• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교사 인식

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An Use of Dilemma Episodes in Science Teacher Education (딜레마 일화를 활용한 과학 교사 교육)

  • Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.98-110
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to explore the usefulness and the way of practical use of dilemma episodes in science teacher education by the responses of teachers on the given dilemma episodes and connected discussions. The research based on the idea of constructivist teacher education, the assumption that dilemmas can provide teachers with an open investigation context, an understanding of nature of science education. The dilemmas episodes in Wallace and Louden(2002) were introduced and discussed in order during graduate course to 11 elementary teachers. Perception on the reality and importance of given dilemmas differed by topics, but many of them were very similar to their experiences, brought active discussion on the issues. Some could not arouse sympathy because of cultural differences. The teachers recognized the dilemma episodes provided thoughtful reflection on their own teaching, opportunity of sharing experience and knowledge with peers, overall view for science education. Most of them gave positive opinion on the use of dilemma episodes in teacher education. Upon these teachers' responses and exploratory research experiences, some practical suggestion were made for science teacher educators.

Importance of objectives of Housing unit in Home Economics by three systems of action of Home Economics teachers in middle school (중학교 가정과 교사가 인식하는 주생활 영역의 세 행동체계별 목표 중요도)

  • Lee Hee-Joon;Cho Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.4 s.38
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research was to develop objectives of Housing contents in Technology$\cdot$Home Economics by three systems of action and to find out the importance of the objectives of the teachers have taught the class. The 303 teachers from 183 middle schools replied the mail questionnaire during September, 2003. The data were analyzed by SPSS/win. The 21 objectives for each system of action were developed based on the textbooks, teachers guides, and other related references. The importance of the objectives related to communicative system of action was the highest, respectively followed by the ones related to technical and emancipatory systems of action. Indoor Environment & Equipment was more likely to be important than Maintenance & Repairs as the objectives related to communicative system of action, while Usage of Living Space was less likely to be important than the other two sub-units. The importance of the objectives was somewhat differed by the general characteristics of the teachers. The older are the more important the objectives related to technical system of action. Female, Home Economics teachers, who learned philosophy of Home Economics were more likely to think than others objectives related to communicative and emancipatory systems of action to be important. This research showed the teachers' perspectives of the objectives of Housing contents were not the same among respondents and generally supported the previous results from other contents of Home Economics.

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Exploration of Physics Teachers' Perceptions of Idealization (이상화(idealization)에 관한 물리교사들의 인식)

  • Yoon, Ji-Hyun;Mun, Kong-Ju;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.801-814
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this study were to understand what is physics teachers' perceptions of idealization and to explore their teaching experiences about idealization in their physics classes. In order to achieve these research purpose, we conducted in-depth interviews with ten Korean physics teachers. The interview data was transcribed and analyzed interpretively. The results are as follows: (1) Physics teachers are not familiar with the term of 'idealization' but they understand the meaning of idealization and ideal condition. (2) Physics teachers understand the necessity of explicit mentions of idealization and ideal conditions in physics classes. (3) Physic teachers adapt conceptions of idealization and ideal condition into their lectures, experimental classes and evaluation strategies. Thus, the results of this study can provide theocratical understanding of idealization. It will help develop teacher education programs and physics teaching strategies. This research also suggested follow-up research questions about idealization in the physics education field.

Teachers' Expectations for Reforming Primary School Library Services (초등학교도서관의 봉사 개선을 위한 교사의 기대)

  • 김병주
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.119-146
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of school education and that of school library services are the same and the school librarians are expected to provide useful programs for the curriculum development. The effective operation of the school library need to be reformed in spite of various obstacles. If the primary school teachers perception and expectation on school librarians'roles are appropriate this will greatly motivate and mare active utilization of school library by the students. The purpose of this study are to survey the role of school librarian and to friend out the perception and expectation of primary school teachers on the school library services and finally to use its results for more efficient management of school library in teaching programs. It is conclude, base on the results, that they recognize the importance of school library and need to assign school librarians and also expect various services including school library education programs.

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The Relation of the Awareness of Teacher Librarians about the Performance-Based Pay System and Their Job Satisfaction (사서교사의 교원 성과급제에 대한 인식과 직무만족과의 관계)

  • Lee, Seung-Gil;Kang, Bong-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.159-186
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    • 2017
  • This study is to analyze teacher librarians' awareness about the performance-based pay system, their job satisfaction and the relationship between the two in an attempt to help make the pay system serve as catalyst in creating a positive competitive climate in the teacher community and boosting the qualifications of teacher librarian. As a result, the teacher librarians' grades were 4.1% in S, 27.5% in A, 62.5% in B, and 5.9% in the exception of incentive. The teacher librarians' awareness of the performance-based pay system level was only 2.15 point out of 7, and their job satisfaction level was 4.60 out of 7. The teacher librarians' were more satisfied with performance-based pay, participation, fairness of evaluation criteria, fairness of evaluation process and results. In conclusion, higher awareness of the teacher librarians' performance incentives showed higher job satisfaction. And we might be able to suggest the improvement plan for teacher librarian evaluation in teacher performance system.

A Study on the 4th Industrial Revolution in the View of Special Educational Teachers (특수교사들의 관점에서 바라보는 4차 산업혁명)

  • Jeong, Gyeong Hee;Song, Byung Seop
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.153-172
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    • 2018
  • This study is to examine the awareness of the 4th industrial revolution among special educational teachers as a preliminary study to explore the future special educational should continue forward in this new period. For the purposes of this study, a survey was conducted focusing on 117 special educational teachers in Korea. The major results were presented as follow. special educational teachers recognized that "the 4th industrial revolution" will have a positive effects on the special education, However, the level of understanding and interest in this was low. Moreover, Special teachers learned about 4th Industrial Revolution mainly through TV and media, recognized the needs for expert education on the fourth industrial revolution. Special teachers recognized that the Fourth Industrial Revolution was necessary for special education but was not realistically prepared. Special teachers said that programs for special education should be developed and distributed based on the 4th Industrial Revolution. In conclusion, The study is meaningful in understanding the Fourth Industrial Revolution from the perspective of special teachers and in providing basic evidence to support special education.

Teachers' Perception of the Advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명 도래에 대한 교사들의 인식)

  • Park, Jong-Ho
    • New Physics: Sae Mulli
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    • v.68 no.11
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    • pp.1240-1248
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    • 2018
  • This study examined teachers' perceptions about the components of the teacher's capacity according to the 4th industrial revolution. This study involved 100 elementary school teachers: 26 with less than 5 years of educational experience, 24 with more than 5 but less than 10 years, 25 with more than 10 but less than 20 years, and 25 with more than 20 years. From the results of recognition analyses of six competence components, 'Knowledge and application ability of knowledge information', 'ability to appropriately study content', 'collaboration ability among school members', 'ability to maintain relationship', 'value and attitude required for community', 'ability to communicate with others' were found to be important for teachers. The result of analyzing the importance and the retention of each competency element showed that the recognition difference according to the education career and the degree of retention was insufficient compared to most important competence component. Thus, in-service education and training programs must reflect the competencies required by actual teachers in education and education-teacher training institutions.

A Study on Information Need and Use Behavior of Elementary Teachers According to Their Task (초등학교 교사의 정보 요구 및 이용 행태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Jeong, Jiun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.209-233
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to obtain implications for educational information services for elementary school teachers by analyzing their information seeking behavior. The in-depth interview was carried out in-depth interviews with 11 elementary school teachers and it analyzed of the core roles and tasks of elementary school teachers, the required information and usage behavior of information sources. The study result showed that elementary school teachers perceived homeroom duties, teaching/learning activities, school duties, and other as their works and tasks, and the response to the importance of task performance was homeroom teacher, teaching-learning activities, school works, and other tasks. Also, elementary school teachers needed information in order of teaching-learning activities, homeroom teacher, school works and they used various information sources including web, interpersonal sources and book. Moreover, this study observed some factors that elementary school teacher mainly used web information source which other elementary school teacher developed and that they got teaching-learning materials from fellow teachers. Based on these findings, the author proposed teacher librarian share library based instruction materia in web resource, provide cooperative educational information service through learning community, and provide homeroom work material for elementary school teachers.

Metaphor Analysis of 'Children' Perceived by Pre-service Childcare Teachers (예비보육교사가 인식한 '영유아'에 대한 은유 분석)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.458-467
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the meaning of children perceived by pre-service childcare teachers through metaphor analysis. To this end, data were collected from a group of 288 pre-service childcare teachers majoring in childcare at a university in Gyeonggi-do from the 4th week of May until the 2nd week of June 2021. As a result of the study, the meaning of children was categorized into 'being in need of care,' 'being affected by the environment,' 'being with personality,' 'precious and invaluable being,' 'being giving joy,' 'being who will lead the future,' 'pure and innocent being,' and 'being who develops teachers and parents.' Pre-service teachers showed the highest tendency to perceive children as 'beings in need of care' among the eight categories. The metaphorical expressions, 'sprout,' 'seed,' 'flower,' 'canvas,' 'sponge,' and 'mirror,' in descending order of frequency, were most commonly used among 138 metaphorical expressions. The findings of this study are expected to broaden the understanding of the pre-service teachers' perception of children and provide preliminary data for qualitative support and improvement plans for training pre-service childcare teachers in the future.

Perception of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers in Regards to the Rights of Young Children (영유아권리에 대한 예비유아교사의 인식)

  • Lee, Young-Ae;Kwak, Jung-In
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.988-1003
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    • 2013
  • This research was conducted to investigate the perception of pre-service early childhood teachers regarding the importance of the rights of young children and necessity of the education of the rights. The survey covered 525 students attending six three-year-course colleges in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Chonra-do, Gyeongsang-do, and Jeju-do, Korea. They were in their freshmen, sophomore, and junior year majoring in early childhood education. Firstly, the research found that pre-service early childhood teachers' awareness towards the importance children's rights was relatively high. The higher grade they were, the better perception for the importance of the rights of young children they had. Additionally, the teachers who were registered for courses related to the rights of young children understood the importance of children's rights especially well. Secondly, pre-service early childhood teachers highly recognized the necessity of education for the rights of young children. Compared to the freshmen and sophomores, the juniors had higher awareness levels about the necessity of early childhood education rights. On the other hand, being in a related course or not made no difference in their perception for the necessity of early childhood education rights. Lastly, pre-service childhood teachers had greater concern for the necessity of education rights rather than the importance of the rights of young children.