• Title/Summary/Keyword: 강도발현

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The Effect of Exercise Intensity on Changes in Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in the Hippocampus and Cerebral Cortex of Obese Mice (고지방식이로 유도된 비만 마우스의 해마 및 대뇌피질에서 운동강도에 따른 nNOS 발현의 변화)

  • Baek, Kyung-Wan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 2019
  • Recent studies reported that obesity upregulated the expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and regulated particular behavior patterns in animal models. They also reported that ameliorated the increase in nNOS expression and decreased depression and anxiolytic effects. Thus, exercise seems to be an effective strategy for improving brain function by downregulating nNOS. However, the immune response differs greatly, depending on the exercise intensity. The aim of the present study was to investigate differences in brain nNOS expression in obese C57BL/6 mice that performed exercise of different intensities. Obesity was induced in 6-wks-old mice (n=35) by feeding a 60%-fat diet for 6-wks. A control (CON) group (n=14) was fed a normal diet. At the end of the induction 6-wks period of obesity, seven animals in the CON group and obesity-induced group were sacrificed to confirm obesity induction (preliminary experiments and confirmation of visceral fat accumulation). The remaining animals were then used in an 8-wks exercise intervention. Other than the CON (n=7), the obesity-induced animals were divided into the following groups: high-fat diet (HFD, n=7), HFD-low intensity (HFD-LI, n=7, 12 m/min for 75 min), HFD-moderate intensity (HFD-MI, n=7, 15 m/min for 60 min), and HFD-high intensity (HFD-HI, n=7, 18 m/min for 50 min). The exercise was performed on an animal treadmill. The expression of the nNOS protein in the hippocampus was significantly higher in the HFD group as compared with that in the CON group (p<0.01). However, there was no difference in the hippocampal expression of the nNOS protein in the other exercise groups as compared with that in the CON group. In contrast, nNOS expression in the HFD-HI group was significantly lower than that in the HFD-LI group (p<0.05). The expression of phosphorylated Akt (pAkt) was significantly higher in all the exercise groups as compared with that in the CON and HFD groups. There was no difference in the expression of pAkt in the cerebral cortex among groups, and the expression of pAkt in the cerebellum was significantly higher in the HFD-HI group as compared with that in the CON group (p<0.05). There were also no between-group differences in pAkt expression in the cerebellum among the various exercise groups. In conclusion, nNOS seems to be overexpressed in response to obesity, and it appears to be downregulated by exercise. Relatively high-intensity exercise may be effective in improving brain function by downregulating nNOS.

Effects of Replacement Ratio and Fineness of GGBFS on the Hydration and Pozzolanic Reaction of High-Strength High-Volume GGBFS Blended Cement Pastes (고강도 고로슬래그 혼합 시멘트 페이스트의 수화 및 포졸란 반응에 미치는 고로슬래그 미분말의 치환률과 분말도의 영향)

  • Jeong, Ji-Yong;Jang, Seung-Yup;Choi, Young-Cheol;Jung, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Sung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the fluidity, heat of hydration, setting time, strength development, and characteristics of hydration and pozzolanic reactions of high-strength high-volume ground granulated blast-furnace slag(GGBFS) blended cement pasts with the water-to-binder ratio of 20% by experiments, and analyzed the effects of the replacement ratio and fineness of GGBFS on the hydration and pozzolanic reaction. The results show that, in the high-strength mixtures with low water-to-binder ratio, the initial hydration is accelerated due to the "dilution effect" which means that the free water to react with cement increases by the replacement of cement by GGBFS, and thus, strengths at from 3 to 28 days were higher than those of plain mixtures with ordinary Portland cement only. Whereas it was found that the long term strength development is limited because the hydration reaction rates rapidly decreases with ages and the degree of pozzolanic reaction is lowered due to insufficient supply of calcium hydroxide according to large replacement of cement by GGBFS. Also, the GGBFS with higher fineness absorbs more free water, and thus it decreases the fluidity, the degree of hydration, and strength. These results are different with those of normal strength concrete, and therefore, should be verified for concrete mixtures. Also, to develop the high-strength concrete with high-volume of GGBFS, the future research to enhance the long-term strength development is needed.

Pull-out Resistance Characteristics of the Anchor Bar According to the Grouting Material (주입재료에 따른 Anchor Bar의 인발저항 특성)

  • Yea, Geu-Guwen;Song, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the pull out resistance characteristics of an anchor bar to support a spillway installed in a slope are investigated by field tests. The injection materials were a cement mortar and cement milk. Unconfined compression strengths of those materials under several conditions were measured. As the result of compression test, the unconfined compression strengths of the cement mortar and the cement milk have positive proportional relation-ship with the water-cement ratio. They also have negative proportional relationship with increasing the curing time. In the same condition of water-cement ratio and curing time, the unconfined compression strength of cement milk is larger than that of cement mortar. In order to reduce the eccentricity in anchor bar during pull-out test in the field, the installation apparatus was improved by inserting a nut type of steel fixing coupling into the anchor bar. As the result of the pull-out test, the strength modification of cement milk was increased steeply at the early curing time. However, that of cement mortar was increased gradually with passing the curing time. Therefore, the cement milk has to use as the injection material for a prompt construction of anchor bar because the strength modification of cement milk is occurred at the early curing time.

Evaluation on In-Site Compressive Strength of High-Strength Concrete Mass Elements under Cold Weather (혹한기 고강도 콘크리트 매스부재의 현장 압축강도 평가)

  • Mun, Jae-Sung;Yang, Keun-Hyeok;Kim, Do-Gyeu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.589-595
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    • 2015
  • This study evaluated the in-site compressive strength development of high-strength concrete developed for the mass structures under cold weather condition. Two mock-up wall specimens with 2.0×1.2×1.0m in dimension were cured under an average temperature of 5C. Core strengths measured at different locations of the mock-up walls were compared with the companion standard cylinder strengths. Test results revealed that the core strength of mock-up walls at an age of 3 days is higher by approximately 30% than the companion cylinder strength because of the high curing temperature effect generated from the heat of hydration of cementitious materials. Furthermore, comparisons with the prediction models based on maturity function confirmed that the effect of hydration heat on the curing temperature increase needs to be reflected to reasonably evaluate the on-site compressive strength development of concrete for mass elements.

Mixing and Strength Properties of 150MPa Ultra High Strength Concrete (150MPa 초고강도 콘크리트 배합 및 강도발현 특성)

  • Ahn, Jong-Mun;Kang, Hoon;Kim, Jong-Keun;Shin, Sung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.373-376
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    • 2008
  • Ultra High Strength Concrete(UHSC) is necessary a clear presentation about mechanical property that is different from normal strength concrete and an evaluation of serviceability of high rise building which is used ultra high strength concrete. To mixing ultra high strength concrete with fck=150MPa pre-mix cement were manufactured and experimental study were conducted to evaluated on the mixing properties and compressive strength with major variables as unit cement contents, water-binder ratio and type of pre-mix cement. As a test result, it is shown that the concrete mixing time is required about 56 minute untill the each materials(ordinary portland cement, silica fume, blast-furnace slag powder and anhydrite) are revitalized enough. A slump flow of fresh concrete are shown about 700750mm with proper viscosity. And average value of concrete compressive strength are shown about 77% in 7days, 87% in 14days and 102% in 56days for 28days of concrete material age. From this experimental study, a proper mixture proportion of pre-mix cement are recommended about 5459% OPC, 2530% blast-furnace slag powder and 1015% silica fume for mix the ultra high strength concrete with fck=150MPa.

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Compressive Strength of Concrete due to Moisture Conditions of Recycled Coarse Aggregates and Curing Conditions (순환 굵은 골재의 함수상태와 양생조건에 따른 콘크리트의 압축강도)

  • Moon, Kyoungtae;Park, Sangyeol;Kim, Seungeun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.485-492
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effect of moisture conditions of recycled coarse aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete was evaluated with the water/binder ratios and the curing conditions. The saturated recycled aggregates seemed to have the negative effect on the strength development of concrete. This is the because of the decrease in bond strength between aggregate and cement paste due to the increase of surface water according to the high absorption of recycled aggregates. The effect of types and moisture conditions of aggregates according to the change of water/binder ratio was similar. However, the curing conditions had a significant effect on the compressive strength of the concrete with the different types of aggregates. In the case of curing in air, the recycled aggregates with high absorption reduced the moisture required for hydration and increased the rate of vaporizing, and these result in interfering strength development. The moisture conditions of the recycled aggregates have a considerable effect on the compressive strength of the concrete, and it is necessary to control the moisture conditions of aggregates in the production of concrete with recycled coarse aggregate. And the control of the curing condition is very important for the concrete with recycled aggregate.

Experimental Study on Ultimate Shear Strength of Horizontally Curved Plate Girder Web Panels (강곡선 플레이트거더 복부판의 극한전단강도에 관한 실험연구)

  • Lee, Doo Sung;Park, Chan Sik;Lee, Sung Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.4A
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    • pp.727-734
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    • 2006
  • Although a limited number of experimental investigations and finite element analyses revealed that a curved web panel in practical design has a considerable reserve strength after the elastic buckling as a straight girder web panel, the current Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges (AASHTO, 2003) do not consider the postbuckling strength in the ultimate shear strength due to lack of a comprehensive study. In this study, the ultimate shear strength behavior of horizontally curved steel web panels was investigated through nonlinear finite element analysis and experimental test. It was found that curved web panels used in practical designs are able to develop the postbuckling strength that is equivalent to that of straight girder web panels having the same dimensional and material properties.

Method for high temperature curing and strength development of high strength concrete micropores Relationship (고온 양생방법을 이용한 고강도 콘크리트의 미세공극과 강도발현 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Han Yong;Kim, Seong Deok;Lee, young Do;Myung, Ro Oun;Jung, Sang Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.58-59
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the standard specimen heated to curing experiments and simulation experiments the absence of porosity distribution and the effect on the compressive strength has been investigated.

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Strength Development Properties of Latex Modified Concrete For New Concrete Bridge Deck Overlay (신설 콘크리트 교면 덧씌우기를 위한 라텍스 개질 콘크리트의 강도발현 특성)

  • Yun, Kyong-Ku;Kim, Ki-Heoun;Lee, Joo-Hyung;Hong, Chang-Woo;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3 s.9
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2001
  • This study focused on the investigation of compressive and flexural strengths development, and bond strength of latex modified concrete in order to validate the feasibility of application into concrete bridge deck overlay. Pull-out bond test was used for evaluating the bond strength of latex modified concrete to substrate. The main experimental variables were latex-cement ratio, surface preparation and moisture levels. The compressive strength of latex modified concrete decreased slightly and the flexural strength increased as the latex content increased from 5% to 20%. This might be due to the flexibility latex filled in voids and interconnections of hydrated cement and aggregates by a film of latex particles, respectively. In general, increasing the amount of latex will produce concrete with increased tensile and flexural strength and lower modulus of elasticity. Significant improvements in bond strength between new and existing concrete were achieved through the modification of the new concrete bridge deck overlay by latex polymers. The effect of surface preparation on bond of latex modified concrete to conventional concrete were significant at the conditions by sand paper and wire brush. A better bond could be achieved by rough surface rather than smooth. The saturated condition of surface is the most appropriate moisture level among the considered followed by dry condition and wet condition.

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The Characteristics of Strength Development on Concrete with Low Heat Cement and High Volume Fly-Ash (저열 시멘트 HVFAC 강도 발현 특성)

  • Park, Chan-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Han-Jun;Kim, Sang-Jun;Lee, Tae-Wang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.637-640
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the characteristics of strength development on high volume fly ash concrete(HVFAC)with Type 4 cement was experimentally investigated. Three levels of W/B were selected. Four levels of fly ash replacement ratios and two levels of silica fume replacement ratios were adopted. In the concrete mix, the water content of 125kg/m3 was used, which is less than that of usual water content. As a result, it appeared that the compressive strength gradually decreased with increasing fly ash replacement ratio until 91days. However, regarding the compressive strength, the proper replacement ratio is about 20%, which is low compared to Type I cement case. It was observed that the tensile strength is proportional to the 0.72 power of the compressive strength. It appears that the prediction equation presented in Concrete Standard Specification overestimate the tensile strength in the low strength range, underestimate the tensile strength in the hi호 strength range.

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