• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교외지역

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A Study on the Feasibility of Geomagnetic Declination Investigation at Unified Control Points in South Korea (국내 통합기준점에서 지자기 편각 조사의 타당성 연구)

  • Lee, Yong Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2016
  • As publicizing of electromagnetic devices such as smart_phone and drone etc. which are relate with geomagnetic direction, and recognition about the importance to space weather effect and their hazards rises up recently, it is required heavily that the study on the effective measurement of geomagnetic declination and geomagnetic field effects of space weather. The purpose of this study is that the investigation of the feasibility of the absolute geomagnetic measurement in a place, where man-made geomagnetic contamination is low or negligible, with replacing the azimuth marks used for the absolute geomagnetic declination measurement with unified control points(UCP) which established at suburb. Further to this, have first derived the correlation of daily variations and disturbance level between the published indices($K_P$ and $K_K$) and geomagnetic element calculated from geomagnetic data of Cheongyang observatory located at the middle stage in Korea and is a member of INTERMAGNET. In addition, have carried out that the absolute measurement for the geomagnetic declination at three places near unified control point and one place with wide open field in Korea. The world magnetic models(WMMs) are selected as the criteria for comparison on the feasibility of geomagnetic declination investigation near unified control points. We compared deviations of declination from absolute measurement with that obtained from WMMs, also those from WMMs inter-comparison. The result through examination and analysis show that the feasibility of the absolute geomagnetic declination measurement with replacing the azimuth marks with UCP which established at suburb is possible.

Cell Coverage Based on Calculation of the Voice-Data Erlang Capacity in a WCDMA Reverse Link with Multi-rate Traffic (WCDMA 역방향 링크에서 다중속도 트래픽에 따른 음성/데이터 얼랑용량 계산과 셀 커버리지)

  • Kwon, Young-Soo;Han, Tae-Young;Kim, Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.387-396
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    • 2004
  • A scheme to evaluate the number of users and cell coverage of a WCDMA supporting multi-rate traffic is newly presented through calculation of the realizable Erlang capacity from a derived blocking probability and the path loss from the COST231 Walfisch-Ikegami(W) model. We evaluate the voice-data Erlang capacities at various data rates of 15 kbps to 960 kbps and it is shown that they have a linear relationship to each other. When the E$\_$b//N$\_$o/ is low from 4 ㏈ to 3 ㏈ in case of voice capacity of 50 Erlang at 8 kbps, the result shows the increase for the data capacity of 10 Erlang and the enlargement of 100 m for the cell coverage at low rate of 15 kbps, and the increase of 0.11 Erlang and the enlargement of 40 m at high rate of 960 kbps. The increase of the blocking probability results in the increase of the Erlang capacity, but not an effect on the cell coverage, and the increase of active users in a cell results in the decrease of the coverage.

Sustainable Urban Regeneration and Smart Water Management (지속가능한 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리)

  • Lee, Yoo Kyung;Lee, Seung Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.86-86
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 한국의 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리의 정책 분석을 위하여 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리의 등장 배경, 주요 현안 및 연계성을 모색하고 도시재생방안으로서 스마트 물 관리체계의 가능성을 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 1950년대의 도시재건(Urban Reconstruction)과 1970~80년대의 도시재개발(Urban Renewal, Urban Redevelopment) 등의 정비 사업은 물리적 환경정비에 초점을 맞추었다. 그러나 1990년대 환경문제가 세계적 이슈로 등장하면서 교외지역 난개발 문제에 대한 대응책이 필요하게 되었고 도시의 물리 환경적, 산업 경제적, 사회 문화적 측면을 부흥시키는 도시재생 접근법이 출현하였다. 한국 정부는 2017년부터 시작한 '도시재생 뉴딜사업'의 일환으로 스마트 기술을 적용한 도시재생사업을 통해 스마트도시 선도국가 도약과 세계적 흐름에 부합하는 도시성장을 기대하고 있다. 1980년대 초 등장한 스마트 기술은 2000년대 들어와 스마트 도시, 스마트 인프라, 스마트 그리드 등의 분야로 확대, 진보하였다. 물 분야의 스마트 기술은 2009년 스마트워터그리드 이니셔티브(Smart Water Grid Initiative)의 발족과 함께 IBM, CISCO, Intel 등의 IT 기반 물 관리 워킹그룹 형성, Suez, Veolia, Siemens 등 수처리 기업의 스마트워터그리드 분야 진출 모색과 함께 발전하기 시작하였다. 이후 2012년 유엔 스마트 물 관리 포커스 그룹(ITU-T SG 5)의 스마트 물 관리 표준화 연구가 착수되었고 한국은 국토교통부 건설교통기술 연구 개발사업 중 하나로 스마트 물 관리 장기 연구 사업을 시작하였다. 스마트 물 관리는 수자원 및 상하수도 관리의 효율성 제고를 위하여 스마트 미터, 센서, 디지털지도제작 등 ICT를 이용한 차세대 물 관리시스템이라고 정의할 수 있다. 구체적인 대상 분야를 고려한다면 하천수, 우수, 지하수, 하폐수처리수, 해수담수 등 다양한 수자원의 관리, 물의 생산과 수송, 사용한 물의 처리 및 재이용 등 물 관리 전 분야를 포함한다. 그러나 스마트 물 관리의 용어와 개념을 처음으로 도입한 미국 등 선진국과 관련기업들은 스마트 물 관리를 '스마트 워터 미터, 센서, 첨단 모델링, 수문 지도제작, 스마트 관개농업, 자동화 로봇 등 다양한 기술을 통합적으로 운영하는 지능적인 수자원 관리를 위한 정보네트워크'로 정의한다. 일찍이 도시재생으로의 패러다임 전환을 실시한 영국 및 일본과 달리 한국의 도시재생은 개념, 구성요소, 범위, 사업방식 등의 여러 가지 측면에서 아직 형성단계에 있다. 또한 한국의 스마트 물 관리 논의는 개념정립 측면에서 심층적 논의가 거의 부재하였다. 기존의 논의들은 수자원 혹은 상하수도서비스 분야에서의 연구결과와 기술개발성과를 기계적으로 적용하고 확대하는 측면만을 부각시켰다. 그러나 이와 같은 스마트 물 관리에 대한 논의는 정보통신기술과 물 관리 서비스를 단편적으로 연결하고 적용범위를 제한할 수도 있다는 점에서 한계성이 있다. 본 연구는 국내외 문헌검토를 바탕으로 한국의 도시재생과 스마트 물 관리의 정책을 분석하고 지금까지 별개로 간주된 두 개념의 장점을 융합하여 향후 지속가능한 도시개발 사업으로서의 가능성을 검토하고자 한다.

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Study on the reverse commuting phenomena considering spatial mismatch: In the non-Seoul metropolitan area (공간 미스매치를 고려한 역통근 현상에 관한 연구 - 비수도권 광역대도시권을 대상으로 -)

  • Shin, Hak Cheol;Woo, Myungje
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2020
  • Recently, metropolitanization and suburbization have been occurring mainly in large cities, and spatial miss-match between residential and employment areas has increased. Spatial miss-match is different in the metropolitan cities and other metropolitan cities in Korea. Seoul and other metropolitan cities have grown to become centers of business functions, while other metropolitan cities have been transformed into residential function centers. Accordingly, The reverse commuting phenomenon is occurring in the rural metropolitan. The reverse commuting phenomenon limits the employment opportunities of specific classes among urban residents, and cause various problems such as environmental pollution and traffic congestion. Therefore, many studies on spatial mismatch and reverse commuting have been conducted, but a number of studies have been conducted on the Seoul metropolitan area, and research on other metropolitan areas is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cause of the commuting phenomenon in the metropolitan area of the non-metropolitan area by considering spatial mismatch and understanding the reverse commutation situation in the local metropolitan area. This study is analyzed by a multi-level model and suggests the need for management of industrial location and expansion of residence in suburban.


  • Kwon, Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Jik;Park, Hyo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.2 no.2 s.4
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 1994
  • Generally, there are two methods which generates the base map of Geo-Spatial Information System(GSIS). one is the digitizing of existing map, and the other is the analytical plotting method editing data acquired by sensors using computers. But the analytical plotting method and method of the digitizing of existing map is technically complex and has the disadvantages in the costs and time. The subject region of study(the Kwangyang province), was photographed by aircraft, and photographing scale was 1/6,000. Then this area was divided into two specific regions, the residential area, and the agricultural area. In this study, we developed the algorithm that generated base map of database in GSIS from the aerial photo. This algorithm is as followed. First, the digital aerial photos were generated using these aerial photos. Second, these digital aerial photos were enhanced by implementing the histogram equalization. Third, the objects of the enhanced images were extracted by implementing thresholding and edged detection techiques of image segmentation. Finally, these images could be used to updated the base map of database in GSIS. The result obtained from this study showed that method used by this study were more efficient than existing method in costs and time.

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Urbanization of Large Cities in Korea : Assessing Development Stages using Migration and Commuting data (한국 대도시의 도시화 특성 : 이동, 통근자 자료 분석을 통한 도시화 단계의 실증적 검토)

  • Kwon, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.536-553
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    • 2011
  • New urbanization different from the manufacturing based urban growth has been widely discussed in post-modern city, consumption city and others to reflect the urban changes in qualitative manner. Urbanization stage models consider large cities to be in mature stage, reurbanization and the stages are assumed to be experienced successively in lower sized cities. However, since the industrial restructuring implies new urbanization experiences, this study examines new urbanization in diverse aspects such as the population change and the geographic and social characteristics of commuters and migrants for the 6 large cities in Korea. Seoul follows the urbanization stages in order while other 5 large cities are divergent in their transition from the industrial city. Regional large cities reveal broad reverse commuting and selective in-migration of economically active households for better work and housing opportunities available in central cities. Similar to the consumption city thesis with enhanced cultural and recreational amenities in western cities, the widening urban residential function including housing and other services is a new urbanization characteristic of large cities in Korea.

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A comparative study between Korea and the USA on the development process in retail trade & its changing locations (소매업의 발달과정과 입지 변화에 관한 한.미 비교 연구)

  • Jeon, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2000
  • The retail trades in many countries have changed recently according to the high quality, diversification, and marked individuality of consumer needs. Under the continually competing system of the WTO agreement, corporations based in the USA and the EU try to raise their market share in other countries so it is inevitable for Korean retail enterprises to compete with them. This paper is aimed at contributing to the efficient growth for Korean retail trade from the analysis of the development process in retail trade and its changing locations comparing Korea and the USA. Retailers in the USA have practiced diversified marketing strategies considerably in order to survive in a rapidly changing retailing environment. American retailing, which has the most advanced marketing system in the world, has been of growing concern to marketing strategies in Korea. The following is a brief summary of this study. 1. Speedy and higher quality consumption is needed in accordance with the great increase in the single-family household and the female labor force participation both in Korea and in the USA. Senior citizens have become a new consumer group due to the aging population. In the future the retail trade will switch over to diversified retail formats and internet shopping as countries are transformed into information and communication societies. 2. In Korea, the former retail system characterized by markets and department stores has been greatly changed since the late 1980s with emphasis on high quality and convenience in consumption behaviors, with large domestic enterprises and foreign distribution corporations participating in Korean retailing. In the USA, retailing mergers and takeovers by major retails, bankruptcies, and extra-large shopping centers have emerged since the late 1980s. Recently, the USA retailing formats have been changed from the lower price-oriented discount types to the large scale theme parks. Much emphasis was put on entertainment, resorts, and convention centers. On the other hand, non-store types, such as the internet shopping, the CATV shopping, as well as catalog and mail-order sales are drastically increasing, although the proportion of their sales is low up to now. 3. In Korea, most of the retail facilities are concentrated in Seoul and the Metropolitan Region, and the distribution ratio of facilities came to 52% in 1997. The periodic markets, traditional markets which open on a periodic basis, are located mainly in Chollanam-do and Kyungsangbuk-do. The large-sized discount stores have expanded their locations to the over-crowded apartment complexes in new towns, located in the Metropolitan Region, and the large provincial cities, unlike the suburban locations in the USA. Therefore we needed to give attention to the locational relations in retail facilities between Seoul & the Metropolitan Region and rural settlement areas. In the USA, urban areas grew quickly with the development of the automobile in the 1920s, and the location of stores changed from a dispersed style centering around rural areas to a centralized one in urban areas. There is an accelerated growth for suburban areas, which have grown rapidly since 1950. As the membership warehouse clubs were introduced in the 1970s, the decentralization of location was more intensified. On the other hand, inner cities were revitalized by rearranging existing facilities to cope with suburban areas. And the location-free virtual retailing & TV shopping are also growing every year. 4. In view of the above, the continuous and desirable development devices in Korean retail trade are summarized as follows: First, the countermeasures against economies of scale, increase in retailing sales, and rise of a employment percentage in retailing are in need. Second, a scheme of lowering the proportion of food retail sales, and increasing a ratio of durable goods sales need to be worked out. Third, the original ideas are needed to apply positively information, communication and technology to retailing, to graft the traditional types on modem ones based on the social culture. Fourth, strategies are needed to strengthen the competitiveness of our retail trade through cooperation and chains of smaller retailers, the large enterprises participating in the distribution industry. Fifth, in order to realize the above, the retail industry, the administration, and the academic world should support the retail segment with concern and a practical strategy plan.

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A Study of the Diagnosis of Downtown Deterioration in Busan (부산시 도심 노후화 진단에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Il-Hwa;Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2013
  • Although the efficient formation of urban space structure is a key factor in energy saving and environmentally-friendly aspect, the maintenance of the center and sub-center of the city that are key factors has been becoming increasingly difficult due to the variability and complexity of urban activities. In the case of Busan, amid the expansion of urban scale due to rapid economic development and overpopulation, systematic approaches to professional diagnosis and maintenance have been significantly insufficient - other than the city basic plan which has been conducted at an interval of 20 years. For the effective management of urban central area, systematic monitoring of the CBD through demand forecast and blight forecast at a city level must first be implemented. In order to fulfill this goal, this study is to figure out the current state of the CBD through the diagnosis on blight of the urban central area in the viewpoint of rehabilitation of the CBD and to propose the measures for practical utilization of the information about space for the further management of the central area of the city. For analysis, the study looks into the present state in terms of physical index, economic index, and social index. And then as a micro-approach by utilizing economic index, the study has thoroughly examined the economic blight of the Seomyun urban central area of Busan. The outcome of the analysis shows that in terms of population distribution and land utilization the area is in the stage of inefficient dispersion after having gone through the stage of suburbanization. It is expected that this study, as the material that proves the necessity of enhancing the function of the CBD, can propose the direction for the management of the urban center of Busan through blight prediction and management of the urban center and can provide the basic data for the long-term urban development that aims at the efficient strengthening of functions of the CBD.

Erlang Capacity and Cell Coverage Based on Handoff Techniques in the Reverse Link of a CDMA System of 14.4 kbps/1.9 GHz Band (1.9 GHz 대역/14.4 kbps CDMA 시스템의 역방향 링크에서 핸드오프 유형별 얼랑용량과 셀커버리지)

  • Kwon, Young-Soo;Kim, Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.1A
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2003
  • We derive the outage probabilities for the Erlang capacity and link margin based on handoffs in the reverse link of a CDMA system of 14.4 kbps/1.9 GHz band, calculate them with the same parameters, and then with the maximum realizable Erlang capacity analyze newly the cell coverage in different areas by the COST-231 model If it decreases from 5 % to 2 % in case of $E_b/N_0$=5 dB under a soft handoff, the result shows a very reliable link with additional increment of 0.88 dB in the margin and a high quality of service within the coverage decrease of 0.12 km, 0.25 km, and 1 km in a city, suburban, and open areas respectively on the decrease of 2 Erlang in the capacity. When the $E_b/N_0$ decreases from 7 dB to 5 dB within the outage probability of 5 %, it shows the increase of 9 Erlang and of 0.2 km in a city on the same margin of 2.8 dB. Then, comparing it with a single cell, it shows the decrease of more than 10 Erlang in the capacity, but the enlargement of 0.17 km, 0.3 km, and 1 km in them on the margin decrease of 1.31 dB, also, with a hard handoff, the soft handoff gain of the increase of 10 Erlang and of 0.22 km, 0.5 km, and 2 km on the decrease of 2.16 dB.

Comparison of dietary behavior, changes of diet, and food intake between 40~59 years old subjects living in urban and rural areas in Lao PDR (라오스 도시·농촌 지역별 40~59세 주민들의 식행동, 식생활변화 및 식품섭취 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Yeon;Yi, Kyungock;Kang, Minah;Kang, Younhee;Lee, Gunjeong;Kim, Harris Hyun-soo;Hansana, Visanou;Kim, Yuri
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The current study was conducted for evaluation and comparison of dietary behavior and food intake in different regions of Lao PDR. Methods: The survey was conducted on 979 people aged 40~59 years old living in 25 urban provinces and 25 rural provinces in four districts (VTE Capital-Chanthabuly, Xaysetha, VTE Province-Phonhong, and Thoulakhom) of Laos. General demographic information, health status, and dietary behavior were surveyed using a questionnaire. Results: The literacy ratio (p = 0.000), education level (p = 0.000), asset ownership level (p = 0.000), and government and private employee ratio (p = 0.000) were higher in urban subjects compared with rural subjects. The mean value of weight (p = 0.000), waist circumference (p = 0.000), and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.009) and alcohol consumption (p = 0.000), self-rated health status (p = 0.001), and the rate of obesity (p = 0.000) were significantly higher in urban subjects compared with rural subjects. However, the rate of current smoker was significantly higher in the rural group (p = 0.023). Meals are becoming more westernized by higher frequency of eating out, consumption of fatty meat and fried or stir-fried food in urban areas compared to rural areas. Urban subjects had relatively better balanced meals compared to rural subjects whereas they consumed insufficient meals per day and consumed meals irregularly compared to rural subjects. Intake of fruit and milk was significantly higher in urban subjects compared with rural subjects. However, the intake of vegetables was significantly higher in rural areas than urban areas. Conclusion: The result of this study showed that the traditional Lao diet is being replaced by an unhealthy western dietary pattern, which may be a risk factor for increasing development of non-communicable disease (NCD) in Lao PDR. Planning of proper personalized nutritional intervention and education in each area is needed to decrease the health risks of NCD.