• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간구역화

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The Modem Transformation of Spatial Structure in the Changjiang Delta Region: 1978~2006 (장강삼각주지구(長江三角洲地區) 공간구조(空間構造)의 현대적(現代的) 변용(變容) : 1978~2006)

  • Ryu, Je-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2011
  • Today, the name of Changjiang (Yangtze) Delta Region is used to designate an economic region which consists of sixteen cities including Shanghai City. The region has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world as well as in China since China its opened its toward the world market. The aim of this study is to examine the modern transition of spatial structure in the region after the opening (1978) and the membership of WTO (2000). In the examination, the study divides the spatial structure into three aspects: industrialization, urbanization and economic integration. The outcome of examination suggests that spatial division of industry, horizontally and vertically, has not reached a satisfactory level even if it is still in progress. The study proposes that the intervention of government in the market and company activity has hindered the spatial division of industry including service sector between the cities, and thus the economic integration. It further suggests that the specialization of urban function has not entered into the maturing stage, with the shortage of mid-size cities that would mediate spatial-economically between the large-size cities and the small-size cities in the urban hierarchy.

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An Efficient Location Encoding Method Based on Hierarchical Administrative District (계층적 행정 구역에 기반한 효율적인 위치 정보 표현 방식)

  • Lee Sang-Yoon;Park Sang-Hyun;Kim Woo-Cheol;Lee Dong-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2006
  • Due to the rapid development in mobile communication technologies, the usage of mobile devices such as cell phone or PDA becomes increasingly popular. As different devices require different applications, various new services are being developed to satisfy the needs. One of the popular services under heavy demand is the Location-based Service (LBS) that exploits the spatial information of moving objects per temporal changes. In order to support LBS efficiently, it is necessary to be able to index and query well a large amount of spatio-temporal information of moving objects. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate how such location information of moving objects can be efficiently stored and indexed. In particular, we propose a novel location encoding method based on hierarchical administrative district information. Our proposal is different from conventional approaches where moving objects are often expressed as geometric points in two dimensional space, (x,y). Instead, in ours, moving objects are encoded as one dimensional points by both administrative district as well as road information. Our method is especially useful for monitoring traffic situation or tracing location of moving objects through approximate spatial queries.

Evaluation of Drought Indices using the Drought Records (관측 자료를 이용한 가뭄지수의 평가)

  • Kim, Gwang-Seob;Lee, Jun-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.639-652
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the suitability of drought indices was analyzed using the quantified drought records from official reports, newspapers and drought indices estimated using precipitation and air temperature data of 69 weather stations from 1973 to 2009. Test statistics of the suitability of meteorological drought indices were evaluated using the ROC analysis. Results demonstrated that PN shows the best relationships with drought records. SPI3 and Deciles Distribution Ratio also show good relationships with drought records and their variability according to the administrative divisions is relatively small. Results of the analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of drought and the accuracy of the drought indices can be used to evaluate the accuracy of drought indices in drought monitoring and prediction, and to select the best index in drought management.

Water Balance Analysis for Securing Flexible River Flow at Geumho River Basin (탄력적 하천수량 확보를 위한 금호강유역의 물수지 분석)

  • Jeon, Kyeong Soo;Hwang, Ju Ha;Kim, Hyung San;Maeng, Seung Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.588-588
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    • 2015
  • 최근 기후변화로 인해 6 ~ 7년 주기로 가뭄의 정도가 점차 증가하고 있으며, 과잉취수로 인해 하천 상류 수원이 부족하여 지속적으로 하천 건천화가 발생되고 있는 실정이다. 물부족 지역의 경우 지하수와 같은 고갈되기 쉬운 물을 사용하므로 발생빈도가 높으며, 진행속도가 다른 자연재해와 달리 느리므로 시 공간적으로 정확하게 판단하기 어려워 해결이 장기화 되고 있다. 우리나라 물수급 지역이 급격하게 증감함에 따라 수량 확보와 탄력전인 하천수량 관리 기술이 사회적으로 중요시되고 있다. 이를 위한 수자원계획 도구로 여러 가지 방법이 제시되었다. 이러한 방법들 중 국내 실정에 맞도록 개선된 수자원평가계획모형인 K-WEAP(Korea-Water Evaluation And Planning System) 을 이용하여 물수지 분석하였다. 본 연구는 낙동강수계 금호강유역을 대상으로 중권역 내 행정구역별로 생활, 공업, 농업용수의 수요처와 공급량을 산정하고 이에 따른 네트워크를 구성하여 분석하였다. 각 하천의 자연유출량은 EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) 에서 개발한 강우-유출 모형인 SWMM(Storm Water Management Model) 에 의하여 산정된 결과를 적용하였다. 행정구역을 고려한 물수급 분석을 통해 물수급 전망이 세분화되어 있으나 실제 발생하는 물수급 평가의 어려움은 여전히 존재한다. 생공용수는 공급시설을 고려하여 물수급 분석을 수행하고, 농업용수는 월별로 수요량과 공급량을 검토하는 물수급 분석을 통해 국가수자원공급 계획을 반영한 광역, 기초자치단체의 수자원 확보 방안에 필요한 기초자료로 활용될 것이라 사료된다.

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The Structure and Operations of Geodata Collaboratives in Metropolitan Area: U.S. Cases (미국 광역권 지리정보협력체 구성 및 운영방안)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2007
  • Currently, the necessity of inter-system integration and sharing system increases to additionally construct and efficiently utilize the geographical information data in accordance with the increase in demand for geographical information. The provision of the data within the domestic sharing system is led by the tasks within national geographical information distribution network or intra-local governmental combined system. However, any voluntary geographical information sharing cooperation body is increasingly required with the increase in necessity of administrative cooperation among neighboring metropolitan areas, including space planning and development. Accordingly, this study is aimed at looking into the constitutions and roles of cooperation bodies within metropolitan areas by the composition, distribution, update and management of data with special regard to overseas advanced cases whose sharing systems and their effects are highly evaluated, and at presenting any model of the domestic future voluntary sharing cooperation organization within metropolitan area.

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The study of Dissimilar Urban Space Characteristics between the Structure-advanced Industrial park area within the city and the Adjacent Spaces (도시 내 구조고도화 산업단지와 연접지역의 이질적 도시 공간 특성 연구)

  • Choi, Hyung-Ku;Kim, Won-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7617-7628
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    • 2015
  • Recent changes in the industrial parks have become a major issue in the nation's economic aspect. However, the industrial park's structure-advance projects under regional changes have excluded the surrounding spaces. The purpose of study is to analyze physical characteristics of Industrial park and adjacent area and to propose practical urban linkage alternatives as place-making It was found that in an urban aspect, the industrial parks belong within the city, but look like an isolated island that doesn't belong to a city. Therefore, as a way that could improve the problems above, and prevent the formation of heterogeneous spaces, the deliberate management of Industrial park's structure-advancement projects is needed. As one of these measures, It is concluded that the review of designating industrial facility zones which is a district unit plan and managing the detailed elements of construction to the various elements of the district level are needed.

Visualizing Spatial Information of Climate Change Impacts on Social Infrastructure using Text-Mining Method (텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용한 사회기반시설 기후변화 영향의 공간정보 표출)

  • Shin, Hana;Ryu, Jaena
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.773-786
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    • 2017
  • This study was to analyze data of climate change impacts on social infrastructure using text-mining methodology, and to visualize the spatial information by integrating those with regional data layers. First of all, the study identified that the following social infrastructure; power, oil and resource management, transport and urban, environment, and water supply infrastructures, were affected by five kinds of climate factors (heat wave, cold wave, heavy rain, heavy snow, strong wind). Climate change impacts on social infrastructure were then analyzed and visualized by regions. The analysis resulted that transport and urban infrastructures among all kinds of infrastructure were highly impacted by climate change, and the most severe factors of the climate impacts on social infrastructure were heavy rain and heavy snow. In addition, it found out that social infrastructure located in Seoul and Gangwon-do region were relatively largely affected by climate change. This study has significance that atypical data in media was used to analyze climate change impacts on social infrastructure and the results were translated into spatial information data to analyze and visualize the climate change impacts by regions.

Field and remote acquisition of hyperspectral information for classification of riverside area materials (현장 및 원격 초분광 정보 계측을 통한 하천 수변공간 재료 구분)

  • Shin, Jaehyun;Seong, Hoje;Rhee, Dong Sop
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.1265-1274
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    • 2021
  • The analysis of hyperspectral characteristics of materials near the South Han River has been conducted using riverside area measurements by drone installed hyperspectral sensors. Each spectrum reflectance of the riverside materials were compared and analyzed which were consisted of grass, concrete, soil, etc. To verify the drone installed hyperspectral measurements, a ground spectrometer was deployed for field measurements and comparisons for the materials. The comparison results showed that the riverside materials had their unique hyperspectral band characteristics, and the field measurements were similar to the remote sensing data. For the classification of the riverside area, the K-means clustering method and SVM classification method were utilized. The supervised SVM method showed accurate classification of the riverside area than the unsupervised K-means method. Using classification and clustering methods, the inherent spectral characteristic for each material was found to classify the riverside materials of hyperspectral images from drones.

Natural Hazard Prediction System for a Private Company (민간보험사의 자연재해예측시스템 구축)

  • Park, Jun-Ho;Jang, Eun-Mi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2007
  • 늘어나는 자연재해에 대응하여 새로운 보험 상품이 개발되고 있으며, 보험료 및 보험보상료의 증가에 따른 재보험율의 조정과정이 과학적 근거하에 작업이 이루어져야함에도 불구하고 2006년까지 이와 같은 재해 규모와 피해를 예측하거나 모의할 수 있는 시스템은 한국에서는 거의 드문 상황이었다. 본 과제의 목적은 남한 지역을 대상으로 하여 지진, 태풍, 해일, 풍수해 등의 주요4대 재해에 대한 정보를 지리정보와 더불어 구축하여, 민간 보험사에서 자연재해에 대응하여 계획을 세우고, 과학적인 기준 마련하는 것이다. 구축된 데이터는 국가NGIS 사업의 결과물인 1: 5,000 수치지도를 근간으로 하여 각 재해별로 참조할 수 있는 각 부처의 자료를 가공하여 격자화 하여 구축하였으며, 민간보험사에 보유하고 있는 물건의 주소를 포인트 위치로 산정하여 지역별로 검색이 가능하도록 구축하였다. K-weather 등의 기상정보서비스를 실시간으로 연결하여, 태풍 및 풍수해 발생시78개 지점의 자료가 실시간으로 입수되어 주변현황을 모의할 수 있도록 하였으며, 종합적인 피해모델의 경우는 주로 물건의 수와 총액수준으로 평가할 수 있도록 하였다. 각 재해에 대한 취약성 함수는 뮌헨 재보험사의 것을 기본으로 하였으나 상세한 변수조정은 실제 자료를 대응시키면서 최적화된 값을 선정하였다. 본 시스템 구축은 과거자료를 중심으로 한 부분과 임의의 태풍 및 강수량을 특정위치에 적용하였을 때, 보험사가 지불해야할 보험금 액수를 산정할 수 있도록 하였으며, 향후 보험 상품의 지역적 차별화에 근거자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 각 재해의 총합이 각 행정구역과 격자의 위험도로 상대적인 위험도 주제도가 생산이 됨에 따라 보다 합리적인 민간회사의 의사결정에 GIS가 사용될 수 있음을 보여주는 사례로 연구의 의의를 두겠다.

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Fast Text Line Segmentation Model Based on DCT for Color Image (컬러 영상 위에서 DCT 기반의 빠른 문자 열 구간 분리 모델)

  • Shin, Hyun-Kyung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.17D no.6
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    • pp.463-470
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    • 2010
  • We presented a very fast and robust method of text line segmentation based on the DCT blocks of color image without decompression and binary transformation processes. Using DC and another three primary AC coefficients from block DCT we created a gray-scale image having reduced size by 8x8. In order to detect and locate white strips between text lines we analyzed horizontal and vertical projection profiles of the image and we applied a direct markov model to recover the missing white strips by estimating hidden periodicity. We presented performance results. The results showed that our method was 40 - 100 times faster than traditional method.