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Problems of Environmental Pollution (환경오염의 세계적인 경향)

  • 송인현
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1972.03a
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    • pp.3.4-5
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    • 1972
  • 생활수준이 낮은 단계에 있어서는 우선 식량에 대한 수요가 강하다. 인간의 욕구가 만족스럽게 먹는다는 것에 대하여 제일 강하게 발동하는 것이다 그러나 점차 과학기술과 산업과 경제가 발전하여 성장과정에 오르게 되고 소득수준도 향상하게 되면 시장기구를 통해서 구입 할 수 있는 개인의 물적 소비재에 대해서는 점차 충족하게 되며 식량이외에도 의복, 전기기구 및 일용생활용품, 자동차 등에 이르기까지 더욱 고차원의 소비재가 보급하게 되는 것이다. 이렇게 되며는 사람의 욕구는 사적 재물이나 물적 수요에서 점진적으로 공공재나 또는 질적 수요(주택, 생활환경 등)의 방향으로 움직이게 되는 것으로써 여기에 환경오염 또는 공해문제에 대하여 의식하게 된다. 그러나 여기에서 더욱이 문제점이 되는 것은 소득 수준의 향상 과정이란 그 자체가 환경오염의 커다란 요인이라는 점이며 자동차의 급격한 보급과 생활의 편의성을 구하여 집중되는 도시인구의 집적, 높은 소득을 보장하기 위한 생산성 높은 중화학공업의 발전 등등은 그 자체가 환경권이란 사람이 요구하는 고차원의 권리를 침해하는 직접적인 요인이 된다는 것이다. 이와 같은 환경오염이나 공해문제에 대한 세계적인 논의는 이미 시작된 지 오래이지만 현재는 우리의 건강보호를 위해서나 생활환경의 보전을 위해서라는 점에서는 그치는 것이 아니고, 더욱 넓혀서 자연의 보호, 자원의 보호라는 견지로 확대되고 있다. 이와 같은 세계적인 확대된 이해와 이에 대한 대책강구의 제안은 1968년 국제연합의 경제사회이사회에서 스웨덴 정부대표에 의하여 제시되었으며 1969년의 우- 탄트 사무총장의 인간환경에 관한 보고서, 1970년 Nixon 미대통령의 연두일반교서 그리고 1972년 5월 6일 스웨덴의 스톡홀롬에서 개최되는 인간환경회의의 주제 등을 통해서 알 수 있고, 종래의 공해나 생활환경의 오염문제라는 좁은 개념에서가 아니고 인간환경전체의 문제로 다루고 있는 것이다. 즉 환경개발(도시, 산업, 지역개발에 수반된 문제), 환경오염(인위적 행위에 의하여 환경의 대인간조건이 악화하는 문제) 자연ㆍ자원의 보호관리(지하, 해양자원, 동식물, 풍경경치의 문제)란 3개 측면에서 다루고 있는 것이다. 환경오염이란 문제를 중 심하여 보면 환경을 구성하는 기본적인 요소로서 대기, 물, 토지 또는 지각. 그리고 공간의 사대요소로 집약하여 생각할 수 있음으로 이 4요소의 오염이 문제가 되는 것이다. 대기의 오염은 환경의 오염중 가장 널리 알려진, 또 가장 오랜 역사를 가진 오염의 문제로써 이에 속하는 오염인자는 분진, 매연, 유해가스(유황산화물, 불화수소, 염화수소, 질소산화물, 일산 화염소 등) 등 대기의 1차 오염과 1차 존재한 물질이 자외선의 작용으로 변화발생 하는 오존, PAN등 광화학물질이 형성되는 2차적인 오염을 들 수 있다. 기외 카도미움, 연등 유해중금속이나 방사선물질이 대기로부터 토지를 오염시켜서 토지에 서식하는 생물의 오염을 야기케 한다는 점등이 명백하여지고 있으며 대기의 오염은 이런 오염물질이 대기중에서 이동하여 강우에 의한 침강물질의 변화를 일으키게 되며 소위 광역오염문제를 발생케하며 동시에 토지의 토질저하등을 가져오게 한다. 물의 오염은 크게 내육수의 오염과 해양의 오염의 양면으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 하천의 오염을 방지하고 하천을 보호하기 위한 움직임 역시 환경오염의 역사상 오래된 문제이며 시초에는 인분뇨와의 연결에서 오는 세균에 의한 오염이나 양수 기타 일반하수와의 연결에서 오는 오염에 대비하는 것부터 시작하였지만 근래에는 산업공장폐수에 의한 각종 화학적유해물질과 염료 그리고 석유화학의 발달에 의한 폐유등으로 인한 수질오탁문제가 점차 크게 대두되고 있다. 이것은 측 오염이란 시초에 우리에게 주는 불쾌감이 크므로 이것을 피하자는 것부터 시작하여 인간의 건강을 지키고 각종 사용수를 보존하자는 용수보존으로 그리고 이제는 건강과 용수보존뿐만 아니라 이것이 농림 수산물에 대한 큰 피해를 주게됨으로써 오는 자연환경의 생태계보전의 문제로 확대전환하고 있는 것이다. ?간 특히 해양오염에 대한 문제는 국지적인 것에만 끝이는 것이 아니고 전세계의 해양에 곧 연결되는 것이므로 세계각국의 공통관심사로 등장케 되었으며 이것은 특히 폐유가 유류수송 도중에 해양에 투기되는 유류에 의한 해양의 유막성형에서 오는 기상의 변화와 물피해등이 막심함으로 심각화 되고 있다. 각국이 자국의 해안과 해양을 보호하기 위하여 조치를 서두르고 있는 현시점에서 볼 때에는 이는 국제문제화하고 있으며 세계적인 국제적 협력과 협조의 필요성이 강조되는 좋은 예라 하겠다. 토양의 오염에 있어서는 대기나 수질의 오염이 구국적으로 토양과 관련되고 토양으로 환원되는 것이지만 근래에 많이 보급사용되는 농약과 화학비료의 문제는 토양자체의 오염에만 그치는 것이 아니고 농작물을 식품으로 하여 섭취함으로써 발생되는 인체나 기타생물체의 피해를 고려할 때 더욱 중요한 것이며, 또 토질의 저하를 가져오게 하여 농림생산에 미치는 영향이 적지 않을 것이다. 지반강하는 지각 에 주는 인공적 영향의 대표적인 것으로써 지하수나 지하 천연가스를 채취이용하기 위하여 파들어 감으로써 지반이 침하 하는 것이며 건축물에 대한 영향 특히 풍수해시의 재해를 크게 할 우려가 있는 것이다. 공간에 있어서의 환경오염에는 소음, 진동, 광선, 악취 등이 있다. 이들은 특수한 작업환경의 경우를 제외하고는 건강에 직접적인 큰 피해를 준다고 생각할 수 없으나 소음, 진동, 관선, 악취 등은 일반 일상시민생활에 불쾌나 불안을 줌으로써 안정된 생활을 방해하는 요인이 되는 것이다. 공간의 오염물로써 새로운 주목을 끌게된 것은 도시산업폐기물로써 이들은 대기나 물 또는 토지를 오염시킬 뿐만 아니라 공간을 점령함으로써 도시의 미관이나 기능을 손상케 하는 것이다. 즉 노배폐차의 잔해, 냉장고등고형폐기물등의 재생불가능한 것이나 비니루등 합성물질로 된 용기나 포장 등으로 연소분해 되지 않은 내구소비재가 이에 해당하는 것으로 이는 maker의 양식에 호소하여 그 책임 하에 해결되어야 할 문제로 본다. 이렇듯 환경오염은 각양각색으로 그 오염물질의 주요 발생원인 산업장이나 기타 기관에서의 발생요인을 살펴보며는 다음과 같은 것으로 요약할 수 있다. A. 제도적 요인 1. 관리체재의 미비 2. 관리법규의 미비 3. 책임소재의 불명확 B. 자재적 요인 1. 사용자재의 선택부적 2. 개량대책급 연구의 미흡 C. 기술적 요인 1. 시설의 설계불량, 공정의 결함 2. 시설의 점검, 보전의 불충분 3. 도출물의 취급에 대한 검사부족 4. 발생방지 시설의 미설치, 결함 D. 교육적 요인 1. 오염물질 방제지식의 결여 2. 법규의 오해, 미숙지 E. 경제적 요인 1. 자금부족 2. 융자상의 문제 3. 경제성의 문제 F. 정신적 요인 1. 사회적 도의심의 결여(이기주의) 2. 태만 3. 무지, 무관심 등이다. 따라서 환경오염의 방지란 상기한 문제의 해결에 기대하지 않을 수 없으나 이를 해결하기 위하여는 국내적 국제적 상호협조에 의한 사회각층의 총력적 대책이 시급한 것이다. 이와 같은 환경오염이 단속된다 하며는 미구에 인류의 건강은 물론 그 존립마저 기대하기 어려울 것이며, 현재는 점진적으로 급성피해에 대하여는 그 흥미가 집중되어 그 대비책도 많이 논의되고 있지만 미량의 단속접촉에 의한 만성축적에 관한 문제나 이와 같은 환경오염이 앞으로 태어날 신생률에 대한 영향이나 유전정보에 관한 연구는 장차에 대비하는 문제로써 중요한 것이라 생각된다. 기외에 우려되는 점은 오염방지책을 적극 추진함으로써 올 수 있는 파생적인 문제이다. 즉 오염을 방지하기 위하여 생산기업체가 투자를 하게 되며는 그만큼 생산원가가 상승할 것이며 소비가격도 오를 것이다. 반면 이런 시책에 뒤떨어진 후진국의 값싼 생산국은 자연 수입이 억제 당할 것이며, 이렇게되면 후진국은 무역경쟁에서 큰 상처를 입게될 것이고 뿐만 아니라 선진국에 필요한 오염물질의 발생이 높은 생산기기를 자연후진국에 양도하게 될 것임으로 후진국의 환경오염은 배가할 우려가 있는 것이다. 또 해양오염을 방지할 목적에서와 같이 자국의 해안보호를 위하여 마련된 법의 규제는 타국의 선박운항에 많은 제약을 가하게 될 것이며 이것 역시 시설이 미약한 약소후진국의 선박에 크게 영향을 미치게 될 것임으로 교통, 해운, 무역등을 통한 약소후진국의 경제성장에 제동을 거는 것이 될 것이다. 이렇듯 환경오염의 문제는 환경자체에 대해서만 아니라 부산물적으로 특히 후진국에는 의외 문제를 던져주게 되는 것임으로 환경오염에 대해서는 물론, 전술한 바와 같이 인간환경전체의 문제로써 Nixon 대통령이 말한 결의와 창의와 그리고 자금을 가지고 과감하게 대처해 나가야 할 것이다.

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Variation in Cartenoid Pigment and lipids of the Arkshell, (Anadara broughtonii) according to the Environmental Factors of the Growing Area (서식환경요인에 따른 피조개육의 Carotenoid색소와 지질성분의 변화)

  • Ha, Bong-Senk;Kang, Dong-Soo;Kim, Yung-Gwan;Kim, Kui-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 1989
  • The seasonal variations of environmental sea water, arid carotenoid and lipid composition of reddish muscle tissue of arkshell, Anadara broughtonii in Chungmu and $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ were investigated. In the sea water, pH value, salinity, electrical conductivity of Chungmu and $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ were similar tendency, but water temperature in annual average at Chungmu-area was about $2^{\circ}C$ higher than that of $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. The concentration of nitrite-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphours at Chungmu-area were slightly higher than those at $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. Meanwhile the concentration of silicate-silicious at $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ was about 2 times higher than that of Chungmu-area. The bacterial density of the sea water was ranged from 3.6 to 93/100ml for coliform and 3.0 to 15/100ml for fecal colifrom at Chungmu-area, but the coliform was ranged 7.3 to 150/100ml and the fecal coliform was ranged 3.6 to 20/100ml at $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. Among the coliform, 8.9% Escherichia coli, 33.9% Citrobacter freundii, 41.1% Enterobacter aerogenes groups were classified and 16.1% was not identified. In the hemoglobin content of reddish muscle tissue of arkshell, one from Chungmu-area was ranged from 1.1 to 2.5 g /dl and one from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ was ranged from 1.7 to 4.4 g /dl. In total carotenoid content, 0.80 to 1.28mg/100 g muscle was in Chungmu-area and 0.45 to 0.99mg/100 g muscle was in $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. Among the carotenoid compositions, pectenolone content was 63.0% in annual average from Chungmu area and 59.6% from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$, 6.5% from Chungmu area and 18.9% from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ in ${\beta}-carotene$, 9.9% from Chungmu-area and 9.1% from Yosu-area in pectenoxanthin, 11.2% from Chungmu-area and 5.2% from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ in diatoxanthin monoester were observed. In the seasonal variation for the major carotenoids, the content of pectenolone was continuously incresedbefore spawning period and showed the maximum in July, but decresed after spawning period. Diatoxanthin monoester was gradually incresed during all growing period from March to next January. And ${\beta}-carotene$ was decresed before spawning period and showed the maximum in July but incresed after spawning period. The major fatty acids of total lipid and fractionated lipid classes from total lipid namely neutral-, glyco- and phospholipid were $C_{16:0},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{22:6},\;C_{20:2},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{20:5}\;and\;C_{18:3}$ acid in the muscle tissue of arkshell. The content of neutral lipid showed about 2 times higher than polar lipid in the muscle tissue of arkshell from both Chungmu and, $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. The content of total and neutral lipid was decresed during spawning period. In the seasonal variation for fatty acid compositions, the content of polyenenoic acid in total and neutral lipid was decresed and saturated acid was incresed. On contrary, polyenoic acid in glyco and phospholipid was incresed and saturated acid was decresed during spawning period from July to September. The sterol composition in total lipid were mainly consisted of cholesterol, campesterol, brassicasterol and ${\beta}-sitosterol$. Especially, the rate of content in cholesterol showed decrese during spawning period butcampesterol showed increse from March to November.

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The Effects of Storage of Human Saliva on DNA Isolation and Stability (인체타액의 보관이 DNA 분리와 안정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Woo;Kim, Young-Ku
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2006
  • The most important progress in diagnostic sciences is the increased sensitivity and specificity in diagnostic procedures due to the development of micromethodologies and increasing availability of immunological and molecular biological reagents. The technological advances led to consider the diagnostic use of saliva for an array of analytes and DNA source. The purpose of the present study was to compare DNA from saliva with those from blood and buccal swab, to evaluate diagnostic and forensic application of saliva, to investigate the changes of genomic DNA in saliva according to the storage temperature and period of saliva samples, and to evaluate the integrity of the DNA from saliva stored under various storage conditions by PCR analysis. Peripheral venous blood, unstimulated whole saliva, stimulated whole saliva, and buccal swab were obtained from healthy 10 subjects (mean age: $29.9{\pm}9.8$ years) and genomic DNA was extracted using commercial kit. For the study of effects of various storage conditions on genomic DNA from saliva, stimulated whole saliva were obtained from healthy 20 subjects (mean age: $32.3{\pm}6.6$ years). After making aliquots from fresh saliva, they were stored at room temperature, $4^{\circ}C$, $-20^{\circ}C$, and $-70^{\circ}C$. Saliva samples after lyophilization and dry-out procedure were stored at room temperature. After 1, 3, and 5 months, the same experiment was performed to investigate the changes in genomic DNA in saliva samples. In case of saliva aliquots stored at room temperature and dry-out samples, the results in 2 weeks were also included. Integrity of DNA from saliva stored under various storage conditions was also evaluated by PCR amplification analysis of $\beta$-globin gene fragments (989-bp). The results were as follows: 1. Concentration of genomic DNA extracted from saliva was lower than that from blood (p<0.05), but there were no significant differences among various types of saliva samples. Purities of genomic DNA extracted from stimulated whole saliva and lyophilized one were significantly higher than that from blood (p<0.05). Purity of genomic DNA extracted from buccal swab was lower than those from various types of saliva samples (p<0.05). 2. Concentration of genomic DNA from saliva stored at room temperature showed gradual reduction after 1 month, and decreased significantly in 3 and 5 months (p<0.05, p<0.01, respectively). Purities of DNA from saliva stored for 3 and 5 months showed significant differences with those of fresh saliva and stored saliva for 1 month (p<0.05). 3. In the case of saliva stored at $4^{\circ}C$ and $-20^{\circ}C$, there were no significant changes of concentration of genomic DNA in 3 months. Concentration of DNA decreased significantly in 5 months (p<0.05). 4. There were no significant differences of concentration of genomic DNA from saliva stored at $-70^{\circ}C$ and from lyophilized one according to storage period. Concentration of DNA showed decreasing tendency in 5 months. 5. Concentration of genomic DNA immediately extracted from saliva dried on Petri dish were 60% compared with that of fresh saliva. Concentration of DNA from saliva stored at room temperature after dry-out showed rapid reduction within 2 weeks (p<0.05). 6. Amplification of $\beta$-globin gene using PCR was successful in all lyophilized saliva stored for 5 months. At the time of 1 month, $\beta$-globin gene was successfully amplified in all saliva samples stored at $-20^{\circ}C$ and $-70^{\circ}C$, and in some saliva samples stored at $4^{\circ}C$. $\beta$-globin gene was failed to amplify in saliva stored at room temperature and dry-out saliva.

Arsenic Removal Mechanism of the Residual Slag Generated after the Mineral Carbonation Process in Aqueous System (광물탄산화 공정 이후 발생하는 잔사슬래그의 수계 내 비소 제거 기작)

  • Kim, Kyeongtae;Latief, Ilham Abdul;Kim, Danu;Kim, Seonhee;Lee, Minhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.377-388
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    • 2022
  • Laboratory-scale experiments were performed to identify the As removal mechanism of the residual slag generated after the mineral carbonation process. The residual slags were manufactured from the steelmaking slag (blast oxygen furnace slag: BOF) through direct and indirect carbonation process. RDBOF (residual BOF after the direct carbonation) and RIBOF (residual BOF after the indirect carbonation) showed different physicochemical-structural characteristics compared with raw BOF such as chemical-mineralogical properties, the pH level of leachate and forming micropores on the surface of the slag. In batch experiment, 0.1 g of residual slag was added to 10 mL of As-solution (initial concentration: 203.6 mg/L) titrated at various pH levels. The RDBOF showed 99.3% of As removal efficiency at initial pH 1, while it sharply decreased with the increase of initial pH. As the initial pH of solution decreased, the dissolution of carbonate minerals covering the surface was accelerated, increasing the exposed area of Fe-oxide and promoting the adsorption of As-oxyanions on the RDBOF surface. Whereas, the As removal efficiency of RIBOF increased with the increase of initial pH levels, and it reached up to 70% at initial pH 10. Considering the PZC (point of zero charge) of the RIBOF (pH 4.5), it was hardly expected that the electrical adsorption of As-oxyanion on surface of the RIBOF at initial pH of 4-10. Nevertheless it was observed that As-oxyanion was linked to the Fe-oxide on the RIBOF surface by the cation bridge effect of divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mn2+, and Fe2+. The surface of RIBOF became stronger negatively charged, the cation bridge effect was more strictly enforced, and more As can be fixed on the RIBOF surface. However, the Ca-products start to precipitate on the surface at pH 10-11 or higher and they even prevent the surface adsorption of As-oxyanion by Fe-oxide. The TCLP test was performed to evaluate the stability of As fixed on the surface of the residual slag after the batch experiment. Results supported that RDBOF and RIBOF firmly fixed As over the wide pH levels, by considering their As desorption rate of less than 2%. From the results of this study, it was proved that both residual slags can be used as an eco-friendly and low-cost As remover with high As removal efficiency and high stability and they also overcome the pH increase in solution, which is the disadvantage of existing steelmaking slag as an As remover.

Studies on the Physical and Chemical Denatures of Cocoon Bave Sericin throughout Silk Filature Processes (제사과정 전후에서의 견사세리신의 물리화학적 성질변화에 관한 연구)

  • 남중희
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-48
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    • 1974
  • The studies were carried out to disclose the physical and chemical properties of sericin fraction obtained from silk cocoon shells and its characteristics of swelling and solubility. The following results were obtained. 1. The physical and chemical properties of sericin fraction. 1) In contrast to the easy water soluble sericin, the hard soluble sericin contains fewer amino acids include of polar side radical while the hard soluble amino acid sach as alanine and leucine were detected. 2) The easy soluble amino acids were found mainly on the outer part of the fibroin, but the hard soluble amino acids were located in the near parts to the fibroin. 3) The swelling and solubility of the sericin could be hardly assayed by the analysis of the amino acid composition, and could be considered to tee closely related to the compound of the sericin crystal and secondary structure. 4) The X-ray patterns of the cocoon filament were ring shape, but they disappeared by the degumming treatment. 5) The sericin of tussah silkworm (A. pernyi), showed stronger circular patterns in the meridian than the regular silkworm (Bombyx mori). 6) There was no pattern difference between Fraction A and B. 7) X-ray diffraction patterns of the Sericin 1, ll and 111 were similar except interference of 8.85A (side chain spacing). 8) The amino acids above 150 in molecular weight such as Cys. Tyr. Phe. His. and Arg. were not found quantitatively by the 60 minutes-hydrolysis (6N-HCI). 9) The X-ray Pattern of 4.6A had a tendency to disappear with hot-water, ether, and alcohol treatment. 10) The partial hydrolysis of sericin showed a cirucular interference (2A) on the meridian. 11) The sericin pellet after hydrolysis was considered to be peptides composed with specific amino acids. 12) The decomposing temperature of Sericin 111 was higher than that of Sericin I and II. 13) Thermogram of the inner portioned sericin of the cocoon shell had double endothermic peaks at 165$^{\circ}C$, and 245$^{\circ}C$, and its decomposing temperature was higher than that of other portioned sericin. 14) The infrared spectroscopic properties among sericin I, II, III and sericin extracted from each layer portion of the cocoon shell were similar. II. The characteristics of seriein swelling and solubility related with silk processing. 1) Fifteen minutes was required to dehydrate the free moisture of cocoon shells with centrifugal force controlled at 13${\times}$10$^4$ dyne/g at 3,000 R.P.M. B) It took 30 minutes for the sericin to show positive reaction with the Folin-Ciocaltue reagent at room temperature. 3) The measurable wave length of the visible radiation was 500-750m${\mu}$, and the highest absorbance was observed at the wave length of 650m${\mu}$. 4) The colorimetric analysis should be conducted at 650mu for low concentration (10$\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$), and at 500m${\mu}$ for the higher concentration to obtain an exact analysis. 5) The absorbing curves of sericin and egg albumin at different wave lengths were similar, but the absorbance of the former was slightly higher than that of the latter. 6) The quantity of the sericin measured by the colorimetric analysis, turned out to be less than by the Kjeldahl method. 7) Both temperature and duration in the cocoon cooking process has much effect on the swelling and solubility of the cocoon shells, but the temperature was more influential than the duration of the treatment. 8) The factorial relation between the temperature and the duration of treatment of the cocoon cooking to check for siricin swelling and solubility showed that the treatment duration should be gradually increased to reach optimum swelling and solubility of sericin with low temperature(70$^{\circ}C$) . High temperature, however, showed more sharp increase. 9) The more increased temperature in the drying of fresh cocoons, the less the sericin swelling and solubility were obtained. 10) In a specific cooking duration, the heavier the cocoon shell is, the less the swelling and solubility were obtained. 11) It was considered that there are differences in swelling or solubility between the filaments of each cocoon layer. 12) Sericin swelling or solubility in the cocoon filament was decreased by the wax extraction.. 13) The ionic surface active agent accelerated the swelling and solubility of the sericin at the range of pH 6-7. 14) In the same conditions as above, the cation agent was absorbed into the sericin. 15) In case of the increase of Ca ang Mg in the reeling water, its pH value drifted toward the acidity. 16) A buffering action was observed between the sericin and the water hardness constituents in the reeling water. 17) The effect of calcium on the swelling and solubility of the sericin was more moderate than that of magnecium. 18) The solute of the water hardness constituents increased the electric conductivity in the reeling water.

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Effect of Different PE Mulching Duration on the Competition Ability of Sesame Growing in Association with Various Weed Communities (비닐피복기간(被覆期間)이 잡초군락형성(雜草群落形成)에 참깨의 경합력(競合力)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, J.I.;Kang, C.W.;Kwon, Y.W.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1986
  • This experiment was conducted to determine the influence of weed competition in sesame and the periods for weed control. Competition periods (days), for which sesame was seeded under transparent polyethylene film at May 15, were 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, and full growth season of sesame. Weed control periods (days), for which sesame was seeded under black polyethylene film at June 15, were 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, and full growth season of sesame. Dominant weeds were Ponulaca oleracea, Digitaria sanguinalis, Acalypha australis, L. Cyperus arnuricus, Arenaria aesrphllifolia, Cardamine flexucosa, Mollugo Stricta and Digitaria eschaemum. The number of weeds was maximum at the 30 days after planting. Broad leaf weeds were dominant than grass weeds, and then decreased the total number of weeds by the reason of major decrease of broad leaf weeds. However, the weight of weeds increased continuously. No weeds appeared until the 15 days after planting and the weight of broad leaf weeds was heavier than that of grass weeds until 45 days after planting. However, grass weeds were heavier than broad leaf weeds after 60 days after planting. The hazards of weeds on the growth and development appeared seriously from the 60 to 75 days after planting, but main yield reduction appeared from 30 days after planting. Therefore once more hand weeding should be practiced within 30 days after planting to minimize yield decrease. Serious hazards by weed growing appeared by removing black PE film after 15 to 30 days after planting in growth characteristics and 30 days later in grain yield. Leaf growth showed maximum from 45 to 60 days after planting and then decreased as compared with the continuous increase of stem and root in optimum planting, transparent PE film mulch and hand weeding. Leaf growth didn't show reducing in PE film mulch and weedy check but total weight of weeds increased and growth of sesame decreased as compared to PE film mulch and hand weeding. Leaf, stem and root growth of sesame, and weed weight under black PE film mulch showed same tendancy and lower growth of sesame as compared with optimum planting, transparent PE film mulch. Correlation between sesame yield and weeds weight were r =$ -0.874^{**}$ in the optimum planting and r = $-0.712^{**}$ in the late planting, so that the more weeds increase, the lesser sesame yield.

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A Study on the Excavated Sab(a funeral fan) from Lime-filled Tomb and Lime-layered Tomb during the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 회격·회곽묘 출토 삽(翣)에 대한 고찰)

  • Yi, Seung Hae;An, Bo Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2008
  • Sap(?, a funeral fan) is a funeral ceremonial object used in association with a Confucian ceremonial custom, which was crafted by making a wooden frame, attaching a white cloth or a thick paper onto it, drawing pictures on it, and making a holder for a handle. According to Liji(Records of Rites), Sap was used since the Zhou Dynasty, and these Chinese Sap examples are no big different than the Korean Sap examples, which were described in Joseon Wangjo Sillok(Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), Gukjo Oryeui(the Five Rites of the State), and Sarye Pyeollam(Handbook on Four Rituals). This study explored Sap excavated in lime-filled tombs and lime-layered tombs of aristocrats dating back to Joseon, as well as their historical records to examine Sap's characteristics according to their examples, manufacturing methods, and use time. The number and designs of Sap varied according to the deceased' social status aristocrats used mainly one pair of 亞-shaped Bulsap, and a pair of Hwasap with a cloud design depicted on it. A Sap was wrapped twice with Chojuji paper or Jeojuji paper, and for the third time with Yeonchangji paper. Then, it was covered with a white ramie, a hemp, a cotton, a silk satin, etc. Bobul(an axe shape and 亞-shape design) was drawn on both sides of Sap, and a rising current of cloud was drawn at the peripheral area mainly with red or scarlet pigments. Sap, which were excavated from aristocrats'lime-filled and lime-layered tombs, are the type of Sap which were separated from its handle. These excavated Sap are those whose long handles were burnt during the death carriage procession, leaving Sap, which later were erected on both sides of the coffin. The manufacturing process of excavated relics can be inferred by examining them. The excavated relics are classified into those with three points and those with two points according to the number of point. Of the three-point type(Type I), there is the kind of relic that was woven into something like a basket by using a whole wood plate or cutting bamboo into flat shapes. The three-point Sap was concentrated comparatively in the early half of Joseon, and was manufactured with various methods compared with its rather unified overall shape. In the meantime, the two-point Sap was manufactured with a relatively formatted method; its body was manufactured in the form of a rectangle or a reverse trapezoid, and then its upper parts with two points hanging from them were connected, and the top surface was made into a curve(Type II) or a straight line(Type III) differentiating it from the three-point type. This manufacturing method, compared with that of the three-point type, is simple, but is not greatly different from the three-point type manufacturing method. In particular, the method of crafting the top surface into a straight line has been used until today. Of the examined 30 Sap examples, those whose production years were made known from the buried persons'death years inscribed on the tomb stones, were reexamined, indicating that type I was concentrated in the first half of the $16^{th}$ century. Type II spanned from the second half of the $16^{th}$ century to the second half of the $17^{th}$ century, and type III spanned from the first half of the $17^{th}$ century to the first half of the $18^{th}$ century. The shape of Sap is deemed to have changed from type I to type II and again from type II to type III In the $17^{th}$ century, which was a time of change, types II and III coexisted. Of the three types of Sap, types II and III re similar because they have two points; thus a noteworthy transit time is thought to have been the middle of the $16^{th}$ century. Type I compared with types II and III is thought to have required more efforts and skills in the production process, and as time passed, the shape and manufacturing methods of Sap are presumed to have been further simplified according to the principle of economy. The simplification of funeral ceremonies is presumed to have been furthered after Imjinwaeran(Japanese invasion of Joseon, 1592~1598), given that as shown in the Annals of King Seonjo, state funerals were suspended several times. In the case of Sap, simplification began from the second half of the $16^{th}$ century, and even in the $18^{th}$ century, rather than separately crafting Sap, Sap was directly drawn on the coffin cover and the coffin. However, in this simplification of form, regulations on the use of Sap specified in Liji were observed, and thus the ceremony was rationally simplified.