• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공극시험

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Effect of Agents to Improve Soil Physical Properties on Aster scaber in Continuous Cultivation (참취 다년재배지 토양 물리성 개선을 위한 개량제 처리 효과)

  • Gue-Saeng Yeom;Jung-Seob Moon;Song-Hee Ahn;Se-Hyun Ki;Dong Chun Cheong
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.70-70
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    • 2020
  • 참취(Aster scaber)는 국화과에 속하는 여러해살이식물로 취나물로 분류되어 전국에서 재배되고 있으며 최근 성인병 예방 효과와 무공해 건강식품으로 연중 소비가 증대되고 있으며, 주로 시설재배 작형으로 많이 재배하고 있다. 참취 시설재배지는 양분의 과다투입에 의한 염류집적과 잦은 관수로 물리성이 악화 되어 참취의 생육이 저하되어 수량이 감소하여 통상 3년 마다 종묘 갱신이 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구는 토양개량제 처리에 따른 토양 물리화학성과 참취의 생육에 미치는 영향을 검토하여 참취 시설재배 농가에 활용할 수 있는 방안을 개발하고자 시험을 수행하였다. 2018년 4월부터 2020년 11월까지 전라북도 농업기술원 허브산채시험장에서 참취 시설재배를 대상으로 무처리, 볏짚, 왕겨숯, 야자섬유 등을 10a당 1,000kg 처리하여 시기별 토양 이화학성, 생육특성을 조사하였다. 자재 처리 후 토양물리성의 변화는 볏짚 시용에서 가장 낮은 용적밀도 1.35g/cm3와 가장 높은 공극률 49.04%을 보였다. 토양 삼상 중 고상은 왕겨숯에서 52.82%로, 액상은 왕겨숯에서 30.28%로, 기상은 볏짚에서 22.45%로 가장 높았다. 토양 화학적 특성을 조사한 결과 모든 처리구에서 토양유기물 함량은 증가하였고, 유효인산은 함량은 440~487mg/kg로 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 칼륨은 0.77~0.88cmolc/kg로 낮아졌고, 칼슘과 11.56~14.09cmolc/kg, 마그네슘은 2.93~3.22cmolc/kg로 증가하였다. 생육특성은 볏짚 처리구에서 초장 26.4cm, 엽장 8.7cm, 엽폭 6.7cm, 줄기수 7.2주로 다른 처리구에 비해 좋은 생육이 좋았으며, 수량 또한 볏짚 처리구에서 1,554.3kg/10a로 가장 높았다. 지하부 생육특성은 볏짚 처리구에서 근중 83.7g/주, 근장 28.2cm, 근직경mm로 다른 처리구에 비해 생육이 양호하였다. 참취 다년재배지 정신 전 볏짚을 시용함으로써 토양의 유기물함량 증가와 용적밀도 감소, 공극율 증가 등 토양의 물리화학성을 개선하여 참취 수량성 증대효과가 있는 것으로 판단된다.

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Effect of Agents to Improve Soil Physical Properties on Aster scaber in Plastic House (참취 시설재배지 토양 물리성 개선을 위한 개량제 처리 효과)

  • Gue-Saeng Yeom; Jung-Seob Moon;Song-Hee Ahn;Se-Hyun Ki;Min Sil Ahn
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.70-70
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    • 2020
  • 참취(Aster scaber)는 국화과에 속하는 여러해살이식물로 취나물로 분류되어 전국에서 재배되고 있으며 주로 시설재배지 조기재배 작형으로 많이 재배하고 있다. 참취의 잎과 줄기는 맛과 향기가 독특하여 예로부터 생채, 묵나물 등으로 이용되어 왔으며 칼슘, 철분, 비타민 A 등이 풍부하여 건강식품으로서도 가치가 높고 한약재로도 사용되기도 한다. 최근에는 항암효과와 더불어 콜레스트롤을 저하시키는 약리적 효능이 있는 것으로 밝혀져 기능성 식품으로도 각광 받고 있다. 참취 시설재배 시 통상 3년 마다 갱신이 이루어지고 있는데 그 이유로는 시설재배지 특성상 양분의 과다투입에 의한 염류집적과 잦은 관수로 물리성이 악화되어 참취의 생육이 저하되어 수량이 감소하는 결과를 초래한다. 본 연구는 토양개량제 처리에 따른 토양 물리화학성과 참취의 생육에 미치는 영향을 검토하여 참취 시설재배 농가에 활용할 수 있는 방안을 개발하고자 시험을 수행하였다. 2018년 4월부터 2020년 7월까지 전라북도 농업기술원 허브산채시험장에서 참취 시설재배를 대상으로 무처리, 볏짚 1,000kg/10a, 왕겨숯 1,000kg/10a, 야자섬유 1,000kg/10a, 4처리구로 하여 시기별 토양특성 변화 및 생육 상황을 조사하였다. 자재 처리 후 3년차 토양 물리성의 변화는 볏짚 시용에서 가장 낮은 용적밀도 1.23g/cm3와 가장 높은 공극률 53.50%을 보였다. 토양 삼상은 고상은 왕겨숯에서 49.41%로, 액상은 왕겨숯에서 24.92%로, 기상은 볏짚에서 32.09%로 가장 높았다. 토양화학적 특성을 조사한 결과 토양 pH는 7.2~7.3, 토양유기물 함량은 32~39g/kg, 유효인산 함량은 440~487mg/kg 이었으며 처리 전 토양에 비하여 유기물 함량은 증가하고 유효인산은 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 치환성 양이온 K, Ca, Mg는 K는 0.77~0.88cmolc/kg로 낮아졌고, Ca와 11.56~14.09cmolc/kg, Mg는 2.93~3.22cmolc/kg로 증가하였다. 참취 생육특성은 초장은 24.8~26.4cm, 엽장은 8.3~8.7cm, 엽폭은 6.3~6.7cm, 줄기수는 6.9~7.2주로 대조구에 비해 좋은 생육 상황 상황을 보였으며, 수량은 919~1,161kg/10a 으로 자채 처리구에서 대조구에 비해 수량성 또한 높았다 참취 다년재배지 토양개량제 시용함으로써 토양의 유기물함량 증가와 토양의 용적밀도 감소와 토양 공극율 증가 등 토양의 물리화학성을 개선할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Applicability Evaluation of High-Speed, High-Pressure Dynamic Compression Technology for Powder Molding of Pyrophyllite (연납석 분말 성형을 위한 고속고압 동적 압축 기술의 적용성 평가)

  • Seong-Seung Kang;Jeongdu Noh
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2024
  • This study is to evaluate the applicability of high-speed, high-pressure dynamic compression technology for the powder molding of talc. To achieve this, powder molding test was conducted using a self-developed high-speed, high-pressure dynamic compression device, and the results were analyzed. Additionally, the behavior characteristics of pyrophyllite powder particles under dynamic compression were analyzed using the PFC2D. Quantitative analyses, as well as mapping and point analyses, were conducted using the SEM on pyrophyllite from the Naju ceramic Mine and the Bugok mine. The results showed that the weight ratio of composed elements in both mines was in the order of oxygen > silicon > aluminum. A pyrophyllite powder solid with a diameter of 14.5 mm and a thickness of 3 mm was successfully produced using a high-speed, high-pressure dynamic compression device capable of generating an instantaneous compressive force with a 30 kgf projectile dropped from a height of 1.5 m in about 0.4 seconds. Numerical analysis of pyrophyllite powder using PFC2D analyzed that in the numerical model, the compression ratio was approximately 56%, and the porosity decreased from 16.0% to 1.0%, indicating almost no remaining pores.

A development of new dielectric tracer test method for groundwater logging: laboratory soil column test (지하수 검층을 위한 새로운 유전율 추적자 시험법의 개발)

  • Kim Man-Il;Kim Hyoung-Soo;Jeong Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.3 s.40
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    • pp.301-311
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    • 2004
  • This study is suggested a new dielectric tracer test method to understand geological structure of porous media and groundwater flow to use the dielectric constant which is one of electrical special quality of various geological materials. To measure their parameters, tracer material is made an ethanol mixing liquid(EML) having a same specific gravity of water. Also, soil materials are prepared a dielectric tracer test using the FDR system that could measure dielectric constant for saturated standard sand and river sand layers which have different initial porosity. To compare with their results, we discussed with the concentration variation of saline water having a saline concentration $3\%$ which is general tracer material by using the electro multi-meter system in the laboratory or field test. In two tracer experiment results, EML tracer test could confirm definitely EML concentration variation from each saturated soil layer as standard and river sands. However, tracer test of saline water $3\%$ concentration could not confirm permeating movement of water by degree of salinity change because these are settled at lower part column in a whole column area continuously. These causes are that specific gravity of saline water is heavier than water. That is, it could know that deposition of saline water is composed of lower part of soil column continuously independently of the direction of water into saturated soil material.

Evaluation of Cementation Effect of Jeju Coastal Sediments (제주연안 퇴적층의 고결 평가)

  • Lee, Moon-Joo;Kim, Jae-Jeong;Shim, Jai-Beom;Lim, Chai-Geun;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2009
  • The Jeju sand was sampled from the beach in Jeju Island and its basic properties were analyzed. The cementation effect of Jeju coastal sediments was evaluated from in-situ tests such as SPT, CPT, and the Suspension-PS test. It was shown from test results that the Jeju sand has high extreme void ratios due to the angularity of grains and the intra-particle voids of hollow particles, similar to typical calcareous sands. From cone penetration test in the calibration chamber, it was found that the cone resistance($q_c$)-relative density($D_R$)-vertical effective stress(${\sigma}_v'$) relation of Jeju sand almost matches that of high compressible quartz sand. However, the $q_C-D_R-{\sigma}_v'$ correlation suggested for uncemented Jeju sand overestimates the relative density of coastal sediments of Jeju Island due to the cementation effect. From the analysis of the relation of cone resistance, N value, and small strain shear modulus measured in-situ, it seems reasonable to assume that the coastal sediment of Jeju Island is a naturally cemented one.

A Study on Deterioration of Stone Monuments by Acid Fog (산성안개에 의한 석조문화재 구성암석의 손상 연구)

  • Do, Jin Young;Kim, Sang Woo;Cho, Hyen Goo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2015
  • In order to predict the deterioration of stone monument due to acid fog, an artificial fog test using pH4.0 and pH5.6 was applied to the Gyeongju Namsan granite, decite and marble. After the test had weathered Gyeongju Namsan granite a larger weight reduction due to acid fog than fresh one. Decite has shown the most significant changes among the tested rocks with about 0.005 % of weight reduction. Decite and weathered granite will have considerable weight reduction due to acid rain than the acid fog, whereas the marble was expected to show a weight reduction regardless of the phase of water. The porosity and water absorption rate of weathered granite had significantly increased. This result means that the weathered rock is predicted to be more susceptible to acid fog than the fresh rock. The absorption rate of the marble after the test had shown approximately 50 % increase. The color of the samples had slightly changed towards yellow, such tendency was greater shown in weathered rocks. The marble reacted with acid fog had an increased whiteness. A large amount of cation in the samples is caused mainly by the dissociation of minerals through the reaction with acid fog.

Characteristics of EVA-Polymer Modified Mortars Recycling Rapid-chilled Steel Slag Fine Aggregate (급냉 제강슬래그를 재활용한 EVA-폴리머 시멘트 모르타르의 특성)

  • Hwang, Eui-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.652-660
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    • 2008
  • For the recycling of rapid-chilled steel slag, the mechanical strengths and physical properties of EVA-polymer modified mortars with the various replacement ratios of rapid-chilled steel slag were investigated. Twenty five specimens of polymer modified mortars were prepared with the five different amounts of EVA-polymer modifier (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 wt%) and rapid-chilled steel slag (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 wt%). For the investigation of the characteristics of polymer modified mortars, the measurements such as water-cement ratio, unit volume weight, air content for fresh mortar and compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption, hot water resistance, porosity and SEM investigation for curing specimens were conducted. As a results, with an increase in the replacement ratio of rapid-chilled steel slag, water-cement ratios decreased but unit volume weight increased remarkably. With increasing EVA-polymer modifier and the replacement ratio of rapid-chilled steel slag, percent of water absorption decreased but compressive and flexural strengths increased remarkably. By the hot water resistance test, mechanical strengths decreased but total pore volume and porosity increased remarkably. In the SEM observation, the components of specimen were shown to stick to each other in the form of co-matrix phase before hot water resistance test, but polymer modifier of co-matrix phase was decomposed or deteriorated after hot water resistance test.

Characteristics on Shear Strength and Clogging Phenomenon of Bottom Ash and Rammed Aggregate Mixture Compaction Pile (쇄석과 저회의 혼합다짐말뚝의 전단강도와 Clogging 현상 규명)

  • Lee, Dongyeup;Kang, Hyongnam;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2010
  • The rammed aggregate compaction pile method is widely used as soft ground improvement method because of the installed piles improve not only overall composite capacity but also discharge capacity. But the discharge capacity is declined when the clogging is generated due to the clay penetration into voids of rammed aggregate compaction pile with the time elapsed. The purpose of this study is to reduce the clogging problem occurred in rammed aggregate compaction pile constructed in the soft ground and to minimize voids of rammed aggregate compaction pile. The proper mixing ratio was determined which is based on the results of the large scale direct shear tests conducted to get strength and permeability as optimum mixing ratio of crushed stone and bottom ash. The test results indicated that the highest internal friction angle was obtained at 80:20 mixing ratio of crushed stone and bottom ash. The internal friction angle was declined when the mixing ratio of the bottom ash increased over 20%. The results of the clogging tests, presented that the mixture of 80:20 crushed stone and bottom ash is highest effective of clogging than ratio of pure crushed stone.

Gas Injection Experiment to Investigate Gas Migration in Saturated Compacted Bentonite (포화 압축 벤토나이트 내 기체 이동 현상 관측을 위한 기체 주입 시험)

  • Jung-Tae Kim;Changsoo Lee;Minhyeong Lee;Jin-Seop Kim;Sinhang Kang
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2024
  • In the disposal environment, gases can be generated at the interface between canister and buffer due to various factors such as anaerobic corrosion, radiolysis, and microbial degradation. If the gas generation rate exceeds the diffusion rate, the gas within the buffer may compress, resulting in physical damage to the buffer due to the increased pore pressure. In particular, the rapid movement of gases, known as gas breakthroughs, through the dilatancy pathway formed during this process may lead to releasing radionuclide. Therefore, understanding these gas generation and movement mechanism is essential for the safety assessment of the disposal systems. In this study, an experimental apparatus for investigating gas migration within buffer was constructed based on a literature review. Subsequently, a gas injection experiment was conducted on a compacted bentonite block made of Bentonile WRK (Clariant Ltd.) powder. The results clearly demonstrated a sharp increase in stress and pressure typically observed at the onset of gas breakthrough within the buffer. Additionally, the range of stresses induced by the swelling phenomenon of the buffer, was 4.7 to 9.1 MPa. The apparent gas entry pressure was determined to be approximately 7.8 MPa. The equipment established in this study is expected to be utilized for various experiments aimed at building a database on the initial properties of buffer and the conditions during gas injection, contributing to understanding the gas migration phenomena.

Heating Experiment of Fireproof Board using the Dry Process Bottom Ash and Oyster Shell (굴 패각과 건식공정 바텀애시를 사용한 내화보드의 가열실험)

  • Jung, Ui-In;Kim, Bong-Joo;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2016
  • This study is a research about performance of fireproof board using industrial waste such as oyster shell and dry process bottom ash through the heating test and conclusions were obtained as follows. Test samples show back side temperatures as follows : in $300^{\circ}C$, $103.1{\sim}125.1^{\circ}C$, in $600^{\circ}C$, $201.1{\sim}210.1^{\circ}C$, in $900^{\circ}C$, $249.2{\sim}276.9^{\circ}C$. In the test, temperature increases of specimens of fireproof board are kept at certain temperatures hence it could be concluded that the specimens withstand high temperatures. According to the test, it could be concluded that fireproof board made by smaller particles shows better performance up to $600^{\circ}C$ while at higher temperatures, fireproof board made by bigger particles shows better performance. It is estimated that fireproof board made by particles of bigger size has more pore structure and it delays heat conduction.