• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간구역화

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문왕팔괘(文王八卦)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.13 no.2 s.17
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2000
  • 통과대문왕팔괘차서도화문왕팔괘방위도적연구(通過對文王八卦次序圖和文王八卦方位圖的硏究). 득도요여하결론(得到了如下結論). 1. 최초명명위문왕팔괘차서도화문왕팔괘방위도적인시소옹(最初命名爲文王八卦次序圖和文王八卦方位圖的人是邵雍). 문왕팔괘차서도화문왕팔괘방위도수연몰유시문왕소화적확체적근거(文王八卦次序圖和文王八卦方位圖雖然沒有是文王所畵的確切的根據), 단시종추연복희이(但是從推演伏羲易), 동사상결합(同事相結合), 최종확립여금적역학체계적인시문왕(最終確立如今的易學體系的人是文王). 이차환부합현금적역리(而且還符合現今的易理), 인차구유일정설복력(因此具有一定說服力). 2. 재문왕팔괘차서도중삼남유일양이음구성(在文王八卦次序圖中三男由一陽二陰構成). 삼녀유일음이양구성(三女由一陰二陽構成). 저가이용음양호근적원리진행설명(這可以用陰陽互根的原理進行說明). 3. 복희팔괘방위도현시모종공간상(伏羲八卦方位圖顯示某種空間相). 이문왕팔괘방위도칙현시사시(而文王八卦方位圖則顯示四時). 팔절적변화화만물생장적류행주기등시간상적변화(八節的變化和萬物生長的流行周期等時間上的變化). 4. 문왕팔괘방위도동사시적오행상일치(文王八卦方位圖同四時的五行相一致). 시상생관계(是相生關係), 팔괘당중각유양개목김토(八卦當中各有兩개木金土). 시유우형흔왕성(是由于形흔旺盛), 수화각유일개시유우기흔왕성(水火各有一개是由于氣흔旺盛). 5. 문왕팔괘방위도재표면상간호상시오행상생적관계(文王八卦方位圖在表面上看好象是五行相生的關係). 단시(但是), 상호성대면적팔괘적오행도성상극관계(相互成對面的八卦的五行都成相剋關係). 화동측상임적감수(和東側相臨的坎水) 간토(艮土) 진목(震木) 손목도시성상극관계(孫木都是成相剋關係). 종차가이지도상극시발전만물적주체(從此可以知道相剋是發展萬物的主體). 6. 대우복희팔괘전화위문왕팔괘적원리(對于伏羲八卦轉化爲文王八卦的原理), 수유각종이론제출(雖有各種理論提出). 단시상무확체적설법(但是尙無確切的說法). 7. 복희팔괘주요체현천도화외상등(伏羲八卦主要體現天道和外象等), 문왕팔괘측체현인사화내정등(文王八卦側體現人事和內情等). 8. 복희팔괘위체(伏羲八卦爲體), 문왕팔괘위용(文王八卦爲用). 복희팔괘중(伏羲八卦中), 위변화적주체적천지즉건곤위우중축(爲變化的主體的天地卽乾坤位于中軸). 문왕팔괘중(文王八卦中), 위변화적대용적일월즉감리위우중축(位變化的大用的日月卽坎離位于中軸). 9. 복희팔괘도속우표현춘천적변화지상적제일괘도(伏羲八卦圖屬于表現春天的變化之象的第一掛圖), 생괘도화창조도(生掛圖和倉曹圖), 문왕팔괘도칙속우표현하천적변화지상적제이괘도(文王八卦圖則屬于表現夏天的變化之象的第二掛圖), 장괘도화발전도(長掛圖和發展圖). 10. 문왕팔괘도시류행이치기용적역지용(文王八卦圖是流行以致其用的易之用), 표현무질서화혼란(表現無秩序和混亂), 위화여괴리상호란무적난음난양지상(韋和與乖離相互亂舞的亂陰亂陽之象). 11. 문왕팔괘도화낙서적변화원리상일치(文王八卦圖和洛書的變化原理相一致), 가이장낙서적수직접대응도문왕팔괘도중(可以將洛書的數直接對應到文王八卦圖中). 우명낙서팔괘도(又名洛書八卦圖). 구수도혹일구역(九數圖或一九易). 12. 문왕팔괘도적상대응적수자지합도위십(文王八卦圖的相對應的數字之合都爲十). 저예시료성괘도십수도적출현(這豫示了成掛圖十數圖的出現).

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A Visualization of Traffic Accidents Hotspot along the Road Network (도로 네트워크를 따른 교통사고 핫스팟의 시각화)

  • Cho, Nahye;Jun, Chulmin;Kang, Youngok
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, the number of traffic accidents caused by car accidents has been decreasing steadily due to traffic accident prevention activities in Korea. However, the number of accidents in Seoul is higher than that of other regions. Various studies have been conducted to prevent traffic accidents, which are human disasters. In particular, previous studies have performed the spatial analysis of traffic accidents by counting the number of traffic accidents by administrative districts or by estimating the density through kernel density method in order to identify the traffic accident cluster areas. However, since traffic accidents take place along the road, it would be more meaningful to investigate them concentrated on the road network. In this study, traffic accidents were assigned to the nearest road network in two ways and analyzed by hotspot analysis using Getis-Ord Gi* statistics. One of them was investigated with a fixed road link of 10m unit, and the other by computing the average traffic accidents per unit length per road section. As a result by the first method, it was possible to identify the specific road sections where traffic accidents are concentrated. On the other hand, the results by the second method showed that the traffic accident concentrated areas are extensible depending on the characteristic of the road links. The methods proposed here provide different approaches for visualizing the traffic accidents and thus, make it possible to identify those sections clearly that need improvement as for the traffic environment.

Simulation-based Evaluation of Container Stacking Strategy for Horizontal Automated Block (자동화 수평 배치 블록을 위한 시뮬레이션 기반 컨테이너 장치 전략 평가)

  • Kim, Min-Ju;Park, Tae-Jin;Kang, Jae-Ho;Ryu, Kwang-Ryel;Kim, Kap-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2005
  • In order to increase the productivity of container terminals, automation is being considered seriously in nowadays. A yard is usually automated by running autumated RMGs (rail mounted gantries) which may require somewhat a different stacking strategy to archive a better performance. In this paper, we present a simulation model for RMGs and summarize experimental results with two different stacking strategies applied to a horizontal block which has two non-crossable RMGs. The concentrating strategy, which stacks containers belong to a single ship together and dedicateds each RMG to either ship services or external truck services, showed a good performance in ship unloading. In the contrast, the distributing strategy, which partitions a block into two regions and binds each RMG to one of the regions to improve the productivity of ship services by running each RMG alternately, is suggested for blocks of exporting.

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A Study on the Development of the High Water Channel in the Lower Han River (한강 하류 고수부지 형성 이력에 관한 분석 및 평가)

  • Lee, Sam-Hee;Hwang, Seung-Yong;Ryu, Young-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1616-1621
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    • 2006
  • 하천 지형은 흐름과 유사거동에 의한 세굴 또는 퇴적에 의하여 끊임없이 변한다. 이 연구에서는 최근 하천지형의 변화가 크게 일어나고 있는 한강 신곡수중보 직하류 우안의 고수부지 형성 이력에 대한 조사 및 분석을 실시하였다. 조사결과, 1981년 이전까지 하중도(제주초도)가 안정된 형태로 존재하였으나, 1980년대 중반을 거치면서 하중도는 소멸되었고 1990년대 중반 이후부터 우안에 비슷한 규모의 고수부지가 생성되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이 고수부지의 형성과정을 평가하면 다음과 같다. 1) 초기단계(흐름 변화에 따른 이동사주의 정지): 1995년 이전까지는 하천 내 자연적/인위적 교란에도 불구하고 이열사주 형태의 이동상이 유지되다가 1995년 이후 1988년 준공된 신곡수중보의 직.간접적인 영향을 받는다. 이로 인한 하중도의 소멸이 가중되면서부터 신곡수중보 직하류 우안의 이동사주가 정지하기에 이른다. 2) 성장단계(조석에 따른 부유사 반복 퇴적): 이동상 사주가 정지된 뒤 매일 2회씩 반복되는 조석의 영향을 받은 고농도의 부유사가 정지된 사주 위에 반복되어 퇴적되는 양상이 일어난다. 3) 정착단계(정지사주의 고수부지화): 정지사주에서 부유사가 퇴적하고 갈대와 같은 초본류 식생이 활착하게 되면서 부유사 퇴적은 가중되어 간다. 이러한 과정에서 1999년과 같은 대홍수 때 부유사의 고수부지 내 퇴적이 결정적이었을 것이다. 4) 확장단계(고수부지 확장단계): 대홍수 때 고수부지의 퇴적과 아울러 산재하던 버드나무가 교란을 받아 고수부지에서 새로운 버드나무 군락의 터전을 이루어 밀생하게 된다. 향후 고수부지가 잠기는 규모의 홍수가 빈발할 경우 퇴적층의 유실보다는 부유사 퇴적이 많아져 고수부지는 확장단계에 접어들게 된다.70{\sim}90$ 시간 동안 실험을 수행하였다. 세굴의 측정은 투명한 아크릴로 제작된 수제 내부에 CC카메라를 수제 전 후면 및 측면에 설치하여 월류수제의 세굴 발생을 실시간으로 측정하며 동시에 수제의 각 면에 각각 3개의 압력센서를 설치하여 압력분포를 측정함으로써, 월류수제 주변의 압력변화에 따른 세굴심의 실시간 변화를 비교할 수 있도록 하였다. 수심이 연중 $25{\sim}35m$를 유지하는 H호의 경우 간헐식 폭기장치를 가동하는 기간은 물론 그 외 기간에도 취수구의 심도를 표층 10m 이하로 유지 할 경우 전체 조류 유입량을 60% 이상 저감할 수 있을 것으로 조사되었다.심볼 및 색채 디자인 등의 작업이 수반되어야 하며, 이들을 고려한 인터넷용 GIS기본도를 신규 제작한다. 상습침수지구와 관련된 각종 GIS데이타와 각 기관이 보유하고 있는 공공정보 가운데 공간정보와 연계되어야 하는 자료를 인터넷 GIS를 이용하여 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서는 단계별 구축전략이 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 인터넷 GIS를 이용하여 상습침수구역관련 정보를 검색, 처리 및 분석할 수 있는 상습침수 구역 종합정보화 시스템을 구축토록 하였다.N, 항목에서 보 상류가 높게 나타났으나, 철거되지 않은 검전보나 안양대교보에 비해 그 차이가 크지 않은 것으로 나타났다.의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하므로, 반전거래전략을 활용하는 경우 주식투자기간은 24개월이하의 중단기가 적합함을

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The Intergrated Information Systems for Frequently Flooded Area Using Internet GIS (Internet GIS를 이용한 상습침수지역 종합정보화 시스템)

  • Yeo, Woon-Ki;Jang, Kyung-Soo;Jun, Ji-Young;Jee, Hong-Kee;Lee, Soon-Tak
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1116-1120
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    • 2006
  • 하천주변 저지대에 주택이나 공장 등의 시설물 집중과 산지의 개발 및 인구 집중으로 인한 도시화 지역의 증가로 홍수 피해는 더욱 커지고 있다. 특히, 상습침수지구의 주민들은 항상 재해로부터 위험을 느끼고 있으므로 새로운 재해관리체계를 구축하여 이에 대한 확고한 대책이 필요하다. 최근 인터넷 사용의 증가로 많은 사용자들이 웹을 통해 다양한 데이터를 공유하고 있으며, 이러한 추세는 더욱 더 증가할 것이다. 인터넷은 다양한 정보를 네트워크를 통해 사용자에게 실시간으로 제공하고 있으며, 통신기술의 발전, 네트워크 통합화 속에서 그 내용과 방식이 더욱 다양해지고 있다. GIS분야에 있어서도 인터넷 네트워크를 이용하여 분산되어 있는 많은 조직이나 사용자들에게 그 기능과 서비스를 제공하는 추세로 바뀌고 있다. Internet GIS는 원격 지리정보 데이타에 대한 접근, 전송, 분석 및 GIS를 표현하는 수단으로 인터넷을 이용하는 특별한 GIS 도구이다. Internet GIS는 전통적인 GIS 소프트웨어가 가지고 있는 대부분의 기능은 물론 인터넷 및 그와 관련된 WWW 및 FTP 프로토콜의 장점을 가지는 부가적인 기능들을 포함할 수 있다. 이들 부가적인 기능은 원격 데이타 및 응용 프로그램의 교환, 지역 컴퓨터에 GIS 응용 프로그램 없이 GIS 분석 기능을 수행, 인터넷상에서 상호작용하는 지도 및 데이타를 표현하는 기능들을 포함한다. Internet GIS는 객체지향적이고 상호운영적이며, 분산적이라는 주요한 특징을 갖는다. 인터넷에서 각각의 GIS 데이타 및 기능성은 하나의 객체로서 서로 다른 서버에 위치하며 필요시 조합 또는 통합되어 운영된다. Internet GIS를 이용한 상습침수지구 지역정보 제공사이트를 구축하기 위해서는 인터넷으로 서비스 할 수 있는 인터넷용 상습침수지구 GIS기본도를 구축이 필요하다. 인터넷 서비스를 위한 상습침수지구 기본도는 또 다른 형태의 주제도라고 볼 수 있으며, 이를 구축하기 위해서는 자료변환 및 가공이 필요하다. 즉, 각 상습침수지구에 필요한 지형도는 국립지리원에서 제작된 1:5,000 수치지형도가 있으나 이는 자료가 방대하고 상습침수지구에 필요하지 않은 자료들을 많이 포함하고 있으므로 상습침수지구의 데이터를 인터넷을 통해 서비스하기 위해서는 많은 불필요한 레이어의 삭제, 서비스 속도를 고려한 데이터의 일반화작업, 지도의 축소.확대 등 자료제공 방식에 따른 작업 그리고 가시성을 고려한 심볼 및 색채 디자인 등의 작업이 수반되어야 하며, 이들을 고려한 인터넷용 GIS기본도를 신규 제작한다. 상습침수지구와 관련된 각종 GIS데이타와 각 기관이 보유하고 있는 공공정보 가운데 공간정보와 연계되어야 하는 자료를 인터넷 GIS를 이용하여 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서는 단계별 구축전략이 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 인터넷 GIS를 이용하여 상습침수구역관련 정보를 검색, 처리 및 분석할 수 있는 상습침수 구역 종합정보화 시스템을 구축토록 하였다.

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Process Planning for Finishing Works of High-rise Residential Buildings Project (고층 공동주택 마감공사의 공정계획 프로세스)

  • Baek, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2017
  • In the construction of high-rise residential buildings in which the finishing works are done repetitively in each housing unit, the construction period and cost can be reduced, while maintaining the quality, if the work process is properly managed in order for the resources to be input continuously. Time management methods such as the Bar Chart, CPM and LOB are not appropriate, due to the difficulties involved in the diagraming of repetitive works and applying them to the project. The Tact method also has difficulties in maintaining a constant work flow and needs significant effort and cooperation from the subcontractors to allocate the resources consistently. Partitioning, base works for finishing, floor mortar plastering and the final finishing work are done sequentially in residential buildings projects, and there are many repetitive activities which differ in terms of the work method, work area and productivity. If these repetitive activities are synchronized or converged toward the last work area, the goal of process management can be achieved effectively. Therefore, a process planning method for the finishing works of residential building projects is proposed, which takes into consideration elements, such as the sequential relation between the activities in each housing unit and classification of repetitive works in terms of their management method, work area and production rate, for the continuous input of resources into the housing units.

The meaning based on Yin-Yang and Five Elements Principle in Semantic Landscape Composition of 'the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon' ('소쇄원(瀟灑園) 48영'의 의미경관 구성에 있어서 음양오행론적(陰陽五行論的) 의미(意味))

  • Jang, Il-Young;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to identify potential semantic landscape makeup of "the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon" according to Yin-Yang and Five Elements Principle(陰陽五行論). that speculation system between human's nature and cosmical universal order. Existing academic discussions made so far concerning this topic can be summed up as follows: 1. Among Yin-Yang-based landscape makeups of the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, poetic writings for embodiment of interactions between nature and human behaviors focused on depicting dynamic aspects of a poetic narrator when he appreciates or explores hills and streams as of to live free from worldly cares. Primarily, many of those writings were created on the east and south primarily through assignment of yang. On the other hand, poetic writings for embodiment of nature and seasonal scenery - as static landscape makeup of yin - were often created on or near the north and west for many times. Those writings focusing on embodiment of nature and artificial scenery as a work are divided into two categories: One category refers to author Kim In-hu's expression of semantic landscape from seasonal scenery in nature. The other refers to his depiction of realistic garden images as they are. In the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, the poetic writings show that author Kim focused on embodying seasonal scenery rather than expressing human behaviors. In addition, both Poem No. 1 and Poem No. 48(last poem; titled 'Jangwon Jeyeong') were created in a same place, which author Kim sought to understand the place as a space of beginning and end where yin and yang - i.e. the principle of natural cycle - are inherent. 2. According to construction about landscape in the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon on the basis of Ohaeng-ron (five natural element principle), it was found that tree(木) and fire(火) are typical examples of a world combined by emanation. First, many of poetic writings depicting the sentiments of tree focused on embodying seasonal scenery and were located in the place of Ogogmun(五曲門) area in the east, from overall perspective of Soswaewon. The content of these poems shows generation and curve / straightness in flexibility and simplicity. Many of poems depicting the sentiments of fire(火) focused on embodying human behaviors, and they were created in Aeyangdan area on the south of Soswaewon over which sun rises at noon. These poems are all on a status of side movement that is characterized by emanation and ascension which belong to attributes of yang. 3. With regard to Ohaeng-ron's interpretation about landscape in the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, it was found that metal(金) and water(水) are typical examples of world combined by convergence. First, it was found that all of poems depicting sentiments of metal focused on embodying seasonal scenery, and were created in a bamboo grove area on the west from overall perspective of Soswaewon. They represent scenery of autumn among 4 seasons to symbolize faithfulness vested in a man of virtue(seonbi) with integrity and righteousness. Poems depicting sentiments of water were created in vicinity of Jewoldang on the north, possibly topmost of Soswaewon. They were divided into two categories: One category refers to poems embodying actions of welcoming the first full moon deep in the night after sunset, and the other refers to poems embodying natural scenery of snowscape. All of those poems focused on expressing any atmosphere of turning into yin via convergence. 4. With regard to Ohaeng-ron's interpretation of landscape in the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, it was found that poems depicting sentiments of earth(土), a complex body of convergence and emanation, were created in vicinity of mountain stream around Gwangpunggak which is located in the center of Soswaewon. These poems focused on carrying actions of author Kim by way of natural phenomena and artificial scenery.

Analysis of the Spatial Dose Rates during Dental Panoramic Radiography (치과 파노라마 촬영에서 공간선량률 분석)

  • Ko, Jong-Kyung;Park, Myeong-Hwan;Kim, Yongmin
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2016
  • A dental panoramic radiography which usually uses low level X-rays is subject to the Nuclear Safety Act when it is installed for the purpose of education. This paper measures radiation dose and spatial dose rate by usage and thereby aims to verify the effectiveness of radiation safety equipment and provide basic information for radiation safety of radiation workers and students. After glass dosimeter (GD-352M) is attached to direct exposure area, the teeth, and indirect exposure area, the eye lens and the thyroid, on the dental radiography head phantom, these exposure areas are measured. Then, after dividing the horizontal into a $45^{\circ}$, it is separated into seven directions which all includes 30, 60, 90, 120 cm distance. The paper shows that the spatial dose rate is the highest at 30 cm and declines as the distance increases. At 30 cm, the spatial dose rate around the starting area of rotation is $3,840{\mu}Sv/h$, which is four times higher than the lowest level $778{\mu}Sv/h$. Furthermore, the spatial dose rate was $408{\mu}Sv/h$ on average at the distance of 60 cm where radiation workers can be located. From a conservative point of view, It is possible to avoid needless exposure to radiation for the purpose of education. However, in case that an unintended exposure to radiation happens within a radiation controlled area, it is still necessary to educate radiation safety. But according to the current Medical Service Act, in medical institutions, even if they are not installed, the equipment such as interlock are obliged by the Nuclear Safety Law, considering that the spatial dose rate of the educational dental panoramic radiography room is low. It seems to be excessive regulation.

Elevator evacuation studies using a computer program (컴퓨터프로그램을 이용한 엘리베이터 피난 연구)

  • Cha, Jong Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5525-5533
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    • 2012
  • Because of ultra-high buildings or deeper underground space, recent buildings have the potential that people who have lack of physical strength collapse before arriving at the emergency exits when catastrophes occur. In case of fire, the way to escape is that first, people take the stairs of the adjacent areas and then use the elevator to the remaining distance by road to escape notice or be safe. For this reason, the skyscrapers guidelines of Seoul for information on the elevator for evacuation has been established. Nevertheless, when designing buildings to install a elevator for evacuation separately is not effective, so passenger elevators installation according to the criteria are encouraged to use as evacuation elevators. However, this does not include detailed design guidelines so far. Therefore, this study was to investigate design method to use the passenger elevator for evacuation according to the domestic law and international installation criteria, and to calculated number of lifts and refuge to use the elevator using by the ELVAC+ and PathFinder evacuation program.

A Study on the Construction of a Cooperative Network for Public Libraries (공공도서관 협력 네트워크 구축 방안)

  • Cho, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.177-197
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    • 2010
  • Public libraries in Korea have increased dramatically in number through the last 45 years.However, compared to the public libraries of the United States of America, United Kingdom of Britain, and Japan, public libraries in Korea tended to have a higher rate of capita visits per a public library, so public libraries' infrastructure in Korea is very inadequate. This research analyzed cooperative network cases for public libraries of London Borough of Camden, Ootaku in Janpan, and Bucheon City in Korea to deduct a plan to broaden the service area and to make management more efficient by managing based on the single-administrative district area as a regional library system. With these results this research excogitated a cooperative network model and a plan to make the management more efficient. As a conclusion, as public libraries increase in numbers we need to examine the proper scale, and we need to construct a central-concentrated system to enhance management efficiency between a central library and branch lib aries or small libraries.