• Title/Summary/Keyword: 규정준수

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A Research on Improvement Measures for Safety Management of Aviation Cosmic Radiation (항공부문 우주방사선의 안전관리 적용을 위한 개선연구)

  • Choi, Sung-Ho;Lee, Jin;Kim, Hyo-Joong
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.215-236
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    • 2016
  • This paper is related to a study on safety management of cosmic radiation in the aviation area, and as a comprehensive study encompassing not only aviation crew but also aviation traffic users, presents issues on an exposure to the cosmic radiation which authors predict may be intensified in a time to come. Although the government of the Republic of Korea has recently activated regulations related to the cosmic radiation, the following improvement measures are further urged to be carried out not only as a regulatory improvement for pushing ahead with effectiveness but also as a supplementary tool. Firstly, a dose limit corresponding to the international standard needs to be applied. Since the dose limit imposed by the Korean government is improperly higher than the international dose limit of the cosmic radiation, the present dose limit needs to be re-established in a range of "not exceeding the international recommendation". Secondly, a new methodology is needed such that aviation companies observe a yearly effective dose limit of passengers. A fact that only aviation crew is specified but passengers are excluded in the related regulation is based on a recommendation presented by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). According to the recommendation, Korean government excluded passengers in the "Cosmic Radiation Safety Requirements for Crew". Among the present aviation regulations, there exists a protection standard for protecting aviation traffic users. However, it presents a damage protection only for ticket-related issues. Since this regulatory weakness provides a cause of endangering national health, the authors believe that an improvement in the regulation is needed without sticking to the recommendation from the ICRP. To this end, new regulations are strongly demanded from aspects of not only legal but also regulatory areas. The dose limit in accordance with the international standard is established. However, at least a minute amount of cosmic radiation is continuously acting on all people of Korea. Since more and higher level of cosmic ration may exist in the aviation space, an improved method of representing the minute amount of cosmic radiation in figures. As a result, a desirable regulation may be established for protecting not only crew but also aviation traffic users from being exposed to the cosmic radiation via a legislation of the desirable regulation.

The Characteristic of the Carrier's Liability Due to the Illegal Act of the Crew during International Air Transportation (국제항공운송 과정에서의 기장 등의 직무상 불법행위에 기한 운송인의 손해배상책임이 가지는 특수성)

  • Kim, Min-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.3-37
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    • 2020
  • The aircraft crew operating on international routes performs almost identical tasks as police officials in terms of dealing with the unlawful interference in the aircraft. This means that the liability question which is related to the law enforcement by the police officer may arise regarding the crew's performance of his or her duties. With regard to the carrier's liability due to the crew's unlawful action, there are distinctive characteristics from the liability due to police officers' unlawful action. In case of the claim for damages by the crew's unlawful action, the first question should be whether such action complies with the requirements under the Tokyo Convention 1963. If such action does not conform with the Tokyo Convention 1963, we should examine that claim under the State Compensation Act, the Montreal Convention 1999, and the Civil Act of Korea. The examination under the Tokyo Convention 1963 is not so different from the Korean Court's precedents. However, the court should consider the characteristics of the environment surrounding the crew. The action which is not indemnified under the Tokyo Convention 1963 should be examined under the tort laws. Because the aircraft crew is private persons entrusted with public duties under Korean Law, the State Compensation Act may apply. However, further studies regarding the harmonious interpretation with the Montreal Convention 1999 is needed. With regard to the carrier's liability, the Montreal Convention of 1999 should be applied to the crew's unlawful actions onboard. This is because the Montreal Convention of 1999 preempts the national law for the events that occurred during transportation, and there is no provision which excludes such unlawful actions from the scope of its application. On the other hand, the national law, such as the Civil Act of Korea, applies to unlawful actions taken after transportation. This is because the interpretation that infinitely expands the scope of the Montreal Convention 1999 should not be allowed. Given the foregoing, the standard of the claim for damages due to the crew's unlawful action varies depending on the place where the specific action was taken. As a result, the type of damage recoverable and the burden of proof also varies accordingly. Carriers and crew members must perform their duties with this in mind, but in particular, they should observe the proportionality, and when interpreting the law, it is necessary for the court or lawyer to consider the special characteristics of the work environment.

A Study on the Market Design of Designing GHG Emissions Trading (국내 배출권 거래시장 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soon Chul;Choi, Ki-Ryun
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.493-518
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    • 2005
  • It has been taken for 10 years since Climate Change Convention could it be made. And Kyoto Protocol will come into force as an international law as from 16. Feb 2005. As based on it, Annex I countries will implement their mitigation projects on GHG reductions and press developing countries on GHG reduction target. Korea has not duty target on it yet. But it will be held a COP(Conference of Party) on negotiation for reduction target of second commitment period. If Korea has a real duty, Industry sector should reduce GHG emissions. Then Market mechanism will be need to introduce for this. This study started having a question "Is it possible to introduce emissions trading in Korea?". To solve the problem, this study analysed GHG emissions, marginal abatement cost, market price with 11 companies of industry (about 36% of Korea emissions). minus target is impossible to implement reduction target ver base year (2002). And emissions trading scheme also can't make the market without additional policy and measures. This study suggest that it is need to import credits and give a subsidy of government to encourage it. The imported credit can reduce the demand curve within the marginal abatement cost curves. But the effectiveness of credit is not the same as continually growth. As a result, Allowing 40% credit into emissions trading market is the best to reduce costs. However, a subsidy is the little bit difference. A subsidy make marginal abatement cost curves down for itself. Giving 30% for subsidy, it is the best. Considering both of importing credits and subsidy, it is the best effects in the reducing cost for company. especially 30% is the best effects respectively. This Study show that government wants to consider designing emissions trading, encourage participants competitiveness, and encourage the early action, government has to allow credit trading and give a subsidy to participants.

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Survey of the Status of Conutry-of-origin Lables and Hygine on the Meat Markets of 4 Regions in Korea (4개 권역 축산물 판매업소의 원산지 표시실태 및 위생상태 표본조사)

  • Nam, Bo-Ra;Nam, Jung-Oak;Park, Jung-Min;Lee, Ra-Mi;Gu, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Myung-Hee;Chang, Un-Jae;Suh, Hyung-Joo;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2007
  • Expenditure on meat and meat products has been increased in Korea due to the increase of income and the change of diet. From raising farm animals to eating the meat, various hazardous elements can make their ways into the meat and meat products. Recently the issues on food safety and hygiene are drawing a lot of attention, and the current system for managing the safety of foods is still needed to be improved. This survey was aimed to monitor the current situation of country-of-origin labels and hygiene for the meat markets at 4 regions Korea. The survey was performed by collecting samples from whole- sale and retail stores in the nation, which were selling beef. The markets were divided into groups as to territory and the size of the market (Large size, Medium size, and Small size). In terms of size distribution, small butcher shops occupied the highest percentage. On the itemized suitability test of unpacked and packed beef, all the market of 4 regions showed good agreements. However, such labels indicating the methods of cooking and storage were not properly posted on the products. Especially for Ho-nam region, corrections are needed. The results of monitoring sanitation conditions for the butcher shops at 4 regions in Korea showed relatively low suitability. Especially, there were serious lack of knowledge about wearing the sanitation clothing, caps, and shoes. The problem with food safety is so complicated that producer, consumer, food manufacturer, the press, the government, and scholar should solve altogether. It is necessary to educate farmers, food handlers, consumers, etc. and provide them with an accurate information and knowledge.

Use of Chicken Meat and Processing Technologies (가금육의 이용과 가공기술)

  • Ahn, Dong-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Poultry Science Conference
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    • 2003.07b
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2003
  • The consumption of poultry meat (chicken and turkey) grew the most during the past few decades due to several contributing factors such as low price. product research and development. favorable meat characteristics, responsive to consumer needs, vertical integration and industry consolidation, new processing equipments and technology, and aggressive marketing. The major processing technologies developed and used in chicken processing include forming/restructuring, tumbling, curing, smoking, massaging, injection, marination, emulsifying, breading, battering, shredding, dicing, and individual quick freezing. These processing technologies were applied to various parts of chicken including whole carcass. Product developments using breast, thigh, and mechanically separated chicken meat greatly increased the utilization of poultry meat. Chicken breast became the symbol of healthy food, which made chicken meat as the most frequent menu items in restaurants. However, the use of and product development for dark meat, which includes thigh, drum, and chicken wings were rather limited due to comparatively high fat content in dark meat. Majority of chicken are currently sold as further processed ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat forms. Major quality issues in chicken meat include pink color problems in uncured cooked breast, lipid oxidation and off-flavor, tenderness PSE breast, and food safety. Research and development to ensure the safety and quality of raw and cooked chicken meat using new processing technologies will be the major issues in the future as they are now. Especially, the application of irradiation in raw and cooked chicken meat products will be increased dramatically within next 5 years. The market share of ready-to-eat cooked meat products will be increased. More portion controlled finished products, dark meat products, and organic and ethnic products with various packaging approaches will also be introduced.

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Die Fahrlässigkeit im medizinischen Behandlungsfehler (의료사고에 있어서 과실 - 과실판단에 대한 판례의 태도를 중심으로-)

  • Yi, Jaekyeong
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.29-56
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    • 2016
  • $F{\ddot{u}}r$ den Schadensersatzhaftung des Arztes, sog. die Arzthaftung, ist es vornehmlich vorauszusetzen: die $Sch{\ddot{a}}digungsbehandlung$ des Arztes, die Rechtswidrigkeit und das Verschulden. Zur Problematik der $Fahrl{\ddot{a}}ssigkeit$ in der Stufe des Verschuldens handelt sich es in dieser Beitrag um die Kritisierung der Rechtsprechung. $F{\ddot{u}}r$ die Entscheidung des Verschulden im medizinischen Fehler kommt es darauf an, ob die Sorgfaltspflicht des Arztes verletzt wird. $Daf{\ddot{u}}r$ wird der medizinische Standard rekurriert, den die Rechtsprechung nicht aus materieller, sondern aus normativer Sicht begreift. Erstaunlich $un{\ddot{u}}bereinstimmend$ mit deren Leitsatz wird der medizinische Standard als $Ma{\ss}stab$ der Sorgfaltspflicht materiell - zutreffend nur im Ergebnis - behandelt. Die Sorgfaltspflicht in der Medizin bedeutet nicht die natur-wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, sondern eine "Best-$M{\ddot{u}}ssen$" Pflicht. Demnach ist der Standpunkt der Rechtsprechung, wonach den med. Standard normativ bewertet und die Sorgfaltspflicht darduch wieder normativ entscheidet, nicht anders als eine $w{\ddot{o}}rtliche$ Wiederholung. Die Arzthaftung in der Rechtsprechung ist aufgrund mit der Verneinung von der Sorgfaltspflichtverletzung nicht angenommen, welche in der Tat jedoch aus verschiedenen $Gr{\ddot{u}}nden$, wie die Rechtswidrigkeit, die $Fahrl{\ddot{a}}ssigkeit$ oder $Kausalit{\ddot{a}}t$, nicht angenommen. Der $Fahrl{\ddot{a}}ssigkeitsbeweis$ in der Rechtsprechung entwickelt sich mit dem Beweis nach objektivem $Ma{\ss}stab$, der Vermutung nach Anschein-Beweis und der $Beschr{\ddot{a}}nkung$ mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Bei Letzterem $geh{\ddot{o}}rt$ es $schlie{\ss}lich$ zum medizinischen Bereich. Ein Eintritt in den fachliche Bereich im Rahmen der Beweislast stellt der Beweiserleichterung $gegen{\ddot{u}}ber$. Aus diesem Hintergrund ist ${\S}630$ h Abs. 5 BGB bemerkenswert, wonach das Vorliegen eines groben Behandlungsfehler $regelm{\ddot{a}}{\ss}ig$ zur Vermutung von der $Kausalit{\ddot{a}}tszusammenhang$ $f{\ddot{u}}hrt$. Dieser Paragraph ist inhaltlich als Beweislastumkehr angesehen. Damit ist es von Nutzen im Fall des groben Fehler, der beim - elementaren - kunstgerechten Verhalten nicht entstanden $h{\ddot{a}}tte$, wie $Hygienem{\ddot{a}}ngel$, ${\ddot{U}}berdosierung$ des Narkotikum.

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Monitoring of Antimicrobial and Preservatives in Dentifrice (치약제 중 항균성분 및 보존제 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Bong;Kim, Beom-Ho;Jung, Hong-Rae;Lee, So-Hyun;Kwon, Hye-Jung;Bae, Ho-Jeong;Yoon, Mi-Hye
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.272-277
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate present status of use about antimicrobial agent (triclosan, ethanol) and preservatives (sodium benzoate, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, propyl p-hydroxybenzoate) in dentifrice. 75 samples including 16 mouthwashes were analyzed in this study. Contents of triclosan and preservatives were analyzed using by HPLC and ethanol was analyzed by headspace-GC. Preservatives were detected from total 37 samples, which are suitable for the legal limits in Korea. Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate was detected from 26 samples (0.003~0.19%), propyl p-hydroxybenzoate was detected from 11 samples (0.002~0.02%) and sodium benzoate was detected from 14 samples (0.1~0.3%), respectively. Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate was detected from 6 samples (0.03~0.19%), propyl p-hydroxybenzoate was detected from 1 samples (0.01%) and sodium benzoate was detected form 5 samples (0.1~0.2%) in 20 dentifrice for children. Triclosan was not detected from 75 samples. Ethanol was detected from 16 samples (4.9~21.9%) in 19 samples; among them three samples showed the higher contents (20.5~21.9%) but ethanol contents was not labeled in these samples.

Research on the current conditions of cultural heritage management in North Korea - an example of the management of provincial sites - (북한의 문화유산 관리 현황 연구 - 지방의 유적 관리 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyunwoo;Yi, Seonbok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.4-17
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    • 2019
  • Both as a means of improving North-South relations, as well as a necessary component for carrying out research on the past of the Korean peninsula, interest in North Korean cultural resources has been growing in South Korean society. As a result, studies have begun to look beyond North Korean cultural resources themselves and attempt to determine how cultural resources are managed in North Korea. Such studies have tended to investigate laws related to the management of cultural heritage in North Korea, but information gleaned from laws alone is limited. To provide a more complete picture, research must also investigate how cultural resource management laws are applied and enforced and also take into consideration aspects of cultural resource management that are not directed or regulated by law. In this study, we refer to the current National Cultural Resources Protection Laws in order to investigate systems of cultural resource management in North Korea. Furthermore, we conducted interviews with a former North Korean national who had until recently worked as a director of historical sites in North Korea. Through comparisons of information relating to organization, labor power, responsibilities, budget, and other factors of cultural resource management gained through the interviews and the 'National Cultural Resources Protection Laws,' we hoped to gain a fuller understanding of the reality of cultural resource management in North Korea. As a result, we were able to gain a better understanding of the organization and tasks related to cultural resource management and, at the same time, clarify some of the provisions that were unclear in the laws. Throughout the process, we were also able to determine that the management of cultural resources in North Korea is currently inadequate. However, because this study focuses on a specific region and is limited only to historical sites, it is difficult to generalize our findings to the entirety of cultural resource management in North Korea. In order to gain an objective and more accurate understanding of the current state of cultural resource management in North Korea, information must be collected at many levels to be synthesized and compared.

A Legal Study on Safety Management System (항공안전관리에 관한 법적 고찰)

  • So, Jae-Seon;Lee, Chang-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.3-32
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    • 2014
  • Safety Management System is the aviation industry policy for while operating the aircraft, to ensure the safety crew, aircraft and passengers. For operating a safe aircraft, in order to establish the international technical standards, the International Civil Aviation Organization has established the Annex 19 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. As a result, member country was supposed to be in accordance with the policy of the International Civil Aviation Organization, to accept the international standard of domestic air law. The South Korean government announced that it would promote active safety management strategy in primary aviation policy master plan of 2012. And, by integrating and state safety programmes(ssp) and safety management system(sms) for the safe management of Annex 19 is to enforce the policy on aviation safety standards. State safety programmes(ssp) is a system of activities for the aim of strengthening the safety and integrated management of the activities of government. State safety programmes(ssp) is important on the basis of the data of the risk information. Collecting aviation hazard information is necessary for efficient operation of the state safety programmes(ssp) Korean government must implement the strategy required to comply with aviation methods and standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Airlines, must strive to safety features for safety culture construction and improvement of safety management is realized. It is necessary to make regulations on the basis of the aviation practice, for aviation safety regulatory requirements, aviation safety should reflect the opinion of the aviation industry.

Study of External Radiation Expose Dose on Hands of Nuclear Medicine Workers (핵의학 종사자에서 손 부위의 외부 피폭선량 연구)

  • Park, Jun-Chul;Pyo, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2012
  • The aims of this study are to assess external radiation exposed doses of body and hands of nuclear medicine workers who handle radiation sources, and to measure radiation exposed doses of the hands induced by a whole body bone scan with high frequency and handling a radioactive sources like $^{99m}Tc$-HDP and $^{18}F$-FDG in the PET/CT examination. Skillful workers, who directly dispense and inject from radiation sources, were asked to wear a TLD on the chest and ring finger. Then, radiation exposed dose and duration exposed from daily radiation sources for each section were measured by using a pocket dosimeter for the accumulated external doses and the absorbed dose to the hands. In the survey of four medical institutions in Incheon Metropolitan City, only one of four institutions has a radiation dosimeter for local area like hands. Most of institutions uses radiation shielding devices for the purpose of protecting the body trunk, not local area. Even some institutions were revealed not to use such a shielding device. The exposed doses on the hands of nuclear medicine workers who directly handles radioactive sources were approximately twice as much as those on the body. The radiation exposure level for each section of the whole body bone scan with high frequency and that of the PET/CT examination showed that radiation doses were revealed in decreasing order of synthesis of radioactive medicine and installation to a dispensing container, dispensing, administering and transferring. Furthermore, there were statistically significant differences of radiation exposure doses of the hands before and after wearing a syringe shielder in administration of a radioactive sources. In this study, although it did not reach the permissible effective dose for nuclear medicine, the occupational workers were exposed by relatively higher dose level than the non-occupational workers. Therefore, the workers, who closely exposed to radioactive sources should be in compliance with safety management regulations, and take actions to maximally reduce locally exposed dose to hands monitoring with ring TLD.