• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교육참여동기

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Middle School Home Economics Teachers' Performance Conditions of Self Supervision Related to the Home Economics (중학교 가정과 교사의 교과 관련 자기장학에 대한 수행 실태)

  • Nam, Yun-Jin;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2007
  • The method used in this descriptive study is the survey. The purpose of the study is to investigate performances of middle school home economics(HE) teachers regarding the HE subject. Respondents in this study were 177 HE teachers. Questionnaires from HE teachers were collected through e-mails. With the operation of the SPSS/Win (ver10.1) program, the analyses such as mean, standard deviation, frequencies, percents, t-test and ANOVA are done to see the relations between the related variables. The results of this study were as follows. First, the middle school HE teachers performed well above the standards in terms of planning, execution, and evaluation about self supervision related to HE. Second, the HE teachers collected materials for instruction by using literary (books) survey, Internet and mass media. They mainly focused on improving ways of "teaching and learning" and deepening the studies related to contents of textbooks. Third, the HE teachers used various ways to improve self supervision in the following order: mass media, literary (books) survey, participation in societies for researches, meetings, various training and field trip More than half of the middle school HE teachers proceeded to graduate schools, joined meetings for researches and had experiences of taking classes in private institutes. They also made a field trip once or twice a year and depended much on TV programs and education broadcasting programs as ways of improving their performances related to self supervision. While they were actively sharing information with their peer group, they made little effort at analyzing and evaluating their classes and utilizing expert group for their classes. The main problems as to self supervision were that only the half of the HE teachers responded that they were performing self supervision related to their classes well above the standards and the area where they heavily focused on has been "teaching and learning" and "the studies related to contents of textbooks". Therefore, to motivate incentives of the HE teachers for self supervision, meetings for researches should be activated and various training programs should be developed. In addition, government should give administrative and institutional support through a publication of books introducing detailed ways of self supervision and an establishment of centers and institutions for supporting self supervision.

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User Behavior and Improvement for Kumgang Pine Eco-Forest in Uljin (울진금강송 생태숲의 이용자 행태분석과 개선방안)

  • Oh, Nam-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the users' behaviors and to suggest development strategies in Uljin Kumgang pine tree(Pinus densiflora for. erecta) eco-forest(UKPEF), which is located in Kyeongbuk. The data were collected by interviewing 122 visitors to september 3 from august 29, 2007 with a constructed questionnaire. The results of the analysis are as follows. 1. The major visitors of UKPEF are male and the age between 20 to 30, the residents of the Uljin county with relatively high academic background. 2. The motive of visiting UKPEF is mainly by the beauty and taste of Kumgang pine tree and the condition of the forest. The visitors are mainly composed of family, not big group. 3. The visitors of UKPEF have obtained information about the Kumgang fine tree forest mainly from friends, not from the internet or travel agency. 4. The visitors of UKPEF pointed out lack of convenient facilities such as toilets and water-supply facilities. However, visitors are satisfied by the condition of the forest. 5. The visitors of UKPEF set a high value on Kumgang fine tree, So, more active marketing strategy about Uljin Kumgang pine tree has to be established. 6. The visitors of UKPEF are more satisfied by the Uljin Kumgang pine tree forest than expected. The development strategies of UKPEF are suggest as follows. (1) Auto tram system has to be set up and new trail should be constructed to attract more visitors and people of other regions. (2) To attract group tourists, new program should be developed. (3) Advertisement through internet or travel agency has to be developed. (4) Government(local) should make a plan to register the forest as World natural heritage. (5) Monitoring and evaluation system has to be developed to satisfy tourists. In conclusion, the efforts of taking care of and preserving the UKPEF should be made at the national level. I hope that more Koreans can have chance to feel and experience the value and excellence ofthe Uljin Kumgang pine tree(Pinus densiflora for. erecta)

A Narrative Inquiry of the Identities of Male Home Economics Teachers (남자 가정과교사의 정체성에 대한 내러티브 탐구)

  • Ahn, Jae Hyun;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.159-178
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed at exploring male home economics(HE) teachers' identities through narrative inquiry. Considering experiences of HE teachers and diversity in regions, twelve male teachers were chosen, and in-depth interviews were conducted between June 1st and July 31st, 2019. The transcription of the data was transferred to the Hancom Office Hangeul 2010 while the researcher listened to the recordings of the interviews. The total amount of transcription data was 174 pages, and the data were analyzed through open coding, categorization, and category verification. The themes identified as results of this study were as follows: First, 'Coincidence: Breaking the Wall of Prejudice' is related to the experiences that have a great influence on the formation of identity as a male HE teacher: motivation to enter the HE department, educational practice, etc. Through this, the experience of becoming a male HE teacher was recorded. Second, 'Facing: Surviving as a male HE Teacher' captures the current story of male HE teachers and the perspectives of their fellow teachers, family, and friends about male HE teachers. In this section, male HE teachers showed how HE classes and assessments, and their experiences in their lives, influenced their identities. Third, 'Expectations: Growing as a HE teacher' is a story about the future of male HE teachers. The ideal teacher image pursued by male HE teachers was a practical teacher. They hoped that in 10 or 20 years, they would have smooth and professional relationship with students. They advise prospective male HE teachers to become a competent HE teacher regard less of their gender. The significance of this study is that it broke the stereotype of 'HE teachers should be female' and expanded the horizon of HE education by exploring the identities of male HE teachers.

Analysis of Internet Biology Study Sites and Guidelines for Constructing Educational Homepages (인터넷상의 고등학교 생물 학습사이트 비교분석 및 웹사이트 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Hyun;Sung, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.779-795
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    • 2002
  • Internet, a world wide network of computers, is considered as a sea of information because it allows people to share information beyond the barriors of time and space. However, in spite of the unmeasurable potential applications of the internet, its use in the field of biology education has been extremely limited mainly due to the scarcity of good biology-related sites. In order to provide useful guidelines for constructing user-friendly study sites, which can help high school students with different intellectual levels to study biology, comparative studies were performed on selected educational sites. Initially, hundreds of related sites were examined, and, subsequently, four distinct sites were selected not only because they are well organized, but also because each is unique in its contents. Also, a survey was carried out against the users of each site. The survey results indicated that the high school students regard the web-based biology study tools as effective teaching methods although there might be some bias in criteria for selecting target sites. In addition to the detailed biology topics and the related biology informations, multimedia data including pictures, animations and movies are found to be one of the important ingredients for desirable biology study sites. Thus, the inclusion of multimedia components should also be considered when developing a systematic biology study site. Overall, the role of the cyber space is expected to become more and more important. Since the development of the user-satisfied and self-guided sites require interdisciplinary collaborational efforts which should be made to promote extensive communication among teachers, education professionals, and computer engineers. Furthermore, the introduction of good biology study sites to the students by their teachers is also important factor for the successful web-based education.

Main Causes of Delayed Marriage among Korean Men and Women; Contingent Joints of Status Homogamy, Gender Role Divisions, and Economic Restructuring (남녀 결혼시기 연장의 주요 원인: 계층혼, 성역할분리규범, 경제조정의 우발적 결합)

  • Park, Keong-Suk;Kim, Young-Hye;Kim, Hyun-Suk
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.33-62
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to explain the current upheaval in marriage that many young Korean men and women postpone or deny their marriage. In order to explain the delayed marriage, we need to understand the taste by which men and women choose their partners, the opportunity by which they find their ideational half in reality, and the context in which these values and opportunities of marriages intersect. This study examines the way in which the value and opportunities of marriage among Korean men and women have intersected differently in the changing economic conditions. Using KLIPS(Korea Labor Income Panel Survey, 1998-2002), differential effects of education and occupational status on marital time according to marriage cohort and gender are analyzed. Results find that the opportunity of marriage among men turns out to have been stratified significantly according to their educational achievement and labor status since the 1990s. For women, education and economic activities are likely to influence marriage decision in a discordant way; during the period of 1990-997, highly educated women are more likely than their counterparts to be married earlier while there is no significant difference according to economic activities. This implies that status homogamy has been intensified since the 1990s and many women with high motivation for social status are able to achieve a vicarious social status through marriage in a prosperous economy. For women married after 1998, however, the educational effect is insignificant but economic activity contributes to delaying marriage. This suggests that under the economic restructuring since the late 1990s, the constraint of opportunities finding decent jobs particularly for men results in the contingent change in women's perception about family roles and economic activities by reducing their expectation to achieve a vicarious status through marriage, but increasing their motive for their own economic activities.

The effect of global disaster competency development program on paramedic and nursing undergraduate students (글로벌 재난 역량 개발 프로그램이 응급구조과와 간호학과 학생에게 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, Sun-Joo;Piao, Mei-Hua
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : This study assessed the improvement of competency levels for participants, as well as their satisfaction from completion of the special international disaster response program. Methods : The program structure followed an intensive two-week course that included a combination of lectures, discussions, case studies, and field trips. "ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies" was used for designing the program. A pre-post survey was done to measure the change in the competencies of students and assess their satisfaction after finishing the program. Focus group interviews were also performed to further understand the attitudes of participants toward the disaster issues. Results : The overall pre-program test score for disaster competency was $2.18{\pm}0.68$ and the post-program test score was $6.30{\pm}0.84$, which showed statistically significant gains in all competency items (p <.001). The general satisfaction of participants with the program was quite high, demonstrated by a mean score of $4.5{\pm}0.51$. The benefits for students from program participation included increased knowledge and better understanding of the important roles of international organizations and NGOs. Conclusion : The international disaster education programs are necessary to provide an opportunity for students to increase their disaster competency. In addition, future development of a unified educational competency framework is also necessary.

A Study on the Dental Health Status and Knowledge of the Volunteers in Practice for Oral Prophylaxis (치면세마실습 대상자의 구강건강수준과 구강보건지식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eung-Gwon;Lim, Soon-Hwan;Park, Mi-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this survey research was to investigation the relationship among dental health state, care and knowledge of patients who participate in dental hygiene process of dental hygiene students voluntarily. And the following conclusion were obtained from questionnaires for 266 volunteers using SPSSWIN 12.0. 1. For the dental health state according to sex distinction, it showed that women (DMFT index: 13.0) was higher than men (DMFT index: 10.4) and statistically significant difference. For DT rate, men (32.0) was higher than women (30.0), for MT rate men (32.2) was higher than women (26.6) and it showed statistically significant difference (P<0.05). 2. For the dental health knowledge according to sex distinction, 77.8% patients replied as the food causing teeth decay are chocolate, biscuits, etc. and it didn't showed significant difference statistically. 72.4% men and 84.7% women replied as they could take precautions against a dental caries using fluorine and it showed statistically significant difference(P<0.05). 3. For brushing their teeth from top to down for the upper tooth and from down to top for the lower one, 80.3% patients replied as they did like that but 62.5% patients as they didn't. And 68.2% patients replied as the food causing teeth decay arc chocolate, biscuits, etc. and 81.0% patients didn't like that. It showed statistically significant difference. (P<0.05) 4. 50.5% patients went to the dental hospital once per 6 month and it showed statistically significant difference. And 71.3% patients replied as the food causing teeth decay are chocolate, biscuits, etc. and 81.0% patients didn't like that, It showed statistically significant difference. (P<0.05)

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Development of RPG-based Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Reducing Delinquency in Adolescents (청소년의 비행 문제 감소를 위한 롤플레잉게임형식 인지행동 집단치료 프로그램의 개발)

  • Bae, Seonghoon;You, Sungeun
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.471-499
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a program that reduces adolescent delinquency and enhances adolescents' social problem-solving, emotional regulation, and self-control skills and to assess the effectiveness of the program. The program was administered in the form of a role-playing game ("RPG") to increase the participants' motivation to participate in and the effectiveness of the therapy. The subjects in this study were 36 adolescents who engaged in delinquent behavior and their 18 homeroom teachers in middle schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental group or the comparison group. The experimental group received the proposed RPG-based cognitive behavioral group therapy while comparison group received problem-solving group therapy. Teachers in the experimental group were educated about how to guide their students following each therapy session while teachers in the comparison group did not receive any education. The dependent variables in this study were incidences of delinquent behavior and social problem-solving, emotional regulation, and self-control skill level. Each variable was assessed before treatment, immediately after the end of the full treatment program, and two months after the end of the full treatment program. At the end of the full treatment program, the experimental group engaged statistically significantly in fewer delinquent behaviors and displayed statistically significantly higher levels of social problem-solving, emotional regulation, and self-control skills than the comparison group. These differences persisted until the assessment two months after the end of the full treatment program. Moreover, the experimental group reported higher levels of satisfaction with the treatment program than the comparison group. The findings of this study suggest that this RPG-based cognitive behavioral group therapy program is effective at reducing adolescent delinquency, improving adolescents' social and emotional management techniques and strategies for avoiding delinquency, and in motivating delinquent adolescents to engage more actively in treatment.

An Analysis of Fun Distance of Visually Impaired School Physical Education Program (시각장애학교 체육프로그램의 재미거리 분석)

  • Shim, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Chan;Her, Mun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to look at the fun that high school students from blind schools feel in sports programs. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 10 out of 12 blind schools nationwide, including 122 male and 102 female students. Research tools are open questionnaires and questions are as follows. - Questionnaire: "Write down three of the most interesting things about sports programs." The data analysis was done with frequency analysis and the following conclusions were drawn. First, male high school students at blind schools are able to build up their physical strength in the area of competent factors (control-self) (23, 21.5%), in the area of competent factors (7, 77.8%) and in the area of motion-related factors (competition) (24, 15.1%), and in the area of non-execution factors (26, 37.7%), Second, high school girls with visual impairments did not respond in the areas of proficiency (control-self) because of stress release (25, 26.6%), in the areas of control-tain), in the areas of movement (competition) because they were able to do various exercises (22, 15.7%), and in the areas of non-watering (environmental) (18, 37.5%). Third, in the sports program comparative analysis of high school students between genders of blind schools, boys are interested in health and physical fitness in the field of competent factors (control-self) and girls are considered to be a means of relieving stress. In the field of competent factors (control-others), boys and girls can react to a variety of sports opportunities. In the future, by studying the fun of students in the physical education program through research to find out more fun in the school physical education program, we will explore practical ways to maximize student participation and increase motivation level The educational aspect of the process, that is, the educational value provided by the physical education, should be composed of content that can change the thinking and behavior of the teacher and the student so that the program contents and operation method.

Context-Based Design and Its Application Effects in Science Classes (맥락을 중요시하는 과학 수업 전략의 개발 및 적용)

  • Jung, Suk-Jin;Shin, Young-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.48-63
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to develop a class procedure for the application of classrooms that value context and to conduct science classes using this procedure to examine the effects. Among various contexts related to scientific knowledge, the study develops a teaching procedure for designing classes that focus on the contexts of discovery and real life. After verifying the content validity of the context-based design and the program to which it was applied, a class was conducted, and the responses of the children were checked. The final draft of the lesson design completed after revision and supplementation is as follows: context-based design was presented in four stages, namely, presenting, exploring the context, adapting the context, and organizing (share and synthesizing; PEAS). The goal is to enable people to experience the overall flow of scientific knowledge instead of focusing on the acquisition of fragmentary knowledge by covering a wide range of topics from the social and historical contexts in which scientific knowledge was created to its use in real life. To aid in understanding the newly proposed class procedure and verifying its effectiveness, we developed a program by selecting the "My Fun Exploration," 2. Biology and Environment unit of the second semester of the fifth grade. The result indicated that the elementary science program that applied the context-centered design effectively improved the self-directed learning ability of students. In addition, the effect was especially notable in terms of intrinsic motivation. As the students experienced the contexts of discovery and real life related to scientific knowledge, they developed the desire to actively participate in science learning. As this becomes an essential condition for deriving active learning effects, a virtuous cycle in which meaningful learning can occur has been created. Based on the implications, developing programs that apply context-based design to various areas and contents will be possible.