• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공학설계 교육과정

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A survey of the Necessity and Perceptions of Character Education of Health Science and Non-health Science University Students (일개 보건계열 및 비보건계열 학생들의 인성교육에 대한 필요성 및 인식도 조사)

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Oh, Tae-Jin;Lee, Hyun;Lim, Kun-Ok;Hong, Ji-Heon;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data for developing more advanced courses on character education by surveying and analyzing the perception and demands of character education of university students and further, to provide useful information for creating institutional protocol on character education. The study was conducted from April 2018 to May 2018 on students attending the departments of non-health science and health science university students. A total of 206 students participated in this study, and all the students in the non-health science and health science departments were found to be highly aware of the need for character education, its importance and the possibility of personality development through learning. Students from all the departments showed high levels on average in terms of self-understanding according to their personality abilities, and especially their high levels of 'consideration' and 'responsibility'. For the differences in perception of self-efficacy, the lowest level of recognition was for 'will' and the average values were not high. In their response to personality level, all students answered that their personality was 'high' (42.1%), and that the personality education courses at the schools they are currently attending were 'not satisfied' with both the non-health science and health science students. As a result, there were higher results overall for the health science students than that for the non-health science students, but there were not many significant differences. To this end, education institutes will have to prepare conditions for university students to cultivate their expertise in character, while at the same time helping them grow into human beings with the qualities demanded by society. In addition, the government should establish curriculums and content by accurately identifying the needs of character education and devising concrete measures for their implementation, and by more faithfully considering quantitative and qualitative context types for the content base of character education.

Capstone Design Trail in Nursing Education and Its Outcome (간호학에 적용한 캡스톤 디자인의 적용사례 및 결과)

  • Moon, Kyoung-Ja
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.194-202
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    • 2017
  • This study is a methodological study analyzing the results of applying capstone design to nursing education. Among the nursing college students who completed the fundamental nursing subject, the students who agreed to participate in the research were composed of the project team and proceeded as team activities. It was conducted through knowledge - team composition - topic selection / analysis - design / development - simulation - evaluation / feedback process starting from knowledge learned through fundamental nursing class. The research period was from January 1, 2015 to October 30, 2015 for 6 months. BBS (Bed Sore Socks) was developed for the prevention of pressure ulcers, and BBS was applied for seven days to randomly selected patients in the long term care facility. The incidence and pressure ulcer risk scores were assessed. The results of the pilot study showed that the intervention group had an effect on the incidence of pressure ulcer ($x^2=.40$, p = .500) and the pressure ulcer risk score (z = -.45, p = .690), but it was not statistically significant. Capstone design was trailed in the field of nursing education and produced the bed sore socks. In the nursing education, not many capstone design trails appeared yet, this study might be the first trail in the field of nursing, and it could be challenging for expanding of nursing education.

The Subjects for Examination & Criteria for Preparation of Test Questions of the Environmental Impact Assessor Qualifications Developed by DACUM (DACUM법을 이용한 환경영향평가사 자격의 시험과목 및 출제기준 개발 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Sung;Kim, Sang-Jin;Lee, Young-Ran
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2010
  • This paper is aimed to design for qualification structure and criteria for preparation of qualification test of the environmental impact assessor qualifications. In this study, a DACUM(Development A curriculum) method job analysis to extract contents such as task range, eligibility, examination standards, selection criteria of examination questions, examination methods, etc was done by an job analysis committee composed of 9 specialists in the industry and academia. In the first place, this report presents job analysis models by procedures for developing selection criteria of examination questions of the environmental impact assessor. The first step is preparation for job analysis(data research, interviews and selection of experts), the second step the establishment of job models(first expert council and site study), the third step the drawn-out of knowledge, skills, and tools(the second expert council and site study), the fourth step the selection of courses and an examination subject(the third expert council), the fifth step the establishment of guidelines for making questions(the third site study).

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College Students' Writing Self-Efficacy in Reflective Writing Classes Utilizing ChatGPT (ChatGPT를 활용한 성찰적 글쓰기 수업에서 대학생의 쓰기 효능감 고찰)

  • Jeon-Gu Kang;Si-Yeon Pyo
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.471-479
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the cognitive and affective changes in university students' writing self-efficacy when engaging in reflective writing classes utilizing ChatGPT. Over ten sessions, reflective writing classes using ChatGPT were conducted for students enrolled in a mandatory writing course at S University in Gyeonggi Province. The reflective journals written by the students during these sessions were meticulously reviewed as qualitative data with statistical analysis of pre- and post-surveys on writing self-efficacy. The results confirmed that utilizing ChatGPT in reflective writing classes positively impacted students' writing self-efficacy. Participants showed increased interest and confidence in their writing abilities when using ChatGPT. It was reported that they received cognitive assistance in outlining and paragraph structuring from samples generated by ChatGPT. Although survey results showed an overall increase in writing self-efficacy, the only statistically significant change was in the 'plagiarism response' category, which means a clear awareness of plagiarism issues. The process of personalizing the ChatGPT-generated samples requires consistent practice, and systematic guidelines on using such helpful tool effectively should be reinforced as a future task.

Ontology-based Course Mentoring System (온톨로지 기반의 수강지도 시스템)

  • Oh, Kyeong-Jin;Yoon, Ui-Nyoung;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2014
  • Course guidance is a mentoring process which is performed before students register for coming classes. The course guidance plays a very important role to students in checking degree audits of students and mentoring classes which will be taken in coming semester. Also, it is intimately involved with a graduation assessment or a completion of ABEEK certification. Currently, course guidance is manually performed by some advisers at most of universities in Korea because they have no electronic systems for the course guidance. By the lack of the systems, the advisers should analyze each degree audit of students and curriculum information of their own departments. This process often causes the human error during the course guidance process due to the complexity of the process. The electronic system thus is essential to avoid the human error for the course guidance. If the relation data model-based system is applied to the mentoring process, then the problems in manual way can be solved. However, the relational data model-based systems have some limitations. Curriculums of a department and certification systems can be changed depending on a new policy of a university or surrounding environments. If the curriculums and the systems are changed, a scheme of the existing system should be changed in accordance with the variations. It is also not sufficient to provide semantic search due to the difficulty of extracting semantic relationships between subjects. In this paper, we model a course mentoring ontology based on the analysis of a curriculum of computer science department, a structure of degree audit, and ABEEK certification. Ontology-based course guidance system is also proposed to overcome the limitation of the existing methods and to provide the effectiveness of course mentoring process for both of advisors and students. In the proposed system, all data of the system consists of ontology instances. To create ontology instances, ontology population module is developed by using JENA framework which is for building semantic web and linked data applications. In the ontology population module, the mapping rules to connect parts of degree audit to certain parts of course mentoring ontology are designed. All ontology instances are generated based on degree audits of students who participate in course mentoring test. The generated instances are saved to JENA TDB as a triple repository after an inference process using JENA inference engine. A user interface for course guidance is implemented by using Java and JENA framework. Once a advisor or a student input student's information such as student name and student number at an information request form in user interface, the proposed system provides mentoring results based on a degree audit of current student and rules to check scores for each part of a curriculum such as special cultural subject, major subject, and MSC subject containing math and basic science. Recall and precision are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The recall is used to check that the proposed system retrieves all relevant subjects. The precision is used to check whether the retrieved subjects are relevant to the mentoring results. An officer of computer science department attends the verification on the results derived from the proposed system. Experimental results using real data of the participating students show that the proposed course guidance system based on course mentoring ontology provides correct course mentoring results to students at all times. Advisors can also reduce their time cost to analyze a degree audit of corresponding student and to calculate each score for the each part. As a result, the proposed system based on ontology techniques solves the difficulty of mentoring methods in manual way and the proposed system derive correct mentoring results as human conduct.

Development of Two-Shot Injection-Compression Soft Instrument Panel (2샷 사출 압축 소프트 인스트루먼트 패널 개발)

  • Kong, Byung-Seok;Park, Dong-Kyou
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.638-643
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    • 2019
  • In order to reduce the cost and weight of the soft-foamed instrument-panel (IP), it was developed the new IP which is made by the two kinds of injection methods. One is the compression-injection with back-foamed foil inserted, and the other is two-shot injection with the passenger airbag door. We named it 'IMX-IP' which means that all components ('X') of the IP with different resins are made in a mold. The development procedure of this technology was introduced (1) Design of the new injection mold through TRIZ method, (2) Optimization of the injection conditions and back foamed-foil for minimizing the foam loss and thickness deviation, (3) Development of CAE for two-shot injection compression, (4) Reliability performance test and application to the mass production. The reduction of the processes through the two-shot injection with back foamed-foil inserted made it possible to enhance soft feeling on IP and reduce the cost and weight simultaneously.

Directions for Developing Database Schema of Records in Archives Management Systems (영구기록물관리를 위한 기록물 데이터베이스 스키마 개발 방향)

  • Yim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Dae-Wook;Kim, Eun-Sil;Kim, Ik-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.34
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    • pp.57-105
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    • 2012
  • The CAMS(Central Archives Management System) of NAK(National Archives of Korea) is an important system which receives and manages large amount of electronic records annually from 2015. From the point of view in database design, this paper analyzes the database schema of CAMS and discusses the direction of overall improvement of the CAMS. Firstly this research analyzes the tables for records and folders in the CAMS database which are core tables for the electronic records management. As a result, researchers notice that it is difficult to trust the quality of the records in the CAMS, because two core tables are entirely not normalized and have many columns whose roles are unknown. Secondly, this study suggests directions of normalization for the tables for records and folders in the CAMS database like followings: First, redistributing the columns into proper tables to reduce the duplication. Second, separating the columns about the classification scheme into separate tables. Third, separating the columns about the records types and sorts into separate tables. Lastly, separating metadata information related to the acquisition, takeover and preservation into separate tables. Thirdly, this paper suggests considerations to design and manage the database schema in each phase of archival management. In the ingest phase, the system should be able to process large amount of records as batch jobs in time annually. In the preservation phase, the system should be able to keep the management histories in the CAMS as audit trails including the reclassification, revaluation, and preservation activities related to the records. In the access phase, the descriptive metadata sets for the access should be selected and confirmed in various ways. Lastly, this research also shows the prototype of conceptual database schema for the CAMS which fulfills the metadata standards for records.

Exploring Pre-Service Earth Science Teachers' Understandings of Computational Thinking (지구과학 예비교사들의 컴퓨팅 사고에 대한 인식 탐색)

  • Young Shin Park;Ki Rak Park
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.260-276
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to explore whether pre-service teachers majoring in earth science improve their perception of computational thinking through STEAM classes focused on engineering-based wave power plants. The STEAM class involved designing the most efficient wave power plant model. The survey on computational thinking practices, developed from previous research, was administered to 15 Earth science pre-service teachers to gauge their understanding of computational thinking. Each group developed an efficient wave power plant model based on the scientific principal of turbine operation using waves. The activities included problem recognition (problem solving), coding (coding and programming), creating a wave power plant model using a 3D printer (design and create model), and evaluating the output to correct errors (debugging). The pre-service teachers showed a high level of recognition of computational thinking practices, particularly in "logical thinking," with the top five practices out of 14 averaging five points each. However, participants lacked a clear understanding of certain computational thinking practices such as abstraction, problem decomposition, and using bid data, with their comprehension of these decreasing after the STEAM lesson. Although there was a significant reduction in the misconception that computational thinking is "playing online games" (from 4.06 to 0.86), some participants still equated it with "thinking like a computer" and "using a computer to do calculations". The study found slight improvements in "problem solving" (3.73 to 4.33), "pattern recognition" (3.53 to 3.66), and "best tool selection" (4.26 to 4.66). To enhance computational thinking skills, a practice-oriented curriculum should be offered. Additional STEAM classes on diverse topics could lead to a significant improvement in computational thinking practices. Therefore, establishing an educational curriculum for multisituational learning is essential.

A Monitoring for Citizen Participation in Artificial Nest Boxes Using Mobile Applications (모바일 애플리케이션을 활용한 시민참여 인공새집 모니터링 방안 연구)

  • Kyeong-Tae Kim;Hyun-Jung Lee;Chae-Young Kim;Whee-Moon Kim;Won-Kyong Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2023
  • Great tit (Parus major) is a bioindicator species that can measure environmental changes in urban ecosystems and plays an important role in maintaining health as a representative insectivorous bird. Researchers have utilized artificial nest box surveys to understand the reproductive ecology of the Paridae family of birds, including the Great tits, but it is difficult to conduct a macroscopic study due to spatial and temporal limitations. This study designed and applied a citizen-participatory monitoring of artificial nest boxes project to transcend the limitations of expert-centered monitoring methods. The Suwon Front Yard Bird Monitoring Team installed artificial nest boxes in green spaces in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province and observed the reproductive ecology of the Paridae family through the participation of voluntary citizen surveyors. Participants were recruited through an online survey from February 9 to February 22, 2021, and they directly performed from installation to observation of artificial next boxes from February 23 to August 31, 2021. Online education was provided to the volunteers for the entire monitoring process to lower the entry barrier for non-expert citizen surveyors and collect consistent data, and observation records were collected through a mobile app. A total of 98 citizen surveyors participated in the citizen-participatory monitoring of artificial nest boxes project, and 175 (84.95%) of the 256 distributed artificial nest boxes were installed in green spaces in Suwon City. Among the installed artificial nest boxes, the results of the citizen science project were confirmed for 173 (83.98%), excluding two boxes with position coordinate generation errors. A total of 987 artificial nest box observation records were collected from citizen surveyors, with a minimum of one time, a maximum of 26 times, and an average of 5.71±4.37 times. The number of observations of artificial birdhouses per month was 70 times (7.09%) in February, 444 times (44.98%) in March, 284 times (28.77%) in April, 133 times (13.48%) in May, 46 times (4.66%) in June, 6 times (0.61%) in July, and 4 times (0.41%) in August. Birds using the artificial nest boxes were observed in 57 (32.95%) of the 173 installed artificial nest boxes, and they included Great tit (Parus major) using 12 boxes (21.05%), Varied Tit (Parus varius) using 7 boxes (12.28%), and unidentified birds using 38 boxes (66.67%). This study is the first to consider citizen participation in the monitoring of artificial nest boxes, a survey method for the reproductive ecology of the Paridae family, including Great tits, and it can be utilized as basic data for the design of ecological monitoring combined with citizen science in the future.

Development of 3D Printed Snack-dish for the Elderly with Dementia (3D 프린팅 기술을 활용한 치매노인 전용 영양(수분)보충 식품섭취용기 개발)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Kim, Kug-Weon;Lee, Kyong-Ae;Koh, Kwangoh;Kim, Hee-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to create a 3D printable snack dish model for the elderly with low food or fluid intake along with barriers towards eating. Methods: The decision was made by the hybrid-brainstorming method for creating the 3D model. Experts were assigned based on their professional areas such as clinical nutrition, food hygiene and chemical safety for the creation process. After serial feedback processes, the grape shape was suggested as the final model. After various concept sketching and making clay models, 3D-printing technology was applied to produce a prototype. Results: 3D design modeling process was conducted by SolidWorks program. After considering Dietary reference intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) and other survey data, appropriate supplementary water serving volume was decided as 285 mL which meets 30% of Adequate intake. To consider printing output conditions, this model has six grapes in one bunch with a safety lid. The FDM printer and PLA filaments were used for food hygiene and safety. To stimulate cognitive functions and interests of eating, numbers one to six was engraved on the lid of the final 3D model. Conclusions: The newly-developed 3D model was designed to increase intakes of nutrients and water in the elderly with dementia during snack time. Since dementia patients often forget to eat, engraving numbers on the grapes was conducted to stimulate cognitive function related to the swallowing and chewing process. We suggest that investigations on the types of foods or fluids are needed in the developed 3D model snack dish for future studies.