• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경관수로

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Assessing and Mapping the Aesthetic Value of Bukhansan National Park Using Geotagged Images (지오태그 이미지를 활용한 북한산국립공원의 경관미 평가 및 맵핑)

  • Kim, Jee-Young;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to present a method to assess the landscape aesthetic value of Bukhansan National Park using geotagged images that have been shared on social media sites. The method presented in this study consisted mainly of collecting geotagged image data, identifying landscape images, and analyzing the cumulative visibility by applying a target probability index. Ramblr is an application that supports outdoor activities with many users in Korea, from which a total of 110,954 geotagged images for Bukhansan National Park were collected and used to assess the landscape aesthetics. The collected geotagged images were interpreted using the Google Vision API, and were subsequently were divided into 11 landscape image types and 9 non-landscape image types through cluster analysis. As a result of analyzing the landscape types of Bukhansan National Park based on the extracted landscape images, landscape types related to topographical characteristics, such as peaks and mountain ranges, accounted for the largest portion, and forest landscapes, foliage landscapes, and waterscapes were also commonly found as major landscape types. In the derived landscape aesthetic value map, the higher the elevation and slope, the higher the overall landscape aesthetic value, according to the proportion and characteristics of these major landscape types. However, high landscape aesthetic values were also confirmed in some areas of lowlands with gentle slopes. In addition, the Bukhansan area was evaluated to have higher landscape aesthetics than the Dobongsan area. Despite the high elevation and slope, the Dobongsan area had a relatively low landscape aesthetic value. This shows that the aesthetic value of the landscape is strongly related not only to the physical environment but also to the recreational activities of visitors who are viewing the scenery. In this way, the landscape aesthetics assessment using the cumulative visibility of geotagged images is expected to be useful for planning and managing the landscape of Bukhansan National Park in the future, through allowing the geographical understanding of the landscape values based on people's perceptions and the identification of the regional deviations.

The Aesthetic Experience in the Landscape of Memory (기억의 경관에서 미적 경험)

  • Son, Eun-Shin;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to interpret the current landscape design of the place and landscape of memory, such as post-industrial parks and memorials that have an old, aging appearance from an aesthetic perspective. The objects of the study are large parks and open spaces that have collective memories for visitors. Visitors' aesthetic experience from these places and landscapes of memory could be explained by aesthetic concepts such as the sublime, nostalgia, and melancholy. Because these aesthetic concepts are associated with past traumas, visitors may be affected morbidly. However, due to the capability of the media to form an aesthetic experience when visitors visit a given place and landscape, visitors can autonomously adjust the distance to the place of memory and gain an aesthetic experience. The aesthetic experiences through the sublime, nostalgia, and melancholy are based on temporality and irreversibility. Temporality here refers to a characteristic of memory, and time in the place and landscape of memory and is based on the irreversibility of time, as time cannot go back. Both the place memory and the memory that is recalled from the combination with visitor's past memories and knowledge are two major factors involved in the construction of the aesthetic experience in the place and landscape of memory. The results of the present study are meaningful in that this study presents a framework for a better understanding and use of both the place memory and appreciators' memory in the design process of a place and landscape of memory and also criticizes a materialistic approach that fails to take into account the visitors' memories.

Identifying Landscape Perceptions of Visitors' to the Taean Coast National Park Using Social Media Data - Focused on Kkotji Beach, Sinduri Coastal Sand Dune, and Manlipo Beach - (소셜미디어 데이터를 활용한 태안해안국립공원 방문객의 경관인식 파악 - 꽃지해수욕장·신두리해안사구·만리포해수욕장을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2018
  • This study used text mining methodology to focus on the perceptions of the landscape embedded in text that users spontaneously uploaded to the "Taean Travel"blogpost. The study area is the Taean Coast National Park. Most of the places that are searched by 'Taean Travel' on the blog were located in the Taean Coast National Park. We conducted a network analysis on the top three places and extracted keywords related to the landscape. Finally, using a centrality and cohesion analysis, we derived landscape perceptions and the major characteristics of those landscapes. As a result of the study, it was possible to identify the main tourist places in Taean, the individual landscape experience, and the landscape perception in specific places. There were three different types of landscape characteristics: atmosphere-related keywords, which appeared in Kkotji Beach, symbolic image-related keywords appeared in Sinduri Coastal Sand Dune, and landscape objects-related appeared in Manlipo Beach. It can be inferred that the characteristics of these three places are perceived differently. Kkotji Beach is recognized as a place to appreciate a view the sunset and is a base for the Taean Coast National Park's trekking course. Sinduri Coastal Sand Dune is recognized as a place with unusual scenery, and is an ecologically valuable space. Finally, Manlipo Beach is adjacent to the Chunlipo Arboretum, which is often visited by tourists, and the beach itself is recognized as a place with an impressive appearance. Social media data is very useful because it can enable analysis of various types of contents that are not from an expert's point of view. In this study, we used social media data to analyze various aspects of how people perceive and enjoy landscapes by integrating various content, such as landscape objects, images, and activities. However, because social media data may be amplified or distorted by users' memories and perceptions, field surveys are needed to verify the results of this study.

A Study on the Symbol Making for Mapping Landform of Elements (지형요소 지도화를 위한 기호제작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam Shin;Cho, Yong Chan;Oh, Seung Hwan;Kwon, Hye Jin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2014
  • There is limitation to represent forms and internal process of topography if using simple symbols for geomorphic landscape in the cartography. One of the alternative method to find a solution to these problems is to use association symbol to imagine real landscapes through map reading. This study suggested making method of association symbols to describe geomorphic landscapes effectively. Landforms are not static objects but dynamic pedogenesis and morphogenesis one. It should be consider form, process, and material to make landform mapping, and also, make landform symbols by considering scalable changeability for point-polygon, line-polygon, point-line by scale. As a results, this study expected to help applications for geomorphology as well as environments, ecology, archaeology, and civil engineering etc.

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A Study on the Coastal Forest Landscape Management Considering Parallax Effect in Gangneung (패럴랙스 효과를 고려한 강릉 해안림의 경관 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Mi-Ryeong;Kim, Choong-Sik;An, Kyoung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a management method for a coastal black pine forest landscape considering the parallax effect. For the study, 10 coastal black pine forests in Gangneung were investigated about the average width of the coastal forests, the average diameters, and the intervals of the pines. Categorizations were realized for the 3 types of scene(sea, field, mountain, residential area, commercial area), diameter(16cm, 22cm, 28cm) and interval(5m, 7m, 10m) to produce a total of 45 scenic simulations. An investigation was made on the scenic preferences using 45 simulation images with S.D, and Likert Scales. The results were as follows: According the comparison of scenic preferences, natural landscapes(sea, field, and mountain) ranked high among preferences, with fabricated landscapes(residential area, commercial area) ranked low. The highest scenic preferences were shown with the seascape and an interval of 7m between the trees. On the contrary, the interrelationship was very low between the visual quantity of the scenic's elements(green, sky, building, road etc.) and the scenic preferences. As the results of the factor analysis, the 3 sense factors of "Depth(78.0%)" "Diversity(l5.6%)" and "Spatiality(6.4%)" explained coastal scenic preferences. "Spatiality" showed significant differences at intervals of 5~7m, and 10m between trees. This shows coastal forest management based on the interval of 10m standard affecting scenic preference.

The Preservation Policy and Historical Landscape Characteristic of Ancient City Gyeongju (고도경주의 역사문화경관 특성과 보존 대책)

  • Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2010
  • Gyeongju, with its thousand-year-old history of the Silla Dynasty, is an impressive historical city where beautiful nature of mountains in the background and rivers in its front is getting along with the city landscape. The historic landscape of Gyeongju is divided into three groups: the old town, the ruins preservation region in the southeast of old towns, and the natural landscape region surrounding these regions. The old town region shows a common landscape of which general small cities in Korea may have, while its surroundings display the overlaps of natural and historic landscapes. The special city landscape is presented only in Gyeongju. Nevertheless, the northern area of the old town was built based on the concept of new towns without any height restriction of buildings, damaging the historic landscape of Gyeongju. It is misjudgment by interpreting the cultural heritage as the individual artifact rather than the continuous historic landscape. Since the 1970s when rapid industrialization and urbanization appeared along with the comprehensive development for Gyeongju tourism, the historic landscape has been slowly damaged. There were not enough financial and political supports from the central government, because the project for Gyeongju tourism was focused on the investment on the tourist industry. Now, in order to preserve the historical city like Gyeongju which represents the culture of Korea, the central government should actively engage in its protection. Policies of the central government should be focused on educating people that the historical restoration of Gyeongju is a way of recovering the national pride, and drawing the agreement of people. For its accomplishment, the government should change its policy from economy-oriented to culture-oriented. That is, the cultural policy should be emphasized.

A Study on Landscape Formation Techniques of Summer Palace as Royal Garden in China (이화원 황가원림의 경관연출기법 연구)

  • An, Seung-Hong;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Yeom, Sung-Jin;Yoon, Sang-Jun;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2018
  • This study is a basic one analyzing the scenic characteristics that are created in Royal Garden in China while taking into consideration that Royal Garden in China is a fruit compiling all of the Chinese classical gardens. In case of Summer Palace in China, it adopted various kinds of landscape displaying techniques for fulfilling the desires of an Emperor who wanted to appreciate beautiful landscapes all the time. Accordingly, the scenic characteristics can be summarized as follows. First, Summer Garden creates various kinds of garden landscapes through various kinds of landscape creation techniques, such as, Borrowed Landscape, Central One, Background One, Symmetrical One, Axial One, Dividing One, Framed One, Window One and Complementing One, etc. Second, it was created in order for visitors to focus on appreciation of landscapes by allocating hard points while considering the symmetric structure, Structure of Long Corridor and Visual Physiology of a building on the basis of the South-North Pivotal Line. Third, it utilized the scenic spot transferring technique that introduces the landscapes of scenic spots in various regions of China to Summer Palace to be matched to the unique geological characteristics of Summer Garden. It was found that Summer Palace adopted the common landscaping techniques in Jiangnan Region of Ancient China since the landscape of Jichang Garden in Hangzhou and that of Shan Tang Jie in Suzhou are reproduced and transferred. It was found that 3 methods mentioned above have the effects that attract sightseers' eyes naturally and make their interests concentrated as well as reviving the feeling of space in a garden and creating abundant scenic beauty.

Effects of Fragmentation on the Bird Community in Agricultural Landscapes (농촌 경관에서 파편화가 조류 군집에 미치는 영향)

  • 박찬열;이우신
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of fragmentation on the bird community in Seongduck-ri and Hanggum-ri agricultural landscapes of Kangha-myon, Yangpyong-gun, Kyonggido. We analyzed the composition of tree species, forest environmental structures, structures of agricultural landscapes, avifaunas and guild structures. Number and density of tree species ranging from 6 to 10cm in D.B.H. were high in Seongduck-ri, but basal area was high in Hanggum-ri. Coverages of foliage layers under two meters and over 12 meters were high in Hanggum-ri. Meanwhile, Seongduck-ri agricultural landscapes consisted of twelve patches, dominated by Larix leptolepsis and Robinia pseudoacacia Hanggum-ri landscapes was composed of eleven patches, and dominated by Pinus rigida, Castanea crenate, Larix leptolepsis and paddy field. Dominant bird species showed the same order in two study areas, thirty-six species of birds were observed in Hanggum-ri landscapes, but twenty species were in Seongduck-ri landscapes. Number of species and density belonging to hole-, bush-, ground-nesting and water-, bush-, ground-foraging guild were high in Hanggum-ri landscapes. Number of species and density belonging to hole-nesting guild showed the high value in Hanggum-ri landscapes that was not fragmented. It could be attributed to the low human disturbance and relative high density of medium and large trees in D.B.H. Also, number of species and density belonging to bush-, ground- and water- foraging guild showed the high value in Hanggum-ri landscapes that had the high foliage amounts in the foliage layer under two meters. It will be related with the paddy field, dry field and brook, which patches covered the 28.4% of Hanggum-ri landscapes. Therefore, road not only dominate the heterogeneous patch in agricultural landscapes, but also easily cause the human disturbance. Thus, road construction would decrease the natural patch diversity and edge effects that are important for sustaining the diverse avifauna in agricultural landscapes.

Ecological Landscape Evaluation for the Planning of River Rehabilitation: The Upper Areas at the Mangyeong River in Jeollabukdo, Korea (하천복원계획을 위한 생태경관 평가: 전북 만경강 상류지역을 사례로)

  • Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2006
  • Nature rehabilitation has become a major theme in river management in South Korea. An analysis and evaluation of the landscape is a crucial step to select the suitable tracts for developing or conserving land use in the process of landscape planning. The purpose of this paper is to establish a hierarchical procedure for the setting of the landscape units on the various scales at which field biologists performed their observations and to select the preserves through by a suitability model for synthesizing the ecological empirical, and biophysical data. An evaluation process needs to be performed according to the landscape scales: site, local, and regional scales, at which the environmental data were collected, analyzed, and synthesized. Introducing of three level scales was crucially necessary for evaluating the various multi level ecological data for zoning of preserves in river corridors. The evaluation level at different scales are hierarchically established into three phases. The first evaluation phase can be performed by the long length units defined by the ranges of stream widths at regional scale. Secondly, each of these long units can be divided into two or more segments according to its landscape homogeneity at local level. Finally the segments at the last phase can be designated according to the location of the reservoir weirs and bridges at site level. The conceptual model components are adopted for collecting, evaluating, and interpreting the biological and abiotic data at site level. Three preserves are selected, having high potentials for being intensely managed as the Ecological Education Areas in the river. Despite a lot of assumption the results are expected to facilitate discussion and decision making about which frameworks of evaluation are desirable and adaptable for integrating the ecological data into the rehabilitation design process in South Korea.

A Study on the Landscape Analysis and Evaluation Method : A Phenomenological Approach (경관분석 및 평가방법에 관한 연구 - 현상학적 접근 -)

  • 임승빈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 1988
  • Phenomenological approach suggests a new dimension in landscape evaluation, which is a contrast to the existing scientific evaluation methods. The characteristics of the phenomenological approach is qualitative, holistic, open, and experiential, whereas that of the scientific approach is quantitative, reductive, closed, and experimental. In phenomenological approach, the average response of a group is not considered as meaningful in landscape evaluation. Instead, the individual response, experience, and feeling are considered as important. In phenomenological approach, people try to see the real world as it is, while scientists tend to simplify the real world in order to handle the complex Phenomena easily. Due to its holistic and qualitative nature, the phenomenological approach has limitations to be a practical landscape evaluation technique. However, recent research demonstrate the possibility of practical phenomenological landscape evaluation technique which is able to satisfy the criteria scientific methods should meet.

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