• 제목/요약/키워드: 국가문화 차원

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Innovative Strategies for Korean Military Personnel Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era: Focusing on AI Technology Adoption and Demographic Changes (4차 산업혁명 시대의 한국군 인력 운영 혁신 방안: AI 기술 도입과 인구구조 변화를 중심으로)

  • Ho-Shin Lee;Kyoung-Haing Lee;Sang-Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.443-449
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the complex impact of technological changes in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era and demographic shifts in Korea on military personnel management, and to explore innovative strategies for the Korean military's workforce operations. The research findings indicate that changes in future battlefield environments and the introduction of advanced technologies necessitate a fundamental restructuring of military personnel, emphasizing a shift towards a highly specialized and elite workforce. Key research findings are as follows: First, the military application of cutting-edge technologies, such as unmanned systems, autonomous weapon systems, and AI-based decision support systems, is expanding. Second, this technological advancement requires a restructuring of personnel to foster a technology-intensive elite force, including optimizing troop size, reorganizing unit structures, and increasing the utilization of civilian expertise. Third, strategies for securing high-tech talent include strengthening internal technology talent development programs, establishing systems to attract civilian experts, and building a talent development system through industry-academia-research cooperation. The significance of this study lies in providing a theoretical and practical foundation for building a future-oriented and efficient Korean military organization by presenting innovative measures for military human resource management systems suitable for the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. For these changes to be successfully implemented, cooperation among relevant stakeholders, including the military, government, academia, and industry, is essential, supported by comprehensive national-level planning and support.

The Effect of the Government Policy on Foreign Trade of Zhengzhou (중국 정주시의 대외무역에 관한 연구)

  • Li, Feng Ji;Kim, Young-Min
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2020
  • Since China opened its door to the world in 1978, its economic development had been concentrated in the Eastern and Western area compared with the middle area. From 2000s, the Chinese government started to develop the middle area in terms of balanced development. With this goal, "Plan on Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone", and "One Belt and One Road" has implemented in Zhengzhou, where is the an important traffic center in middle area. Meanwhile, the foreign trade of Zhengzhou has been increased about 10 times between 2009 and 2018. In particular, its growth is the fastest among six central cities in 2018 from the lowest in 2009. This study investigates whether the Chinese government policy has an effect on the foreign trade of Zhengzhou. We find that based on the regression analysis of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the government policies has a positive impact on the development of Zhengzhou's foreign trade. It is meaningful that the government policy focused on the advantage of Zhengzhou contributes its development of foreign trade.

연구개발의 세계화와 외국인 연구 인력의 활용 전략

  • 임덕순
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 1999.11c
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    • pp.521-543
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    • 1999
  • 최근 과학기술 혁신 활동의 세계화 현상과 함께 한국의 연구개발 활동도 점차 세계화되고 있다. 그러나 한국의 연구개발 활동의 세계화 현상 및 바람직한 방향에 관한 연구는 별로 없다. 세계화에 따라 국내 연구개발 자원의 유출현상도 발생하지만, 해외 연구개발 자원을 활용할 수 있는 기회도 증가한다. 본 논문에서는 연구개발 활동의 세계화에 관한 흐름 및 개념을 제시하고, 국내 외국인 연구 인력의 활용 현황 및 활용성과 영향 요인을 조사하여 외국인 연구인력 활용 방안을 탐색하였다. 외국과의 연구자 교류는 1996년 현재 유입이 약 4,300명, 유출이 약 16,000명으로 유출이 크지만, 많은 규모는 아니다. 국내 활용 외국인 연구자의 경우 1998년에는 주춤하였지만 꾸준한 증가 추세에 있다. 외국인은 비선진국, 특히 러시아 및 중국의 연구자들을 많이 활용되고 있다. 활용 분야는, 기초, 응용, 개발 연구별로 고루 분포되어 있으며, 상대적으로 정보 전자통신, 에너지 및 자원 분야에서 활용을 많이 하고 있었다. 외국인 연구자들이 참가한 프로젝트는 한국에서 기술도입기나 기술성장기에 해당하는 프로젝트들이 거의 대부분이었다. 월평균 급여는 1,500,000원부터 2,300,000원 정도의 범위에 속했다. 활용 기간을 보면 50%이상이 1년 미만이었으며 2년 이상은 약 10%정도 수준으로 단기간 활용을 위주로 하고 있는 편이다. 외국인 연구자 활용의 이유로써는 외국인 연구자가 가지고 있는 과학기술 지식을 흡수하거나 공동으로 신기술 지식을 개발하려는 목적 등이 지원제도 이용 차원이나, 해외 연구 네트워크 구축, 단순한 연구인력 충원 차원 등의 목적보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 기초과학 수준이 높은 북방권 국가들의 과학자들이 주로 활용되고 있다는 점에서도 잘 알 수 있으며 우리의 과학기술 약점을 보완하는 원천으로써 외국인 연구 인력이 대안이 되고 있음을 시사한다. 본 연구에서는 한국 연구 조직에서 일하는 외국인 연구자들의 동기 및 성과에 영향을 미치는 많은 요인들을 확인할 수 있었다. 상관관계, 분산분석, 회귀분석 등을 통해 활용 성과에 미치는 영향 요인들을 도출하였다. 설문 분석을 통하여 동기 및 성과 사이에는 강한 상관관계가 존재하는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며 이는 전통적인 동기 이론들과 부합한다. 대부분의 변수가 동기 및 성과에 동시에 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었으며 그중에서도 조직 협력 문화, 외국인 연구자의 의사소통 및 협력성, 외국인 연구자의 연구 능력 관련 변수들 및 연구 프로젝트의 기술수명주기, 외국인 연구자의 기존 기술지식의 흡수 등이 가장 중요한 변수로 나타났다. 이는 우리가 주로 중국 및 러시아 과학자들을 활용하여 상업화하는 외국인 연구인력 활용 패턴과도 일치하는 결과이다. 즉 우호적인 조직문화를 가지고 있는 연구 조직에서, 이미 과학기술 지식을 많이 가지고 있고 연구 능력도 높은 외국인 과학기술자를, 한국에서 기술이 태동 또는 성장하고 있는 연구 분야에서 활용하는 것이 가장 성과가 좋다는 사실을 확인시켜 주고 있다. 국내에서 최초로 수행된 본 연구는 외국인 연구 인력의 활용 성과가 매우 높으며, 우리의 과학기술혁신시스템을 보완하는 유효한 수단으로써 외국인 연구 인력이 중요한 대안이 될 수 있음을 발견하였다. 외국인 연구 인력을 잘 활용하기 위하여 문제점 및 개선방안을 활용 환경, 연구 인력이 중요한 대안이 될 수 있음을 발견하였다. 외국인 연구 인력을 잘 활용하기 위하여 문제점 및 개선 방안을 활용 환경, 연구 인력관리. 인력 교류사업, 외국인 과학자 지원 창구 등으로 나누어서 정리하였다. 연구시설, 주거시설 등의 하드웨어적 환경에 대한 개선도 중요하지만 연구 인력의 관리 능력 제고, 인력 교류 사업의 개선, 정보 제공 등 소프트웨어적인 활용 능력을 제고하는데 정책적인 관심을 기울이는 것이 중요하다고 판단된다.

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Security Stress Management Plan for Military Soldiers (군 장병의 보안 스트레스 관리방안)

  • Lee Tae Bok
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2024
  • Soldiers serving in military units and institutions are subject to strict security policies and technologies because they handle sensitive and confidential information related to national security, so they are likely to experience security stress. The purpose of this study is to recognize the need to manage the security stress of military personnel and to suggest management measures. To this end, a literature study was conducted on 12 KCI(Korean Journal Citation Index) journals dealing with security stress. Since 2016, research on security stress has been conducted mainly through empirical analysis through surveys. Studies related to security stress were divided into studies dealing with factors that affect stress, the relationship between security stress and security compliance intentions, and factors that reduce security stress. In particular, it was confirmed that factors such as organizational justice, organizational technical support, and security feedback can alleviate security stress. Next, by applying the results of this literature study to the defense security environment, we presented security stress management measures for military personnel in terms of improving security-related organizational justice awareness, technical support, and security feedback. The significance of this study is that we recognized the need to manage military personnel's security stress and reviewed practical measures related to this.

Christian Educational Proposals for Revitalizing Research on North Korea's 'education' (북한 '교육' 연구 활성화를 위한 기독교교육적 제언)

  • Ham, Seung su
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.305-340
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    • 2022
  • This study was started to suggest the direction of Christian educational development to revitalize North Korea's 'education' research. Since the two Koreas have experienced heterogeneity in almost all elements of society, such as politics, economy, society, culture, and education, during the period of division in 1977, true unification depends on laying the foundation for social integration that can overcome the sense of heterogeneity between the two Koreas. This is why North Korea's "education" research is needed. Education is the foundation for transferring culture and history, and for bringing about the survival, transformation, and community of society and since it is the mission of Korean churches and Christian educators to establish the direction of North Korean "education" research, North Korean "education" research is very important. Despite this importance, 'North Korean research' in the field of Christian education has not been properly conducted. Research on the "Christian Unification Education Program" that can be used in churches is actively taking place, but research on the macro level of presenting post-unification education blueprints is rare. This study was started to suggest the direction of Christian educational development to revitalize North Korea's 'education' research. For the study, the characteristics of 'North Korea Research' were analyzed according to generational classification. As a result of the study, recent research on North Korea has been expanding in research topics and methodologies, and recent studies have been differentiated into microscopic studies that deviate from existing research trends at a macro level and view North Korea's daily life. The characteristics of 'North Korean education research' are summarized by period. The research on North Korean education, which began in earnest in the 1970s, was divided into the period of start(70s), transition(80s), leap(90s), expansion(2000s), and development(2010s~). and research characteristics for each period were analyzed. Through this, early North Korean education research was also conducted in the policy aspect of the country, and the characteristics of political and social studies were strong, but recent studies have confirmed that the subjects and contents are diversifying. Based on these studies, the pending issues and issues of North Korean education research in the field of Christian education were analyzed. The study of North Korea in the field of Christian education, which began in the 1980s, has been conducted in the engineering aspect of 'development of unification education programs for churches'. However, studies on Christian unification education and North Korean education itself, which can be used in public education sites including Christian schools, have yet to be sufficient. Nevertheless, the diversification of research in the field of Christian education can be evaluated as a positive change. Based on these studies, it was proposed to establish a de-ideological research foundation, secure primary research data(Raw Data), activate research topics and research methodologies, and strengthen research capabilities in the direction of development to revitalize North Korean research in the field of Christian education. I hope this study will trigger various follow-up studies and help Korean churches that must achieve unification.

Creative City and Creative Class: Conceptual Issues and Critiques (창조도시와 창조계급: 개념적 논제들과 비판)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.49-69
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    • 2014
  • The theory of creative city can be seen as one that reflects a relationship between recent change of economic environment and socio-spatial reconstruction in the so-called 'cultural turn' to deindustrialization. This paper considers approaching methods to knowledge-based economy or cultural economy as a context of development of theory of creative city, and suggests types of conceptualization of creative city. Then it reviews creative perspectives which can be found in recent domestic and oversea research trends on creative city, especially relating its nature with neoliberalism. Finally this paper discusses critically the concept of creative class as a social constitution of creativity or creative economy, and that of creative city as its spatial constitution. The concept of creative class can be criticized in terms of ambiguity of the concept of class, class-biased and economy-privileged idea, market valorization of culture, individualization against community, normalization of flexible labor market, and uncertainty of economic success of creative city. The concept of creative city can be criticized in terms of limitation of interests to city, ignorance of national and global dimensions, decontextual normative vision, legitimation of neoliberal city, lack of proof of causality between creative class and economic success, polarization of within and between cities.

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The Effects of Endorsers' Gender on Ads and Product Attitude: Cross-cultural Perspective(Korea vs. Uzbekistan) (광고모델의 성별이 광고 태도와 제품 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 비교문화적 연구: 한국 vs. 우즈베키스탄)

  • Lee, Dong-Yub;Yulduz, Kudratova;Kim, Gwi-Gon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2021
  • This study is a cross-cultural study examining whether differences in perceptions of social gender roles in Korea and Uzbekistan have different effects on ad attitudes and product attitudes through the endorsers' gender. In particular, this study was focused on the difference between the facial expression of the endorser and the moderating effect of the ad situation in these relationships. The research results are as follows. First, the difference in the perception of social gender roles was larger in Uzbekistan than in Korea. Second, the influence of gender of endorser on ad attitude was perceived to be higher in Uzbekistan than in Korea. Third, the moderating effect of facial expression(Placid vs. Cold) in the effect of gender of advertising model on advertising attitude was found only in Uzbekistan. Fourth, the moderating effect of the ad situation (Office work vs. Family life) in the relationship between the endorsers' Gender and ad attitude was also found only in Uzbekistan. Fifth, the effect of consumer's ad attitude on product attitude showed a statistically significant positive relationship in both countries. This study reveals that cultural differences in the masculinity (or femininity) dimension between Korea and Uzbekistan are also affecting the effectiveness of ads. Therefore, this study suggests that global marketers should consider not only the existing information source effects such as reliability, professionalism, and attractiveness, but also the gender, facial expression, and ad situation of the endorser according to cultural differences when selecting an ad model.

A Study on Social and Solidarity Economy in France:Challenge and Result (프랑스 사회연대경제의 도전과 성과)

  • Jong oh Lee
    • Global Cultural Contents
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    • no.32
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    • pp.219-235
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    • 2018
  • This study started with the two fundamental questions of the global economic crisis : whether the present economic, economic and social system can survive the present life, and whether the crisis can solve the crisis with economic logic. It was an attempt to explore alternative economic models of alternative economic models by examining the history, status, challenge, challenge and success tasks of the French social solidarity economie (ESS, Economie Sociale et Solidaire), an alternative to the new economic and social development. The roles and duties of the social solidarity economy (civic groups, corporations, and governments) were examined to have a successful outcome in order to re-evaluate the functions and roles of the French social solidarity economy. Though the le repport of Vercamer(2010) and the charter of Social Economy(1980), we analyzed four projects that move the social economics model of sharing: democratic operations, human centered economy, solidarity investments, free participation, free participation, etc. Subsequently, the activities of social solidarity, which account for more than 10 percent of the current French economy, have drawn hints on the social and social implications of the Korean society, and have focused on creating a new alternative to the economic and social crises facing the Korean society, and exploring the possibility of a socio-economic crisis in Korea today. These studies have introduced the ideological factors and the types of achievements in the French social solidarity economie, from the 19th century to the present, and at the same time, the rationale and justification for continued economic experiment in Korea, which faces depression and economic crises.

An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul (서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석)

  • Choe, Ji-Young;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2022
  • The History and Culture Park and the Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall will be built in Songhyeon-dong, Seoul. Political games from the Joseon Dynasty to the present greatly influenced the historicity of Songhyeon-dong. However, place analysis was limited to changes in landowners and land uses rather than a historical context. Therefore, this study analyzed the context in which the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed according to the emergence of cultural hegemony using the perspective of modern cultural geography and comparative history. As a result of the analysis, cultural hegemony in historical transitions, such as Sinocentrism, maritime expansion, civil revolutions, imperialism, nationalism, popular art, and neoliberalism, was found to have created new intellectuals in Bukchon, including Songhyeon-dong, and influenced social systems and spatial policies. In this social relations, the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed as follows. First, the founding forces of Joseon created pine forests as Bibo Forests to invocate the permanence of the dynasty. In the late Joseon dynasty, it was an era of maritime expansion, and as Joseon's yeonhaeng increased, a garden for the Gyeonghwasejok, who enjoyed the culture of the Qing dynasty, was built. Although pine forests and gardens disappeared due to the development of housing complexes as the population soared during the Japanese colonial era, Cha Gyeong's landscape aesthetics, which harmonized artificial gardens and external nature, are worth reinterpreting in modern times. Second, the wave of modernization created a new school in Bukchon and a boarding house in Songhyeon-dong owned by a pro-Japanese faction. Angukdongcheon-gil, next to Songhyeon-dong, was where thinkers who promoted civil revolution and national self-determination exchanged ideas. Songhyeon-dong, the largest boarding house, served as a residence for students to participate in the March 1st Movement and was the cradle of the resulting culture of student movements. The appearance of the old road is preserved, so it is a significant part of the regeneration of walking in the historic city center, connecting Gwanghwamun-Bukchon-Insadong -Donhwamunro. Third, from the cultural rule of the Government General of Joseon to the Military Government, Songhyeon-dong acted as a passage to western culture with the Joseon Siksan Bank's cultural housing and staff accommodations at the U.S. Embassy. Ancient and contemporary art coexisted in the surrounding area, so the modern and contemporary art market was formed. The Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall is expected to form a cultural belt for citizens with the gallery, Bukchon Hanok Village, the Craft Museum, and the Modern Museum of Art. Discourses and challenges are needed to recreate the place in harmony with the forests, gardens, the street of citizens' birth, history and culture park, the art museum, and the surrounding walking network.

Essay on the Community Archpe ('마을아르페'(Community Archpe) 시론 - 마을 차원의 "책, 기록, 역사 그리고 치유와 창업의 커뮤니티"를 위한 제안-)

  • Lee, Young-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.18
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    • pp.221-254
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    • 2008
  • Community Archpe is . Community Archpe is as close as a kind of a complex of culture space or community center which puts individuals and small community together with culture soil in a central position. For example Community Archpe can include community library, community archive, community historical center, community recovery center, community commencement of an enterprise center, etc. We need small library, archive and historian rather than big scale institution and professional system to take care of culture soil which belongs to an individual and community. Community Archpe is located in coordinates of two intention points. First intention is, a 'Heterogenous Smithy'. Heterogeneity deals with Community Archpe's life. Second intention is, a 'Feminine Smithy'. Community Archpe can be a recovery community when we are in the recovery context, which understand and support a person through archives and history. Then, what can Community Archpe do? First, it can be a new movement of the community. Second, it can also be a centripetal point of classic life. Community Archpe surly locates in the central of Community. Therefore, it will be a cultural literary soil and be a smithy of community history and culture. Thus Community Archpe will change a lot of things on people's life. Community Archpe will be a small happiness to ordinary people, even though it is not a state organ realizing large values.