• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고등학교 교실

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A Study on Analyzing and Solving Problems Related with Equation of High School Mathematics (고등학교 수학의 방정식에 관련된 문제의 분석 및 해결에 관한 연구)

  • Lyou, Ik-Seung;Han, In-Ki
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.793-806
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    • 2010
  • In this paper we study meaning and methods of analyzing problems related with equation of high school mathematics. By analyzing problem we can get two types of informations. Based on these informations we suggest some problem solving methods. Especially we try to extract second type information using analysis through synthesis. This second type information can help us to find new non-routine problem solving method.

Methamphetamine and Club Drug Use among Indiana Students in Grades 6-12

  • Agley, Jon;Samuel, Susan;Nowicke, Carole E
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2009
  • 연구목적: 본 연구는 미국 인디애나 주에 소재하는 중학교와 고등학교 학생들 사이의 methamphetamine, MDMA, GHB, and Rohypnol과 같은 약물사용 특성을 파악하고 청소년 약물사용과 관련된 성과 학교 환경에 대한 인지된 안전도 특성을 분석하였다. 연구방법: 본 분석에 사용된 데이터는 Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC)에서 2007 년도에 수행한 음주, 흡연, 약물사용 설문조사(ATOD) 응답자료로서 인디애나 주에 거주하고 있는 6-12 학년 사이의 학생들을 편의추출하여 조사가 가능했던 158,632명의 응답을 얻었다. 연구결과: 로지스틱 회귀분석에서 조사한 4개 약물을 사용하는 학생들의 관심도는 교실에 있을 때, 복도에서 혼자 있을 때, 방과후 활동을 위해 학교에 남아있을 때 불안전하다고 느끼는 약물 미사용자보다 더 높은 경향을 보였다. GHB, MDMA, Rohypnol을 사용한다고 응답한 학생이 여자보다 남자에서 더 많았고 상관관계분석 결과, 메탐페타민을 비롯한 네 가지 약물 사용의 상호간 상관도가 모두 유의미하게 높았다.

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A Study of Indoor Air Quality of School Classrooms (일부 학교 교실의 실내공기질 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Joon-sig;Park, Duck-shin;Jeon, Hyung-jin;Song, Hyea-suk;Lee, Min-jong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3643-3652
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the IAQ concentrations of school rooms. In this study we measured and characterized IAQ at 440 school rooms from May 2009 to November 2012. At some school rooms, the $PM_{10}$ concentrations exceeded the IAQ guidelines ($100{\mu}g/m^3$) of the Ministry of Education. $CO_2$ concentrations at high schools were 1.18 and 1.06 times higher than that of the elementary and middle schools, respectively. $CO_2$ concentrations of some school rooms were exceeded the IAQ guidelines (1,000 ppm). Moreover, TBC concentrations at elementary school rooms were 1.23 and 1.33 times higher than that of the middle schools and high schools, respectively. TBC and HCHO concentrations did not exceed the IAQ guidelines. The classroom/non-classroom ratio of $PM_{10}$ was 1.06, while that $CO_2$ was 1.04, HCHO was 0.62, and TBC was 1.16.

Historic Paradoxes of Probability and Statistics Usable in School Mathematics (학교 수학에 활용 가능한 확률.통계 영역에서의 역사적 패러독스)

  • Lee, Jong-Hak
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2011
  • This paper analysed the mathematical paradoxes which would be based in the probability and statistics. Teachers need to endeavor various data in order to lead student's interest. This paper says mathematical paradoxes in mathematics education makes student have interest and concern when they study mathematics. So, teachers will recognize the need and efficiency of class for using mathematical Paradoxes, students will be promoted to study mathematics by having interest and concern. These study can show the value of paradoxes in the concept of probability and statistics, and illuminate the concept being taught in classroom. Consequently, mathematical paradoxes in mathematics education can be used efficient studying tool.

Practical Use of the Classroom Response System (CRS) for Diagnostic and Formative Assessments in a High School Life Science Class (고등학교 생명과학 수업의 진단평가 및 형성평가에서 교실응답시스템의 활용 효과)

  • Kang, Jeong-Min;Shim, Kew-Cheol;Dong, Hyo-Kwan;Gim, Wn Hwa;Son, Jeongwoo;Kwack, Dae-Oh;Oh, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.273-283
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of the use of the Classroom Response System (CRS), a kind of new ICT medium, in a quiz problem-solving oriented high school life science class. To find the usefulness of CRS as a teaching and learning strategy, the CRS group (n=34) sent prompt individual answers to the teachers' questions using the CRS terminal (Clicker), and the teacher then asked additional reasons of the individuals and gave personalized feedback. In the control group (n=35), the CRS was not used while the teacher asked overall questions and gave feedback in an undifferentiated way. As a result, the CRS increased students' interest and concentration during class, but there were no significant differences in study achievement between the two groups. However, there were significant differences between the medium-level groups when the two groups were divided into smaller ones based on their pre-scores. We suggest that, for effective use of the CRS for diagnostic and formative assessment, teachers should develop a teaching and learning strategy that can produce appropriate questions of various levels in advance, investigate the exact reasons for students' answers, and give customized feedback by individual as much as possible.

Research on Investigation on the Spot in Relation to Electrical Safety of Electrical Installation in Elementary.Middle.High School (전기안전에 대한 초.중.고등학교 전기시설물의 현장조사 연구)

  • Gil, Hyoung-Jun;Choi, Chung-Seog;Lee, Ki-Yeon;Moon, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes the investigation on the spot in relation to electrical safety of electrical installation in elementary middle high school. The investigation was carried out for power receiving system, classroom, chemistry room, music hall and so on. The investigation on the spot was performed by researcher, the related expert, engineer with over fifteen years of industry experience all over the country. As a result of investigation on the spot to 41 schools, common grounding methods at power receiving system were dominant. The risk factors include absence of control box of electric fan, non-installation of earth leakage circuit breaker to power source of experiment stand, use of non-grounding outlet.

An Analysis and Survey on the Experimental and Practical Science Education of High School in Korea (현행 중등학교 과학 실험.실습 교육 실태 조사 및 그 운영 진단(II)- 고등학교 과학 실험.실습 교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jong;Oh, Chul-Han;Ki, U-Hang;Kim, Young-Ho;Chung, Won-Woo;Yang, Seong-Young;Kang, Yong-Hee;Ahn, Byung-Ho;Lim, Seong-Kyu;Yoon, Ill-Hee;Kwon, Yong-Ju;Jeon, Myong-Nam;Kim, Joong-Wook
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.383-398
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    • 1998
  • This study was accomplished to analysis and survey on the experimental and practical science education of high school in korea for the consecutive study of the an analysis and survey on the experimental and practical science education of middle school in korea(Lee, Yoon-Jong et aI., 1997). The status of facilities, management for the experiment, practices, teaching methods in high schools have been investigated. The present status and reasonable management of the high school science education have been grasped from the questionaires. To do this 165 high school science teachers, 1977 students and 80 principals of high schools in Korea are administered questionaires of Science Education Research Institute of Kyungpook National University(I997). The results of this study are as follows : The reasonable management for experiments and practices of science education were scanty in the high school around the urban and rural school owing to the shortage of facilities and equipments, crowded class, excessive class works for teacher, excessive contents of present textbooks and insufficiency of the administrative supports etc. The current teaching method of high school science has emphasized knowledge. This fact does not satisfy the objective of learning due to lack of the teaching method. Desirable directions for the improvement of present status of high school science education were proposed in this paper.

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Analysis of Ecological Factors Affecting School Life Satisfaction of Commercial High School Students (상업계열 고등학생들의 학교생활만족도에 영향을 미치는 생태체계 변인 분석)

  • Kim, Leejin;Chang, Inhee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2016
  • This research intended to investigate, from an ecological perspective, significant predictors affecting school life satisfaction. The subjects were 312 students(2nd grade) of commercial high school in Kyonggido. Data collected by questionnaire survey were analyzed by SPSS Win 22.0 and descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, hierarchical linear regression, and stepwise regression were conducted. There were 21 independent variables: 8 organism variables (self-competence, interpersonal skills, internal control, mood awareness, emotional expression, empathy, emotional regulation, emotional capability), 9 microsystem variables(school variables: the relationship with teachers, school learning, classroom climate, school welfare facilities, school environment/peer variables: peer relationship/family variables: family functioning, education level of fathers, economic status), 2 mesosystem variables(parent-teacher relationship, parent-children's peer relationship), 1 exosystem variables(satisfaction with Korean educational system), 1 macrosystem variables(Korean's primal belief in educational achievement). The results are as follows; the significant variables were the relationship with teachers, satisfaction with Korean educational system, peer relationship, emotional capability, parent-teacher relationship($R^2=45.3%$); and the effect of microsystem was the strongest($R^2=35.7%$). This research is meaningful of analyzing school life satisfaction of commercial high school in terms of ecological perspective.

Astronomy Education in The 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정 교과 교육과정에서의 천문학 교육)

  • Sohn, Jungjoo;Jo, Hoon;Jo, Hoon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.46.1-46.1
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    • 2016
  • 2015 개정 교육과정은 초,중,고등학교 학생들의 기초소양교육을 강화하고 핵심개념과 원리를 중심으로 학습내용을 적정화하고 학생 중심의 교실 수업으로의 개선을 목적으로 하고 있다. 2015 개정 교육과정을 바탕으로 한 교과서가 집필되고 있는 중에 있으며 개발되는 교과서는 2018년부터 교육 현장에서 적용된다. 2015 개정 교육과정에 나타난 지구과학 과목 내 천문학 영역의 성취기준을 기존 교육과정과 비교해보고 새 교육과정의 핵심 역량을 살펴 교육 현장에서의 효과적인 천문학 교육에 대해 토의하고자 한다.

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예비 수학교사의 수학과 교수-학습에 대한 신념 조사

  • Jo, Jeong-Su
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.14
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    • pp.371-394
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    • 2001
  • 교사 교육기관에서 교육을 받고 있는 예비 수학교사들의 교수-학습에 대한 신념은 주로 초, 중, 고등학교를 다니면서 수학 교사와의 상호작용과 긍정적 혹은 부정적인 경험에 의해서 형성되어져 있다. 이러한 신념은 결국 사범대학에서의 교육을 받으면서 지식의 습득 과정에 영향을 미치게 된다. 따라서 예비수학교사들이 가지고 있는 수학의 교수-학습에 대한 신념을 조사하는 것은 이들이 기존에 가지고 있는 신념에 대한 반성의 기회를 제공하게 되어 바람직한 신념형성 및 장차 교사가 되었을 때 수학교실에서의 교수-학습의 새로운 전환에 도움이 될 것이다. 그리고 이들의 신념을 조사, 연구하는 것은 현재 수학과 교사 교육기관에서 이루어지고 있는 교수와 학습에 대한 질을 개선하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

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