• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경제적 합리성

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Estimation of the Optimum Number of Rail Cars to Increase the Benefit (철도편익 증대를 위한 소요차량수 산정 방안)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Tae;Lee, Jin-Sun;Park, Bum-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2010
  • Investment in railroad, it is very important to find a way to increase a benefit to make the economic efficiency more positive, but is also considering that the cost will be higher. In this paper, we suggest a optimized model for increasing the benefit of railroad business considering of stopping patterns. According to existing analytical method, the operation hour is calculated based on that scenario regarding that it stops at all major stations but it does not fit the actual operation conditions. Considering various stopping patterns can be reasonably calculated the cost for required rail cars in the planning stages, and can also affect economic efficiency in a positive way.

Muti-Objective Design Optimization of Self-Compacting Concrete using CCD Experimental Design and Weighted Multiple Objectives Considering Cost-Effectiveness (비용효율을 고려한 자기 충전형 콘크리트의 CCD 실험설계법 및 가중 다목적성 기반 다목적설계최적화(MODO))

  • Do, Jeongyun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.26-38
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    • 2020
  • Mixture design of self-compacting concrete is a typical multi-criteria decision making problem and conventional mixture designs are based on the low level engineering method like trials and errors through iteration method to satisfy the various requirements. This study concerns with performing the straightforward multiobjective design optimization of economic SCC mixture considering relative importances of the various requirements and cost-effectives of SCC. Total five requirements of 28day compressive strength, filling ability, segregation stability, material cost and mass were taken into consideration to prepare the objective function to be formulated in form of the weighted-multiobjective mixture design optimization problem. Economic SCC mixture computational design can be given in a rational way which considering material costs and the relative importances of the requiremets and from the result of this study it is expected that the development of SCC mixtue computational design and the consequent univeral concrete material design optimization methodology can be advanced.

저축(貯蓄)의 대체성(代替性)과 재정정책(財政政策)의 유효성(有效性)

  • Lee, Gye-Sik
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 1988
  • 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 목적(目的)은 우리나라의 1963~86년도 자료를 사용하여 소비(消費) 및 가계저축함수(家計貯蓄函數)를 추정함으로써 가계(家計), 기업(企業), 정부저축(政府貯蓄) 등 세 부문의 저축(貯蓄) 사이에 어떠한 관계, 즉 어느 정도의 대체관계(代替關係)가 있는가를 판별하고 정부저축(政府貯蓄)과 정부재정지출(政府財政支出) 등의 변수(變數)로 표시되는 재정정책(財政政策)의 구축효과(驅逐效果)와 이에 따른 재정정책(財政政策)의 유효성(有效性) 혹은 무력성(無力性) 문제(問題)를 분석하고자 함에 있다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 분석결과에 의하면 기업저축(企業貯蓄)과 정부저축(政府貯蓄)은 가계저축(家計貯蓄)과 대체관계(代替關係)가 아닌 보완관계(補完關係)를 갖는 것으로 나타난다. 이는 일국전체(一國全體)의 자본형성(資本形成)에 있어서 기업(企業) 및 정부저축(政府貯蓄)이 매우 중요한 정책변수(政策變數)임을 시사하는 것으로 가계저축율(家計貯蓄率), 나아가 국내저축율(國內貯蓄率)의 제고(提高) 및 유지(維持)를 위해 기업저축증대(企業貯蓄增大)를 위한 제반유인정책(諸般誘因政策)을 꾸준히 강화하고 정부저축증대(政府貯蓄增大)를 위한 효율적이고 건전한 재정운용(財政運用)이 지속되어야 할 것이다. 한편 정부재정지출(政府財政支出)은 적자(赤字)에 의하는 조세(租稅)에 의하든 민간소비(民間消費)를 큰 폭으로 증가시키는 것으로 나타나 가계(家計)의 초합리성가설(初合理性假說)이나 완전(完全)한 선견가설(先見假說)이 상정하는 바와 같이 재정정책(財政政策)의 완전(完全)한 구축효과(驅逐效果)가 나타남에 따른 재정정책(財政政策)의 무력성(無力性) 결과(結果)와 대조적으로 우리나라의 재정정책(財政政策)이 그동안 경제안정(經濟安定)을 위한 강력한 정책수단(政策手段)으로서의 역할을 수행해 왔음을 보여주고 있다.

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Do Korean Universities Consider Alphabetical Authorship in Economics in Faculty Research Evaluation? (경제학 분야 교수 연구업적 평가 시 알파벳 순 저자표기 반영실태 분석)

  • Lee, Jongwook;Suh, Hyunduk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.7-26
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    • 2017
  • There has been growing interest in the methods for measuring the credits of individual authors in multi-authored research papers in response to the increase of research collaboration. Having a good understanding for academic norms of individual discipline is essential to measure author credit effectively. However, many Korean universities do not consider different norms for determining the order of authors across disciplines. Rather, they tend to use a standardized method to assess the credits of authors in multi-authored papers. Therefore, this study presented some problems of applying a standardized method to measure author credits in multi-authored papers in economics. The findings of this study confirmed the frequent use of alphabetical author order in economics papers; however, many university guidelines for research evaluation do not take account the alphabetical authorship in measuring the credits of authors. The authors suggest the needs for (1) establishment of a clear definition for primary authors, (2) flexibility in assessment methods for author credit, and (3) empirical research on author credit.

The Economics of GHP and EHP and the Countermeasures to Alleviate Winter Electricity Peaks (GHP와 EHP의 경제성 및 동계 전력피크 대응방안)

  • Yun, Won-Cheol;Sonn, Yang-Hoon
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.381-398
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    • 2011
  • Recently, electricity peaks have frequently occurred in winter, and the concerns about failure in power supply are soaring. One of reasons is due to the increase in industrial demand with economic recovery, and the increases in household and commercial demand with unusual cold waves are spotted as a primary cause. Especially, the diffusion of electricity heat pumps (EHP) has led to the rapid increase in commercial electricity demand. The EHP diffusion is mainly associated with low electricity tariff and cheaper heating and cooling costs compared to those of gas-engine heat pumps (GHP). The problem is that distorted electricity tariff and herd behaviour toward heating and cooling devices could bring about nation-wide inefficiencies in resource allocation. The key countermeasures are as follows. The electricity tariff should be readjusted to a realistic level. The tariff scheme should be so modified that consumers rationally respond to the tariff. In addition, one should find ways to effectively manage electricity demand.

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A Framework of Interpretating (de)Centralized Landscape : an Interaction of Power, Subjectivity, and Performativity ((탈)중심화 경관의 해석을 위한 틀 : 권력, 주체성, 수행성)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg;Ha, Yong-Sam;Bae, Yoon-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2010
  • This study is to make a framework of newly interpretating the dynamic change of regional or local landscape rapidly occurred after the establishment of the nation state and capitalistic system. The basic concepts of making an interpretative framework are power, subjectivity, and performativity. The framework of closely interrelating the three concepts developed in the near future will be applied to the interpretation of variety of (de)centralized landscapes in regions or locals. A centralized political power under the nation state has destroyed or marginalized the historically developed landscapes, traditional culture, and subjects' values in regions or locals by the political implementation of the nation state, the establishment of national identity, a centralized economic development, and so on. The landscapes produced by the political power of the nation state can take a role as a cause of conflicts in regions or locals in terms of a historical perspective. Landscapes are being made by various subjects, and the produced landscapes also positively or negatively will influence the emotion, cognition, and behavior of the subjects particularly in a performative perspective. The dynamics interrelation between subjects and landscapes has been disguised or marginalized by reason/rationality, totality/collectivity, the separation between reason and emotion mainly made by modernism, the nation state, a capitalistic system. The interrelation between landscapes and subjects is especially emphasized on people's resistibility and creativity. Lastly, landscape is not a concept given as a priori or (re)presented objectively. It is not also a material or an object independently existed from a subject's emotion and cognition. It should be interpreted through a performative relation with subjects. Performativity will take an active role of combining the materiality of landscape, power, and subjectivity. It is also important to understand the active role of landscapes.

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Progamers' Labor Postmodern Mode, Modern Ethics (프로게이머의 노동 탈근대적 양식, 근대적 윤리)

  • Pang, Huikyong;Won, Yong-jin
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.74
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    • pp.7-37
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    • 2015
  • The study explores how the discourses on game addiction, which emphasize diligence and sincerity for labor and self-control, and professional gamers, who are trapped in pleasures of playing games in the virtual world, cohabit in Korean society. Progamers have grown from entertainment industry enlarged along with the current of the economic 'postmodernization,' mentioned by Hardt and Negri(1997; 2001; 2004). Hardt and Negri have elaborated on the economic postmodernization with the notion 'immaterial labor,' which blurs the line between economic (instrumental) actions and humane qualities as well as pertains to the potentiality of resistant practices against the power of modernity. From this perspective, progamers' labor is understood as 'affective labor,' an aspect of immaterial labor with the potentiality of resistance. However, meticulous examination of progamers' labor in this study reveals that progamers control their affects systematically, strategically, and rationally for their materialistic success. Progamers, while performing postmodern mode of labor, are subordinate to modern work ethics, which lead them to lose the potentiality of resistance. Consequently, while the discourses on game addiction and progamers outwardly form sharp contrast to each other, the two indeed are placed in tandem in the vein of modern work ethics of Protestantism.

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Decision Making Support System for Water Supply Facilities Planning using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 상수도(上水道) 계획(計劃) 의사결정(意思決定) 지원(支援)시스템 연구(硏究))

  • Ha, Sung-Ryung;Kim, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 1995
  • In pipeline planning, the systematic and reasonal management of topographical and spatial data are needed in order to omprove the availibilities for data analysis and the effective combinations of spatial informations. According to that fact, DBMS (Database Management System) and DSS(Decision making Support System) have to be developed for the planning of water supply system Also, the economic selection for harmonious delivery of water to target area, since the alternatives of pre-designed pipeline are influenced by hydraulic stability and geographic characteristics. In this study, GIS technique for water supply planning and management which stores graphic features and attributes as digital data sets is considered and engineering application programs are integrated for effective planning of water supply system. Decision making support system based on analyzing technical, Social and economical aspects is developed for the extension of water supply facilities and pipeline configurations. Especially, Hydraulic, land-use and economic influences are considered as important factors for the purpose of developing the system. Hydraulic analysis program(SAPID) for pipeline flow which is already developed in Water Resources Research Institute and economic analysis program(ECOVEL) are integrated with GIS for resonable decision making. Every possible aspects in pipeline planning for water supply is reviewed and the applicabilities of developed system into the field are evaluated.

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An application of contractor′s risk to the premium rate of CAR (건설공사보험요율 합리화를 위한 수급자위험도 적용방안)

  • Lee Hwa Young;Kim Yang Taek;Koo Kyo Jin;Hyun Chang Taek
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.4 no.1 s.13
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2003
  • Nowadays, as construction projects become bigger, the probability of construction accidents is higher than any other day. When construction accidents break out, we may suffer from the loss of life and property. For preventing these damages, there is lawed that some public constructions have to insure Contractor's all risks insurance policy (CAR), However, CAR is used to preventing the insured from the loss of construction accidents, it is debated that the premium rate of CAR is not fair to the insured (contractors) The objects of this thesis are as follows Firstly, the fairness of the premium rate of CAR is reviewed, and then the amount of risk of the insured evaluates and applies to the premium rate. Secondly, the development direction of components for evaluating the amount of risk of the insured is presented in the research. Lastly, how to use the team which assesses the risk of the insured and construction works is proposed for deciding reasonably the premium rate of CAR

Structural Cost Optimization Techniques for High-rise Buildings Frame Systems Using High-strength Steels (고강도강재를 사용한 건물골조방식 초고층건물의 구조비용 최적화)

  • Seo, Ji-Hyun;Kwon, Bong-Keun;Kim, Sang-Bum;Park, Hyo-Seon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2009
  • Use of high-strength steel members in building of high-rise buildings and large scale structures is expected to increase the effectiveness of structural design by reducing the weight and cost of structures. So far, high-strength steel members have been used in a very limited way because it is hard to select the proper strengths of steel members in a systematic way with the consideration of the structural cost. In this paper, therefore, a structural optimization technique based on Genetic algorithm is developed for effective use of high-strength steel members in structural design of high-rise buildings with the form of building frame system. The stability and efficiency of the technique is evaluated by using to a 35-story building. As a result, a stable and reliable optimal solution was obtained with a difference of 2.63% between individual and mean optimal structural costs.