total phenolic content was highest in PMR (6.05 mg/g) and total flavonoids and maillard product were increased after aging and fermentation of PMR, and were the highest in BPMR (1.60 mg/g) and FBPMR (2.76 O.D.), respectively. The major phytochemical was 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-0-α-glucoside, which were highest in PMR (64.9 mg/g) with 46.47 mg/g at FPMR, 33.94 mg/g at RPMR, 48.76 mg/g at FRPMR, 36.68 mg/g at BPMR and 34.35 mg/g at FBPMR. The main fatty acids and free amino acids were detected as palmitic acid (C16:0) and proline, respectively. Generally, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt radical scavenging activities and FRAP reducing powers were shown high in PMR (39.06%, 98.32%, and 2.61 O.D. in extracts concentration 1.0 mg/mL), then were decreased after aging and fermentation.

The Effect of Single and Mixed Microbial Inoculation on the in situ Fiber Digestibility and Silage of Rice Straw Contaminated Mycotoxins (단일 및 복합 미생물 접종이 곰팡이독소 오염 볏짚의 사일리지 및 In situ 섬유소 소화율에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha Guyn Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of adding the microbial inoculants to silage for reducing mycotoxins in rice straw silage. When a single agent of L. plantarum and a mixed agent of L. plantarum and S. cerevisiae were added in rice straw silage contaminated mycotoxins, it had an effect on silage fermentation and fiber degradation as well as mycotoxin reduction. Among the mycotoxins, only ochratoxin A and zearalenone were found in the test sample. Ochratoxin A and zearalenone showed a decreasing trend with the addition of silage inoculants compared to the control groups (38.11±2.22 and 633.67±50.30 ㎍/kg), and there was a significant difference at the mixed agents; 27.78±2.28 and 392.72±25.04 ㎍/kg, respectively (p<0.05). The pH was lower in the single agent and the mixed agent compared to the control (p<0.05). The concentration of lactic acid was higher in the single agent (11.73±0.31 mM) than in the control group (8.18±0.93 mM), and the highest concentration was 16.01±0.88 mM in the mixed agent (p<0.05). Acetic acid and propionic acid were found to be significantly lowered with the addition of silage inoculants (p<0.05). Total VFA was also lower at the addition of silage inoculants than the control group (p<0.05). The rumen in situ dry matter degradation of NDF and ADF was maintained at the highest levels of the mixed agent during the culture period, followed by the single agent and the control group at the lowest level. NDF and ADF degradation showed a significant difference at all time points after 12 and 24 hours of culture, respectively (p<0.05). The study results showed that the silage inoculants had the positive effects on quality increasing of rice straw silage; fermentative charateristics, fiber degradation and mycotoxins reduction. Ochratoxin A and zearalenone were greater reduction by adding bacterial inoculants of silage. Therefore it is considered that L. plantarum and S. cerevisiae will improve the quality and stability with remediation of mycotoxin in silage.

Tyrosinase Inhibition-mediated Anti-melanogenic Effects by Catechin Derivatives Extracted from Ulmus parvifolia (참느릅나무에서 추출된 catechin 유도체 화합물의 멜라닌 생성 억제 효과)

  • Taehyeok Hwang;Hyo Jung Lee;Dong-Min Kang;Kyoung Mi Moon;Jae Cheal Yoo;Mi-Jeong Ahn;Dong Kyu Moon;Dong Kyun Woo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2023
  • As a protective defensive mechanism against ultraviolet (UV) light exposure in skin tissue, melanocytes produce the pigment melanin. Tyrosinase plays a key role in melanin production in melanocytes. However, the overproduction of melanin can lead to lesions, such as freckles and dark spots. Thus, it is clinically important to find a modulating molecule to control melanogenesis by regulating tyrosinase expression and/or activity. It is known that catechin, a plant flavonoid, can reduce melano- genesis through the downregulation of tyrosinase expression. Here, we tested whether catechin derivatives isolated from the stem bark of Ulmus parvifolia have an effect on melanin production by regulating tyrosinase in mouse melanoma cells and in vitro mushroom tyrosinase. The catechin derivatives used in this study included C5A, C7A, C7G, and C7X. Treatments using these catechin derivatives reduced melanin production in mouse melanoma B16F10 cells in which melanogenesis was stimulated by α-MSH. Notably, the anti-melanogenic effects of catechin derivatives were similar to those of kojic acid, a well-known anti-melanogenic molecule. Both C5A and C7A directly inhibited the activity of tyrosinase isolated from mushrooms in vitro. Furthermore, our in silico computational simulation showed that these two compounds were expected to bind to the active site of tyrosinase, which is similar to kojic acid. In addition, all four catechin derivatives reduced tyrosinase protein expression. In summary, our results showed that catechin derivatives can reduce melanogenesis by regulating tyrosinase activity or expression. Thus, this study suggests that catechin derivatives isolated from U. parvifolia can be novel modulators of melanin production.

Comparison between Solar Radiation Estimates Based on GK-2A and Himawari 8 Satellite and Observed Solar Radiation at Synoptic Weather Stations (천리안 2A호와 히마와리 8호 기반 일사량 추정값과 종관기상관측망 일사량 관측값 간의 비교)

  • Dae Gyoon Kang;Young Sang Joh;Shinwoo Hyun;Kwang Soo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2023
  • Solar radiation that is measured at relatively small number of weather stations is one of key inputs to crop models for estimation of crop productivity. Solar radiation products derived from GK-2A and Himawari 8 satellite data have become available, which would allow for preparation of input data to crop models, especially for assessment of crop productivity under an agrivoltaic system where crop and power can be produced at the same time. The objective of this study was to compare the degree of agreement between the solar radiation products obtained from those satellite data. The sub hourly products for solar radiation were collected to prepare their daily summary for the period from May to October in 2020 during which both satellite products for solar radiation were available. Root mean square error (RMSE) and its normalized error (NRMSE) were determined for daily sum of solar radiation. The cumulative values of solar radiation for the study period were also compared to represent the impact of the errors for those products on crop growth simulations. It was found that the data product from the Himawari 8 satellite tended to have smaller values of RMSE and NRMSE than that from the GK-2A satellite. The Himawari 8 satellite product had smaller errors at a large number of weather stations when the cumulative solar radiation was compared with the measurements. This suggests that the use of Himawari 8 satellite products would cause less uncertainty than that of GK2-A products for estimation of crop yield. This merits further studies to apply the Himawari 8 satellites to estimation of solar power generation as well as crop yield under an agrivoltaic system.

Prevalence of Microbiological Contamination in the Ready-To-Eat Side Dishes Sold in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea (경남지역에서 유통되는 즉석 반찬류의 미생물 오염도 조사)

  • Ji-Yeon Um;Hye-Jeong Jang;Yeon-Ju Choi;So-Young Kim;Areum Jo;Min Young Kim;Jihee Ahn;Jea-Dong Kim
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2023
  • The consumption of ready-to-eat side dishes is rapidly growing in South Korea. These foods are particularly vulnerable to microbiological contamination as they are often cooked without any treatment, such as heating or stored at room temperature after cooking. Hence, in 2022, we analyzed the ready-to-eat side dishes sold in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea for microbiological contamination. We collected 100 samples from supermarkets in 7 cities, and then examined them for presence of food-borne pathogens and sanitary indicator bacteria. In the analysis of the food-borne pathogens, Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens were isolated from 51 samples (51.0%) and 3 samples (3.0%), respectively. However, both quantitatively met the Korean Food Standards Codex. Genes of five different enterotoxins and one emetic toxin were analyzed from the 51 isolated B. cereus strains. We detected enterotoxin entFM (100.0%), nheA (94.1%), hblC (58.8%), cytK (56.9%), and bceT (41.2%) in 51 isolates, and emetic toxin gene, CER, in only one (2.0%) isolate. We did not detect C. perfringens toxin gene (cpe) that causes food poisoning in any one of the three C. perfringens isolates. In the case of sanitary indicator bacteria, Kimchi had the highest levels of total aerobic bacteria and coliforms, followed by Saengchae, Jeotgal, Jeolim, Namul, and Jorim, respectively. We counted total aerobic bacteria at two different storage temperatures (4℃ and 20℃) to determine the effect of storage temperature. When stored at 20℃, total aerobic bacteria count increased in most of the ready-to-eat side dishes, except for Jeotgal. This result conclusively shows the need for refrigerating the ready-to-eat side dishes after purchase. Further research is needed to assess the risk and safety of the ready-to-eat side dishes available in the market and determine appropriate safety management practices.

Analysis of the Distribution of Rice Blast Pathogens in High-Altitude North Korea Border Areas and Domestic Rice Cultivars (고위도 북한 접경지역과 국내 벼도열병균 레이스 분포 분석)

  • Jung Wook Yang;Eun Young Kim;Jin Kyo Jung;In Jeong Kang;Yul Ho Kim;Boyng Joo Kim;Un Ho Yang;Sunggi Heu;Hyunjung Chung
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2023
  • To explore the distribution and the resistance reaction of rice blast pathogens that may occur in North Korea, rice blast pathogens in the North Korean border regions of Dandong and Yeon-gil in China and the North Korean border region of Cheorwon in South Korea were analyzed. In addition, comparative analysis was conducted with rice blast pathogen in Suwon and Jeonju, inland regions of South Korea. Resistance reactions above average were observed in monogenic rice lines (IRBLzt-T, IRBL9-W, IRBL20-IR24, and IRBLta-CP1) in Jeonju, Suwon, and Cheorwon from 2018 to 2020. In Dandong and Yeon-gil, the monogenic lines IRBLz5-CA, IRBL12-M, and IRBL19-A consistently showed resistance reactions for three years. Notably, IRBL19-A exhibited strong resistance. Race distribution analysis in South Korea indicated a shift from KI to KJ dominance from 2018 to 2020, while in the North Korean border regions of Dandong and Yeon-gil, the KI race was dominant in 2021 and 2022. The race distribution of rice blast pathogens in China's North Korean border regions differed significantly from that in South Korea.

Cone Characteristics and Seed Quality among Harvest Times in the Clonal Seed Orchard of Larix kaempferi (낙엽송 클론 채종원에서 구과 채취시기에 따른 구과특성 및 종자품질)

  • Ye-Ji Kim;Da-Eun Gu;Gyehong Cho;Heeyoon Choi;Yeongkon Woo;Chae-Bin Lee;Sungryul Ryu;Hye-Joon Joo;Kyu-Suk Kang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.3
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    • pp.352-362
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    • 2023
  • Harvest time is one of the most important determining factors of seed quality, especially for species that produce seeds over irregular and long-term periods, such as Larix kaempferi. A cone collection plan must be established to increase seed production efficiency and stable mass production. We investigated seed qualities such as seed efficiency, germination rate, and T50 (germination speed), with 7 or 8 cone collection times at a clonal seed orchard of L. kaempferi in Chungju between 2021 and 2022. A multivariate analysis was then performed for the collected data. In early August, decreases in the moisture contents and browning of cones were observed. These were followed by a decrease in germination rate, with a peak at the end of September, but no clear trend was observed. The later the cones were harvested, the better the seed vigor (T50). However, the seed yield and efficiency decreased owing to increases in seed scattering and the number of insect-damaged seeds. As a result, the optimal time of seed harvest for the seed orchard was in early August. To produce uniform seedlings, insect damage must be reduced through timely control and harvest cones in early September. This shows that the degree of browning and moisture content of cones can be used as indicators of the timing of cone collection in L. kaempferi seed orchards.

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Absorptive Capacity on Corporate Performance between Platform Companies and General Companies in SMEs: Moderating Role of Organizational Resilience (중소 플랫폼기업과 일반기업의 기업가지향성, 흡수역량이 기업성과에 미치는 영향: 조직회복탄력성의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyung;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Nam, Dongkyun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.303-332
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    • 2023
  • This study comprises critical questions of "What kinds of intangible resources are significant to create and reinforce competitive advantages for the small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) that significantly influence the national economy? What kinds of capacities do SMEs need in consideration with the large changes in market environment and during crisis? With large changes to market environment, would different capacities affect performance of platform and general SMEs?" To examine these questions, I have provided Entrepreneurial Orientation, Absorptive Capacity, and Organizational Resilience as key capacities that influence the competitive advantage and performance of SMEs. In particular, I have substantiated the control effect of Organizational Resilience (a rising key capacity for enterprises in recent times) on Corporate Performance. Moreover, I have analyzed the control effect of Organizational Resilience on Corporate Performance by comparing platform and general companies, and also substantiated how control effects may vary depending on sub-factors of Organizational Resilience. The results of this study indicate that Entrepreneurial Orientation and Absorptive Capacity significantly and positively influence Corporate Performance. Organizational Resilience also demonstrate a positive influence on Corporate Performance. Notably, sub-factors of Organizational Resilience (risk preparation capacity, risk response capacity, and change initiative capacity) significantly control correlation between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Corporate Performance. Risk preparation capacity and change initiative capacity significantly control correlation between Absorptive Capacity and Corporate Performance. Additionally, the control effect of risk preparation capacity significantly control correlation between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Corporate Performance. Also, the control effect of risk response capacity correlations between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Corporate Performance demonstrated themselves significantly only in platform enterprises. The study's results indicate that Organizational Resilience not only directly influence Corporate Performance, but also strengthens Corporate Performance via mutual interaction with Entrepreneurial Orientation and Absorptive Capacity, although the control effect of Organizational Resilience may vary between platform enterprises and general enterprises. I expect such results to provide practical value to the management of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Context and Significance of Songs of the Dao of Great Gods (대화신도가사의 내용과 의의)

  • Kim Tak
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.43
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    • pp.139-177
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    • 2022
  • The only text that aids in the understanding of Songs of the Dao of Great Gods (大化神道歌詞), which was established by Yun Jin in 1984, is Mok-wun daegyeong (木運大經, The Great Scripture of Wood-Destiny) published by Oh Yeol-gyun in 1976. This scripture includes five songs: Wun-hoe dongbang-ga (運回東方歌, Songs of Destiny-Returning to the East), Gung-eul-ga (弓乙歌, Songs of Gung-eul), Dodeok-sa (道德詞, Morality Poems), Palguae-gugung byeon-yeok-ga (八卦九宮變易歌, Songs on the Changes of the Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces), and Nakdang-ga (樂堂歌, Songs of the Paradisiacal Lands). Songs of the Dao of Great Gods, which is prone to embracing Daoist characteristics, is meant to be sung upon the realization of the Later World, the ideal earth. This is expressed as spring. In addition, we can easily find key terms such as Sampung-ga (三豊歌), Yangbaek-segye (兩白世界), Gung-eul-ga (弓乙歌), Gunggung-euleul (弓弓乙乙), Yanggung (兩弓), Euleul (乙乙), Gung-eul seonin (弓乙仙人), Samin-ilseok (三人一夕), Yijae-jeonjeon (利在田田), Gung-eul jiri (弓乙之理), Naenggeum-bugeum (冷金浮金), Seokjeong-gon (石井昆), Yangbaek (兩白), Sampung (三豊), and Sodumujok (小頭無足), all of which appear frequently in traditional prophecies and the faiths they have inspired. The precise meaning of these terms has yet to be revealed. Furthermore, Songs of the Dao of Great Gods contains lyrics prophesying that the return of the wood-destiny of the East and emphasizing the destiny of 3-8 wood as based on the Yellow River Chart (河圖). Songs of the Dao of Great Gods, originated the term, the World of Paradisiacal Lands (樂堂世界), and prophesyed that the wood-destiny of the East would return to create a new world that took Korea as its center. The text emphasized wood-destiny, symbolized by spring, and argued that the Dao of Great Gods could be ascetained from the principle of water-producing wood (水生木) found in the Eastern study of changes (易學) as approached by Choi Su-Wun (水雲), the founder of Donghak (東學).

Selection of Lentinula edodes Sawdust Cultivation Cultivars Suitable for Sawdust Block Medium Cultivation (사각블럭배지 재배에 적합한 표고 톱밥재배 품종 선발)

  • Min-Jun Kim;Yeun Sug Jeong;Eunjin Kim;Yeongseon Jang;Kang-Hyeon Ka
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2023
  • The cultivation method of shiitake is divided into two methods: log cultivation and sawdust cultivation. Recently, the importance of sawdust cultivation has been highlighted due to problems such as environmental problems, rising labor costs, and a reduced labor force. Among the 24 Sawdust-cultivated Lentinula edodes cultivars in Korea stored by the National Institute of Forest Science, this study was conducted to select excellent cultivars under the sawdust block cultivation method. After inoculation, the sawdust mediums were cultured for 100 days (60 days in dark and then 40 days in light), and only Sanjo 712ho sprouted the primordia on the 10th day of light culture (total 70 days of cultivation). As a result of cultivation, the average total yield of the 24 cultivars were 1,816 g and Sanjo 712ho was 2,267 g. The fruiting body yield was the highest in Sanjo 713ho with 3,443 g followed by Sanjo 710ho (3,355 g). Sanlim 10ho, Sansanhyang, and Sanjo 716ho showed low production with 174, 238, and 214 g, respectively. As a result of investigating the morphological characteristics of the fruit bodies, the fresh weight of Sansanhyang and Bambithyang was about twice as heavy as the overall average, and Sulbaekhyang was about twice as light. Bambithyang was the largest and longest in diameter and length of the stipe, and the thickness of the stem was the thickest in Sanjo 716ho. As for the hardness of pileus, Bambithyang showed the highest value at 1,276 g/5 mm, and Sanjo 711ho showed the lowest value at 542 g/5 mm. In summary, Bambithyang showed the best fruiting body characteristics and Sanjo 713ho showed the highest yield in the sawdust block cultivation method. This study, the cultivar with shortened cultivation periods and cultivars with excellent morphological characteristics and high yields.