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Identifying Degradation Causes of Endangered Freshwater Fish, Microphysogobio rapidus Using Habitat-Environmental Characteristics (멸종위기 야생생물 I급 여울마자 서식지 환경 특성 파악을 통한 훼손 원인 분석)

  • Ju-Duk Yoon;Keun-Sik Kim;Chang-Deuk Park;Dong-Won Kang;Heung-Heon Lee;Chi-Hong Lim;Nam-Shin Kim
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2023
  • Microphysogobio rapidus is designated as endangered species class I by Ministry of Environment, and its distribution and population have been gradually declining, and it is now limited to the Nam River and some tributary streams of the Nakdong River Watershed. For the restoration of this highly endangered species, it is important to identify the causes of the decline and establish appropriate restoration plans. However, due to lack of basic data and ecological research, most steps are stagnant. Therefore, in this study, we identified the differences in the physical, biological, and sociological habitats between current and past distributed sites through field surveys and literature reviews. As a result of the field survey, there were differences in conductivity between the current and past distributed sites, and fish communities were also showed differences. The literature data also showed that the physico-chemical values of the past distributed sites were generally unfavorable, which generated negative consequences on biological factors. In particular, the effects of urbanization were found to be a major factor affecting the habitat of M. rapidus. Habitat stabilization is crucial for the recovery of this endangered species. However, in the past distributed sites, disturbances such as stream development and weir construction have altered streams physico-chemically and result in changes of M. rapidus. Therefore, a comprehensive plan that considers both stream connectivity and water quality is needed to manage and restore the habitat of M. rapidus.

Vegetation Structure and Main Characteristics in Habitat of Sarcodon impricatus (향버섯 발생지의 식생구조 및 주요 특성)

  • Mi-Ji Lee;Nam-In Koo;Kang-Hyeon Ka;Min-Su Kim
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-168
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    • 2024
  • This study was carried out to provide fundamental data for forest land and the environment by investigating the vegetation structure and soil properties of forest land where Sarcodon impricatus are present. The study area was divided into the Quercus mongolica community, dominated by Q. mongolica and the Quercus variabilis community, a mixed forest with Q. variabilis, Q. mongolica and Pinus densiflora. Also, Calamagrostis arundinacea in the former community and Disporum smilacinum and Carex siderosticta in the latter community showed significant levels as indicator species. Both communities showed a strong correlation between available phosphate and pH, sand, and clay, and the high organic matter content and slightly acidic pH of the soil are believed to be related to the development of S. impricatus. The species appearing at the lower layer continue to dominate because the species appearing at the upper layer have secured realized niches. The site was distributed in a relatively humid place in a north-east direction, and soil was developed with a thin litter layer and low rock exposure. In the selected S. impricatus growing areas, vegetation centered on highly adaptable species to disturbance or external interference was developed. Therefore, it is expected to be used as fundamental data to promote the occurrence of S. impricatus during artificial cultivation, as it is possible to identify the stand where S. impricatus occurs indirectly.

The Study of Land Surface Change Detection Using Long-Term SPOT/VEGETATION (장기간 SPOT/VEGETATION 정규화 식생지수를 이용한 지면 변화 탐지 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Yeom, Jong-Min;Han, Kyung-Soo;Kim, In-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2010
  • To monitor the environment of land surface change is considered as an important research field since those parameters are related with land use, climate change, meteorological study, agriculture modulation, surface energy balance, and surface environment system. For the change detection, many different methods have been presented for distributing more detailed information with various tools from ground based measurement to satellite multi-spectral sensor. Recently, using high resolution satellite data is considered the most efficient way to monitor extensive land environmental system especially for higher spatial and temporal resolution. In this study, we use two different spatial resolution satellites; the one is SPOT/VEGETATION with 1 km spatial resolution to detect coarse resolution of the area change and determine objective threshold. The other is Landsat satellite having high resolution to figure out detailed land environmental change. According to their spatial resolution, they show different observation characteristics such as repeat cycle, and the global coverage. By correlating two kinds of satellites, we can detect land surface change from mid resolution to high resolution. The K-mean clustering algorithm is applied to detect changed area with two different temporal images. When using solar spectral band, there are complicate surface reflectance scattering characteristics which make surface change detection difficult. That effect would be leading serious problems when interpreting surface characteristics. For example, in spite of constant their own surface reflectance value, it could be changed according to solar, and sensor relative observation location. To reduce those affects, in this study, long-term Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with solar spectral channels performed for atmospheric and bi-directional correction from SPOT/VEGETATION data are utilized to offer objective threshold value for detecting land surface change, since that NDVI has less sensitivity for solar geometry than solar channel. The surface change detection based on long-term NDVI shows improved results than when only using Landsat.

A Study on Developing a VKOSPI Forecasting Model via GARCH Class Models for Intelligent Volatility Trading Systems (지능형 변동성트레이딩시스템개발을 위한 GARCH 모형을 통한 VKOSPI 예측모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Woong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2010
  • Volatility plays a central role in both academic and practical applications, especially in pricing financial derivative products and trading volatility strategies. This study presents a novel mechanism based on generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models that is able to enhance the performance of intelligent volatility trading systems by predicting Korean stock market volatility more accurately. In particular, we embedded the concept of the volatility asymmetry documented widely in the literature into our model. The newly developed Korean stock market volatility index of KOSPI 200, VKOSPI, is used as a volatility proxy. It is the price of a linear portfolio of the KOSPI 200 index options and measures the effect of the expectations of dealers and option traders on stock market volatility for 30 calendar days. The KOSPI 200 index options market started in 1997 and has become the most actively traded market in the world. Its trading volume is more than 10 million contracts a day and records the highest of all the stock index option markets. Therefore, analyzing the VKOSPI has great importance in understanding volatility inherent in option prices and can afford some trading ideas for futures and option dealers. Use of the VKOSPI as volatility proxy avoids statistical estimation problems associated with other measures of volatility since the VKOSPI is model-free expected volatility of market participants calculated directly from the transacted option prices. This study estimates the symmetric and asymmetric GARCH models for the KOSPI 200 index from January 2003 to December 2006 by the maximum likelihood procedure. Asymmetric GARCH models include GJR-GARCH model of Glosten, Jagannathan and Runke, exponential GARCH model of Nelson and power autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) of Ding, Granger and Engle. Symmetric GARCH model indicates basic GARCH (1, 1). Tomorrow's forecasted value and change direction of stock market volatility are obtained by recursive GARCH specifications from January 2007 to December 2009 and are compared with the VKOSPI. Empirical results indicate that negative unanticipated returns increase volatility more than positive return shocks of equal magnitude decrease volatility, indicating the existence of volatility asymmetry in the Korean stock market. The point value and change direction of tomorrow VKOSPI are estimated and forecasted by GARCH models. Volatility trading system is developed using the forecasted change direction of the VKOSPI, that is, if tomorrow VKOSPI is expected to rise, a long straddle or strangle position is established. A short straddle or strangle position is taken if VKOSPI is expected to fall tomorrow. Total profit is calculated as the cumulative sum of the VKOSPI percentage change. If forecasted direction is correct, the absolute value of the VKOSPI percentage changes is added to trading profit. It is subtracted from the trading profit if forecasted direction is not correct. For the in-sample period, the power ARCH model best fits in a statistical metric, Mean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE), and the exponential GARCH model shows the highest Mean Correct Prediction (MCP). The power ARCH model best fits also for the out-of-sample period and provides the highest probability for the VKOSPI change direction tomorrow. Generally, the power ARCH model shows the best fit for the VKOSPI. All the GARCH models provide trading profits for volatility trading system and the exponential GARCH model shows the best performance, annual profit of 197.56%, during the in-sample period. The GARCH models present trading profits during the out-of-sample period except for the exponential GARCH model. During the out-of-sample period, the power ARCH model shows the largest annual trading profit of 38%. The volatility clustering and asymmetry found in this research are the reflection of volatility non-linearity. This further suggests that combining the asymmetric GARCH models and artificial neural networks can significantly enhance the performance of the suggested volatility trading system, since artificial neural networks have been shown to effectively model nonlinear relationships.

A Study of Traffic Incident Flow Characteristics on Korean Highway Using Multi-Regime (Multi-Regime에 의한 돌발상황 시 교통류 분석)

  • Lee Seon-Ha;kang Hee-Chan
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.4 no.1 s.6
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2005
  • This research has examined a time series analysis(TSA) of an every hour traffic information such as occupancy, a traffic flow, and a speed, a statistical model of a surveyed data on the traffic fundamental diagram and an expand aspect of a traffic jam by many Parts of the traffic flow. Based on the detected data from traffic accidents on the Cheonan-Nonsan high way and events when the road volume decreases dramatically like traffic accidents it can be estimated from the change of occupancy right after accidents. When it comes to a traffic jam like events the changing gap of the occupancy and the mean speed is gentle, in addition to a quickness and an accuracy of a detection by the time series analyse of simple traffic index is weak. When it is a stable flow a relationship between the occupancy and a flow is a linear, which explain a very high reliability. In contrast, a platoon form presented by a wide deviation about an ideal speed of drivers is difficult to express by a statical model in a relationship between the speed and occupancy, In this case the speed drops shifty at 6$\~$8$\%$ occupancy. In case of an unstable flow, it is difficult to adopt a statistical model because the formation-clearance Process of a traffic jam is analyzed in each parts. Taken the formation-clearance process of a traffic jam by 2 parts division into consideration the flow having an accident is transferred to a stopped flow and the occupancy increases dramatically. When the flow recovers from a sloped flow to a free flow the occupancy which has increased dramatically decrease gradually and then traffic flow increases according as the result analyzed traffic flow by the multi regime as time series. When it is on the traffic jam the traffic flow transfers from an impeded free flow to a congested flow and then a jammed flow which is complicated more than on the accidents and the gap of traffic volume in each traffic conditions about a same occupancy is generated huge. This research presents a need of a multi-regime division when analyzing a traffic flow and for the future it needs a fixed quantity division and model about each traffic regimes.

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Five-year monitoring of microbial ecosystem dynamics in the coastal waters of the Yeongheungdo island, Incheon, Korea (대한민국 인천 영흥도 인근 해역 미소생태계의 5년간의 군집구조 변화 모니터링)

  • Sae-Hee Kim;Jin Ho Kim;Yoon-Ho Kang;Bum Soo Park;Myung-Soo Han;Jae-Hyoung Joo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.179-192
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    • 2023
  • In this study, changes in the microbial ecosystem of the Yeongheungdo island coastal waters were investigated for five years to collect basic data. To evaluate the influence of distance from the coast on the microbial ecosystem, four sites, coastal Site (S1) and 0.75, 1.5, and 3 km away from the coast, were set up and the changes in physicochemical and biological factors were monitored. The results showed seasonal changes in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and pH but with no significant differences between sites. For nutrients, the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen increased from 6.4 μM in April-June to 16.4 μM in July-November, while that of phosphorus and silicon phosphate increased from 0.4 μM and 2.5 μM in April-June to 1.1 μM and 12.0 μM in July-November, respectively. Notably, phosphorus phosphate concentrations were lower in 2014-2015 (up to 0.2 μM) compared to 2016-2018 (up to 2.2 μM), indicating phosphorus limitation during this period. However, there were no differences in nutrients with distance from the coast, indicating that there was no effect of distance on nutrients. Phytoplankton (average 511 cells mL-1) showed relatively high biomass (up to 3,370 cells mL-1) in 2014-2015 when phosphorus phosphate was limited. Notably, at that time, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon was not high, with concentrations ranging from 1.1-2.3 mg L-1. However, no significant differences in biological factors were observed between the sites. Although this study revealed that there was no disturbance of the ecosystem, further research and more basic data on the microecosystem are necessary to understand the ecosystem of the Incheon.

Vegetation Distribution Status and Change for Twenty Four Years(1986~2010) of Seunghwanglim(Forest), Wonju (원주시 성황림(城隍林) 식생분포 현황 및 24년간(1986~2010년) 변화분석)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo;Noh, Tai-Hwan;Kim, Ji-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.741-757
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    • 2012
  • This study had targeted the Seunghwanglim of Wonju in order to understand the forest vegetation's present condition. And then we compared the change in vegetation of Seunghwanglim for 24years. It was intended to provide basic data for conservation and management. Actual vegetation as a result of investigation, a total area of $56,231m^2$ Quercus serrata forest(7.02%), Acer triflorum forest(5.71%), and Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest and Pinus densiflora forest(6.4%) were distributed variously. Present condition of the plains forest has 34 kinds of canopy species, 65 kinds of understory species, 70 species of shrubs species, 88 species of total species. And the plains forest has 500 individuals of canopy layer, 1,102 individuals of understory layer. Mean importance percentage of the major species showed Ulmus davidiana var. japonica(15.6%), Acer triflorum(15.2%), Pinus densiflora(11.1%), Quercus serrata(9.8%). Acer triflorum diameter at Ulmus davidiana var. japonica were a relatively wide range. Results of change for 24 years, vegetation of Seunghwanglim was changed from Quercus serrata-Acer triflorum to Ulmus davidiana var. japonica-Acer triflorum. Big trees over than DBH 30cm were surveyed total 18 species, 166 individuals. Increased over than the past 63 individuals. Seunghwanglim was destroyed by reckless past. Since 1990, the outer perimeter fence was installed to control human access. After that, understory layer and shrub layer were developed. And big tree was increased. Which is considered to restore damaged ecosystems. In order to conservation and protection of Seunghwanglim, people have to management and monitor about exotic species such as Robinia pseudo-acacia, Populus tomentiglandulosa, Castanea crenata, Pueraria lobata, etc.

Biotope Mapping of Pinus densiflora Based on Growth Environment of Tricholoma matsutake - A Case Study of Yangyang-gun, Kang Won-do - (송이 생육환경 특성을 고려한 소나무비오톱지도 작성 연구 - 강원도 양양군을 사례로 -)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol;Kwak, Jeong-In;Kim, Bo-Hyun;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.211-226
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper was to ensure the basis for effective management of Tricholoma matsutake mountain province, to perform biotope mapping of Pinus densiflora based on growth environment of Tricholoma matsutake, target a cluster of Yangyang-gun, Kang Won-do. Study Methods were to review on growth and environmental characteristics of Tricholoma matsutake through internal and external documents and to identify vegetational structure and soil characteristics. This paper studied growth structure and soil environment of Pinus densiflora forest where a farm of production area for Tricholoma matsutake of in order to set the standard of Pinus densiflora biotope. Mapping standards were derived by separating of landform conditions, soil conditions, vegetation conditions. Biotope types were divided into possible production area for Tricholoma matsutake and potential production area for Tricholoma matsutake, possible production area for Tricholoma matsutake were Pinus densiflora biotope in landform and soil structure that enables Tricholoma matsutake production and Single-layered Pinus densiflora biotope of less than 30cm(DBH)-Tree species that other shrub is dominant in shrub layer, Multi-layered Pinus densiflora biotope that Pinus densiflora forest was predominant in understrory layer. Potential production area for Tricholoma matsutake were single-layered Pinus densiflora biotope of more than 30cm(DBH) in landform that enables Tricholoma matsutake production, Pinus densiflora biotope with Quercus predominant in the understrory layer, single-layered Pinus densiflora biotope with Quercus predominant in shrub layer, inappropriate vegetation structure area that the induction of production of Tricholoma matsutake was possible through future vegetation management. According to the research results, Pinus densiflora forest were divided into 16 types; 6 types of possible Tricholoma matsutake production areas, 9 potential Tricholoma matsutake production areas and 16 types of areas where Tricholoma matsutake production was impossible. Possible production areas account for 15.48%, or $9.8km^2$ out of the total Pinus densiflora forest while potential production areas take up 32.42%, or $20.52km^2$, and areas where Tricholoma matsutake production was impossible was 52.10%, or $32.97km^2$.

A Study on the Habitat Use of Waterbirds and Grading Assessment of the Tidal Flat at Muan Bay in Jeollanamdo, Korea (전라남도 무안만에 도래하는 수조류의 서식지 이용 및 갯벌등급 평가)

  • Kang, Tae-Han;Yoo, Seung-Hwa;Lee, Si-Wan;Choi, Ok-In;Lee, Chong-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.521-529
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    • 2008
  • This research conducted a survey on waterbirds visiting this area four times by season from February to October in 2007 to look into the habitat use of waterbirds, to do a value and grade testing of the tidal flat by dividing the foreshore on Muan Bay located in Jeollanam-do into four areas (Dongam, Guro, Bokryong and Wangsan tidal flats). The survey results revealed that there existed a total of 15,755 individuals of 54 species including 2 species of grebes, 7 species of herons, 7 species of dabbling ducks, 6 species of diving ducks, 20 species of waders, 3 species of gulls and 9 other species and this survey also observed 9,291 individuals of the wading birds as a dominant group on Muan Bay. In these classified groups, the gulls and waders were observed to mostly use Dongam tidal flat as their habitat, while the group using Guro tidal flat as their habitat was mostly grebes, dabbling and diving ducks. As a result of UPGMA clustering analysis in consideration of the species and number of individuals, there appear the close similarities between Dongam and Bokryong tidal flats and so do Guro and Wangsan tidal flats. Taking a look at the grading of tidal flats by setting up ecological indexes, such as diversity index, abundance index, and dominance index, etc. legally reserved species and maximum number of individuals as a standard, the rank for the value and importance degree of Bokryong tidal flat appeared higher than that of the other three tidal flats. Like this, the gradation of tidal flats according to waterbirds are judged to able to suggest objective data on the issue of proper judgment and designation of valuable tidal flat areas and its subsequent effective preservation and management.

Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Constructed Small-scale Ponds for Ecological Improvement in Paddy Fields (논 생태 증진을 위해 설치된 둠벙의 물리.화학적 및 생물학적 특성)

  • Kim, Jae-Ok;Shin, Hyun-Sang;Yoo, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Heon;Jang, Kyu-Sang;Kim, Bom-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to gain preliminary data for restoration and management of constructed small-scale ponds in paddy fields through analysis of their physicochemical and biological properties. A field survey was performed at 13 small-scale ponds located in paddy fields from August 2009 to October 2010. Structural properties, water quality, soil characteristics and fish fauna were measured. Results showed that small-scale ponds without frames might lose their function over time because of crumbling walls. Therefore, it is necessary for these ponds to have frames for soil protection and sustainable maintenance. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentration were higher than the water quality standard for agricultural water in small-scale ponds. In particular, TN concentration was 8.03 mg $L^{-1}$ and over 8 times the water quality standard because of the presence of livestock such as cows and pigs in the study areas. Sand, organic matter and available phosphorus contents of soil in small-scale ponds was 53.4${\pm}$16.6%, 21.8${\pm}$9.74 g $kg^{-1}$ and 12.8${\pm}$7.59 mg $kg^{-1}$, respectively indicating that sand and available phosphorus contents were suitable for plants in small-scale ponds, but organic matter contents was somewhat low in newly constructed small-scale ponds, and would take some time to stabilize for plant growing. Fish fauna was not diverse with only 4 species at all sites surveyed. Collected fishes share a common feature that they all inhabit paddy fields or canals with shallow water depth. In this study, all ponds were not linked to the streams and canals around them. It appears that connection to adjacent streams was the major factor controlling fish fauna in small-scale ponds. The results of statistical analysis were classified into three groups. Factor 1 was 26.3%, which shows a structural properties such as area and depth of small-scale pond. As for factor 2, it appears on 20.1%, showing water quality like a TP, suspended solids (SS) and COD. Small-scale ponds were classified into three groups by factor scores. Group I consisted of 6 small-scale ponds, which were larger than the others. Group III had higher water quality than the others. We conclude that the most important points to be considered for restoration and management of small-scale ponds is connection with adjacent streams or ditches and depth and size of the small-scale pond.