• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경찰역할

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Relationship between a Role Ambiguity·Conflict and Job Satisfaction, Job Performance on Role of Tourism Police Officers (관광경찰 역할에 대한 역할모호성·역할갈등과 업무만족, 업무수행도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Sang-Woon;Cho, Seung-A
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2015
  • The tourism police force has been established on 16th October 2013 for foreign tourists' safety and security. The major roles of tourism police officers were provided a crime prevention patrol and maintenance of order in tourist destination, a clampdown on illegal activities for foreign tourists, a controlling for overcharging of restaurants accommodations taxi, an administrative guidance and controls on tourism industry and worker in union relative organ like the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism local government. However, the roles of tourism police officers overlap the work of general police officers and work of tourism police officers need a cooperative business with relative organs. It is caused a role ambiguity conflict between tourism police officers and general police officers. The object of this study is to improve the tourism police system through investigate a perceived gap of role ambiguity conflict between tourism police officers and general police officers and influencing relationship of role ambiguity conflict between job Satisfaction and job Performance.

자율운항선박 상용화에 따른 해양경찰 임무 변화에 관한 연구

  • 장우태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.228-229
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    • 2023
  • 인공지능, 센서, Iot, 빅데이터 등 미래기술을 활용한 자율운항선박 상용화에 따른 세계적인 동향과 기술을 연구하고, 해양에서의 중추적 역할을 수행하는 해양경찰에 미칠 변화의 영향을 분석하여, 나아가 해양경찰 교육 환경의 개선방안을 연구하였다.

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The Role of Police in the Event of a Social Disaster According to Police Disaster Management Rules (경찰 재난관리 규칙에 따른 사회재난 발생 시 경찰의 역할)

  • Ahn, Kyewon;Oh, Hangil;Na, Yeji
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.295-296
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    • 2023
  • 2023년 우리나라에 발생한 재난은 남부지방의 가뭄, 태풍 카눈에 의한 폭우, 7월~9월 폭염 등의 자연재난과 4월 5일 분당 정자교 붕괴, 4월 29일 검단신도시 붕괴사고, 7월 13일 대구 염색산업단지 황산 누출 등의 사회재난이 발생하였다. 이전 2022년에는 022년 10월 29일, 서울 이태원역 부근에 대규모 인파가 한번에 몰리며 압사사고가 발생하여 159명이 목숨을 잃고 196명의 부상자가 발생하였다. 이처럼 다양한 형태로 발생하는 재난에 대하여 우리나라는 「헌법」과 「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」에서 재난으로부터 국민의 생명·신체 및 재산과 국가의 피해를 줄이기 위해 노력하여야 한다고 명시하고 있다. 재난은 다양한 특성을 지니고 있으며, 학자들의 일반적 견해는 누적성, 불확실성, 복잡성, 인지성 등의 특성을 들고 있다(재난관리론, 2020). 특히, 사회재난은 발생위치, 시점, 피해, 규모를 예측하기가 상대적으로 매우 어렵기에(장대원 외, 2019) 불확실성의 특성을 강하게 보여주고 있다. 이러한 사회재난의 특성은 자연재난과 비교하여 사람들에게 물리적·심리적 영향을 크게 미칠 뿐만 아니라 단기간에 회복하기 어려운 특성을 지닌다(신재헌 외, 2020). 이에 대하여 많은 국민들은 심각한 사회재난이 발생할 때마다 정부차원의 적극적 재난관리 및 통제능력 향상을 요구하고 있으나, 사회재난 특성 상 특정 기관 중심으로 대응하기에는 많은 어려움이 있다(신재헌 외, 2020). 우리나라 경찰은 2021년 7월부터 자치경찰제도를 실시하며 국민의 생명·신체 및 재산의 보호, 범죄예방, 수사 및 질서유지업무 이외에 국민들의 봉사·서비스 행정 요구의 증대로 인한 적극적·능동적 경찰활동으로 변화하게 되었다(조호대, 2014). 이에 따라 경찰은 경찰의 재난관리체계를 확립하고, 경찰의 재난관리에 관한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 2012년 「경찰 재난관리규칙」을 제정하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 경찰의 재난 발생 시 역할이 무엇이며, 특히 사회재난 시 경찰의 적극적 대응 방안은 무엇인가에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다.

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ANOVA Analysis on the Role Perception by Work Characteristics of Female Police Officers (여성경찰관의 근무특성에 따른 역할인식차이에 관한 ANOVA분석 - 수사분야 등 경찰목표 달성을 위한 역할 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-Gon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.360-367
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    • 2009
  • This study has aimed at establishing of the new administration scheme related to the goal of police like the investigation division through analyses of differences on the role perception of female police officers. In a related matter, work characteristics include ranks, working areas, working priods and the dependent variables of the role perception of female police officers are composed of 3 items like task role, group maintenance role and individual role. As a result, the differences by ranks, working areas, working priods that were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA showed significant differences in the each dependent variables. The results showed that the female police officers whose ranks were higher, who had been employed longer, and whose working areas were places where the cases occurred a lot more showed great point in mean value not only on task role but also on group maintenance role. The result of the study suggests a direction to achieve the best efficacy of police duties such as a criminal investigation, the prevention of crime and presents an useful indication to redefine the role.

A Study on Effective Peacekeeping Activities of Korean Police in International Conflict Areas (국제 분쟁지역에서 한국경찰의 효과적인 평화유지활동에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2020
  • Peacekeeping operations (PKO), which were based mainly on military operations in the Cold War era, have become diverse in the post-Cold War era. The history of the PKO of Korean police began in 1994 as two policemen were deployed to Somalia for rebuilding law and order in this country, but the role of Korean police in PKO has been limited so far, compared to that of Korean military. At this point when global conflicts escalate does the UN urge its 193 member states to conduct diverse PKO. In particular, maintaining law and order as the primary duty of police is required strictly for law enforcement while the warring country is being rebuilt. In this regard, some member states such as US, China, and Germany have deployed police force in order to play its role in a direct or indirect manner. On the contrary, the extent of the contribution of Korean police in PKO is too insignificant to measure. To this end, here in the present study were analyzed first the trend of global conflicts and the circumstance of law and order in the conflict regions. Then the PKO of police from countries including Republic of Korea, US, China, and Germany were compared, and so was the chronological change of PKO. Last, a measure to expand the capacity of Korean police and for its active role in PKO was proposed.

A Study on the Role of the National Police Agency Library Analyzed from a Macroscopic Perspective: Focusing on PEST Analysis (거시적 관점으로 분석한 경찰청 도서관 역할에 관한 연구: PEST 분석을 중심으로)

  • Roh, Yoon-ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2021
  • In 2021, the Korean National Police Agency is facing a critical time as it meets a period of drastic changes such as the introduction of autonomous police system, the reform of its criminal investigation system, and its great transformation to a truly responsible investigative agency in keeping with the inauguration of the National Office of Investigation. This study carries out PEST analysis, which is a macro environmental analysis technique, and examines the current situation of operating the libraries of metropolitan-city and provincial police agencies and affiliated institutions, in order to suggest the role and function of the Korean National Police Agency's libraries in the fourth industrial revolution era. Based on the findings, this study classifies the essential components of a library into facilities, books, and librarians, i.e. spatial composition, book composition, and human resources, in addition to library operational governance establishment and future-oriented library services; and proposes the future-oriented roles of the National Police Agency's libraries in the fourth industrial revolution era.

A Study on the Improvement of Educational Systems for Korea National Maritime Police Agency (한국해양경찰 교육제도의 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 윤종휘;국승기;이은방;임재동;고성정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2003
  • To improve the educational system of Korea Maritime Police Agency(KMPA), the authors investigate and evaluate the present course and curricula in details comparing with the systems of US Coast Guard and Japanese Coast Guard As a result, it is suggested that KMPA try to recruit good-quality officers through the diverse route, develop the future-oriented educational, system, adjust the course and curricula to meet KMPA's role and mission for 21st century. Besides, it requires that KMPA establishes its own institute to carry out the recruit training and re-freshening courses for both the officers and enlisted person.

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A Study on Improvement of The Police Selection Process (경찰공무원의 임용시험제도 개선방안)

  • Han, sang-am
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.227-229
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    • 2010
  • 오늘날 강학상 의미의 형식적 조직의 조건을 충족하고 있는 유기체들이 가장 크게 관심을 갖는 영역의 인사관리 분야는 단연 우수 신임자 확보와 관련된 것이라 할 수 있다. 공무원 조직도 물론 이러한 경향성에 예외가 될 수 없다. 따라서 경찰 역시 이에 대한 많은 관심을 기울여 왔다. 특히 민주화 이후 경찰의 역할에 대한 서비스 지향적인 내외적 욕구를 극대화시키기 위해 경찰관 개인역량의 중요성은 더욱 증대되고에 있다고 할 수있다. 본 연구는 현재까지 경찰조직 내 우수자원 유입을 위한 다양한 논의들 중에서 임용시험의 개선을 통한 접근에 집중하여 소개하고 있다.

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A Study on the Role of Police for the Crime Victims Protection (범죄피해자 보호를 위한 경찰의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Seung-gyoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.83-84
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    • 2012
  • 현대사회 환경의 변화와 개인생활의 복잡 다양화는 시민의 안전한 삶을 위협하는 요인들로 특히 범죄피해를 당하게 되면 피해당사자는 정신적 물질적으로 회복이 힘들고 피해의식과 두려운 기억에 의한 원만한 대인관계의 불가능이나 가족과 친지에게도 큰 상처를 남기게 된다. 경찰의 국민보호는 기본 임무이며, 주요 임무 중 하나인 수사도 국민보호의 차원에서 이루어지고 있는 활동임에도 이러한 경찰활동은 피해자의 신뢰와 협력 없이는 목적을 이룰 수 없으므로 이들 범죄피해자를 위하여 경찰에서도 적극적인 노력을 기울여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 경찰의 범죄피해자 보호 실태와 문제점의 주된 내용을 살펴보고, 그에 대한 대책을 살펴보도록 한다.

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Police Networks for Criminal Intelligence Functions: Based on Informal Social Network Analysis (경찰 범죄정보 수집 활동의 관계망 분석: 비공식적 사회연결망 분석을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Yeong Jin;Yang, Chang Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.448-459
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the necessities of gathering, producing, and sharing criminal information are critically important as intelligence functions of police agencies to improving public safety and national security. However, the inadequacies and barriers within which police agencies have in regard to intelligence functions impede criminal information gathering, intelligence producing within their agency, and intelligence sharing with other agencies. In this study, we analyzed informal networks constructed from a survey dataset of information and intelligence sharing among officers in police agencies. The results revealed the different structural properties of intelligence networks between police agencies. We did find that officers with high indegree and outdegree in a network played critical role on the dynamics and degree of intelligence gathering and assessment responsibilities. Finally, we could find evidence that the potential role of intermediary triggered relational dynamics for developing and sharing critical information among all police agencies.