• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학교수 방법

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Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Science Practice-Based Instruction Developed by Science Teachers in a Teacher Learning Community (교사학습공동체 교사들의 과학 실천 기반 수업을 위한 PCK 구성)

  • Yang, Jungeun;Choi, Aeran
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.565-582
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate middle school science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge for science practice-based instruction developed by five middle school science teachers in a teacher learning community. Science teachers in this study collaborated to examine lesson plans and reflect on teaching practice and collaboratively analyzed science curriculum, discussed video-recordings of teaching practice, and discussed to design detailed and elaborated lesson plans. Data collection consisted of pre and post questionnaire and interview, audio-recording of teacher discussion in a teacher learning community for one year, lesson plans, teacher written reflection, and video-recording of teaching practice. Data analysis reveals that science teachers developed pedagogical content knowledge for science practice-based instruction that consists of eleven sub-components of knowledge of science curriculum for science practice, knowledge of science practice-based instructional strategy, knowledge of students' science practice-based learning, and knowledge of science practice-based learning assessment. Science teachers in this study developed highly structured pedagogical content knowledge for science practice-based instruction.

A Study on the Effectiveness of e-learning video class using the online learning judgement system : Focused on the social studies classes in Elementary school (온라인 학습판단 시스템을 활용한 e-러닝 동영상 수업의 효과연구 : 초등학교 사회과 수업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jihyun;Jung, Jaebum;Jo, Jaechoon;Lim, Heuiseok
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the effectiveness of elementary in e-Learning video lessons. In an elementary school where the educational videos are frequently used, the learning about video materials is important but it is difficult to judge all students by a teacher in a classroom. In order to solve the problems of the field, In the fifth-grade elementary school social studies class, learning using video material was conducted by using the online learning judgment system for the experimental group, and learning using video material was conducted by the traditional method for the controlled group. As a result of the experiment, the class using the online learning judgment system was effective in enhancing the learner 's academic achievement. It also positively influenced learners' learning satisfaction. Teachers' satisfaction was not statistically significant because of the small number of teachers. However, The mean value of the teachers' satisfaction in the experimental group was high and the deviation was small.

Mitigating Contradictions: Elementary School Homeroom Teachers' Cooperation For Using Diversified Science Instructional Methods (모순 완화하기 -다양한 과학 수업 방법 사용을 위한 초등 담임교사들의 협력-)

  • Han, Moonhyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.307-320
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    • 2019
  • This study explores how an elementary school homeroom teacher who continued to lecture, can use diversified science teaching methods for learner-centered instruction. Using an auto-ethnographic approach over the course of a year, self-memory data, facebook diaries, class diaries, and interview data of an elementary teacher's day-to-day preparations and practice of elementary science, in the context of a Korean elementary school, were collected. The data was analyzed through cultural historical activity theory, examining how the interplay of key elements (i.e., the subject as a homeroom teacher with instructional expertise, norms, community, division of labor, tools, and goals) was characterized within and across distinct two-activity systems, and how these elements shaped the teacher's teaching methods into either lecture format or diversified teaching. The study revealed that a non-cooperative community, lack of division of labor, and norms that neglect preparation for science class were the elements that perpetuated the lecture format, and that a contradiction between goals and tools occurred in the activity system. However, these elements were able to be transformed into a cooperative community, shared labor, and norms that saved preparation time for both science class and diversified teaching methods, and those changed elements facilitated the teacher in using diversified teaching methods (e.g., experiments, subject-integrated classes, field work), thereby mitigating the contradiction. This study also discusses that diversified teaching methods can be facilitated when dealing with norms, community, and division of labor elements in an elementary school context as well as improving individual teachers' instructional expertise.

A Study on the Characteristics of Future Schools for Students with Future Convergent STEAM Talents (미래 융합형 과학기술인재(STEAM)를 위한 미래학교 특성 탐색)

  • Kwak, Misun;Kwak, Youngsun;Lee, Soo-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this research is to derive competencies necessary for students with future convergent STEAM talents, and to explore ideal student images, teaching-learning strategies, evaluation methods, and teachers' competencies and their training methods for future schools developing students' competencies. In order to figure out the features of the future schools, 25 experts from related fields, including in-service teachers, administrators, and college students in science and technology, participated in a future workshop. According to the results, students with future convergent science and technology talents are expected to have flexible thinking and creative thinking competencies to solve problems in innovative ways rather than traditional ways. In other words, it takes the power to accept and accommodate unexpected situations and solve problems appropriately in those situations. To cultivate such competencies, therefore, future schools should also be flexible and proactive. Rigid schools delivering knowledge-based information make it impossible to cultivate flexible and creative talents. Future schools should change into leaner-centered project-based classes so that students can naturally cope with various situations and solve large and small problems, and prepare assessment systems that can provide feedback based on the student's performances rather than achievement standards.

Korean Science Teachers' Perceptions in PISA Survey: Focusing on Comparison with the United States and China (PISA 설문에서 나타난 한국 과학교사들의 인식: 미국, 중국과 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyunjung
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to draw implications for future Korean science education by analyzing the PISA 2015 science teacher questionnaire. To this end, descriptive statistics and difference tests were conducted for each questionnaire item, using raw data from science teacher surveys in Korea, the United States, and China. As a result of the analysis, first, the perception that Korean science teachers should participate in professional development activities was lower than that of comparative countries, and it was found that improvement was needed in the practice of adaptive instruction and various evaluation methods. Second, although Korean science teachers were generally satisfied with their jobs, the response that they were hindered in science education activities due to limitations in various resources at their current school was relatively higher than that of comparative countries. Third, scientific inquiry was less emphasized in science curriculum and science class in Korea, and self-efficacy in inquiry teaching process was relatively low. Fourth, in Korea, it was found that there were fewer classes for discussion and using ICT in science classes.

Effects of Instructional Method Using Think-Aloud Paired Problem Solving and Mole-Map (해결자.청취자 활동과 몰 지도를 사용한 문제해결 교수 방법의 효과)

  • Noh, Tah-Hee;Jeong, Yeong-Seon;Kang, Suk-Jin;Yu, Ji-Yeon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.102-109
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    • 2002
  • This study investigated the effects of an instructional method which consists of think-aloud paired problem solving (TAPPS) and mole-map. Three classes (100 students) of a high school were assigned to the control, the TAPPS, and the TAPPS with mole-map (M-TAPPS) groups. Prior to the instructions, students' perceptions of learning environment were examined. Tests of mole conception, problem solving ability, and perception of learning environment were administered after the instructions. Two-way ANCOVA results indicated that the high-level students in the TAPPS group performed better in the conception test than those in the control and the M-TAPPS groups. However, there was no significant difference among the three groups in problem solving ability. The scores of involvement for the TAPPS group were significantly higher than those for the control group.

The Analysis on Development Trends for Korean and Overseas Science and Arts Convergence Education Programs (국내외 과학과 예술 융합교육 프로그램 개발 동향 분석)

  • Yang, Seung-Ji;Kwon, Nan-Joo
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.376-400
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to examine the current status of Korean and overseas science and arts convergence programs in and out of schools to apply them in school education settings and to learn about the characteristics of overseas programs through case studies. In addition, it explores implications of the current domestic and overseas for implementation in schools. For this study, we selected 193 domestic in-school science and arts convergence programs and 106 domestic out-of-school programs. For the overseas programs, we selected those conducted by the government, research institutes, science halls, and art galleries. We also analyzed the domestic in-school programs by type of students, operation hours, areas of convergence, and the function and role of arts activities. We analyzed domestic out-of-school programs by operation time, operation method, areas of convergence, and type of activities. Moreover, we examined the overseas programs in terms of their program developers, goals, and characteristics. These findings suggest that in order for science and arts convergence education to become well established in Korean schools, it is necessary to develop programs that can be incorporated into the present science education curriculum, rather than individual content or a single class on science and arts convergence, and to diversify the range of programs. In addition, out-of-school programs should be actively considered, and intense discussions on the use of program activities and teaching materials are needed. Finally, research institutes and educational institutions should be closely linked to achieve a common goal.

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A Study of Potential Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Nursing; Predicting the Future of Nursing Education in the U.S. (계층분석과정의 간호적용에 관한 연구 -미국의 미래 간호교육의 예견-)

  • Han, Kyung-Ahe
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.89-104
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    • 1986
  • 복잡한 사회문제해결에 유용한 접근방법의 하나인 계층분석과정은 수학자인 사티(Saaty)가 개발한 것으로서 이미 사회과학의 여러 분야에 적용되고 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 이 계층분석과정을 간호교육과 관련된 문제에 적용해 봄으로써 이 방법이 실제 문제해결을 위한 유용한 접근방법이 될 수 있는가를 고찰해 보는데 있다. .현대사회문제들은 다양한 관련요소, 그 요소들간이나 다른 문제들과의 복잡한 상호관계, 다수의 의사결정자의 참여, 무한한 대안, 문제의 결과에 대한 불확실성 등으로 인하여 단순한 모델이나 간단한 논리적 혹은 직관적인 판단에 준하여 일시에 해결하기 어려운 경우가 많다. 이러한 상황 하에서 문제와 관련된 요소들을 찾아내고 그 요소들을 계층적으로 분석하여 단계적으로 문제해결에 접근하는 계층분석과정을 활용함으로써 사회과학분야의 문제해결에 유용한 수단이 될 수 있다. 또한 문제와 관련된 요소를 규명하고 계층적으로 분화하는 과정에서 그 문제에 대한 보다 명확한 이해, 분석 및 현상의 흐름을 더 잘 인해하게 된다. 계층분석과정은 1) 계층구조의 설정 2) 구성요소들의 중요도 측정 3) 중요도에 따른 우선 순위의 산정 4) 우선 순위의 일관성 검토과정으로 요약된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 과정을 통하여 미국 간호계에서 심각한 문제로 대두되어온 기본교육제도상의 쟁점(Issue of Entry into Practice)에 대한 문제 해결책이 마련되는지를 시도하였다. 즉, 기본교육 제도에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요인들을 규명하여 계층화하고 계층내에 위치하는 구성요소들의 수평적 관계와 계층간의 수직적 관계를 체계적으로 검토하여 간호교육의 미래를 예측해 보았다. 간호교육제도에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 주요 요인들의 계층화는 거시적 환경차원(factors), 관련 이해자 집단차원(actors), 이해자 집단의 목표차원(objectives), 목표달성을 위한 정책차원(Policies), 그리고 간호교육제도의 미래를 예견한 시나리오(scenario)로 이루어졌다. 각 계층을 따라 단계적으로 중요도를 비교하여 최종적으로 각 시나리오의 우선순위 중요도(priority weight)를 구하였다. 각 시나리오의 우선순위 중요도를 간호교육과 관련된 4가지 차원들(학생, 교수, 교육기관, 직업)을 구성하고 있는 특성들에 가중하여 결과를 해석 하였다. 간호교육의 미래에 정치적(55%)과 경제적(25%) 요인이 가장 강한 영향을 미치고, 관련자중에서는 병원(38%) 의사(33%) 그리고 정부(23%)의 순으로 영향을 미친다고 분석되었다. 의외로 간호원 자신들은 큰 영향력이 없는 것으로 보여졌다. 4개의 시나리오 중에서는 그 우선순위 중요도가 현상유지(33%) 자발적4년제(32%), 강제 4년제(19%), 그리고 2~3년제의 우위(18%) 순으로 나타났다. 최종 시나리오 결과를 요약하면 1) 전체 학생수는 감소하나 양질의 간호학생수는 증가하며 2) 박사학위를 소지한 간호학 교수 및 전체 교수의 수가 증가할 것이다. 3) 전체 간호교육기여의 수는 약간 줄 것이며 그중 4년제 기관이 증가하고 반면에 2~3년제의 기관은 감소할 것이다. 4) 전문간호원이 되기 위한 입학용이도에는 별차이가 없겠으나 간호원들의 보수, 지위 및 자율성이 증가하면서 전반적인 간호의 질이 향상될 것이다. 계층분석과정의 적용으로 미국 간호교육계의 가까운 미래를 위와 같이 예견하여 보았으나 이 과정은 예견 뿐 만 아니라 일반적인 의사결정이나 문제 해결의 도구이외에도 복잡한 사회문제의 본질을 분석, 이해함으로써 보다 정화한 정책문제를 규정하는 데에도 유용할 것이다.

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Analysis of Relevance of Korean and Foreign Science Curricula and Invention (국내외 과학과 교육과정과 발명의 관련성 분석)

  • Son, Jeongwoo;Lee, Bongwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.651-658
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the invention-related content of foreign science curricula and investigate the perception of science educators about the degree of relevance between science curriculum and invention. For the analysis of foreign science curricula, we investigated the programs of 10 nations, including the US, Canada, UK, Japan, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, France, Finland and China. To analyze the relevance between Korean science curriculum and invention, we examined common topics such as science, integrated science, and science inquiry experiment, and investigated that the elements related to invention education were included in each 'achievement standard' and 'teaching and evaluation methods'. Science educators including science teachers were asked to evaluate the degree of relevance of invention education. The results were as follows. First, science curricula in many countries contained invention-related content. Second, science educators recognized that invention education was related to science curriculum, but the systematic connection was insufficient. Third, because it is mainly limited to the results of designing and device design, they recognized that the relevance of invention education, which focuses on various processes such as problem design, inventive techniques and intellectual property, was not revealed. Therefore, it is necessary to be process-oriented when developing invention education teaching-learning methods and related materials in science education for the future.

A Study on developing procedures of an archival contents for education (교육용 기록정보콘텐츠 개발 절차에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Yeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.29
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    • pp.129-173
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    • 2011
  • Standards-curriculum based archival contents for education is the best effective teaching and learning units for historical thinking abilities. This paper purposes a developing procedures of an archival contents for education that is theoretical instructions of developing an archival contents for education by the National Archives of Korea. This paper can be used of the theoretical bases for the National Archives of Korea by proposing the methodology of development of an archival contents for education. The developing procedures of an archival contents for education is the same with the procedures of developing an e-learning contents that has planning, analyzing, designing, developing and assessing steps but it is characterized by an archival contents for education that is curriculum standards analysis, collection analysis, and detailed design for structured formats in effective-accomplishments for teaching-learning objectives. I propose the procedures for determining teaching-learning subjects that enable the development of an archival contents for education by curriculum standards analysis. I also propose the procedures for deriving the key words from the teaching-learning subjects. Collection analysis methods analyze key records that correspond to the learning subjects according to the selection criteria of primary sources. In the steps of designing, titles of contents and contents structures have to be determined and storyboards based on flowchart of learning have to be made of according to the results of analyses. In the steps of developing contents, making a copy of primary sources like a original is the key points. And also in the steps of assessment, products of teaching-learning contents to effectively achieve the teaching-learning objectives have to be estimated by the appraisal board. Finally I propose that user's survey research after the services have to be reflected on contents updates and new developments of contents.