• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간의 깊이

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A Study of Traditional Pattern in Animation: focusing on Toom Moore's and (애니메이션에 사용된 전통문양 연구 - 톰 무어의 <바다의 노래>, <칼릴 지브란의 예언자-사랑에 대하여>를 중심으로)

  • Joe, Hyun-Jee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.185-209
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    • 2016
  • Pattern refers to singular or repetitive decorative form in a blank surface, Also pattern is not just something to simply fill in the blanks, and has more meanings. Pattern reflects the specific culture or regional feature. So Depending on which pattern to use, creator can give particular of identity. which is generally utilized in visual arts such as painting, architecture, craft, as well as animation. Pattern in animation plays a role of decorating background or surfaces of characters' outfits or props. And Parttern is effective way to describe the story of the times and space environment of the background. Tomm Moore, an animation director in in Ireland mainly produces animations based on traditional folk stories or myths. He usually utilizes cultural and artistic factors related to the themes in his work production. One example is the insertion of pattern closely associated with the narratives and backgrounds of animations to create profound scenes. Tomm Moore used the Irish Celt pattern in Secret of Kells (2009) and Song of Sea (2014) and Islam geometric pattern and plant pattern in a short nimation named On Love from Kahlil Gibran's The Prophe (2014). This study attempts to examine the historical and cultural foundation and the narratives of these two animations, Song of Sea(2014) and Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet: On Love (2014) in which Tomm Moore participated as the director and producer, exploring their relevant traditional patterns. Moreover, it also attempts to analyze how these traditional patterns are utilized in the animations.

Assessment of Cutting Performance of a TBM Disc Cutter for Anisotropic Rock by Linear Cutting Test (선형절삭시험에 의한 이방성 암석에 대한 TBM 디스크커터 절삭 성능 평가 연구)

  • Jeong, Ho-Young;Jeon, Seok-Won;Cho, Jung-Woo;Chang, Soo-Ho;Bae, Gyu-Jin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.508-517
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    • 2011
  • The linear cutting test is the most reliable and accurate approach to measuring cutting forces and cutting efficiency using full-size disc cutter in various rock types. The result of linear cutting tests can be used to obtain the key parameters of cutter-head design (i.e. optimum cutter spacing, cutter forces). In Korea, LCM (Linear Cutting Machine) tests have been performed for typical Korean rock types, but these studies focused on the isotropic rocktypes. For prediction of TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) performances in complex geological conditions including a bedded and schistose rockmass, it is important to consider the effects of anisotropy of rockmass on cutting performances and cutting efficiency. This study discusses a series of LCM tests that were performed for Asan Gneiss having two types of anisotropy angles to assess the effect of the anisotropy angle on rock-cutting performances of TBM. The result shows that the rock-cutting performances and optimum cutting conditions are affected by anisotropy angle and the effect of anisotropy on rock strength should be considered in a prediction of the cutting performances and efficiency of TBM.

Study on Driving Simulation of Spoke-type Shield TBM Considering Operation Conditions (TBM 운전조건을 고려한 스포크형 쉴드TBM의 굴진모사 연구)

  • Choi, Soon-Wook;Lee, Hyobum;Choi, Hangseok;Chang, Soo-Ho;Kang, Tae-Ho;Lee, Chulho
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.456-467
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the discrete element method was used to simulate the excavation of spoke-type shield TBM. The horizontal stress coefficient was used for the ground to simulate the increase of the horizontal stress according to the depth, and the driving conditions were set based on the torque generated from the cutterhead of the TBM to excavate within the operating range. That is, when the value of the torque generated at the cutterhead exceeds the given operating condition, the speed of excavation is constantly reduced, and conversely, the method of increasing the speed of excavation is considered. The change speed of the excavation was given the minimum change requirement in consideration of the driver's review time, and the change was possible according to the excavation conditions. In order to use these conditions, the user-subroutine was considered separately, and the results show that the DEM model were able to analyze the excavation within the considered operating range.

Development and Application of the Visual Test Instrument for Spent CANDU Fuel Bundle Serial Number Identification (CANDU형 사용후 핵연료 다발 일련번호 확인을 위한 육안검사 장치 개발 및 적용)

  • Na, Won-Woo;Lee, Young-Gil;Yoon, Wan-Ki;Kwack, Eun-Ho;Park, Seung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 1999
  • SCAI(spent CANDU fuel bundle serial number identifier) was developed to read serial numbers of spent fuel bundles in the spent fuel storage. For the purpose of effectively identifying the serial number of fuel bundle. SCAI was composed of underwater camera & light part. guiding & supporting part and control & monitor part. So it is easy to assemble and disassemble, and operate. It was tested to read serial numbers of spent fuel bundles loaded in basket during the recent spent fuel transfer campaign at Wolsong Unit 1. And it was also applied to read serial numbers of spent fuel bundles discharging from the initial core at Wolsong Unit 3 by slight change of camera and light. Inspectors could easily operate SCAI after several practices in the storage pond, which was a user friendly. And SCAI provided clear and immediate picture for identification of serial numbers of spent fuel bundles. It was interally evaluated that SCAI greatly contributed to cut inspection efforts for national and international safeguards at Wolsong power plant.

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Development of vegetation model for Restoration of Degraded stream Landscape (훼손된 하천 경관을 복원하기 위한 식생 복원 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Chang-Seok;Cho, Yong-Chan;Oh, Woo-Seok;Park, Sung-Ae;Seol, Eun-Sil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1145-1148
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    • 2007
  • 한국을 비롯하여 논농사 중심지역에서는 하천 주변이 과거에는 농경지로, 그리고 오늘날은 도시지역으로 개발되어 하천의 원형이 거의 유지되지 못하고 있다. 하천은 수역과 수변으로부터 거리에 따라 여러 개의 이질적 생태적 공간이 이어지는 복합생태계로서 하나의 경관으로 볼 수 있다. 하천이 하나의 온전한 생태적 계로서 기능을 발휘하기 위해서는 이들을 모두 포함하는 하천의 원형이 복원되어야 한다. 현존하는 하천복원사업이 수변 구역의 복원에 초점을 맞추고 있지만, 진정한 복원이 이루어지기 위해서는 온전한 강변 식생의 복원이 선결과제이다. 본 연구에서는 유적군락의 형태로 잔존하는 강변 식생을 조사하여 식생복원 모델로 삼고자 한다. 수위와 침수체제에 의해 하천의 횡단구조를 수변, 홍수터 및 제방으로 구분한 후 각 지소의 적합한 식생단위를 구분하여 생태적 복원을 실현하기 위한 정보를 구축하였다. 수변식생으로는 달뿌리풀군락과 갈대군락이 자주 출현하고, 홍수터에는 갯버들군락과 키버들군락이 우세하였다. 그 중 전자의 식물군락은 하상재료가 거친 입자의 지소에 성립하고, 후자의 것은 미세한 입자의 지소에 성립하는 경향이었다. 제방역에는 버드나무군락, 다릅나무군락, 귀룽나무군락, 물푸레나무군락, 산사나무군락, 신나무군락(한탄강 지류), 참느릅나무군락, 물푸레나무-갈참나무군락(한탄강 본류), 오리나무군락(민통선 북방지역), 소나무군락, 황철나무군락, 느릅나무군락(소양강 상류), 왕버들군락(금강 중류) 등이 성립하였다. 이러한 식생정보를 하천의 지리적인 위치에 따라 구분하였고, 생태적 복원 시 도입식물을 결정하기 위한 자료로 삼기 위해 각 식생단위를 이루는 종 조성을 정보 체계화하였다.을 효율적으로 하기 위하여 Solar Unit으로부터 나오는 전기를 중전기에서 밧데리로 축전을 시키고 완전 충전 후에는 나머지 전기는 방전이 되도록 회로를 구성하였다. 사통수문 자원조사 결과에 의하면 현재 저수지에 물공급을 하는 수문은 취수탑 형식이 70% 이상을 차지하고 있으며 나머지 30%의 사통수문 중 원형수문비가 98% 이상을 차지하고 있다. 현재 대체에너지를 사용하는 저수지 사통수문은 없는 것으로 조사되었으며 전력을 사용하는 사통도 조사결과에 의하면 20% 이내로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 향후 수리시설 개보수시 적은 예산으로 사업을 시행하는 경우 사통수문의 설치방향의 지표가 될 것으로 판단되며 수리시설의 운영관리에 대한 새로운 대안으로 제시할 수 있다.분류되었다. 지표 유거가 많아 배수등급이 매우양호로 분류되던 토양은 정 등(1995)의 분류와 비교하여 대부분 강우 유출 가능성이 큰 쪽으로 조정되었다. 새로운 수문학적 토양유형을 이용할 경우 낮은 토심에서 암반층이 발견되는 산림토양이 분포한 유역이나 산림, 밭 등에 식질 토양이 많이 분포하는 유역에서는 기존의 방법을 이용하는 것보다 강우 유출량이 높게 평가될 것으로 판단된다. 앞으로 강우 유출량 실측자료와의 비교를 통해 지속적인 보정을 하여야 할 것이며 특히 불투수층의 존재시 일괄적으로 D유형으로 분류된 토양의 경우 깊이에 따라 C 또는 D 유형으로 세분하여 조정할 필요가 있다.가 있었다. 에틸아세테이트분회물의 경우 디글로로메탄 분회물에 비해 다소 낮은 저해효과를 나타내었지만 250 ${\mu}$g/ml 농도에서 약 60%의 세포독성 효과를 나타내었다. 디클로로메탄 분획물과 에틸아세테이트 분

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A Study on the Integration of Airborne LiDAR and UAV Data for High-resolution Topographic Information Construction of Tidal Flat (갯벌지역 고해상도 지형정보 구축을 위한 항공 라이다와 UAV 데이터 통합 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Jae Bin;Kim, Yong Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2020
  • To preserve and restore tidal flats and prevent safety accidents, it is necessary to construct tidal flat topographic information including the exact location and shape of tidal creeks. In the tidal flats where the field surveying is difficult to apply, airborne LiDAR surveying can provide accurate terrain data for a wide area. On the other hand, we can economically obtain relatively high-resolution data from UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) surveying. In this study, we proposed the methodology to generate high-resolution topographic information of tidal flats effectively by integrating airborne LiDAR and UAV point clouds. For the purpose, automatic ICP (Iterative Closest Points) registration between two different datasets was conducted and tidal creeks were extracted by applying CSF (Cloth Simulation Filtering) algorithm. Then, we integrated high-density UAV data for tidal creeks and airborne LiDAR data for flat grounds. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and tidal flat area and depth were generated from the integrated data to construct high-resolution topographic information for large-scale tidal flat map creation. As a result, UAV data was registered without GCP (Ground Control Point), and integrated data including detailed topographic information of tidal creeks with a relatively small data size was generated.

A Study on the Users of the National Petition to CheongWaDae: Focused on their Motivations (청와대 국민청원 이용자 분석: 활용 동인을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Eun;Mo, Eun-Joung;Yang, Seon-Mo
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.92-114
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze people's motivations to use the National Petition service of CheongWaDae, the Presidential Office of Korea. The online space has been used as a testbed of deliberative democracy. In fact, a wide variety of public opinions are being formed and gaining sympathy through the E-Petitions and Daum's Agora. In this regard, President Moon's government launched a petition site to gather public opinions. For any petition agreed on by more than 20,000 people within 30 days, the relevant ministry or the President's office must provide answers or feedback. This study wants to figure out how this National Petition is different from previous platforms like Agora or E-Petitions and why it is so well-received by people. This study uses a mix of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First, we conducted a focus group interview to factorize experiences of using the National Petition into measurable constructs. Second, we did a survey o 156 Koreans who had experienced the National Petition. Results show that symbolism, usefulness, gratification, and trust have positive impact on continuous usage intention. This study argues that symbolism, usefulness, gratification, and trust factors should be in place rather than technical aspects in order to increase the actual participation of users on the online platform of deliberative democracy. In addition, this study is meaningful in that it examined how different the CheongWaDae's National Petition is from the existing platforms for collecting public opinions and analyzed factors that encourage continuous use.

Parameterization and Application of Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys) for Integrating the Eco-hydrological Processes in the Gwangneung Headwater Catchment (광릉 원두부 유역 생태수문과정의 통합을 위한 지역 생태수문 모사 시스템(RHESSys)의 모수화와 적용)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Lee, Bo-Ra;Kim, Kyong-Ha;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2007
  • Despite the close linkage in changes between the ecological and hydrological processes in forest ecosystems, an integrative approach has not been incorporated successfully. In this study, based on the vegetation and hydrologic data of the Gwangneung headwater catchment with the Geographic Information System, we attempted such an integrated approach by employing the Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys). To accomplish this, we have (1) constructed the input data for RHESSys, (2) developed an integrated calibration system that enables to consider both ecological and hydrological processes simultaneously, and (3) performed sensitivity analysis to estimate the optimum parameters. Our sensitivity analyses on six soil parameters that affect streamflow patterns and peak flow show that the decay parameter of horizontal saturated hydraulic conductivity $(s_1)$ and porosity decay by depth (PD) had the highest sensitivity. The optimization of these two parameters to estimate the optimum streamflow variation resulted in a prediction accuracy of 0.75 in terms of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSec). These results provide an important basis for future evaluation and mapping of the watershed-scale soil moisture and evapotranspiration in forest ecosystems of Korea.

An Experimental Study on the Stability of Breakwater Head by the Wave Directional Effects (입사파의 방향성효과에 의한 방파제 제두부의 안정성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • SOHN Byung-Kyu;KIM Hong-Jin;RYU Cheong-Ro
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.713-719
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this study is to check the application criteria of the conventional techniques and clarify the effects of breaker depth, seabed conditions on the stability in relation to the effects of uncertainty of storm duration and directional irregular waves. The typical damage modes were divided by the direct wave force on the armor unit and by the local scouring around the toe of a breakwater head by the model experiments. The destruction modes are defined, and some criteria on the damage modes and scouring/deposition at the toe of a breakwater head in relating the wave-bottom-structural conditions can be checked using the multi-directonal irregular wave generator system. According to the results, it is emphasized that the 3-D effects on the stability should be analyzed in the design of multi-purpose/function coastal structures in consideration of the evaluation of spatial variation of damage modes and hydraulic characteristics as well as the wave distribution along the structures.

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Improvement of Disparity Map using Loopy Belief Propagation based on Color and Edge (Disparity 보정을 위한 컬러와 윤곽선 기반 루피 신뢰도 전파 기법)

  • Kim, Eun Kyeong;Cho, Hyunhak;Lee, Hansoo;Wibowo, Suryo Adhi;Kim, Sungshin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.502-508
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    • 2015
  • Stereo images have an advantage of calculating depth(distance) values which can not analyze from 2-D images. However, depth information obtained by stereo images has due to following reasons: it can be obtained by computation process; mismatching occurs when stereo matching is processing in occlusion which has an effect on accuracy of calculating depth information. Also, if global method is used for stereo matching, it needs a lot of computation. Therefore, this paper proposes the method obtaining disparity map which can reduce computation time and has higher accuracy than established method. Edge extraction which is image segmentation based on feature is used for improving accuracy and reducing computation time. Color K-Means method which is image segmentation based on color estimates correlation of objects in an image. And it extracts region of interest for applying Loopy Belief Propagation(LBP). For this, disparity map can be compensated by considering correlation of objects in the image. And it can reduce computation time because of calculating region of interest not all pixels. As a result, disparity map has more accurate and the proposed method reduces computation time.