• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경사계

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Comparison of Inclinometer with Universal Goniometer in Evaluating Cervical and Lumbar Spine and Shoulder Range of Motion (경추, 요추, 견관절의 운동 범위 평가에 있어서 경사계와 각도기의 비교)

  • Byun, Hyuk;Kim, Sun-Woong;Kim, Kap-Sung;Kim, Woo-Young;Baek, Seung-Tae;Choi, Sun-Mi;Lee, Seung-Deok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2006
  • 목적 : 경사계와 각도기로 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 운동 범위를 반복 측정하여 두 도구의 측정자내 신뢰도 우위를 추정하여 보고자 하였다. 방법 : 각 관절에 별다른 증상이 없는 104명의 학생들을 대상으로 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 능동 운동 범위를 경사계와 각도기로 각 도구 당 2회씩 측정하였다. 측정하기 바로 전에, 한 명의 교육자가 경사계와 각도기를 이용한 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 운동 범위 측정 방법을 교육하였다. 104명은 두 명 씩 쌍을 이룬 후 각도기, 경사계, 각도기, 경사계를 이용하는 순서로 서로의 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 운동 범위를 측정하였다. 결과 : 견관절의 수평 외전과 외회전에서 경사계의 측정값이 각도기의 측정값보다 통계적으로 의미 있게 안정적으로 반복되었다(P<0.05, 독립 이 표본 t-검정). 결론 : 견관절의 운동 범위 측정에 있어서 경사계가 각도기보다 높은 측정자내 신뢰도를 가지는 것으로 추정되어, 경사계와 각도기의 신뢰도를 급간내 상관 계수(intraclass correlation coefficient)를 이용하여 비교해보는 연구의 예비 조사로서 실시된 이번 연구의 결과는 향후 시행될 연구에 있어서 견관절의 운동 범위 측정에 보다 집중적인 연구를 진행할 수 있는 근거를 마련하였다.

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Development of MEMS Inclinometer Sensor System (MEMS형 경사계 센서의 유효성 평가)

  • Ha, Dae Woong;Kim, Jong Moon;Park, Hyo Seon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.271-274
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    • 2013
  • Inclinometer sensors are widely applied in many fields. Especially in the field of construction of high-rise buildings also measure the horizontal and vertical help has been applied to monitor. Recent micro electro-mechanical system(MEMS) technology with the development of the many sensors have been developed. In this paper, a MEMS inclinometer is based on a MEMS accelerometer. The sensor can measure the angle of inclination using the relationship between static acceleration and gravity acceleration from an accelerometer. From this principle, inclinometer has been developed that has more accurate. The accuracy is proved by the experiment with laser displacement. Results in the experiment express high-accuracy, stability and economics of MEMS inclinometer. In conclusion, wireless MEMS inclinometer sensor is expected to be applicable in the areas of construction and many other industries with accurate and convenient monitoring system.

Conversion of 3-Component Magnetic Data into Geodetic Coordinate System by Using Clinometer and GNSS Compass (경사계와 GNSS 나침반을 이용한 3성분 자력 탐사자료의 측지 좌표계로의 변환 방법)

  • Jeon, Tae-Hwan;Rim, Hyoungrea;Park, Young-Sue;Lim, Muteak;Shin, Young-Hong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2013
  • This study proposes a method to correct inclination of instrument during exploration with a biaxial clinometer and GNSS compass. In 3-component magnetometry, measured vectors are ordinarily described in randomly inclined observation coordinate system due to movement, vibration, and shaking of instrument. Therefore, rotation angles of observation plane are needed to transform it into geodetic coordinate system. In this study, we measured inclination angles of observation plane by using 2-axis clinometer and GNSS compass, and derived proper parameters for rotational transform from them. We applied the conversion method to on-board 3-component magnetometry, and then transformed raw data into proper values on geodetic coordinate system.

GM performance of the characteristics study by ship type for the stability support platform of the electronic inclinometer (전자식 경사계의 안정성 지원 플랫폼을 위한 선종별 GM 성능 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Joung;Jeon, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1920-1926
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    • 2021
  • The electronic inclinometer can measure and print various output data related to the ship's heel, rolling cycle, and amplitude. The electronic inclinometer that can support ship stability judgment is equipped with a platform that supports stability for recovery performance, so it is possible to provide data even for small ships that lack ship stability judgment information. GM is an important factor in determining stability, and each type of ship has different GM scope. The purpose of this paper is to analyze GM according to the type of target ship and to review for a stable GM proposal. In addition, it is expected that GM data for each ship type will be embedded in the electronic inclinometer for ship that meets international standards, and will be used as data for securing and reviewing GM for strengthening ship safety

Moire-Fringe-Based Fiber Optic Tiltmeter for Structural Health Monitoring (구조물 건전성 감시를 위한 무아레식 광섬유 경사계 센서 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a novel fiber optic tiltmeter system for the health monitoring of large-size structures. The system is composed of a sensor head, a light control unit and a signal processing unit. The sensing mechanism of the sensor head is based on a novel integration of the moire fringe phenomenon with fiber optics to achieve a robust performance in addition to its immunity to EM interference, easy ratting, and low cost. In this paper, a prototype of the fiber optic tiltmeter system has been developed successfully. A low-cost light control unit has been developed to drive the system's optic and electronic components. From an experimental test, the fiber optic tiltmeter is proven to be a prospective sensor for the monitoring of the tilting angle of civil structure with a good linearity. Finally, the test also successfully demonstrates the performance and the potential of the novel fiber optic tiltmeter system to monitor the health of civil infrastructures.

Design of Digital Inclinometer for Measuring Postural Balance (자세 균형 측정을 위한 디지털 경사계 설계)

  • Myoung, Hyoun-Seok;Lee, Hyo-Ki;Kwon, Oh-Yun;Lee, Kyoung-Joung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a digital inclinometer to measure the angle and acceleration signals of subject laid on Roll was designed. The designed system consists of a tilt sensor, biaxial accelerometer, single chip microprocessor and Bluetooth module. The designed digital inclinometer was easy to handle and to wear. To evaluate the performance of the system, we measured simultaneously the angle and acceleration signals from the 3 subjects on the Roll using two instruments which are ZEBRIS and designed system. The measured signals were processed by statistical method and then the correlation coefficient of 0.93 was shown. From the results, the designed digital inclinometer is shown to be useful in assessment of body movement.

Varied Flow Analysis for Linear Drainage Channels (선형 배수로에 대한 부등류 해석)

  • Ku, Hye-Jin;Jun, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.773-784
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    • 2008
  • The present study was carried out to examine flow properties in linear drainage channels such as road surface drainage facilities. The finite difference formulation for the varied flow analysis was solved for flow profiles in the channels. Starting the first step at the control section, the Newton-Raphson method was applied for producing numerical solutions of the equation. We considered two types of linear drainage channels, a channel with one outlet at downstream end and a channel with two outlets at both ends. Moreover, the flow analysis for various channel slopes was performed. However, we considered channels with the two outlets of slopes satisfying the condition that the both ends are the control section. The maximum of those slopes was decided from the relation between the channel slope and the location of control section. The flow of a channel with one outlet was calculated upward and downward from the control section existing in channel or upward from the control section at downstream end. The flow of a channel with two outlets at both ends were calculated for upstream and downstream channel segments divided by the water dividend, respectively and the flow analysis was completed when the water depth at the water dividend calculated from upstream end was equal to that calculated from downstream end. If the slope was larger than the critical slope, the channel with two outlets was likely to behave like the channel with one outlet. The maximum water depth was investigated and compared with that calculated additionally from the uniform flow analysis. The uniform flow analysis was likely to lead a excessive design of a drainage channel with mild slope.

Stability evaluation technology in real-time for autonomous ships (자율운항 선박용 실시간 복원성 평가 기술)

  • Donghan Woo;Nam-Kyun Im;Hum Choi;Jinsoo Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.261-262
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    • 2023
  • 자율운항선박의 도래와 예상 할 수 없는 선박의 구조 변화 및 적화 상태 변화로 인한 전복사고로부터 선박을 보호하기 위해서는 선박의 복원성 상태를 실시간으로 모니터링 것이 매우 중요합니다. 자율운항선박의 복원성 상태를 실시간으로 정밀 모니터링 시스템 개발은 운항자에게 사전에 위험을 경고하고 적화상태 보완 또는 평형수 상태 변형 등을 통하여 추가적은 복원성 확보를 위해서 필수적입니다. 본 연구는 실습선의 전자 경사계로 실시간 횡요 주기로 추정한 선박의 메타센터 높이(GM)의 정확도를 실험적으로 검증 하였습니다. 본 연구는 선박의 전자 경사계를 사용하여 선박의 복원성 안정성 상태를 실시간으로 평가하여 추정한 선박 GM의 정확도와 향후 연구에서 시스템 개선을 위한 요구 사항을 제시하였습니다.

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비디오 데크 수직포스트들의 조립 허용차 결정에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Jeong;Lee, Yeong-Hae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.402-411
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    • 1993
  • 비디오 주행계의 안정성에 영향을 주는 인자들은 많이 있다. 그중 수직포스트의 경사각은 수직포스트를 지나는 테이프의 주행높이 변동에 영향을 주기 때문에 비디오 데크의 조립상에서 수직포스트의 경사각을 관리하는 것이 비디오 주행계의 안정성을 확보하는데 있어서 필요하다. 특히 비디오 데크의 조립시 수직 포스트의 경사각을 어느정도까지 허용해도 비디오 주행계의 안정성에 영향을 주지 않는지 알때 비디오 데크의 주립시 보다 효과적인 조립공정의 관리가 이루어 질 것으로 사료된다. 본 연구에서는 수직포스트의 경사각에 대한 허용오차를 결정하는 방법과 이에 따르는 다음 포스트들이 세워져야 할 위치를 결정하는 방법을 제시하였는데 이를 위하여 기구학과 통계적인 방법을 사용하였다.

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