• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 조성 기법

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A Study on the Site Selection Method for the Creation of a Flood Buffer Section Considering the Nature-based Solution - Case Study from Upstream of Daecheong Dam to Downstream of Yongdam Dam (자연성기반기술의 홍수완충구간 조성을 위한 입지 선정 방법에 관한 연구 - 대청댐 상류부터 용담댐 하류구간 사례 연구)

  • Ji, Un;Jang, Eun-kyung;Bae, Inhyeok;Ahn, Myeonghui;Bae, Jun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2022
  • The magnitude and frequency of extreme floods are increasing owing to the effects of climate change. Therefore, multipurpose flood management techniques incorporating nature-based solutions have been introduced to mitigate the limitations of flood management and river design methods relying on existing observation data. Nature-based solutions to prepare for such extreme flooding events include ways to retreat the embankment, expand the floodplain, and reduce flood damage. To apply these technologies, adopting appropriate location selection methods based on various evaluation factors, such as flood damage reduction effects, sustainable ecological environments, river connectivity, and physical channel structure enhancements, should be prioritized. Therefore, in this study, the optimal location for implementing the multipurpose floodplain construction project was determined by selecting the location of the floodplain expansion with objectivity in the river waterfront area upstream of Daecheong Dam to downstream of Yongdam Dam. Through the final location determination, the Dongdaeje and Jeogokje sections were included in the optimal location considering both flood damage reduction and water environment improvement.

A Study on the Meaning and Mount Effect of Twelve Peaks of Musan in Yongho Garden, Jinju (진주 용호정원(龍虎庭園) 무산십이봉의 경관의미와 축산효과)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2011
  • The study on Musan twelve peaks of Yongho garden in Jinju, Gyeongnam was anticipated to provide data and implication for reproducing similar spaces and modern changes in terms of design factor since it is the prototype of traditional mount for overcoming monotonous geographical features and intriguing changes and interests. The study analyzed and interpreted the symbolism of twelve peaks, principles of space composition and function and effect of visual construction that were pursued by the builder in terms of landscape view, which results are as following. The center of Yongho garden, Yonghoji(龍虎池) is a typical man-made pond for a supportive feng shui feature. It is a supporting equipment to complete the state of feng shui, and the result of strengthening the completion through the connection with the dragon-related name of the place. The shape of Musan twelve peaks looks like an oval form of Geumseongsan(金星山), 2~3.5m in height and 6~12m in diameter. Peaks are estimated as 1.5~3.7m(2.4m in average) in height, $35{\sim}138m^2$($73.4m^2$ in average) in area, and $30.7{\sim}115.0m^3$($62.5m^3$ in average) in volume. Given that Yonghojeong(龍虎亭), Soseon(小船), the site of main building and Yongsanjae(龍山齋) stand in line, Yonghoji was presumed as the state of enlightenment through ascribing the meaning to virtue and secularity. For the intention of realizing Musan twelve peaks, the builder probably had mounted twelve peaks forming the body of dragons with crossing the point corresponding to a head of tiger, and located Musan twelve peaks and Yonghojeong with a representation of dragons holding Cintamani rising into the sky in the center. The middle area near Musan twelve peaks surrounded by peaks like Geumseongsan running north and south shows a multi-structure of multilayer, maintaining the similarity centering on Yonghoji. It is considered the intention of mount planned at the time of Musan twelve peaks construction, caused by similar form harmony. Internalization of progressive realization through concealment and exposure, enframement effect and spatial order like prospect-refuge theory in the mount of Musan twelve peaks is considered the reflection of the intention to increase depth of the view and expectancy through the various degree of exposure and surroundings of each peak and the colorful combination of viewing and shutting. The "closed view" by Musan twelve peaks creates interesting, vivid and attractive recognition of the view, which is more effective in bringing depth of the view and interests in terms of the geographical design, particularly the area around Yonghoji. Moreover, it was identified that the combination of peaks can be formed resulted from the view configuration concerning the location through multilayer effect reveals an island through the other one when viewed from Yonghojeong.

An Analysis of Changes in Forest Fragmentation and Morphology in Surrounding Landscapes of Maeulsoops and Jinan-gun (진안군 마을숲 주변 산림의 파편화 및 공간 형태 변화 분석)

  • Kang, Wanmo;Koh, Insu;Park, Chan-Ryul;Lee, Dowon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.941-951
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    • 2012
  • The changes of forest habitats and maeulsoops(village forests) in Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea are examined using landscape indices and morphological pattern analysis, and their landscape-ecological implications on conserving biological diversity are presented. We used FRAGSTATS and GUIDOS software, as well as land cover maps(of 1989 and 2006) to analyze the spatial and temporal patterns of habitat composition and configuration in surrounding landscapes of 34 representative maeulsoops and Jinan-gun. The results showed decreases in the amount of core habitats and corridors and habitat connectivity at a regional scale since 1989. In addition, multi-scale habitat analysis at a focal scale revealed that the structural and functional connectivity between forest habitats surrounding maeulsoops of the year 2006 was lower than that of the year 1989. In order to reduce forest fragmentation and to enhance the connectivity among habitats, it is necessary to provide the additional habitat corridors as well as preserving existing corridors and surrounding landscapes of maeulsoops. We also suggest that a combination of landscape indices and morphological spatial pattern analysis can provide an effective tool to assess the habitat functions and configuration in a rapidly changing landscape.

Estimation of soil moisture based on sentinel-1 SAR data: focusing on cropland and grassland area (Sentienl-1 SAR 토양수분 산정 연구: 농지와 초지지역을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Seongkeun;Jeong, Jaehwan;Lee, Seulchan;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.11
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    • pp.973-983
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    • 2020
  • Recently, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) is being highlighted as a solution to the coarse spatial resolution of remote sensing data in water resources research field. Spatial resolution up to 10 m of SAR backscattering coefficient has facilitated more elaborate analyses of the spatial distribution of soil moisture, compared to existing satellite-based coarse resolution (>10 km) soil moisture data. It is essential, however, to multilaterally analyze how various hydrological and environmental factors affect the backscattering coefficient, to utilize the data. In this study, soil moisture estimated by WCM (Water Cloud Model) and linear regression is compared with in-situ soil moisture data at 5 soil moisture observatories in the Korean peninsula. WCM shows suitable estimates for observing instant changes in soil moisture. However, it needs to be adjusted in terms of errors. Soil moisture estimated from linear regression shows a stable error range, but it cannot capture instant changes. The result also shows that the effect of soil moisture on backscattering coefficients differs greatly by land cover, distribution of vegetation, and water content of vegetation, hence that there're still limitations to apply preexisting models directly. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze variable effects from different environments and establish suitable soil moisture model, to apply SAR to water resources fields in Korea.

Analysis of Use Behavior of Urban Park Users Expressing Depression on Social Media Using Text Mining Technique (텍스트 마이닝 기법을 활용한 SNS 상에서 우울감을 언급한 도시공원 이용자의 이용행태 분석)

  • Oh, Jiyeon;Nam, Seongwoo;Lee, Peter Sang-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between depression due to the COVID-19 pandemic and park use behaviors using on line posts. During the period of the pandemic prevention activities, text data containing both 'park' and 'depression' were collected from blogs and cafes in the search engine of Naver and Daum, then analyzed using Text Mining and Social Network techniques. As a result, the main usage behaviors of park users who mentioned depression were 'look', 'stroll(walk)' and 'eat'. Other types of behaviors were connected centering around 'look', one of the communication behaviors. Also, from CONCOR analysis, as the cluster referred from communication behavior and dynamic behavior was formed as a single behavior type, it was considered park users with depression perceived the park as the space for communication and physical activities. As the spread of COVID-19 caused the restriction of communication activities, the users might consider parks as one of the solutions. In addition, it was considered that passive usage behaviors have prevailed rather than active ones due to the depression. Resulting outcomes would be useful to plan helpful urban park for citizens. It is necessary to further analyze the park use behavior of users in relation to the period of before/after the COVID-19 pandemic and the existence/nonexistence of depression.

Surface Wave Method II: Focused on Passive Method (표면파 탐사 II: 수동 탐사법을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Sung Oh;Joung, Inseok;Kim, Bitnarae;Jang, Hanna;Jang, Seonghyung;Hayashi, Koich;Nam, Myung Jin
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2022
  • The passive surface wave method measures seismic signals from ambient noises or vibrations of natural phenomena without using an artificial source. Since passive sources are usually in lower frequencies than artificial ones being able to ensure the information on deeper geological structures, the passive surface wave method can investigate deeper geological structures. In the passive method, frequency dispersion curves are obtained after data acquisition, and the dispersion curves are analyzed by assuming 1D-layered earth, which is like the method of active surface wave survey. However, when computing dispersion curves, the passive method first obtains and analyzes coherence curves of received signals from a set of receivers based on spatial autocorrelation. In this review, we explain how passive surface wave methods measure signals, and make data processing and interpretation, before analyzing field application cases.

Methodology of Shape Design for Component Using Optimal Design System (최적설계 시스템을 이용한 부품에 대한 형상설계 방법론)

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Cho, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.672-679
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    • 2018
  • This paper describes a methodology for shape design using an optimal design system, whereas generally a three dimensional analysis is required for such designs. An automatic finite element mesh generation technique, which is based on fuzzy knowledge processing and computational geometry techniques, is incorporated into the system, together with a commercial FE analysis code and a commercial solid modeler. Also, with the aid of multilayer neural networks, the present system allows us to automatically obtain a design window, in which a number of satisfactory design solutions exist in a multi-dimensional design parameter space. The developed optimal design system is successfully applied to evaluate the structures that are used. This study used a stress gauge to measure the maximum stress affecting the parts of the side housing bracket which are most vulnerable to cracking. Thereafter, we used a tool to interpret the maximum stress value, while maintaining the same stress as that exerted on the spot. Furthermore, a stress analysis was performed with the typical shape maintained intact, SM490 used for the material and the minimizing weight safety coefficient set to 3, while keeping the maximum stress the same as or smaller than the allowable stress. In this paper, a side housing bracket with a comparably simple structure for 36 tons was optimized, however if the method developed in this study were applied to side housing brackets of different classes (tons), their quality would be greatly improved.

Process Planning for Finishing Works of High-rise Residential Buildings Project (고층 공동주택 마감공사의 공정계획 프로세스)

  • Baek, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2017
  • In the construction of high-rise residential buildings in which the finishing works are done repetitively in each housing unit, the construction period and cost can be reduced, while maintaining the quality, if the work process is properly managed in order for the resources to be input continuously. Time management methods such as the Bar Chart, CPM and LOB are not appropriate, due to the difficulties involved in the diagraming of repetitive works and applying them to the project. The Tact method also has difficulties in maintaining a constant work flow and needs significant effort and cooperation from the subcontractors to allocate the resources consistently. Partitioning, base works for finishing, floor mortar plastering and the final finishing work are done sequentially in residential buildings projects, and there are many repetitive activities which differ in terms of the work method, work area and productivity. If these repetitive activities are synchronized or converged toward the last work area, the goal of process management can be achieved effectively. Therefore, a process planning method for the finishing works of residential building projects is proposed, which takes into consideration elements, such as the sequential relation between the activities in each housing unit and classification of repetitive works in terms of their management method, work area and production rate, for the continuous input of resources into the housing units.

Defining a Concept of Forest Garden through Understanding Values of Forest and Garden (숲과 정원의 가치파악을 통한 숲 정원 개념의 정립)

  • Hong, Kwang-Pyo;LEE, Hyukjae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2020
  • Amid public's growing interest on garden and more leisure time of modern life-style, there is an effort by the government to utilize forest as public garden. In order to utilize forests as pubic garden, a new concept of "Forest Garden" should be defined and introduced first. Furthermore, introducing a new concept requires academically analyzing values of a new concept before a new concept is widely used. Thus, we aimed to clarify the concept of forest garden by conducting Delphi technique research and factor-analysis of survey results. More specifically, delphi technique research was conducted to extract composition elements and explanation elements of forest garden. Factor analysis was conducted on the top 25 elements and 5 values were extracted as a result. They are form, scenery, ecology, history/cuture and usefulness which are essential values required of forest garden. Forest garden should have all of 5 values and be capable of function as both forest and garden which would also need continuous maintenance. We believe this study is the first one to establish definition of forest garden and more specific and realistic definitions need to be built through continuous research, 000 experiment and on-site evaluation. We also believe that this study will serve as foundation for further efforts in building forest garden in various space and in defining proper concept of forest garden.

The Analysis of Change Factors and Improvement of the Planning techniques on the Number of Floor in Multi Housing Complex Planning -Focus on Planning Index- (공동주택 층수계획 변화요인 분석과 계획기법 개선에 관한 연구 -계획지표를 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Sung-Hak
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.428-437
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    • 2017
  • Recently, local government has established a development strategy which takes into account the quality of each area, in order to solve the problems posed by poor development, hindrance of the urban landscape, the limits imposed by relevant laws, etc. However, the number of floors is an important factor which determines the urban landscape, planning density and quality of the external space. This planning factor has a very different effect according to the terrestrial circumstances, number of households, underparking ratio, green space ratio and floor area ratio. Therefore, in this study, a case analysis and case study are conducted and the correlation between each index is clarified. The conclusions of this study are follows. Firstly, flexibility should be ensured by taking into consideration the density indicators, average number of floors, and residential environmental performance measures in related laws and systems. Secondly, it is necessary to develop a wide-area planning method that extends the planning concept from the beginning of planning to neighboring blocks or cities. Thirdly, deregulation measures should be implemented, such as establishing specialized strategies for each region, and regulatory measures for encouraging different types of development.