• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학교육 목표

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과학기술위성 3호 주탑재체 MIRIS 개발 현황

  • Han, Won-Yong;Lee, Dae-Hui;Park, Yeong-Sik;Jeong, Ung-Seop;Lee, Chang-Hui;Mun, Bong-Gon;Park, Seong-Jun;Cha, Sang-Mok;Pyo, Jeong-Hyeon;Ga, Neung-Hyeon;Lee, Deok-Haeng;Park, Jang-Hyeon;Seon, Gwang-Il;Nam, Uk-Won;Yang, Sun-Cheol;Lee, Seung-U;Park, Jong-O;Lee, Hyeong-Mok;Toshio, Matsumoto
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.55.2-55.2
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    • 2010
  • 한국천문연구원은 과학기술위성 3호의 주탑재체인 다목적 적외선영상시스템(Multipurpose Infra-Red Imaging System, MIRIS)을 개발하고 있다. 이 연구개발 사업은 2007년 교육과학기술부의 과학위성 3호 사업 주탑재체 공모를 통하여 10여개의 후보 탑재체 제안서 중에서 최종적으로 채택되었고, 2011년 발사를 목표로, 3년 동안의 연구개발 기간을 거쳐 현재 비행모델 (FM, Flight Model) 개발이 진행 중이다. MIRIS는 한국천문연구원이 개발하여 2003년 발사에 성공한 과학위성 1호 주탑재체인 원자외선 영상분광기 (FIMS, Far ultra-violet IMaging Spectroscope)에 이어 국내에서 자체 개발되는 두 번째 우주망원경이다. MIRIS는 우주공간에서 0.9~2 micron 사이 적외선 영역의 파쉔 알파 방출선 (Paschen Alpha Emiision Line)과 광대역 I, H 파장영역을 관측할 예정이다. 주요 과학임무로는 아직까지 국제 천문학계에서 잘 알려지지 않은 우리은하 내부에 분포한 고온 플라즈마 (Warm Ionized Medium, WIM)의 기원 연구와 아울러 우리은하 성간난류(Interstellar Turbulence)의 특성 및 적외선 우주배경복사의 (Cosmic Infrared Background; CIB) 거대구조 등을 관측연구할 예정이다. 특히 MIRIS는 저온상태 (절대온도 77K, 약 $-200^{\circ}C$)에서 우주공간 관측을 수행할 예정이므로, 국내에서는 연구기반이 취약한 극저온 광학계 및 기계부 설계기술, 극저온 냉각기술 및 열해석 설계기술과 적외선 센서기술 및 자료처리 기술 등 관련기술을 개발하고 있으며 이러한 기반기술을 바탕으로, 아직까지 국내에서 시도된 바 없는 적외선우주망원경 개발을 통하여, 우리나라의 관련 우주기술 분야의 기초원천 기술로서 크게 활용될 것으로 기대하고 있다.

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Scientific Creativity and Visual Artistic Creativity: The Domain-universality and Domain-specificity on Creative Accomplishment (과학적 창의성과 시각예술적 창의성: 창의적 성취 사례의 영역보편성 및 영역특정성)

  • Kang, Jung-Ha;Choe, In-Soo
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.201-237
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    • 2008
  • The object of this research is to understand the domain-universality and domain-specificity of scientific domain and visual art domain from case studies on individuals who had made creative accomplishments in the domain of science and visual art. For case studies, 10 people who made creative accomplishments in the science and technology domain and 9 people who made creative accomplishments in the visual art domain were selected as the research participants. The conclusions for the case studies were made on the data obtained from interviewing the research participants using KES as an analytical frame. The findings of this study support as follows. Creativity on scientific domain and visual art domain is both the domain-universality and domain-Specificity. The domain-universality Of scientific domain and visual art domain is related to the nature of human beings, originality in creativity, and the natural selection. On the other hand, The domain-specificity of scientific domain and visual art domain is related to the type of knowledge and the context of applying the knowledge, will, thinking skill, direction, and social components.

The Characteristics of Lessons Using Analogies Planned by Pre-service Science Teachers (예비과학교사가 계획한 비유 사용 수업의 특징)

  • Kim, Minhwan;Kim, Hyeree;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristics of planning lessons using analogies by pre-service science teachers. Eight pre-service teachers at a college of education in Seoul participated in this study. After the workshop of instructional analogies in science education, they planned lessons using analogies. We also conducted semi-structured interviews. For the analyses, we used a revised framework from a previous work which characterized the dimensions of teaching through analogies. The analyses of the results revealed that most pre-service teachers planned to use analogies in beginning or developing lesson and to present analogs before target concepts. The degree of activity allowed for students was not high. Many did not recognize the necessity of assessment and did not include assessment in planning lessons. They planned clarified mapping strategies which are teacher-centered and also not to cover unshared attributes and multiple analogies, because they thought that students could misunderstand mapping and unshared attributes could make students confused. Most planned to use figures, pictures, and videos to help students understand analogies that they presented. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.

A Research on Effective Combination of Elementary Math and Game (초등수학과 게임의 효과적인 접목을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Ge-won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.393-411
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    • 2014
  • The volume of world market for serious game in year 2015 is expected to be about 9.6 trillion, and the volume of educational serious game market is expected to surpass half of the whole serious game market. In Korea, the development of game for educational purpose has dominated around the education enterprises since late 90s. In 2008, 'Serious Game Forum' was founded led by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism with experts from many fields in the society and there were progressing of making policies and plans for potential development of the serious game industry, but the effects were not successful than expected. In 2012, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology announced commercialization policy of digital textbook by 2015 and the serious game for educational purpose got attention again. Then, the serious game market became more vigorous with the dispersion of smart devices.13) As a result, the serious games on the smart devices or interlocking between the online and smart devices became an important issue in development rather than the online only serious games. Math field has international competitive power through export in the educational serious game market which takes more than half of the serious game market. Therefore, developing serious game for math education is a good area to raise competitiveness in domestic and international game industries. Moreover, it has no received preferences from students and parents although it has high potential for positive change of individuals and society. The reason is that students recognize it as educational content rather than a game and they avoid it, while parents recognize it as game but not an education. This phenomenon happens because the game elements and educational elements are not properly mixed but focused only on education or emphasized only the fun factors of game when it was developed. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to suggest a direction of developing serious games effectively combining with elementary math for elementary students to get interested in math while playing games. The research will analyze the current elementary math textbooks and find contents which may be combined with the game genre that elementary students enjoy playing these days. This research received advice from serious game developers and math education expert group to reflect the inclination of elementary school students, and respond to the demands from parents and educational institutions, and suggested a direction of developing serious games for effective math education.


  • Moon, So yeon;Lee, Dae woo;Kim, Jae gon;Yang, Yeon mi
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.84-88
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    • 2019
  • Malocclusion occurs more frequently in Special Health Care Needed (SHCN) patients than those in general. As caregiver's needs for orthodontic treatment tend to increase, the dentist should know how to decide the extent of treatment. This case report is about orthodontic treatment for two SHCN patients; one patient with cerebral palsy, and another patient with autism. A 10-year-old patient with cerebral palsy showed protrusion and rotation of maxillary anterior teeth. To resolve his chief complaints and make better oral hygiene, he underwent orthodontic treatment using micro tube appliances for 6 months. Another 11-year-old patient with autism had anterior crossbite and showed space deficiency of #13 and chronic gingivitis because of poor oral hygiene. She underwent orthodontic treatment with maxillary skeletal expander, facemask and AP expansion appliance. After 18 months we found positive overjet and ended the treatment. When giving SHCNs orthodontic treatment, the extent of treatment can be chosen according to the patient's cooperative ability and the traits of disabilities. Before initiating orthodontic treatment, the caregivers should be aware of their limitations of the treatment. Since oral hygiene is crucial factor in every dental treatment, education of oral hygiene process for the caregivers and SHCN patient must be done before the orthodontic treatment.

Small Group Processes in Paired Think-Aloud Problem Solving (해결자.청취자 문제해결 활동에서의 소집단 과정)

  • Jeon, Kyung-Moon;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2002
  • This study investigated small group processes in paired think-aloud problem solving. Two high school chemistry classes were assigned to St-SL group (using Strategy-Solve Listener) and SL group (Solver Listener), and their small-group behaviors were audio/video taped. Verbal behaviors of solver and listener in respect to 4 problem-solving stages and performance levels at each stage were analyzed. At the understanding stage, listeners in the St-SL group exhibited more behaviors of agreement to solver's understanding processes about given and goal of problem. As regards recalling a related law at the planning stage, solvers in the St-SL group exhibited more behaviors of modification based on listener's questions or pointing out. These verbal interactions seemed to have a positive effect on students' deriving the physical quantity with the proper laws. Few in both SL and St-SL groups exhibited the behaviors regarding setting up subgoals. No verbal behavior was observed in the SL group at the reviewing stage, and solvers in the St-SL group tended to ask for listener's agreement. However, only few performed the strategy explaining the meaning of answer at the molecular level correctly through the interactions. The St-SL group perceived that the understanding stage was the most helpful and that the planning or reviewing stages were difficult to apply.

A Study on Writing Process Components and Writing Strategies in Argumentative Writing (주장하는 글쓰기에서 나타나는 글쓰기 과정 요소 및 글쓰기 전략 연구)

  • Kang, Sukjin;Jo, Junmo;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1418-1430
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we investigated the writing process components and the writing strategies that appeared in the process of argumentative writing through students' think-alouds and semi-structured interviews. The subjects were 18 eighth graders. During argumentative writing, students were asked to decide whether they agreed with the given argument or not on the basis of information provided in the writing task. We categorized the writing process components and the writing strategies by analyzing the protocols of students' think-alouds and interviews, and evaluated the level of their written compositions. The analyses of the results indicated that the writing process components of argumentative writing showed different characteristics from those of problem solving writing in several components such as setting goals, organizing an outline, and evaluating content. In addition, the writing process component 'coordinating information' was newly discovered in argumentative writing. The writing strategies were categorized into four groups by the types of decision making (reflective/intuitive) and the existence of outline organization: Reflective decision making and outline organization, reflective decision making and no outline organization, intuitive decision making and outline organization, and intuitive decision making and no outline organization. Students with the reflective decision making and outline organization strategy were found to get the highest scores in written composition in terms of the relationship between the argument and its grounds, the rebuttal of the opposing argument, and the structure of the writing. Educational implications are discussed.

Analysis of Reflective Thinking Characteristic of College Students in General Physics Experiment (일반물리학실험에 나타난 대학생의 반성적 사고 특징 분석)

  • Kim, Hee Jung;Choi, Kyoulee;Oh, Yoonjeong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.225-239
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to analyze the characteristics of reflective thoughts of students during experiments in general physics experiments. The participants were 32 college students, they submitted 10 experiment reports including answers to questions for reflective thinking. The results were as follows: First, students show reflective thinking broadly in the experiment, levels were followed by practical reflection, technical reflection, and critical reflection. Also, they actively accepted the knowledge related to experiments, but were passive in connecting new knowledge and experiences obtained through the experiments or forming new questions. Second, the reflective thinking of students show high correlation with experiments related to prior knowledge or the easy-to-understand process. Third, through the qualitative analysis of open-ended questions, it was confirmed that technical reflection occurs in individual evaluation, practical reflection in group evaluation, and practical reflection and critical reflection in improvement proposal. While the students' reflective thinking were superficial or mainly functional, however, they recursively examined the learning contents and the experimental process concurrently.

Exploring the Patterns of Group model Development about Blood Flow in the Heart and Reasoning Process by Small Group Interaction (소집단 상호작용에 따른 심장 내 혈액 흐름에 대한 소집단 모델 발달 유형과 추론 과정 탐색)

  • Lee, Shinyoung;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Urn;Yoo, Junehee;Park, HyunJu;Kang, Eunhee;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.805-822
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the patterns of group model development about blood flow in the heart and reasoning process by small group interaction. The subjects were 14, 8th graders in a Science Gifted Center. The group discussion was made possible by using triggering questions that can be answered based on experiences of hands-on activities such as a siphon pump analogy model activity and a dissection of pigs' hearts. Despite participating in same activities, the groups showed different model development patterns: unchanged, persuasive, and elaborated. Due to the critical revising, the group's explanatory model was elaborated and developed in the added and elaborated pattern. As critical revising is a core element of the developing model, it is important to promote a group interaction so that students become critical and receptive. The pedagogical analogy model and conflict situation enabled students to present elaborated reasoning. The Inquiry activity with the pedagogical analogy model promote students' spontaneous reasoning in relation to direct experience. Therefore offering a pedagogical analogy model will help students evaluate, revise and develop their models of concerned phenomena in science classroom. Conflict situation by rebuttal enable students to justify more solid and elaborate a model close to the target model. Therefore, teachers need to facilitate a group atmosphere for spontaneous conflict situation.

Exploring Small Group Features of the Social-Construction Process of Scientific Model in a Combustion Class (연소 모델의 사회적 구성과정에서 나타나는 소집단 활동 특징 탐색)

  • Shim, Youngsook;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Urn;Kim, Heui-Baik;Yoo, Junehee;Park, HyunJu;Kim, HyeYeong;Park, Kyung-Mee;Jang, Shinho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we explored the development of scientific model through the social-construction process on "combustion." Students were 8th graders from one middle school class. Each student engaged in small group discussions three times and made a group model on combustion. Discourses between peers and teacher were videotaped, audiotaped, and transcribed. The results show that the small groups constructed an initial concept: 'Conditions of combustion', which they then evaluated and revised the initial concept through combustion experiment. Following the discussions, some small groups evaluated their model and made a revised model. Then, the small groups compared various models and constructed a scientific model through consensus within the small group and as a whole class. Finally, students kept revising their model to 'Burning needs oxygen.' This tells us that the social construction process of scientific model made a meaningful role to build scientific model through diverse discussion between the students and their teacher, although they have had some difficult process to reach the final consensus. The data also showed some group features: the members were open to other's ideas. They analyzed the differences between their own ideas from others and revised their model after the whole class discussion. Lastly, they showed the tendency to make a good use of teacher's guidance. This study implies the importance of having social interaction process for students to understand the scientific model and learn the nature of scientific inquiry in class.