• Title/Summary/Keyword: 개인정보침해

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Implementations of Record_Level Synchronized Safe Personal Cloud (레코드 단위의 동기화를 지원하는 개별 클라우드 구현 기법)

  • Hong, Dong-Kweon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2014
  • As the usefulness of mobile device is kept growing the privacy of the cloud computing is receiving more attentions. Even though many researches and solutions for privacy matters are suggested we are still worrying about the security problems. In addition most of cloud computing systems uses file-level synchronization which make it difficult to modify a part of a file. If we use data-centric app that stores data on embedded DBMS such as SQLite, a simple synchronization may incur some loss of information. In this paper we propose a solution to build a personal cloud that supports record-level synchronization. And we show a prototype system which uses RESTful web services and the same schema on mobie devices and the cloud storage. Synchronization is achieved by using a kind of optimistic concurrency control.

A Study on Privacy Influencing the Continuous Intention to Use in Closed-Type SNS: Focusing on BAND Users (폐쇄형 SNS에서 프라이버시가 지속적인 사용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 밴드 사용자를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Byungha;Kang, Dongwon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.191-214
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    • 2014
  • In this study, based on Privacy Calculus Model, we study whether users' intention of continuous use of closed-type SNS is affected by information privacy concern. In addition, we propose a model that studies if the major factors of the intention of continuous use which are trust, satisfaction and benefits could control the information privacy concern's effect on the intention of use. As a result, companies have to consider protecting the psychological privacy and information privacy of the individual when they design SNS.

Study on the Effect of Self-Disclosure Factor on Exposure Behavior of Social Network Service (자기노출 요인이 소셜 네트워크 서비스의 노출행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Do Soon Kwon;Seong Jun Kim;Jung Eun Kim;Hye In Jeong;Ki Seok Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.209-233
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    • 2016
  • Internet companies that utilize social network have increased in number. The introduction of diverse social media services facilitated innovative changes in e-business. Social network service (SNS), which is a domain of social media, is a web-based service designed to strengthen human relations in the Internet and build new social relations. The remarkable growth of social network services and the profit generation and perception of this service are the new growth engines of this digital age. Given this development, many global IT companies views SNS as the most powerful form of social media. Thus, they invest efforts to develop business models using SNS.2) This study verifies the impact of privacy exposure in SNS as a result of privacy invasion. This study examines the purpose of using the SNS and user's awareness of the significance of personal information, which are key factors that affect self-disclosure of personal information. This study utilizes theory of reasoned action (TRA) to provide a theoretical platform that describes the specific behavior and emotional response of individuals. This study presents a research model that considers negative attitude (negatude). In this model, self-disclosure in SNS is considered a TRA. TRA is a subjective norm, a behavioral intention, and a key variable of exposure behavior. A survey was conducted on college students at Y university in Seoul to empirically verify the research model. The students have experiences in using SNS. A total of 198 samples were collected. Path analysis was applied to analyze the relations of factors. The results of path analysis show the statistically insignificant impact of privacy invasion on negatude, subjective norm, behavioral intention, and exposure behavior. The impact of unrecognized privacy invasion was also considered insignificant. The impacts of intention to use SNS on negatude, subjective norm, behavioral intention, and exposure behavior was significant. A significant impact was also found for the significance of personal information on subjective norm, behavioral intention, and exposure behavior, whereas the impact on negatude was insignificant. The impact of subjective norm on behavioral intention was significant. Lastly, the impact of behavioral intention on exposure behavior was insignificant. These findings are significant because the study examined the process of self-disclosure by integrating psychological and social factors based on theoretical discussion.

A Probabilistic Model of Damage Propagation based on the Markov Process (마코프 프로세스에 기반한 확률적 피해 파급 모델)

  • Kim Young-Gab;Baek Young-Kyo;In Hoh-Peter;Baik Doo-Kwon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.524-535
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    • 2006
  • With rapid development of Internet technology, business management in an organization or an enterprise depends on Internet-based technology for the most part. Furthermore, as dependency and cohesiveness of network in the communication facilities are increasing, cyber attacks have been increased against vulnerable resource in the information system. Hence, to protect private information and computer resource, research for damage propagation is required in this situation. However the proposed traditional models present just mechanism for risk management, or are able to be applied to the specified threats such as virus or worm. Therefore, we propose the probabilistic model of damage propagation based on the Markov process, which can be applied to diverse threats in the information systems. Using the proposed model in this paper, we can predict the occurrence probability and occurrence frequency for each threats in the entire system.

The Risk of Wardriving Attack Against Wireless LAN and its Counterplan (무선랜 워드라이빙 공격의 위험성과 대응방안)

  • Choi, Young-Nam;Cho, Sung-Mok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.2121-2128
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    • 2009
  • The application range of IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN has rapidly expanding from campus, enterprise to the public network of Hot Spot area due to the advantages of easiness of construction, mobility of wireless client station, convenience of usage and so on. However the security of WLAN(Wireless LAN) is vulnerable inherently because of using RF as a medium, and so the dangers of infringement of personal information and inside data of enterprises have increased and wardriving attack searching for security vulnerability in wireless LAN has become more serious especially. In this paper, we find out the overview of various procedures and preparatory stages for wardriving attack against wireless LAN, and propose complementary methods to prevent information infringement accidents from wardriving attack in wireless LAN. For this purpose, we make an equipment which is suitable for wardriving in wireless LAN and show security vulnerability of AP(Access Point) operation in WLAN around Yangjae-Dong in Seoul as a result of using the equipment.

Analysis of Psychological Factors Inducing Cybercrime (사이버범죄를 유발하는 심리적요인 분석)

  • Lim, HeonWook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2021
  • This study attempted to find individual reasons for inducing cybercrime. The survey was conducted targeting investigators and security experts on 11 types of cybercrime. There are 16 internal factors that cause crime and classified according to Maslow's 5 steps. As a result of the survey on a total of 176 items, the credibility of the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was 0.925. The result of the factor analysis is as follows. Factor analysis results are maslow phase 1 physiological desire is commercial, sykes. Phase 2 safety desires are not punishable and crowd. The three-stage social desire is impulsiveness, indifference, etc. The fourth stage of respect is anonymity and honor. The desire for self-reality in stage 5 has been reduced to indesity, a loss of moderation, morality, and media effects. In conclusion, the physiological desire, the desire for respect for the crime of infringing on the information and communication network, the desire for menstruation, the desire for self-realization for the crime of using information and communication networks, the desire for self-actualization for the crime of illegal content. It was in the order of desire.

Protection of Location Privacy for Spatio-Temporal Query Processing Using R-Trees (R-트리를 활용한 시공간 질의 처리의 위치 개인정보 보호 기법)

  • Kwon, Dong-Seop
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2010
  • The prevailing infrastructure of ubiquitous computing paradigm on the one hand making significant development for integrating technology in the daily life but on the other hand raising concerns for privacy and confidentiality. This research presents a new privacy-preserving spatio-temporal query processing technique, in which location based services (LBS) can be serviced without revealing specific locations of private users. Existing location cloaking techniques are based on a grid-based structures such as a Quad-tree and a multi-layered grid. Grid-based approaches can suffer a deterioration of the quality in query results since they are based on pre-defined size of grids which cannot be adapted for variations of data distributions. Instead of using a grid, we propose a location-cloaking algorithm which uses the R-tree, a widely adopted spatio-temporal index structure. The proposed algorithm uses the MBRs of leaf nodes as the cloaked locations of users, since each leaf node guarantees having not less than a certain number of objects. Experimental results show the superiority of the proposed method.

RealTime Personal Video Image Protection on CCTV System using Intelligent IP Camera (지능형 IP 카메라를 이용한 CCTV 시스템에서의 실시간 개인 영상정보 보호)

    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2016
  • For the purpose of protecting personal property and lives from incidents, accidents, and threats such as terrorism, video surveillance equipment has been installed and operates in many places. Video surveillance technology has gradually developed into high-quality, high-definition equipment, and a lot of products have been launched. However, closed circuit television (CCTV) equipment for security purposes can invade a person's privacy. In this paper, we propose a way to protect personal video images using meta-data in an intelligent Internet protocol (IP) camera. We designed the system to mask personal video information from meta-data, define the method of image-information access according to user privileges, and show how to utilize the meta-data during storage and recorded data searches. The suggested system complies with guidelines for CCTV installation and operation from Korea's Ministry of the Interior. Installed on only a single server so far, due to the limitations and technical difficulties of hardware performance, it has been difficult to find a method that can be applied to personal image information using real-time protection techniques. Applying the method proposed in this paper can satisfy the guidelines, reduce server costs, and reduce system complexity.

Profile Management System for Contact Information Privacy in Social Network Service (소셜 네트워크 서비스에서 사용자 연락정보 프라이버시 강화를 위한 개인 프로필 관리 시스템 연구)

  • Youn, Taek-Young;Hong, Do-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2011
  • Recently, various social network services have been grown. Among them, personal relationships based social network services such as Facebook and Twitter make a remarkable growth of industry. In such services, users' profiles are very important for establishing the relationship between two users. However some information in a user's profile causes the leakage of the user's privacy, and thus we have to deal with the information in the profile. Especially, we have to treat contact information, such as the phone number and the e-mail address, very carefully since an adversary can use the information to violate the user's privacy in real life. In this paper, we propose two profile management systems that can enhance the privacy of users in social network services. We compare our systems with existing profile management techniques in well-known social network services such as Facebook and Twitter, and show that our systems provide enhanced privacy.

A Design of Protocol for Protection of Privacy Using Temporary ID in u-health Environment based on ZigBee (ZigBee 기반의 u-health 환경에서 임시 ID를 이용한 프라이버시 보호 프로토콜 설계)

  • Kim, Nak-Hyun;Lee, Keun-Wang;Jun, Mun-Seog
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2012.05b
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    • pp.477-480
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 ZigBee 기반의 u-health 환경에서 센서노드가 고유한 식별 값을 기반으로 통신을 하기 때문에 발생될 수 있는 프라이버시 침해의 가능성이 있으므로 임시 ID를 사용하여 통신하는 프로토콜을 설계하여 제안한다. u-health 환경은 인체에서 측정된 생체신호를 센서노드가 게이트웨이 디바이스로 전송하는 ZigBee 통신 구간이 가장 취약한 부분이다. 그리고 개인의 생체신호 데이터는 의료정보로 분류될 수 있는 민감한 정보로서 보호가 필요하여 본 논문에서 해당 구간의 취약점을 보완하는 프로토콜을 제안한다.

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