• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공동보존

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The Transmission Direction and Tasks of Ssireum as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage (씨름의 국가무형문화재 전승방향 및 과제)

  • Kwak, Nak-hyun
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.67
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    • pp.203-236
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to suggest the transmission direction and tasks of Ssireum, and the conclusions are like below. First, Ssireum has been designated as a national intangible cultural heritage(No.131) in December 2016. Second, in the current status of preservation and spread of Ssireum, there is no system related to the transmission of Ssireum such as cultivation of professional manpower, and facilities, programs, and administration/finance for transmitting Ssireum. Third, based on the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation & Promotion Act", the transmission direction of Ssireum was suggested. (1)The designation of a college to transmit Ssireum would be needed. (2)The Ssireum curriculum should be established. (3) It would be necessary to secure trainees for transmitting Ssireum. (4)The production of teaching materials for transmitting Ssireum would be needed. (5)It would be needed to secure training institutes designated in each region and also teaching personnels for transmitting Ssireum. (6)The research direction for the correct transmission of Ssireum should be set up. Fourth, based on the "Ssireum Promotion Act", the transmission direction of Ssireum was suggested. (1)It is urgent to complement provisions for transmitting Ssireum. (2)For the transmission of Ssireum, instead of the transmission direction of Ssireum as a national intangible cultural heritage in the standardized perspective, it would be necessary to seek for the joint transmission direction between South & North Korea for research & documentation of Ssireum that could be systematized/shared between South & North Korea, development/spread of contents for discovering the original form of Ssireum, and the establishment of a base of transmission system for the preservation/promotion of Ssireum through the academic/institutional exchanges regarding Ssireum between South and North Korea. Moreover, the overall and fundamental transmission measures for the education, transmission, research, record, and informatization of Ssireum, and the cultivation of professional manpower should be established. Fifth, the contents of institutional tasks for Ssireum are like following. (1)The institutional complementation of the "Ssireum Promotion Act" should be done for the domestic/foreign promotion of Ssireum. (2)For the integration of Ssireum organizations, the administrative system should be unified. (3)The standard technical system manual for Ssireum should be produced. (4)The 'Ssireum Transmission Center' should be built for the preservation and systematic transmission of Ssireum. (5)The selection of a college for transmitting Ssireum and the establishment of a system to cultivate Ssireum successors should be done. (6)It would be necessary to establish database(DB) for the use of Ssireum techniques essential for the transmission of Ssireum.

Research on the Soundscape for Excavation, Preservation and Promotion of Soundscape Resources in Hongdo Island (홍도의 소리경관 자원의 발굴, 보존 및 육성을 위한 사운드스케이프 조사연구)

  • Han, Myung-Ho;Oh, Yang-Ki;Roh, Tae-Hak
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.343-355
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    • 2009
  • In order to restore the identity of sound environment and expand the sound culture of a region, the purpose of this study are to excavate the resources of soundscape and find out the plans for the preservation and promotion of soundscape resources peculiar to the region. For this purpose, this research is conducted through an interview survey of residents and an observation survey using listening walk in Hongdo, one of the southwesten island of Korea. The results of survey confirm that there are so many sounds to hear around Hongdo island, those are, natural sounds such as the song of the birds, the roar of the waves, the whistling sounds, the shriek of the seagulls, and the pebbles sounds washed away by the waves, and artificial sounds such as the steam-whistle signals, the ship's broadcasts, the voice of tourists, the sounds of church bells, lighthouse sirens etc. The results suggest that it is necessary to consider several ways for restoration of an unique soundscape in Hongdo island, those are, improvement for efficient management of a ship's broadcasts in public areas, removal of a ferry in Hongdo swimming beach, management of Dangsanje (a religious service), preservation of a lighthouse siren and a foghorn, restoration and improvement of underground stream, management and control of public fish market, restoration of brooklet, management of cooperative system for a fish market, restoration of PoongO-Gut (a ritual for a large harvest) and a skate festival, management of a Hongdo sports meeting, sound quality modification of a boat whistle, restoration of orientalia such as a funeral bier, ecosystem preservation activity of the shore and ocean, and promotion of amenity for fascination and vitality in a rural community. Also, a sound map is drawn up for many tourists so as to realize the importance of sound environment and identity of soundscape and to gain their experience at first hand in Hongdo island.

Emerging Issues of East Asian Fisheries in Conjunction with Changes in Climate and Social Systems in the 21st Century (21세기 기후 및 사회체제 변화와 관련하여 동아시아 수산활동에서 떠오르는 사안들)

  • Kim, Suam;Low, Loh-Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2011
  • The fisheries in East Asia are reviewed in conjunction with climate change and social-economic developments in the 20th century. About one third of the human population resides in this region, producing a large share of the world's fisheries products, consuming them, and contributing significantly to the international trade of the products. Ongoing local and global climate changes, as well as ocean warming and acidification, are anticipated to have significant impacts on fisheries. Frequent typhoons have brought untold calamities and miseries to coastal communities. The rate of environmental change is outpacing our ability to respond effectively. The science must now move beyond identifying issues and toward providing sound bases for the development of innovative solutions, including effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. Fisheries management plans must be made to consider both changes in climate and social systems. It seems logical that an international forum should be made available to coordinate scientific research, management, and conservation of the region's fishery resources.

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Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Evaluation of Old Dwelling Façade Design Factor

  • Park, Jin-A
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate facade design factors of old dwellings using a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on a pairwise comparison analysis using "Façade Design Factors" as evaluation criteria. Traditional old dwellings were presented and evaluated. A Fuzzy AHP based model was used for pairwise comparison of traditional old dwellings, whereby seven criteria and nine alternatives were described through a questionnaire and constructional data. The Fuzzy AHP was used to determine the impact of the facade design factors, because "Traditional" old dwellings are identified by the combination of their facade design factors. Furthermore, the fuzzy AHP is used to verify the feasibility and efficiency of this approach as well as for extent analysis to comprehend the priority of the traditional old dwellings using a sensibility measuring scale.

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Analysis and Implication of the Collection Development Policy of Public Libraries in Major Cities (대도시 공공도서관 장서개발정책 분석과 제언)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon;Kim, Jong-Ae;Oh, Seon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.51-75
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    • 2020
  • All public libraries are collection-based knowledge and cultural service institutions. To this end, a collection development policy is an essential and a strategic menu that every library should establish first. Regional central libraries should establish and apply optimal collection development policies to conduct the legal duties as knowledge and information centers and cooperative preservation facilities of the cities and provinces. Thus, this study analyzed and compared in detail the collection development guidelines (draft) and regulations of regional central libraries in Korea and the collection development policies of metropolitan public libraries abroad. Results showed that the policies of domestic regional central libraries were simply practical guidelines while those in most developed countries were substantial in format and content. All regional central library systems should establish and document collection development policies based on the importance of collection development, future-oriented thinking, and strategic decision. The study also suggested the basic principles and the format for this purpose.

Antimicrobial Activity and Food Storage of LDPE Silica Film Containing Antimicrodial Compounds (항균성물질이 함유된 Silica LDPE필름의 항균효과 및 식품 저장성)

  • 김현수;성림식;이인선
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.350-356
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    • 2002
  • Low density polyethylene(LDPE) film was fabricated with the addition of benzoic acid, or/and JP which contained water-soluble silica adsorbed a natural antimicrobial compounds. The used antimicrobial compounds were isolated from culture broths of methylotropic actinomycetes strains MO-16 and MO-17 which was newly isolated from soils. An antimicrobial compound retained antimicrobial activity after heat treatment at 121$^{\circ}C$ for 5 min. JP, which obtained from Japan as a antimicrobial agent, showed antimicrobial activity in the concentration of 100 mg/mL. The silica LDPE film revealed the growth inhibition of total aerobic bacteria in packaged minced pork compared with commercial film and of E. coil on a contained agar plate. In the storage testing of various packaged foods at room temperature for 30 days, the film showed excellent preservation compared with commercial film in case of small tomato and Agaricus bisporus.

Suggestion of the Five Laws for Integral Studies (통합학문 5대 법칙의 제안)

  • Kim, Deok-Jin
    • Plant Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2018
  • Current study is the era of fusion, and future study is the era of integration. The prerequisite of study integration is that all studies must be equal to each other, and only laws derived from natural laws can achieve the equivalence of integration. We suggest that the ability to make change is defined as energy. All things change, the change necessarily has directionality, therefore change and directionality apply equally to all studies. The zeroth law of integral studies is the law of existence, the first law is the law of change conservation, the second law is the law of increasing non-available change, the third law is the law of the guidelines, and the fourth law is the law of fusion. The above laws are very similar to the law of thermodynamics. The ultimate aim of the five integral laws is the realization of a community in which natural, human, and AI individuals cooperate and develop each other on the earth.

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Effects of Sus1, a component of TREX-2 complex, on growth and mRNA export in fission yeast (분열효모에서 TREX-2 복합체의 구성요소인 Sus1이 생장 및 mRNA 방출에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Soo Jeong;Yoon, Jin Ho
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2017
  • Sus1 / ENY2 is a tiny conserved protein that is involved in chromatin remodeling and mRNA biogenesis. Sus1 is associated to two nuclear complexes, the transcriptional coactivator SAGA and the nuclear pore associated TREX2. In fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, ortholog of Sus1 / ENY2 was identified from the genome database. Tetrad analysis showed that the S. pombe sus1 is not essential for growth. However, deletion of the sus1 gene caused cold-sensitive growth retardation with slight accumulation of $poly(A)^+$ RNA in the nucleus. And the Sus1-GFP protein is localized mainly in the nucleus. Yeast two-hybrid analysis and co-immunoprecipitation experiment showed that Sus1 interacts with Sac3, another subunit of TREX2 complex. These results suggest that S. pombe Sus1 is also involved in mRNA export from the nucleus as a component of TREX-2 complex.

Effective Simulation Technology for Near Shore Current Flow (연안해수유동에 관한 효율적인 수치계산기법)

  • Yoon, B.S.;Rho, J.H.;Fujino, M.;Hamada, T.
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 1995
  • The three-dimensional multi-layer computer simulation technology for tidal current developed in the previous study is updated to a new version. many improvements are achieved by following changes : (1) No-reflection condition is adopted instead of no-gradient condition as an open boundary condition. (2) Time marching algorithm is changed so that velocity and pressure(surface movement) might be salved in turn at different time step (3) Convection term in equation of motion is estimated by upwind differencing scheme instead of central differencing. The stability is improved considerably and the steady state is achieved within 2 tidal periods which is about 3 times shorter than that of the old version. Moreover, fluctuations in time disappeared by introducing the new time marching technique. An application to the real near shore area(near Inchon harbor) is performed by the new version. Simulated results are compared with those by the simulation total developed in the University of Tokyo. Validity and effectiveness of the two simulation technologies are chocked through the comparative research works.

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Fission yeast Pci2 has function in mRNA export as a component of TREX-2 (분열효모 Pci2가 TREX-2 구성요소로서 mRNA 방출에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jin Hee;Yoon, Jin Ho
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.325-329
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    • 2018
  • Thp1/PCID2, PCI domain-containing protein, is a component of the evolutionally conserved TREX-2 complex linking mRNA transcription and export. In fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the pci2 (SPBC1105.07c) gene encodes a PCI domain-containing protein that is predicted as a fission yeast orthologue of Thp1 (in budding yeast)/PCID2 (in human). Repression of pci2 expression inhibited both growth and mRNA export. And over-expression of pci2 also exhibited growth retardation with slight accumulation of $poly(A)^+$ RNA in the nucleus. Moreover, yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation analysis showed that the Pci2 protein physically interacted with Sac3 and Dss1, which are members of TREX-2 complex. These observations support that the S. pombe Pci2 protein, as a component of TREX-2 complex, is implicated in mRNA export.