• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조적 붕괴

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Integrated Water Management Model for the Selenga River Basin, Mongolia (셀렝게강 유역 통합물관리 모델 개발)

  • Park, Sang-Young;Lee, Gwang-Man;Ko, Ick-Hwan;Mun, Yu-Ri
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.480-484
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    • 2008
  • 셀렝게(Selenga)강은 몽골에서 발원하여 세계최대의 담수호로 알려진 러시아 바이칼호로 유입되는 국제하천으로서 소비에트 연방해체 이후 계획경제가 무너지면서 다양한 물환경문제에 노출되어 있다. 몽골의 경우 도시개발이 급격히 진행되고 있으나 처리시설의 미비로 인한 오폐수 배출 및 무분별한 광산개발에 따른 수질오염문제가 현안이 되고 있으며, 러시아(브리아트공화국)는 계획경제의 붕괴에 따른 산업구조의 변화, 처리시설의 부족 및 운영의 비효율성, 산림자원의 개발에 따른 비점오염부하의 증가 등의 수질문제 해결이 요구된다. 몽골은 자연적인 특성상 광물질을 많이 포함하는 지표수 성상 및 매우 적은 강우량으로 인한 수자원의 부족, 지역별로 극심한 물공급량의 불균형, 산업개발에 따른 지하수 오염 등의 문제를 포함한 수자원 부족이 해결해야할 현안과제이고, 러시아는 수자원은 매우 풍부하나 공급시설의 낙후 및 비효율적인 운영으로 인한 물 공급 시스템의 개선이 절실히 요구되는 상황이다. 물 환경관리 체계를 보면 양국 공히 대내적으로는 이용 및 공급 주체별로 분화된 물 관리체제로 인해 부문간 통합성이 결여되어 있으며, 대외적으로는 셀렝게강 상 하류 물이용 개발, 수질보전 및 수생태계보호와 연관된 문제해결을 위한 몽골과 러시아간의 국제적인 협력시스템이 없는 실정이다. 경제개발에 따라 최근 수질오염 및 물이용 개발과 관련된 이해당사자 간의 갈등이 심화되고 있어 이를 지역, 국가, 국제적인 차원에서 조정할 수 있는 통합관리시스템의 구축과 이해당사자의 인식제고 및 자체적인 관리능력 배양을 위한 역량강화프로그램의 개발 운영이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 동지역에서 기초현황조사, 물 환경현안 파악, 물 관리정책 및 체계와 문제점을 파악하고 향후 DPISR(Drivers-Pressures-Impact-State- Response) 분석이 가능하도록 물환경관리와 연관된 물환경상태, 현안, 원인, 영향 및 대책을 종합적인 관점에서 분석하며, 해외의 주요 국제하천의 물 환경관리모델에 대한 사례분석 및 비교연구를 통해 물이용 및 개발과 관련된 이해상충 조정체계를 개발하고자 하였다.

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Analysis of influence factors on the construction of the check dam to reduce damage caused by debris flow (토석류 피해 저감을 위한 사방댐 설계 모의분석)

  • Lee, Seungjun;An, Hyunuk;Kim, Minseok;Ko, Heemin;Ku, Hyeonseung;Yu, Seungheon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.92-92
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    • 2022
  • 산 사면의 지반이 붕괴되어 흙, 모래, 자갈 그리고 물 등이 혼합하여 유동하는 토석류는 예측과 대비가 어려운 자연재해 중 하나 이다. 특히, 강우로 인해 발생하는 토석류의 경우 매우 빠르게 유동하기 때문에 피해 예측이 제한적이다. 이러한 토석류가 도심지역 또는 마을주변에서 발생할 경우 많은 인명 및 재산 피해가 발생한다. 따라서 토석류의 유동을 최소화시키기 위해선 1차적으로 수치모형을 통한 전반적인 유동 및 피해 규모 예측이 이루어져야 하며, 이러한 분석을 바탕으로 사방댐과 같은 구조물의 효율적인 설계가 이루어져야 한다. 이에 수치모형을 통해 토석류의 유동을 분석하고자 하는 많은 연구가 진행된 바 있으며, 사방댐 설계 분석 또한 수치모형과 실험을 통해 연구된 바 있다. 선행연구들에 따르면, 1) 발생부로부터의 거리, 2) 토석류 에너지의 감소, 3) 침식-연행 작용, 4) 사방댐의 용량 등이 효율적인 사방댐 설계에 영향을 미친다고 분석된 바 있다. 하지만 위의 항목들에 대한 종합적인 비교분석은 미비한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에선 위에서 제시한 4가지의 항목들을 바탕으로 사방댐 설계에 중요한 요소를 평가하고 산정하고자 한다. 토석류의 유동과 사방댐을 모의분석하기 위해 Deb2D 수치모형을 활용하였으며, Voellmy 유변학적 모형과 침식-연행-퇴적 작용을 분석할 수 있는 알고리즘을 사용하여 토석류의 유동을 현실에 가깝게 모의하였다. 2011년 서울 우면산에서 발생한 산사태 유역들 중에서 래미안 아파트 유역과2019년 강원도 갈남리에서 발생한 산사태를 대상지구로 선정하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 4가지 요소들 중에서 사방댐의 용량이 효율적인 사방댐 설계에 가장 주요한 요인으로 분석되었다.

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Damage Evaluation of Adjacent Structures for Detonation of Hydrogen Storage Facilities (수소저장시설의 폭발에 대한 인접 구조물의 손상도 평가)

  • Jinwon Shin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2023
  • This study presents an analytical study of investigating the effect of shock waves generated by the hydrogen detonation and damage to structures for the safety evaluation of hydrogen storage facilities against detonation. Blast scenarios were established considering the volume of the hydrogen storage facility of 10 L to 50,000 L, states of charge (SOC) of 50% and 100%, and initial pressures of 50 MPa and 100 MPa. The equivalent TNT weight for hydrgen detonation was determined considering the mechanical and chemical energies of hydrogen. A hydrogen detonation model for the converted equivalent TNT weight was made using design equations that improved the Kingery-Bulmash design chart of UFC 3-340-02. The hydrogen detonation model was validated for overpressure and impulse in comparison to the past experimental results associated with the detonation of hydrogen tank. A parametric study based on the blast scenarios was performed using the validated hydrogen detonation model, and design charts for overpressure and impulse according to the standoff distance from the center of charge was provided. Further, design charts of the three-stage structural damage and standoff distance of adjacent structures according to the level of overpressure and impact were proposed using the overpressure and impulse charts and pressure-impulse diagrams.

Enhancement of Impact Resistance of Layered Steel Fiber Reinforced High Strength Concrete Beam (층 구조를 갖는 강섬유 보강 고강도 콘크리트 보의 충격저항성능 향상)

  • Yoo, Doo-Yeol;Min, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Jin-Young;Yoon, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2012
  • The collapse of concrete structures by extreme loads such as impact, explosion, and blast from terrorist attacks causes severe property damage and human casualties. Concrete has excellent impact resistance to such extreme loads in comparison with other construction materials. Nevertheless, existing concrete structures designed without consideration of the impact or blast load with high strain rate are endangered by those unexpected extreme loads. In this study, to improve the impact resistance, the static and impact behaviors of concrete beams caste with steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) with 0~1.5% (by volume) of 30 mm long hooked steel fibers were assessed. Test results indicated that the static and impact resistances, flexural strength, ductility, etc., were significantly increased when higher steel fiber volume fraction was applied. In the case of the layered concrete (LC) beams including greater steel fiber volume fraction in the tensile zone, the higher static and impact resistances were achieved than those of the normal steel fiber reinforced concrete beam with an equivalent steel fiber volume fraction. The impact test results were also compared with the analysis results obtained from the single degree of freedom (SDOF) system anaysis considering non-linear material behaviors of steel fiber reinforced concrete. The analysis results from SDOF system showed good agreement with the experimental maximum deflections.

Long-term Tilt Prediction Model for the L-type Retaining Wall Adjacent to Urban Apartments (도심지 아파트 L형 옹벽의 장기 경사거동 예측모델)

  • Koo, Ki Young;Seong, Joo Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.134-142
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a study of system identification on the tilt response of the L-type retaining wall located at Tanhyun 11th ACE Apartment, Ilsan in order to understand mechanism how the structure behaves in operational conditions and to provide a reference tilt values for assessing structural abnormality. The retaining wall was extraordinarily tall (14m) in urban area so the long-term monitoring system had been installed with 3 tilts-meters and 9 temperature sensors operational from Oct 2004 upto Nov 2007. By using 5-months continuous data in which all the 12 channels were up and running, the two prediction models, 1) the linear model, and 2) the state-space equation (SSE) model, have been identified by finding the best fitness model among all possible 511 combinations of input temperatures out of the 9 temperatures. The linear model which was simple in the model structure achieved the validation fittness of 68% due to the fact that the static model wasn't able to represent thermal dynamics. The SSE model achieved the validation fitness of 90% which was quite accurate considering various unexpected noises happening in field measurements.

Ultrastructural Changes in the Mantle of the Equilateral Venus, Gomphina veneriformis (Bivalvia: Veneridae) Exposed to TBTCl (TBTCl 노출에 의한 대복, Gomphina veneriformis (Bivalvia: Veneridae) 외투막의 미세구조적 변화)

  • Park, Jung-Jun;Kim, Seok-Ryel;Park, Myoung-Ae;Lee, Jung-Sick
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2011
  • Equilateral venus, Gomphina veneriformis exposed to tribultyltin chloride (TBTCl) for 36 weeks was showed ultrastructural changes of the mantle. The fine mantle had 4-folds and its epidermal layer consisted of simple columnar epithelial cells and ciliated cells and secretory cells. Inner and outer epidermal layer covered connective tissue. The mantle exposed to TBTCl at 12 weeks was decreased cilia in the inner epidermal layer, and observed extension of the hemolymph sinus and destruction of the septum. At 20 weeks, it revealed vacuole formation and pycnosis in the cytoplasm, and scattered muscular fiber. After 28 weeks of exposure, the mantle revealed partially degenerative changes in the epidermal layer. In the ciliated cells, basal body was isolated from the cilia and rootlet complex and basal foot were scattered. The sarcolemma had debris fiber. At 36 weeks, it observed degenerative cells that it revealed disappearance of the cilia, atrophic nucleus, poorly membrane and destruction of the cresternae in the mitochondria, and increasing heterophagosome. The outer epithelial cell had necrotic nuclus, numeous lysosome and disappearance of the microvilli. Therefore, results of this study suggested that chronical TBTCl exposure in the Gomphina veneriformis induced the disorders of shell growth and physiological function with histopathological changes of the mantle.

Evaluation of Site-specific Seismic Response Characteristics at Town Fortress Areas Damaged by Historical Earthquakes (역사 지진 피해 발생 읍성 지역에 대한 부지 고유의 지진 응답 특성 평가)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Chung, Choong-Ki;Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Jae-Kwan
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.1 s.50
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2007
  • In order to evaluate the local site effects at two town fortress areas in Korea where stone parapets were col-lapsed by historical earthquakes, site characteristics were assessed using site investigations such as borehole drillings and seismic tests. Equivalent-linear site response analyses were conducted based on the shear ways velocity ($V_s$) profiles and geotechnical characteristics determined from site investigations. The study sites are categorized as site classes C and B according to the mean $V_s$ to 30 m ranging from 500 to 850 m/s, and their site periods are distributed in the short period range of 0.06 to 0.16 sec, which contains the natural period of fortress wall and stone parapet. From the results of site response analyses in the study areas, for site class C indicating most of site conditions, contrary to site class B, the short-period (0.1-0.5 sec) and mid-period (0.4-2.0 sec) site coefficients, $F_a$ and $F_v$ specified in the Korean seismic design guide, underestimate the ground motion in short-period band and overestimate the ground motion in mid-period band, respectively, due to the high amplification in short period range, which represent the site-specific seismic response characteristics. These site-specific response characteristics indicate the potential of resonance in fortress walls during earthquake and furthermore could strongly affect the collapse of parapets resulted from seismic events in historical records.

A Study on the Transitional Aspects in Korean Gardens that Reflected of the Korean Folk Village 'Oeam-Ri' (외암리 민속마을에 나타난 한국정원의 전환기적 양상)

  • Lee, Won Ho
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.100-121
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    • 2009
  • This study is subjected to those gardens of the Korean Folk Village 'Oeam-Ri' designed in 1920s. - transitional period of traditional gardens - and define socio-cultural change's influences and through documents on garden design, descendant's testimony and measured drawings, to understand that period's garden culture's characteristics according to garden design elements. This study applied following analysis methods and procedures to derive out characteristics of transitional garden culture. Analysis on socio-cultural characteristics in 1920s. Analysis on actual condition of transitional garden's design. In this point Outline of the Garden, Space formation, Garden designing elements are (1) water landscape, (2) plant, (3) structures, (4) paving, to derive out characteristics of the transitional garden. The results follow as below; First, during the transitional period 1920s, the economical development, fueled by opening nation's door to foreign countries and indication of collapse of statue systems together with idea of practical science and Enlightenment Thought, was element of changes in garden style. Second, Garden Designers of transitional gardens in 'Oeam-Ri' were limited to upper class of the society. They were wealthy enough to maintain their high social statue in rapidly changing society. As results, tendency of returning to nature developed gardens located in a site of scenic beauty and development of geographical features arranging techniques, and also showed copying foreign styles. Third, arrangement of garden and space composition, in most cases, composed of buildings and yards. Changes in water landscape features and garden spaces are centered to main-yard. Major changes of the garden spaces are water landscapes and plants that showing foreign influences. Fifth, scenic appearance techniques appears with dense garden space and emphasizing visual scenic view. Sixth, the characteristics of transitional garden design techniques are development of geographical feature arranging techniques, changes and mixture of the materials and garden types, emphasizing garden's decorative beauty, change of concept of yard within house into garden, changes from 'borrowing of landscapes' to 'selecting landscapes', changes of front garden from emptiness to fullness, changes of attitudes of enjoying gardens from 'staying calm in the garden' to 'moving or walking in the garden', changes to inner-oriented view, and changes from 'just watching and enjoying the nature' to 'enjoying specific objects'. This study is one of the efforts to restore the identity of Korean Traditional Garden by approaching and observing modern era which function as bridge between tradition and present day, and we observed transitional aspects of changes of traditional garden into modern garden. Hereafter, more studies will be needed to Modern Garden Design be recognized as part of Korean Garden Design History and these would be author's next assignment.

Histopathologic Findings of Necrotizing Lymphadenitis (괴사성 림프절염의 병리조직학적 소견)

  • Shim, Young-Ran;Nam, Hae-Joo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.485-492
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    • 1993
  • Necrotizing lymphadenitis was first recognised as a self-limiting lymphadenitis by Japanese workers in 1972. It is a distinct clinicopathologic entity, but can be mistaken as malignant lymphoma. We have studied clinicopathologic features in 15 cases of necrotizing lymphadenitis. This disease occurs predominantly in young adult. Male-female ratio is 2 : 1. The commonest presentation is lateral cervical lymphadenopathy. Pain, tenderness, and fever can be seen. Biopsy of the lymph nodes from all patients demonstrates the characteristic histologic features : multifocal, relatively circumscribed nodules in the cortex and/or paracortex, consisting of a mixture of activated large lymphoid cells, histiocytes and small lymphocytes. Numerous karyorrhetic debris are present. Neutrophils and plasma cells are strikingly absent.

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Tensile Behavior of Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubular Column-Beam Flange Connections with Stiffeners (강관 보강형 충전 각형강관 기둥-보 플랜지 접합부의 인장거동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yoo, Yeong Chan;Kang, Hyun Sik;Moon, Tae Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the utility of concretefilled steel tubular column to H-beam connections with tubular stiffener. As a preliminary step. a tensile experiment was undertaken to scrutinize characteristics of the structural behavior that take place between beam flanges and column with tubular stiffener. A total of 4 types of experimental settings were developed as tabular stiffeners are made up 9, 18, and 27 mm of thickness and 50 and 80 mm of height respetively Along with the overall load subsequently the degree of displacement and strain were recorded. Based on the yield line theory results of this of this study were evaluated and further critically reviewed the applicability of the strength formula. This study found that collapse mechanism was emerged on the beam flange as reinforcing tabular stiffeners Complementary studies of this sort, including numerical analyses should be undertaken in order to develope specific design critera.

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