• Title/Summary/Keyword: 결함 수목 분석

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Analysis of Plants Social Network for Vegetation Conservation on Cheongwansan Provincial Park in Jeollanam-do (천관산도립공원 식생보전을 위한 식물사회네트워크 분석)

  • Ji-Woo Kang;Sang-Cheol Lee;Hyun-Mi Kang
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.392-402
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to understand the characteristics of the plant society in Cheongwansan Provincial Park, which lacks research on plants, and to establish basic data necessary for sustainable vegetation management and provincial park research. This study set up 126 quadrats were installed in Cheongwansan Provincial Park to investigate the species that emerged, and interspecies association analysis was conducted focusing on species excluding rare species. The results were written in a sociogram using the Gephi 0.10 program, modular analysis was conducted to distribute groups between adjacent nodes, and network centrality and structure analysis were conducted. As a result of the analysis, the Smilax china showed the highest frequency of appearance in the survey area. Next, it was found to be high in the order of Quercus serrata, Eurya japonica, Styrax japonicus, and Sasa borealis. Interspecies association analysis was conducted on 69 species excluding rare species, and plant social networks were visualized based on benign binding. The Plant Social Network consists of 69 nodes and 396 connecting lines, and one species formed interspecies bonds with an average of about 17.9 species, connecting each other in 2.3 steps. 69 species were divided into three groups through modular analysis, and the first group consisted mainly of evergreen broad-leaved and trees that appeared in warm-temperate region, and the second group consisted mainly of deciduous broad-leaved. The three groups were mainly divided into trees that grow well in sunny and dry sunlight.

Warm Temperate species extract Analysis for Jeollanamdo Forest Resources Institute extracts Bank Data building (전라남도산림자원연구소 추출물은행 데이터 구축을 위한 난대수종의 추출물 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Woo;Jo, Geon-Ung;Yeo, Hye-jeong;Kim, Hyeon-Seok;Eo, JI-Hyun;Beak, Hyo-Eun;Park, Jong-Seok;Oh, Chan-Jin;Oh, Deuk-sil;Park, Hwa-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.101-101
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    • 2019
  • 나고야 의정서가 국내에 본격 시행됨에 따라 전남산림자원연구소는 도내 유용 산림 자원의 주권 확립 및 자원 정보의 DB 구축을 위하여 산림생명자원 추출물은행을 운영 중에 있다. 그 일환으로 1차년 난대 수종 4종(동백, 비자, 편백, 황칠)의 부위(잎, 가지) 시기(1차:4월, 2차:7월, 3차:9월, 4차:11월) 용매별(열수, 에탄올) 추출물을 제작하여, 유효성분 및 생리활성의 분석을 실시하였다. 총 폴리페놀(Total Polyphenol) 함량을 150 ug/g 이상을 기준으로 분석 분류한 결과, 동백 잎(4차) 열수, 가지(1, 3차), 잎(4차) 에탄올, 비자 잎(3, 4차) 열수, 가지(2, 3차), 잎(1, 3, 4차) 에탄올, 편백 가지(3차) 열수, 잎(3차), 가지(2, 3차) 에탄올, 황칠 잎(2, 3, 4차) 에탄올 추출물에서 높은 함량의 총 폴리페놀을 확인 할 수 있었다. 다음으로, 프리라디칼(DPPH) 소거능을 측정하여 50 % 이상을 기준으로 분류한 결과, 동백(1~4차), 가지(1~3차) 열수, 잎(1~4차), 가지(1, 3, 4차) 에탄올, 비자 잎(3차) 열수, 잎(2, 4차) 에탄올, 편백 잎(3, 4차), 가지(1차) 열수, 잎(1~3차), 가지(1, 3, 4차) 에탄올, 황칠 잎(2~4차) 열수 추출물에서 높은 프리라디칼(DPPH) 소거능을 보여 주었다. 이와 같이, 수종별로 부위 시기 용매별 추출물에 따른 유효성분과 생리활성에 차이를 확인 할 수 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 산업화 활용 시 채취 시기 및 부위를 특정 하는 자료로 도움 될 것으로 생각되며, 지속적으로 연계 추출 및 분석을 통해 보다 유의성 있는 자료 수집을 계속 진행 중 입니다. 이러한 산림생명자원 추출물은행의 연구 결과를 바탕으로 보다 심도 있게 반복적인 데이터를 수집 구축하고, 연구개발에 활용한다면, 고부가가치 임산 자원을 개발 및 산업화에 큰 도움이 되고 임업임 소득증대에 기여할 것이다.

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Trends and Prospects of Forest Meteorological Studies Based on the Publications in Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (한국농림기상학회지 수록 논문에 기반한 산림기상 연구 추세와 전망)

  • Moon, Na Hyun;Shin, Man Yong;Moon, Ga Hyun;Chun, Junghwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.121-134
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to review the trends of forest meteorological studies based on the publications for last 20 years in Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (KJAFM), and to provide insight for future prospect for researches in the field of forest meteorology. A total of 220 papers related to forest meteorology were published in KJAFM for the last 20 years. That corresponds to 33.5% out of all the papers including agricultural meteorology papers. To review the trends of forest meteorology studies, the 220 published papers were classified into seven categories. They are forest meteorology and forest fire, forest meteorology and tree physiology, forest meteorology and forest protection, micrometeorology in mountain area, climate and forest growth, climate and forest vegetation distribution, and climate change and forest ecosystem. Even if there were differences in paper numbers among the seven categories, it was found that various and very specific studies were conducted in the field of forest meteorology for the last 20 years. It was also expected that the accumulation and utilization of various and accurate forest meteorological information would bring remarkable progress of forest meteorological studies in the near future.

The Study on the Height Characteristics of Abies Nephrolepis Community in South Korea - In the Case of Seorak·Odae·Taebaek National Park - (우리나라 분비나무의 수고 특성 연구 - 설악·오대·태백산국립공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Jin-Won Kim;Ho-Young Lee;Young-Moon Chun;Choong-Hyeon Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated whether population dynamic analysis based on the height characteristics of Abies nephrolepis was feasible. It was necessary because existing population dynamic analyses based on age and diameter at breast height (DBH) made it difficult to reflect the slow growth characteristics of Abies nephrolepis in harsh environments of high altitudes. The limitations of population dynamics analysis based on the age and DBH distribution of Abies nephrolepis in Seoraksan, Odaesan, and Taebaeksan National Parks, where Abies nephrolepis populations are representative, were verified, and the characteristics of height growth were investigated to comprehensively analyze whether a vertical structure based on height could reveal the population dynamics. The result of this study showed some limitations in understanding the population dynamics of Abies nephrolepis based on age distribution due to practical difficulties in sampling all trees and variations in age distribution within the same community depending on factors such as light conditions. Moreover, it was challenging to differentiate the distribution of DBH classes at fine levels, making it difficult to reflect the rapid growth characteristics of Abies nephrolepis when light conditions become suitable after prolonged stays in smaller DBH classes under shade conditions. However, a comprehensive analysis of the height characteristics of Abies nephrolepis revealed that the density corresponding to the population dynamic characteristics of Abies was high and adequately reflected the predominant tree death at similar height stages, as well as the U-shaped population dynamics at the lower stratum. Moreover, it was possible to identify a transition point in height values under shaded conditions, where the annual growth of Abies nephrolepis individuals in the lower stratum increases significantly, indicating that Abies nephrolepis individuals can escape from competition with other shrubs and undergo vigorous growth only at this height level. Therefore, this study confirmed that a vertical structure based on height can be utilized to understand the population dynamics of Abies nephrolepis in high altitudes, and it is expected that future studies on height characteristics can intuitively reveal the maintenance status of Abies nephrolepis populations in the field.

Correlation Between the Microclimate and the Crown of Platanus orientalis and Ulmus davidiana (버즘나무(Platanus orientalis)와 느릅나무(Ulmus davidiana)의 수관부와 미기후간의 상호 관계)

  • Lee, Jae-yoon;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.793-799
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    • 2016
  • This study examined Platanus orientalis and Ulmus davidiana planted in downtown parks to identify the correlations among microclimatic factors such as temperature in the crown, air flow, and wind speed. For the field survey, measurements were taken at 1 hour intervals from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm in August. For the measurement of microclimatic factors, data on temperature, light intensity, air flow, and wind speed were collected using a quantum sensor (PAR Quantum Sensor SKP215), a precision thermometer (Pt1000-Sensor), and a combination anemometer (1467 G4 & HG4). The results of the analysis demonstrated that both Platanus orientalis and Ulmus davidiana, showed a greater cooling effect inside the crown as compared with the outside temperature. The cooling effect inside the crown was more evident with air flow and wind speed factors. With relation to wind, the inner temperature of the crown of Platanus orientalis decreased due to air flow while that of Ulmus davidiana decreased due to wind speed. With no wind, the average variation in temperature inside the crown was $-0.9^{\circ}C$ for Ulmus davidiana and $-0.958^{\circ}C$ for Platanus orientalis, indicating that Platanus orientalis was relatively more effective in lowering the temperature of the planting space than Ulmus davidiana. This study is significant because it shows that different tree species have different effects on the microclimate and that factors affecting the formation of the microclimate of trees may vary with species. Further studies on species other than broad leaf trees, such as evergreen trees and shrubs, are required in order to plan the distribution of landscaping trees that are effective in regulating the microclimate within urban green spaces.

Spatial Distribution of Macropore Development on a Hillslope (소유역의 사면에서의 대공극발달의 공간적 분포)

  • Kwak, Yong-Seok;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.825-830
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    • 2007
  • 사면에서 발생되는 강우유출과정에 기여하는 대공극의 영향은 그 중요성에도 불구하고 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 특히 대공극의 공간적분포특상에 대한 현장측정은 이뤄지지 않았다. 본 연구의 실험지역은 경기도 포천시 광릉수목원에 있는 작은 소유역이다. 이 지역의 정밀한 측량을 하여 수치고도모형(DEM)을 얻었다. 이 수치고도모형을 바탕으로 수치지형분석을 통해 흐름선을 파악하여 총 20지점을 선정하였다. 각 지점에서의 대공극을 통한 수직적인 유동들은 장력침투계를 사용하여 지표면아래 깊이 10cm에서 측정하였다. 공간적 토양의 특성분포를 파악하기 위해 각 지점에서의 체적밀도와 점토함량을 조사하였다. 토양수분의 공간적 분포 특성은 TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry)방식인 TRASE를 이용하여 토양수분 값을 얻었다. 이러한 다양한 공간적 특성들은 대공극발달의 공간적 분포특성을 파악하는 중요자료가 된다. 소유역을 크게 기여사면 면적을 기준으로 상부, 중부, 하부로 나누어 대공극의 유효 공극율과 대공극흐름율을 계산하였다. 상부에서의 유효 대공극율의 평균값과 변동계수는 각각 4.3%, 42.1%이고, 대공극흐름율의 평균값과 변동계수는 각각 45.0%, 26.6%이다. 중부에서는 유효 대공극율의 평균값과 변동계수는 6.8%, 37.3%이고, 대공극흐름율의 평균값과 변동계수는 56.2%, 14.4% 이다. 그리고 하부에서의 유효공극율의 평균값과 변동계수는 12.5%, 58.3% 이고 대공극흐름율의 평균값과 변동계수는 64.5%, 24%이다. 이는 유효 대공극율과 대공극흐름율의 비율은 기여사면 면적이 증가할수록 증가하였다. 이는 대공극을 통한 물 이송 능력이 원두부로 갈수록 증가한다는 것을 보여주고 있다.e, taurine, methionine, phenylalanine은 함량(含量)이 적었다. 5. 일건(日乾)중 총유리아미노산의 변화(變化)는 생시료(生試料)의 경우 2,041.2 mg%였으나 1일(日) 건조(乾燥) 후는 1,784.0 mg%로 감소(減少)하다가 그 이후 계속 증가(增加)하여 20일(日) 건조(乾燥) 후는 5,277.0 mg%였다. 6. 일건(日乾)중 leucine, isoleucine, valine은 대체로 증가(增加)하는 경향(傾向)을 나타내었으나 aspartic acid, proline, taurine은 대체로 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)을 나타내었다. 436.59mg%로 가장 많았고 군유산(軍有山) 차엽(茶葉)이 146.94mg%로 가장 적었으며 일반차엽(一般茶葉)의 평균치(平均値)는 264.59mg%, 용장(龍欌) 차엽(茶葉)이 223.10mg%, Yabukita 차엽(茶葉)이 256.49mg%였다. 7) 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)를 종합(綜合)할 때 용장(龍欌) 차엽(茶葉)은 일반차엽(一般茶葉)과 형질(形質) 뿐만 아니라, 성분(成分)도 다르므로 품종(品種)이 다른 수종(樹種)으로 추정(推定)되며 와운(臥雲) 차엽(茶葉)은 일반차엽(一般茶葉)과 형질(形質)은 다르나 성분상(成分上)의 비슷한 점으로 보아 동일계통(同一系統)의 변이(變異)된 대엽종(大葉種)으로 추정(推定)된다.5(${\pm}0.77$0.77) % 의 오차로 크게 감소하였다. 결론: 방사선이 통과하는 경로에 불균질조직인 폐가 존재할 경우에도 불균질조직에 대하여 조직의 밀도를 이용하여 보정하는 방법을 사용하여 투과선량으로부터 종양선량을 계산할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.X>로 평균$43.26{\m

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Production of Ethylene in Ornamental Tress Exposed to SO2 and Inhibition of Ethylene Production by Silver Ion (SO2가스 피해(被害)에 의(依)한 조원수목(造園樹木)의 ethylene 발생(發生) 및 Ag ion에 의(依)한 ethylene 발생억제(發生抑制))

  • Ku, Ja Hyeong;Suh, Young Kyo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 1980
  • Ethylene production and inhibition of ethylene production by Ag ion were investigated in ornamental trees injured by $SO_2$ exposure. Concurrently the sulfur content of leaves was measured to examine the absorption of $SO_2$. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Ethylene production by leaves of Pinus thunbergii and Cedrus deodara showed peak after 2 - day exposures to $SO_2$ when visible injury was not appeared ; whereas in Taxus cuspidata showed continuos increase even after 4 - day exposures and was markedly stimulated at leaves appeared visible injury. The amount of ethylene production by leaves of Cedrus deodara and Taxus cuspidata was higher than those of Pinus thunbergii. 2. Ag ion applied on leaves at concentration of 100 ppm $A_gNO_3$ significantly inhibited ethylene production by leaves of Cedrus deodara either $A_gNO_3$ sprayed before $SO_2$ exposure or after leaves were injured by $SO_2$ exposure. 3. The sulfur content of leaves after 5 - day exposures to $SO_2$ showed higher in Pinus thunbergii and Cedrus deodara than in Taxus cuspidata, but there were no great differences in the sulfur content among untreated species.

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Age and Radial Growth Patterns of a Lace-bark Pine (Pinus bungeana), the Natural Monument NO. 4 of Korea (천연기념물 제4호 통의동 백송의 나이와 직경생장 유형)

  • 김은식
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 2003
  • An analysis of tree ring series of a lace-bark pine (Pinus bungeana Zuccarini) was carried out to find out the exact age of the tree, to describe life history of the tree affected by the change of past environmental factors, and to explain the relationships between the growth fluctuation of the tree and the change of environmental factors of the past. This study explicitly showed that the tree was about 300 years old in 1992 and that the previous estimate of the age to be about 630 years old has no ground to be justified. This was also ascertained by the close correspondence of the tree growth fluctuation to the fluctuation of soil moisture related environmental factors for the last 80 years in Seoul. Although it is clear that the tree suffered from slow growth for about 30 years initiating from the 1910s, it is not sure whether the soil moisture deficits or droughts during the years of 1910-1913 played a major role in causing the decline of the trees afterwards. Discussion was further extended for defining active roles for the Cultural Properties Administration of Korea in management and research to effectively protect the Old and Big Trees under the category of Natural Monument of Korea.

Ecological Characteristics of Forest Community by Distance from Camellia japonica Stand (동백나무림으로부터 거리별 산림군집의 생태적 특성)

  • Chung, Jae-Min;Jung, Hye-Ran;Kang, Jin-Taek;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Cho, Min-Gi;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to offer the basic information on ecological succession of evergreen broad-leaved forest through understanding of ecological characteristics of forest community by distance from Camellia japonica stand. Importance value of C. japonica at tree layer was highest in site I and those of Pinus densiflora and P. thunbergii were highest in site II, III and IV. At subtree layer, the importance value of C. japonica was highest in site I while Neolitsea sericea and Styrax japonica had the highest importance value in site II, III, and IV. In all sites, species diversity ranged from 0.121 to 0.515 and 1.112 to 1.589 at tree layer and subtree layer respectively. Evenness ranged from 0.811 to 0.930 at subtree layer, 0.796 to 0.913 at shrub layer and 0.155 to 0.727 at tree layer, this indicates that distribution pattern by species is more uniform at subtree and shrub layer than at tree layer. Soil pH was highest as 5.72 at site I. Contents of total N, organic matter and available P were higher at site I than other sites.

Designing and Creating a Model Garden to Demonstrate Carbon Reduction - Case Study of Carbon Reduction Model Garden at the Sejong National Arboretum - (탄소저감 현장 실증을 위한 모델정원 설계와 조성 - 국립세종수목원 탄소저감 모델 정원을 사례로 -)

  • Park, Byunghoon;Seo, Jayoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2023
  • This study presents an experimental design for demonstrating the role of nature-based solutions to climate change in the landscape and garden sector. The study suggests spatial strategies for a carbon-neutral society and its role as a cultural industry. This paper describes the use of a low-maintenance garden as part of a strategy for carbon reduction with the goal of protecting the environment and forming a carbon-neutral society. To this end, this study involved the design and construction of a realistic model garden to provide scientific data on the functions, spatial elements, and carbon neutrality of carbon-reducing gardens. The target site is located in the Sejong National Arboretum. The test area in which the carbon-reducing function is measured is located in the centre of the site, and other spaces include dry gardens, community gardens, and flower gardens intended for exhibition and relaxation. The experimental area is divided into several smaller areas within which the carbon-reducing effect is analysed according to the amount of biochar installed, the planting density, and the plant species present. The application of facilities and construction methods to promote carbon reduction were based on the method known as '10 types of carbon gardening for the earth'. In the model garden, we employed rainwater utilization facilities and used low-carbon certified wood and local materials. The carbon reduction effect of each facility and construction method is compared and presented here. The results are expected to serve as an important basis for realizing a carbon-neutral society and can be used as a reference in various fields that require sustainable development, such as the garden industry.